79 research outputs found

    Mécanisme de mélange par convection intermittente dans un nuage de bulles confinées

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    Ce travail s'intéresse au mélange d'un traceur passif peu diffusif dans un nuage homogène de bulles en ascension dans une cellule Hele-Shaw. Le nombre de Reynolds du mouvement relatif des bulles est élevé. L'écoulement peut être considéré comme bidimensionnel et possède une agitation du liquide très particulière, liée principalement aux sillages des bulles ([1], [2]). Nous avons réalisé des expériences de mélange en injectant un traceur fluorescent au sein du nuage de bulles pendant un temps fini. Une technique de mesure LIF originale et adaptée à cet écoulement à bulles a été développée. Elle consiste à éclairer avec un laser un volume de 0,5 mm³, à différentes distances de l'injecteur, et à observer avec une fibre optique la lumière de ce volume qui est transmise à un spectromètre permettant d'analyser la lumière fluorescée. Il est donc possible de remonter à la concentration locale à une fréquence de 250 Hz (résolution temporelle de la mesure). La figure 1.a montre une évolution typique de la concentration du colorant en un point situé à 150 mm au dessus de l'injection. Dans un premier temps, le traceur arrivant dans le volume de mesure, la concentration augmente, la diminution de concentration qui suit, se fait de manière exponentielle ce qui montre que le mélange en cellule Hele-Shaw n'est pas un processus diffusif de type Fickien [3]. De plus, nous observons à une échelle temporelle beaucoup plus courte des fluctuations de concentration très marquées. Cette intermittence est principalement due aux mécanismes intrinsèques au mélange en cellule de Hele-Shaw. Ce mélange se fait principalement par séquences de capture - transport - largage de colorant par les sillages des bulles (figure 1.b). Un modèle de mélange convectif intermittent a été développé et reproduit bien les expériences

    Influence of hydrogen bonds on glass transition and dielectric relaxations of cellulose

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    The molecular dynamics in hydrated cellulose has been investigated by a combination of thermal analyses and dielectric spectroscopy. Differential scanning calorimetry shows the dependence upon hydration of the glass transition temperature Tg. A physical ageing phenomenon has been observed. At the molecular scale, bound water is hydrogen bonded to polar sites of cellulose macromolecules. At the macroscopic scale, water molecules play the role of a plasticizer for cellulose lowering its Tg. Dynamic dielectric spectroscopy combined with thermostimulated currents have allowed us to follow more localized molecular mobility. The β relaxation mode is characterized by activation entropies that vanish for higher water contents indicating molecular mobility localization. It is plasticized by water like the glass transition. This analogy is explained by a common origin of both mechanisms: the mobility of the cellulose backbone. The evolution of the γ mode upon hydration follows an anti-compensation law. Water acts as an anti-plasticizer in a hydrogen bonded network

    Dynamics of a high-Reynolds-number bubble rising within a thin gap

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    We report an experimental analysis of path and shape oscillations of an air bubble of diameter d rising in water at high Reynolds number in a vertical Hele-Shaw cell of width h. Liquid velocity perturbations induced by the relative movement have also been investigated to analyze the coupling between the bubble motion and the wake dynamics. The confinement ratio h/d is lower than unity so that the bubble is flattened in between the walls of the cell. As the bubble diameter is increased, the Archimedes and the Bond numbers increase within 10 6 Ar 6 104 and 6 × 10−3 6 Bo 6 140. Mean shapes become more and more elongated. They first evolve from in-plane circles to ellipses, then to complicated shapes without fore-aft symmetry and finally to semi-circular capped bubbles. The scaling law Re = 0.5Ar is however valid for a large range of Ar, indicating that the liquid films between the bubble and the walls do no contribute significantly to the drag force exerted on the bubble. The coupling between wake dynamics, bubble path and shape oscillations evolves and a succession of contrasted regimes of oscillations is observed. The rectilinear bubble motion becomes unstable from a critical value Ar1 through an Hopf bifurcation while the bubble shape is still circular. The amplitude of path oscillations first grows as Ar increases above Ar1 but then surprisingly decreases beyond a second Archimedes number Ar2. This phenomenon, observed for steady ellipsoidal shape with moderate eccentricity, can be explained by the rapid attenuation of bubble wakes caused by the confinement. Shape oscillations around a significantly elongated mean shape starts for Ar > Ar3. The wake structure progressively evolves due to changes in the bubble shape. After the break-up of the fore-aft symmetry, a fourth regime involving complicated shape oscillations is then observed for Ar > Ar4. Vortex shedding disappears and unsteady attached vortices coupled to shape oscillations trigger path oscillations of moderate amplitude. Path and shape oscillations finally decrease when Ar is further increased. For Ar > Ar5, capped bubbles followed by a steady wake rise on a straight path

    Attenuation of the wake of a sphere in an intense incident turbulence with large length scales

