38 research outputs found

    Akidah, akhlak dan hubungannya dengan tingkah laku belia di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi

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    This article discusses the concept and the definition of adolescence and youth; the concept of creed; the concept of religious behavior and relationship to youth behavior. The discussion also include the theory of adolescence and youth development; theories of human behavior such as Theory of Psychoanalysis, Social Learning Theory and Behavioral Theory of Islam. These theories related to psychology, learning and human and why they behave in such a way. Positive behavior and negative behavior are associated with the practice of religious behavior and creed. Thus, by understanding the concept of youth, creed, religious behavior theories and human behavior theories, it is hope that this article can give an overview of problems and issues in youth and adolescence and can be a reference in the aspects of adolescence and youth development

    Promoting a Lower Carbon Footprint using an Enhanced Pedestrian-Friendly Model

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    Walking has significantly contributed to a lower carbon emission of a country. With the aspiration of a lesser carbon footprint zone, the initiatives of understanding the current pedestrian system are crucial. Although walking improves green mobility, it is still known as the least preferred mode. Thus, this study aims to improve pedestrian walkways and promote a higher level of usage of pedestrian walkways by analyzing the critical factors contributing to the lower carbon footprint among the urban dwellers. The results will help to improve a lower carbon footprint practice in the metropolitan area.Keywords: Pedestrian,Friendly,Low Carbon,SatisfactioneISSN: 2398-4287 © 2020. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v5i13.198

    Tinjauan permasalahan akhlak belia di institusi pengajian tinggi

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    Belia adalah aset bernilai kepada negara dan menjadi harapan nusa bangsa untuk merealisasikan hasrat menjadi negara maju. Namun, dengan arus globalisasi yang melanda dunia, apa yang berlaku pada hari ini ialah penglibatan belia, termasuklah belia di institusi pengajian tinggi, dalam permasalahan akhlak yang menyimpang daripada nilai-nilai ke-Timur-an dan prinsip Islam, walaupun hakikatnya mereka telah melalui proses pendidikan agama secara formal di sekolah. Ini menimbulkan persoalan: Apakah permasalahan akhlak belia di institusi pengajian tinggi? Penglibatan mereka dalam tingkah-laku yang berisiko seolah-olah memberi petunjuk bahawa pendidikan di sekolah sahaja belum mencukupi untuk membentuk akhlak belia, dan menjadikan Islam sebagai satu cara hidup dalam kehidupan mereka pada hari ini. Justeru itu, artikel ini mengupas tentang konsep belia dan akhlak Islam, permasalahan akhlak belia di institusi pengajian tinggi, dan cara mengatasinya. Dalam konteks negara Malaysia, pembentukan akhlak belia untuk menjadi insan kamil yang cemerlang dan seimbang dari segi intelek dan spiritual adalah proses pendidikan sepanjang hayat dan perlu diberi penekanan selaras dengan pembangunan dan kemajuan negara-bangsa

    Screening of selected Zingiberaceae extracts for dengue-2 virus protease inhibitory activities

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    The crude extracts and the methanol and hexane partitioned fractions from the rhizomes of six Zingiberaceae comprising five Curcumas and one Zingiber were screened for dengue-2 (Den2) virus NS2B?NS3 protease inhibition. The percentage inhibition of Den2 virus NS2B?NS3 protease cleavage of the substrate showed linear dose-dependent increment for all the samples tested. The crude extracts were less potent than the best of the partitioned fractions. For all three concentrations studied, the methanol fractions of the extracts of Curcuma longa (L.) (CL), Zingiber zerumbet Smith (ZZ) and Curcuma rubescen Roxb. (CR) were much more inhibiting than the corresponding hexane fractions but the converse was true for Curcuma aeroginosa Roxb. (CA). However, the inhibiting activities of the two partitioned fractions of the extracts of Curcuma mangga Roxb. (CM) and Curcuma xanthorhiza Roxb. (CX) were found to be similar. The CL methanol fraction exhibited the strongest inhibitory activity (91.3±3.1%, 300 ppm), followed closely by methanol fraction of ZZ (89.0±1.7%, 300 ppm). The results show that the methanol fractions of CL and ZZ, and both the methanol and hexane fractions of CM were most potent against Den2 virus NS2B?NS3 protease activity and may provide potential leads towards the development of anti-viral agents

