143 research outputs found

    A study on DNA computation model to solve combinatorial optimisation problems

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3116号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2010/6/14 ; 早大学位記番号:新538

    Rough Set Discretize Classification of Intrusion Detection System

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    Many pattern classification tasks confront with the problem that may have a very high dimensional feature space like in Intrusion Detection System (IDS) data. Rough set is widely used in IDS to overcome the arising issue. In rough set, there are several stage processing including discretization part which is a vital task in data mining, particularly in the classification problem. Two results distinguish showing that the discretization stage is hugely important in both training and testing of IDS data. In proposed framework, analysis should been done to discretization, reduct and rules stage to determine the significant algorithm and core element in IDS data. The classification using standard voting, since it is a rule-based classification

    A review: software safety requirement analysis model in critical software development

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    The development and deployment of safety-critical software systems require a rigorous risk-free and secure approach to ensure the protection of users' safety. Hence, it is crucial to check the software requirement specifications before proceeding to the design phase. This study aims to investigate the Software Safety Requirement Analysis (SSRA) models utilized during the requirements phase of developing critical software. The research methodology applied in this investigation comprises three dimensions: process, action, and task. The study discusses various SSRA models and provides descriptions for each to enhance understanding. To prevent post-development issues, defining safe software behavior based on the selected model is imperative. By doing so, it becomes clear what features constitute a safety feature and what does not during the requirements phase, thereby improving the development process of safetycritical software system

    Sigmoid Function Implementation Using the Unequal Segmentation of Differential Lookup Table and Second Order Nonlinear Function

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    This paper discusses the artificial neural network (ANN) implementation into a field programmable gate array (FPGA). One of the most difficult problem encounters is the complex equation of the activation function namely sigmoid function. The sigmoid function is used as learning function to train the neural network while its derivative is used as a network activation function for specifying the point at which the network should switch to a true state. In order to overcome this problem, two-steps approach which combined the unequal segmentation of the differential look-up table (USdLUT) and the second order nonlinear function (SONF) is proposed. Based on the analysis done, the deviation achieved using the proposed method is 95%. The result obtained is much better than the previous implementation that uses equal segmentation of differential look-up table

    Displacement Of Migrant Workers In Malaysia

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    Paradoxically, while the demand for foreign workers in Malaysia is increasing due to mega developments, the possibility of social protection for migrant workers has been restricted. The need for decent accommodation, health care, are not in State agenda. Refusing to accept social protection responsibility tend to displace migrant workers. This kind of displacement of migrant workers are incompatible with goals of creating conditions of equity and social protection as enshrined in the Federal Constitution on fundamental liberty. This is due to development planning that are more interested on macro-scale gain but refusing to assume responsibility when migrant workers become displace upon relocation and replacement for work. Migrant workers who are regulated to work in Malaysia are not regulated by a special social protection regime but by employment agents and outsourcers who are keen of profiteering rather than ensuring their wellbeing while in the placement process. Similarly, the enforcers are more keen to legalize workers or deporting them accordingly while displace migrant workers needs support to be able to find job since they have been a while in the receiving country. This paper intends to dwell into the reasons for the displacement of migrant workers in Malaysia. The fact that they were in the country, there is possibility to regularize the migrant workers to become documented worker, and being a receiving country it is a duty to provide social protection for these migrant workers until the document expired. For this reason, Malaysia should deal with displaced migrant workers differently from other kind of migration offences because in the long run Malaysia would be able to benefit from these displaced migrant workers in the midst of Malaysia becoming developed country in the near future. The ability to manage displaced migrant workers will benefit all parties, that are the sending countries (receiving continual remittance), the receiving country (influx of labour sources) and the workers themselves (continual productive to produce products). On the other hand, failing to manage migrant workers accordingly may lead to violation of the human rights principles and may depreciate Malaysia image globally