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    We report an investigation of the wake of a sphere immersed in a uniform turbulent flow for sphere Reynolds numbers ranging from 100 to 1000. An original experimental setup has been designed to generate a uniform flow convecting an isotropic turbulence. At variance with previous works, the integral length scale of the turbulence is of the same order as the sphere diameter and the turbulence intensity is large. In consequence, the most intense turbulent eddies are capable of influencing the flow in the close vicinity of the sphere. Except in the attached region downstream of the sphere where the perturbation of the mean velocity is larger than the standard deviation of the incident turbulence, the flow is controlled by the incident turbulence. The distortion of the turbulence while the flow goes round the sphere leads to an increase in the longitudinal fluctuation and a decrease in the transversal one. The attenuation of the transversal fluctuations is still significant at 30 radii downstream of the sphere whereas the longitudinal fluctuations relax more rapidly toward the incident value. The more striking result however concerns the evolution of the mean velocity defect with the distance x from the sphere. It decays as x−2 and scales with the standard deviation of the incident turbulence instead of scaling with the mean incident velocity

    Dynamique d'un nuage de bulles homogène confiné

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    De nombreuses applications industrielles mettent en jeu des écoulements à bulles dans des échangeurs de masse et de chaleur ou des réacteurs. Les mouvements des bulles génèrent de l'agitation dans le liquide qui, en retour, influence la distribution spatiale des bulles et leur vitesse. La compréhension générique de ce problème de couplage inverse total est fondamentale mais délicate. Des travaux expérimentaux dédiés dans des configurations d'écoulements bien définies sont donc nécessaires pour atteindre cet objectif. Ce travail explore la dynamique d'un nuage de bulles en ascension à grand nombre de Reynolds dans une cellule de Hele-Shaw ([1]). Cette configuration apporte une contribution à une compréhension générale car elle permet d'étudier l'agitation générée par des bulles à grand nombre de Reynolds possédant des sillages instables tout en empêchant, par les effets de confinement, la production de turbulence. La comparaison avec la dynamique de nuages de bulles non confinés ([2]) est également éclairante. Par ailleurs, la détection des interfaces est considérablement facilitée par le confinement: une description complète et précise de la répartition spatiale et de la dynamique des bulles peut être ici obtenue directement par ombroscopie avec une seule caméra. De même, la mesure par PIV du champ de vitesse du liquide intégré dans l'épaisseur de la cellule permet de caractériser de manière pertinente la dynamique du liquide ([3]) (Fig.1-a). La dynamique des deux phases a ainsi été explorée pour des fractions volumiques de gaz α comprises entre 1% et 14% dans un régime où l'inertie est importante (Re≈500). Les bulles étudiées possèdent un sillage instable avec des lâchers tourbillonnaires réguliers et suivent une trajectoire ascendante oscillante tout en gardant une forme elliptique constante. Le frottement aux parois impose néanmoins une décroissance très forte des sillages ([4]). Les résultats montrent que l'on peut expliquer les statistiques associées au mouvement des bulles dans le nuage à partir de deux mécanismes élémentaires: (i) les oscillations induites par le sillage associées aux lâchers tourbillonnaires et (ii) la forte perturbation de vitesse localisée à l'arrière des bulles. Le mécanisme dominant dans la direction verticale est l'entrainement dans le sillage alors que celui qui régit la dynamique des bulles dans la direction horizontale est associé aux oscillations générées par les sillages dont l'intensité est indépendante de α (Fig.1-b). L'auto-dispersion des bulles a également été étudiée. Elle peut être caractérisée par des coefficients de dispersion qui évoluent linéairement avec α. En ce qui concerne l'agitation dans le liquide, comme en écoulement non confiné, les deux composantes des fluctuations de vitesse évoluent proportionnellement à αn avec ici αn=0.38 et 0.46 dans les directions horizontales et verticales respectivement. Le spectre spatial des fluctuations de vitesse évolue, sur une gamme de nombres d'ondes k bien définie, proportionnellement à k-³. Dans cette configuration où la turbulence ne peut se développer, cette évolution s'explique très clairement par la superposition linéaire de perturbations de vitesses aléatoires ([5]), il s'agit donc d'un effet statistique associé aux passages de perturbations convectées par les bulles

    Analysis of gene mutation in plant cell wall by dielectric relaxation

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    Arabidopsis Thaliana is a plant composed mainly of cellulose and lignin. Geneticists need techniques able to make differences at the molecular level between modified plants (DML6, CAD C/D) and non-modified ones. Thermo-stimulated current (TSC) analysis is a promising route to identify gene mutations. For the non-modified plant, at low temperatures, TSC thermograms highlight three dielectric relaxation modes. From −150 to −110 ◦C, γCellulose is attributed to CH2OH and –OH groups of cellulose. Between −110 and −80 ◦C, βLignin is detected. From −80 to −40 ◦C, βCellulose is characteristic of the molecular mobility of glycosidic linkages. For the CAD C/D modified plants, only γCellulose and βLignin are observed; due to analogous enthalpy values, those modes have the same molecular origin as in the non-modified plant. So, the βLignin mode is associated with the molecular mobility of the lignin-OH groups. The CAD C/D gene mutation changes the chemical structure of lignin, which promotes hydrogen bonds in the network and inhibits molecular mobility of glucosidic rings. It is also interesting to note that the DML6 gene mutation induces a higher cooperativity of this βCellulose relaxation than in wild vegetal composites. In fact, this mutation promotes molecular mobility of glycosidic rings thanks to β1–4 glycosidic linkages