    Safety Indicator for Taxi Users In Urban Area

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    Transportation service provided as social responsibility in many country including Malaysia should always be safe and perceived as safe by everyone. However, many studies had found that the increasing level of crime had cause the level of fear increase as well. Thus this had effected the ridership drop on almost all public transport usage especially taxi. Therefore it is the main intention of this paper to look at the different factors affecting the level of safety indication among taxi users in urban area. The paper provide an overview of the factors explaining on how different level of travel satisfaction through a quantitative research method where a personal administered survey was conducted among the taxi users who is living and commuting to the city center using taxi service. One of the significant findings shows that certain element such as driver attitude, age and technology indicate a significant roles as travel safety indicator. As this study only focus in urban area in Klang Valley, therefore the finding cannot be generalize to other area. Among the implication of the findings is that, future planner should take into consideration all factors that could possibly create a low signal of safety level among taxi users. This paper highlight the fear reduction model through a Malaysian empirical evidence which hold a high level of novelty where the application is suitable in Malaysian context urban travelers especially when reducing level of fear among taxi users is concern

    Surface sediment analysis on heavy metals in coastal area of UMS-Tuaran, Sabah

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    Heavy metal concentrations (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn) were investigated in surface sediments from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) - Tuaran coastal area, Sabah. Samples were collected using Ponar grab sampler in ten different stations at the site area. The heavy metals were analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) after the surface sediments were digested with aqua regia (HNO3: HCl) solution. The overall mean and range of heavy metal concentrations in the surface sediments were: Cd (0.55, 0.27 - 1.06 mg/kg), Cr (4.93, 1.97 - 10.30 mg/kg), Cu (7.40, 0 – 18.57 mg/kg), Pb (3.88, 0 – 14.4 mg/kg) and Zn (31.84, 11.60 - 67.1 mg/kg) respectively. Overall, the heavy metal concentrations in surface sediments were not exceeded the Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines (ISQG) limit except for Cd which a bit higher than 0.7 mg kg-1 indicating considered slightly pollute

    Distribution of Heavy Metals in Seawater and Surface Sediment in Coastal Area of Tuaran, Sabah.

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    Heavy metal concentrations (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn) were analyzed in seawater and surface sediment samples in coastal area of Tuaran, Sabah, Malaysia. Metal concentrations of these samples were analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma –Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES). The mean concentration of heavy metals Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb and Cd in surface sediment were 22.03, 6.49, 3.81, 2.63, and 0.40 mg/kg, respectively. The corresponding mean concentration values in seawater were 5.56 x 10-3, 8.22 x 10-4, 7.70 x 10-4, 3.37 x 10-4mg/L and below detection limit (BDL) for Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd and Cr,respectively. The correlation test (p<0.01) showed that there was a strong correlation among the concentrations of heavy metals in sediment (r=0.936-0.770). While in different compartment, significant correlation(p<0.01)was showed only between Pb in seawater with Cr (r= 0.828), Cu (r=0.756), Pb (r=.739) and Zn (r=0.696) in sediment. According to the Malaysia Marine Water Quality Criteria and Standard (IMWQS) and Interim Sediment Quality guidelines (ISQGs), these heavy metals concentrations are in the range of acceptance limit, except Pb in seawater was considered slightly pollute

    Thioguanine-based DENV-2 NS2B/NS3 protease inhibitors: Virtual screening, synthesis, biological evaluation and molecular modelling

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    Dengue virus Type 2 (DENV-2) is predominant serotype causing major dengue epidemics. There are a number of studies carried out to find its effective antiviral, however to date, there is still no molecule either from peptide or small molecules released as a drug. The present study aims to identify small molecules inhibitor from National Cancer Institute database through virtual screening. One of the hits, D0713 (IC50 = 62 μM) bearing thioguanine scaffold was derivatised into 21 compounds and evaluated for DENV-2 NS2B/NS3 protease inhibitory activity. Compounds 18 and 21 demonstrated the most potent activity with IC50 of 0.38 μM and 16 μM, respectively. Molecular dynamics and MM/PBSA free energy of binding calculation were conducted to study the interaction mechanism of these compounds with the protease. The free energy of binding of 18 calculated by MM/PBSA is -16.10 kcal/mol compared to the known inhibitor, panduratin A (-11.27 kcal/mol), which corroborates well with the experimental observation. Results from molecular dynamics simulations also showed that both 18 and 21 bind in the active site and stabilised by the formation of hydrogen bonds with Asn174