    Basic Support Of Migrant Workers In Malaysia: A Legal Perspective

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    Migrant workers are regarded as backbone to the development of Malaysia. As such, the importation of migrant workers in Malaysia is a necessity when the country is facing an acute shortage of labour force in various work sectors such as plantation, manufacturing, construction, agriculture, domestic workers and services. The 11th Malaysian Plan (2016-2020) aim is to reduce dependency and reliance on lowskilled migrant workers especially in labor-intensive activities and to ensure migrant basic support such as basic rights are provided as determine by the existing governing laws. Basic support such as food, clothing, shelter and education are regarded as basic natural human necessities to sustain life. These necessities have been recognized as basic rights for every individual and as a form of human rights that is right to life. Migrant workers upon migrating from their country of origin uphold their civil rights that need to be respected by the receiving countries. Rights to basic support are guaranteed under the Federal Constitution and being the supreme law of the land, it protects everyone who resides in Malaysia, including the migrant workers. This paper discusses on the meaning of basic support in the context of migrant workers; the different forms of basic support made accessible to migrant and local workers and how they were channeled? Finally, to determine the extent of protection accorded by law on the basic support given to the migrant workers

    Urban Displacement In Malaysia: A Social-Legal Analysis

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    Urbanization has caused the people to be victimized, marginalize, discriminated, their right denied and finally displaced. Development-caused displacement (DIDR) is a highly diverse global social problem that occurred worldwide and addressed in humanitarian base approach or right based approach. This dilutes the real issue that citizen are victimize and marginalize in the course of realizing the development induced onto the people. Vulnerabilities emerge through rapid urbanization that resulted in conflict when urban violence, psychosocial health and gender‐based violence become more obvious. For purpose of human security, people should be allows for a comprehensive examination of the requirements for minimum levels of survival health, personal safety, livelihoods and shelter) as well. Dispossession and (public displace-ment have radically changed the landscape of human vulnerability and security. Accumulation by dispossession and displacement in various forms that associated with policies of neo-liberalization, worsen human vulnerabilities and constitute to inequalities among the people. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the main causes of development-induced displacement practiced by the people in power and how were they enforced on the vulnerable population? It is significant to establish when and how human security becomes threatened. Inadequate security, legal and economic protections may cause misappropriation of power and simultaneously victimize the people in need otherwise. Finally, what are the strategies identified by the Malaysia government to overcome the development-induced displacement caused on to the people? Ironically, Malaysia does not only faced domestic displacement but also international displacements that migrate into Malaysia for work, seek refuge and illegal migrants

    Perceived efficacy of dynamic mathematical software - a Malaysian secondary mathematics students experiences.

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    The use of technology in teaching mathematics have great potentials and make significant contributions to students' learning specifically in developing skills in mathematical modeling through exploration, develop logical thinking and modify strategies and assumptions through immediate feedback, work with large sets of data and learn and memorize by manipulating graphic images. Therefore, institutions should attempt to utilize dynamic software in order to add value to the education process. Transitional notions of the transmission of knowledge, skills and attitudes seem inadequate to address the dynamic changes around us (Willoughby, 2000). The use of Geometer's Sketchpad (GSP), Autograph and the graphing calculator (GC) had been implemented for the learning of mathematics in Malaysian secondary schools. Considering the,investment that the Ministry of Education has committed to the use of technology in schools, it is timely to conduct a study on the efficacy of technologies such as the GSP and the graphing calculator on students' achievement, problem solving attitudes, perceived ease of use, and anxiety. In this study, an experiential learning utilizing mathematical softwares Autographs, Geometer Sketchpad and Graphing Calculator on Quadratic Functions were conducted involving secondary students. The findings from this study indicated that integrating the use of Autographs, Geometer Sketchpad and Graphing Calculator in the learning activity benefited learners. Overall, this study has shown promising implications for the potential efficacy of the software in teaching mathematics at Malaysian secondary school level. These findings will also benefit various agencies viz-a-viz Ministry of Education, mathematics educators, teachers, curriculum developers through wider use of technology in teaching and learning. However, wider use of technological tools in teaching mathematics requires further training of manpower and resources for training of teachers who will be the end-users