59 research outputs found

    Modal Analysis of the Orion Capsule Two Parachute System

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    As discussed in Ref [1], it is apparent from flight tests that the system made up of two main parachutes and a capsule can undergo several distinct dynamical behaviors. The most significant and problematic of these is the pendulum mode in which the system develops a pronounced swinging motion with an amplitude of up to 24 deg. Large excursions away from vertical by the capsule could cause it to strike the ground at a large horizontal or vertical speed and jeopardize the safety of the astronauts during a crewed mission. In reference [1], Ali et al. summarized a series of efforts taken by the Capsule Parachute Assembly System (CPAS) Program to understand and mitigate the pendulum issue. The period of oscillation and location of the system's pivot point are determined from post-flight analysis. Other noticeable but benign modes include: 1) flyout (scissors) mode, where the parachutes move back and forth symmetrically with respect to the vertical axis similar to the motion of a pair of scissors; 2) maypole mode, where the two parachutes circle around the vertical axis at a nearly constant radius and period; and 3) breathing mode, in which deformation of the non-rigid canopies affects the axial acceleration of the system in an oscillatory manner. Because these modes are relatively harm- less, little effort has been devoted to analyzing them in comparison with the pendulum motion. Motions of the actual system made up of two parachutes and a capsule are extremely complicated due to nonlinearities and flexibility effects. Often it is difficult to obtain insight into the fundamental dynamics of the system by examining results from a multi-body simulation based on nonlinear equations of motion (EOMs). As a part of this study, the dynamics of each mode observed during flight is derived from first principles on an individual basis by making numerous simplifications along the way. The intent is to gain a better understanding into the behavior of the complex multi-body system by studying the reduced set of differential equations associated with each mode. This approach is analogous to the traditional modal analysis technique used to study airplane flight dynamics, in which the full nonlinear behavior of the airframe is decomposed into the phugoid and short period modes for the longitudinal dynamics and the spiral, roll-subsidence, and dutch-roll modes for the lateral dynamics. It is important to note that the study does not address the mechanisms that cause the system to transition from one mode to another, nor does it discuss motions during which two or more modes occur simultaneously

    CLARREO: Reference Inter-Calibration on Orbit With Reflected Solar Spectrometer

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    The CLARREO approach for reference intercalibration is based on obtaining coincident highly accurate spectral reflectance and reflected radiance measurements, and establish an on-orbit reference for existing Earth viewing reflected solar radiation sensors: CERES and VIIRS on JPSS satellites, AVHRR and follow-on imagers on MetOp, and imagers on GEO platforms. The mission goal is to be able to provide CLARREO RS reference observations that are matched in space, time, and viewing angles with measurements from the aforementioned instruments, with sampling sufficient to overcome the random error sources from imperfect data matching and instrument noise. The intercalibration method is to monitor over time changes in targeted sensor response function parameters: effective offset, gain, nonlinearity, spectral degradation, and sensitivity to polarization of optics

    Controlled Ascent From the Surface of an Asteroid

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is currently investigating a conceptual robotic mission to collect a small boulder up to 4 m in diameter resting on the surface of a large Near Earth Asteroid (NEA). Because most NEAs are not well characterized, a great range of uncertainties in boulder mass properties and NEA surface characteristics must be considered in the design of this mission. These uncertainties are especially significant when the spacecraft ascends with the boulder in tow. The most important requirement during ascent is to keep the spacecraft in an upright posture to maintain healthy ground clearances for the two large solar arrays. This paper focuses on the initial stage (the first 50 m) of ascent from the surface. Specifically, it presents a sensitivity study of the solar array ground clearance, control authority, and accelerations at the array tips in the presence of a variety of uncertainties including various boulder sizes, densities, shapes and orientations, locations of the true center of mass, and push-off force distributions. Results are presented, and appropriate operations are recommended in the event some of the off-nominal cases occur

    Opportunities to Intercalibrate Radiometric Sensors From International Space Station

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    Highly accurate measurements of Earth's thermal infrared and reflected solar radiation are required for detecting and predicting long-term climate change. We consider the concept of using the International Space Station to test instruments and techniques that would eventually be used on a dedicated mission such as the Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory. In particular, a quantitative investigation is performed to determine whether it is possible to use measurements obtained with a highly accurate reflected solar radiation spectrometer to calibrate similar, less accurate instruments in other low Earth orbits. Estimates of numbers of samples useful for intercalibration are made with the aid of year-long simulations of orbital motion. We conclude that the International Space Station orbit is ideally suited for the purpose of intercalibration

    Developments to Increase the Performance, Operational Versatility and Automation of a Lunar Surface Manipulation System