    Penggunaan bahasa Melayu dalam pengurusan dan pentadbiran di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

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    Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan sudah termaktub dalam perkara 152, Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (1957) dan Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia (1963). Pelaksanaan akta ini diterjemahkan melalui Akta Bahasa Kebangsaan 1963 dan Akta Pendidikan 1996. Walaupun pelbagai usaha telah dilakukan untuk mempastikan penggunaan bahasa Melayu secara meluas dalam program rasmi agensi kerajaan mahupun swasta, tetapi masih terdapat pihak yang tidak menggunakan bahasa Melayu sepenuhnya termasuk universiti awam. Oleh itu, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji penggunaan bahasa Melayu dalam pengurusan dan pentadbiran di UKM. Kajian yang menggunakan reka bentuk tinjauan ini telah menggunakan soal selidik dan temu bual berstruktur sebagai instrumen kajian. Responden terdiri daripada 562 orang kakitangan UKM yang menjalankan tugasan pengurusan dan pentadbiran di UKM. Temu bual berstruktur melibatkan sepuluh orang informan yang terdiri daripada tiga kategori, iaitu pentadbir akademik, pengurusan dan profesional serta pelaksana. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dipaparkan dalam bentuk frekuensi dan peratus. Manakala, temu bual berstruktur dianalisis menggunakan kaedah verbatim. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa majoriti responden dan informan menyokong penggunaan bahasa Melayu dalam pengurusan dan pentadbiran. Manakala hampir sebahagian besar responden dan informan bersetuju penggunaan dwibahasa dalam progam di UKM pada peringkat antarabangsa. Daripada aspek penggunaan bahasa Melayu dalam urusan rasmi di UKM pula, kajian mendapati penggunaan bahasa Melayu yang tertinggi adalah bagi urusan boring. Manakala kategori yang paling tidak menggunakan bahasa Melayu adalah dalam komunikasi lisan dengan pelanggan luar. Hasil temu bual juga mendapati warga UKM menyokong penuh cadangan penyediaan Garis Panduan Penggunaan Bahasa Melayu dalam Pengurusan Pentadbiran di UKM. Implikasi hasil kajian mendapati garis panduan penggunaan bahasa Melayu dalam pengurusan dan pentadbiran di universiti awam adalah suatu keperluan sebagai satu mekanisme untuk memartabatkan bahasa Melayu

    Heavy metals distribution in sediment and the bioaccumulation factors on three selected bivalve from Mengkabong Lagoon

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    Mengkabong Lagoon is a semi-enclosed mangrove area that is located 36 km away from Kota Kinabalu City. Aquatic resources are fundamental to local livelihood especially for the ethnic group Bajau Sama living in the Mengkabong Lagoon for generations. Bivalves produce in this area has an impact on the socio-economic development of the local community. Assessment on the distribution of heavy metals in surface sediment and the bioaccumulation factor (BCF) for the three selected bivalve grown in this area are Polymesoda expansa, Perna viridis and Crassostrea iredalei were anaylsed by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectometry (FAAS). The result shows in sediment the mean concentrations of Pb, Cu, Cr, Cd and Zn were 30.34±12.12, 12.10±4.86, 33.93±10.98, 0.66±0.35 and 44.20±14.75 mg/kg, respectively. While in P.expansa were 2.26±2.17, 5.31±4.02, 1.91±2.11, 0.66±0.47 and 72.21±41.52 mg/kg (dry weight), for P.viridis were 1.12±1.00, 2.36±1.65, 2.12±2.74, 0.44±0.41, 16.52±10.64 mg/kg (dry weight), and for C. iredalei were 1.84±1.82, 23.92±19.50, 3.30±3.43, 0.71±0.66 and 77.10±64.17mg/kg (dry weight), respectively. Fortunately, the measurement of heavy metals concentration in these three bivalves are within the safety limit based on Malaysia Food Act (1983). The BCF factor shows that there are high accumulation of Cu, Cd and Zn for C. iredalei and P. expansa from sediment when the BCF value was found more than 1 (range 1.07 to 1.98, respectively). The Pearson correlation coefficient also supported significant relationship between element Pb, Cu, Cd and Zn both in sediment and bivalves. It is apparent that P. viridis accumulated less heavy metal from the environment as compared to C. iredalei and P. expansa