    PIV with volume lighting in a narrow cell: An efficient method to measure large velocity fields of rapidly varying flows

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    In this work we test a methodology for PIV measurements when alargefield of view is required in planar confined geometries. Using a depth of fieldlarger than the channel width, we intend to measure the in-plane variations of the velocity of the fluid averaged through the width of the channel, and we examine in which operating conditions this becomes possible. Measurements of the flow through anarrow channel by PIV are challenging because of the strong velocity gradients that develop between the walls. In particular, all techniques that use small particles as tracers have to deal with the possible migration of the tracers in the direction perpendicular to the walls. Among the complex mechanisms for migration, we focus on the so called Segré–Silberberg effect which can lead to transverse migration of neutrally buoyant tracers of finite size. We report experimental PIV measurements in a Hele-Shaw cell of 1 mm gap, which have been carried out by using neutrally buoyant tracers of size around 10 μm. By considering steady flows, we have observed, in particular flow regimes, the effect of an accumulation of the tracers at a certain distance to the wall due to the so called Segré–Silberberg effect. The particle migration is expected to occur at any Reynolds numbers but the migration velocity depends on the Reynolds number. A significant migration therefore takes place each time the observation duration is large enough compared to the migration time. For a given observation duration, the tracers remain uniformly distributed at low Reynolds numbers whereas they all accumulate at the equilibrium position at large ones. When using volumelighting, the PIV algorithm provides the average velocity of the flow through the gap at low Reynolds number, while it leads to the velocity of the flow at the equilibrium position of the tracers at large Reynolds numbers. By considering unsteady flows, we have observed that the migration does not occur if the timescale of flow variation is short compared to the time required for the parabolic flow to develop across the gap. In this case, there is no transverse velocity gradient and the PIV algorithm provides the fluid velocity. Altogether, these results allow us to propose guidelines for the interpretation of PIV measurements in confined flow, which are based on the theoretical predictions of the tracer migration derived by Asmolov [1]

    Homogeneous swarm of high-Reynolds-number bubbles rising within a thin gap. Part 1: Bubble dynamics

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    The spatial distribution, the velocity statistics and the dispersion of the gas phase have been investigated experimentally in a homogeneous swarm of bubbles confined within a thin gap. In the considered flow regime, the bubbles rise on oscillatory paths while keeping a constant shape. They are followed by unstable wakes which are strongly attenuated due to wall friction. According to the direction that is considered, the physical mechanisms are totally different. In the vertical direction, the entrainment by the wake controls the bubble agitation, causing the velocity variance and the dispersion coefficient to increase almost linearly with the gas volume fraction. In the horizontal direction, path oscillations are the major cause of bubble agitation, leading to a constant velocity variance. The horizontal dispersion, which is lower than that in the vertical direction, is again observed to increase almost linearly with the gas volume fraction. It is however not directly due to regular path oscillations, which are unable to generate a neat deviation over a whole period, but results from bubble interactions which cause a loss of the bubble velocity time correlation

    Influence of water on localized and delocalized molecular mobility of cellulose

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    The influence of hydration on cellulose molecular mobility is investigated by two dielectric methods at different molecular scale. The mobility of side groups, assigned to c mode, for dried cellulose increases. The water molecules have an anti-plasticizer effect on c mode due to the water–polymer hydrogen bonding. For the b relaxation mode, only observed by the Thermo Stimulated Current technique, the hydration plays a role of plasticizer. The a relaxation mode assigned to the delocalized cooperative mobility of long chain segments of cellulose is plasticized by water. The study of activated parameters deduced from fractional polarization procedure, shows an increase of the activation enthalpy range with dehydration. It permits to conclude that reduction of hydrogen bonds density leading to a more extended cooperative mobility

    Image registration algorithm for molecular tagging velocimetry applied to unsteady flow in Hele-Shaw cell

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    In order to develop velocimetry methods for confined geometries, we propose to combine image registration and volumetric reconstruction from a monocular video of the draining of a Hele-Shaw cell filled with water. The cell’s thickness is small compared to the other two dimensions (e.g. 1x400 x 800 mm3). We use a technique known as molecular tagging which consists in marking by photobleaching a pattern in the fluid and then tracking its deformations. The evolution of the pattern is filmed with a camera whose principal axis coincides with the cell’s gap. The velocity of the fluid along this direction is not constant. Consequently, tracking the pattern cannot be achieved with classical methods because what is observed is the integral of the marked molecules over the entire cell’s gap. The proposed approach is built on top of direct image registration that we extend to specifically model the volumetric image formation. It allows us to accurately measure the motion and the velocity profiles for the entire volume (including the cell’s gap) which is something usually hard to achieve. The results we obtained are consistent with the theoretical hydrodynamic behaviour for this flow which is known as the Poiseuille flow