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    The objective of this paper is to describe and summarize the results of the development efforts for the Lunar Surface Manipulation System (LSMS) with respect to increasing the performance, operational versatility, and automation. Three primary areas of development are covered, including; the expansion of the operational envelope and versatility of the current LSMS test-bed, the design of a second generation LSMS, and the development of automation and remote control capability. The first generation LSMS, which has been designed, built, and tested both in lab and field settings, is shown to have increased range of motion and operational versatility. Features such as fork lift mode, side grappling of payloads, digging and positioning of lunar regolith, and a variety of special end effectors are described. LSMS operational viability depends on bei nagble to reposition its base from an initial position on the lander to a mobility chassis or fixed locations around the lunar outpost. Preliminary concepts are presented for the second generation LSMS design, which will perform this self-offload capability. Incorporating design improvements, the second generation will have longer reach and three times the payload capability, yet it will have approximately equivalent mass to the first generation. Lastly, this paper covers improvements being made to the control system of the LSMS test-bed, which is currently operated using joint velocity control with visual cues. These improvements include joint angle sensors, inverse kinematics, and automated controls

    Comet/Asteroid Protection System (CAPS): Preliminary Space-Based Concept and Study Results

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    There exists an infrequent, but significant hazard to life and property due to impacting asteroids and comets. There is currently no specific search for long-period comets, smaller near-Earth asteroids, or smaller short-period comets. These objects represent a threat with potentially little or no warning time using conventional ground-based telescopes. These planetary bodies also represent a significant resource for commercial exploitation, long-term sustained space exploration, and scientific research. The Comet/Asteroid Protection System (CAPS) is a future space-based system concept that provides permanent, continuous asteroid and comet monitoring, and rapid, controlled modification of the orbital trajectories of selected bodies. CAPS would expand the current detection effort to include long-period comets, as well as small asteroids and short-period comets capable of regional destruction. A space-based detection system, despite being more costly and complex than Earth-based initiatives, is the most promising way of expanding the range of detectable objects, and surveying the entire celestial sky on a regular basis. CAPS would provide an orbit modification system capable of diverting kilometer class objects, and modifying the orbits of smaller asteroids for impact defense and resource utilization. This Technical Memorandum provides a compilation of key related topics and analyses performed during the CAPS study, which was performed under the Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts (RASC) program, and discusses technologies that could enable the implementation of this future system

    Attitude Control and Stabilization of Spacecraft with a Captured Asteroid

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    National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM) aims to capture a Near Earth Orbit (NEO) asteroid or a piece of a large asteroid and transport it to the Earth{Moon system. In this paper, we provide a detailed analysis of one of the main control challenges for the first ARM mission concept, namely despinning and three-axis stabilizing the asteroid and spacecraft combination after the ARM spacecraft captures the tumbling NEO asteroid. We first show that control laws, which explicitly use the dynamics of the system in their control law equation, encounter a fundamental limitation due to modeling uncertainties. We show that in the presence of large modeling uncertainties, the resultant disturbance torque for such control laws may well exceed the maximum control torque of the conceptual ARM spacecraft. We then numerically compare the performance of three viable control laws: the robust nonlinear tracking control law, the adaptive nonlinear tracking control law, and the simple derivative plus proportional-derivative linear control strategy. We conclude that under very small mod- eling uncertainties, which can be achieved using online system identification, the robust nonlinear tracking control law guarantees exponential convergence to the fuel-optimal reference trajectory and hence consumes the least fuel. On the other hand, in the presence of large modeling uncertainties, measurement errors, and actuator saturations, the best strategy for stabilizing the asteroid and spacecraft combination is to first despin the system using a derivative (rate damping) linear control law and then stabilize the system in the desired orientation using the simple proportional-derivative linear control law. More-over, the fuel consumed by the conceptual ARM spacecraft using these control strategies is upper bounded by 300 kg for the nominal range of NEO asteroid parameters. We conclude this paper with specific design guidelines for the ARM spacecraft for efficiently stabilizing the tumbling NEO asteroid and spacecraft combination

    Interlaminar stress analysis for carbon/epoxy composite space rotors

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    This paper extends the previous works that appears in the International Journal of Multiphysics, Varatharajoo, Salit and Goh (2010). An approach incorporating cohesive zone modelling technique is incorporated into an optimized flywheel to properly simulate the stresses at the layer interfaces. Investigation on several fiber stacking sequences are also conducted to demonstrate the effect of fiber orientations on the overall rotor stress as well as the interface stress behaviour. The results demonstrated that the rotor interlaminar stresses are within the rotor materials’ ultimate strength and that the fiber direction with a combination of 45°/-45°/0° offers the best triple layer rotor among the few combinations selected for this analysis. It was shown that the present approach can facilitate also further investigation on the interface stress behaviour of rotating rotors