9,093 research outputs found

    Meneropong Teks dalam Konteks: Katekimus Heidelberg P/J 53

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    Katekismus Heidelberg merupakan salah satu warisan tradisi iman Reformed yang memuat pengajaran yang begitu kaya dan limpah mengenai doktrin Allah Roh Kudus. Secara eksplisit, pengajaran tentang doktrin Allah Roh Kudus dalam Katekismus Heidelberg memang hanya terdapat dalam P/J 53. Namun, hal ini tidak berarti bahwa pengajaran doktrin Allah Roh Kudus dalam Katekismus Heidelberg hanya termaktub di dalam bagian ini saja. Tulisan ini mencoba menganalisis kekayaan doktrin Allah Roh Kudus, secara khusus P/J 53, dalam tiga konteks: konteks masa lalu yang menjadi latar belakang terbentuknya Katekismus Heidelberg, konteks makro dan mikro P/J 53 secara tekstual, dan relevansinya bagi konteks masa kini, khususnya Indonesia. Kata-kata kunci: Katekismus Heidelberg, P/J 53, Roh Kudus, penghiburan, penyertaan, konteks masa lalu, konteks tekstual, konteks masa kini English:  The Heidelberg Catechism reflects a rich heritage within the Church that adheres to the Reformed tradition. It contains a rich strain of doctrine pertaining to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Explicitly, within the Heidelberg Catechism, the teaching regarding the doctrine of the Holy Spirit as a Member of the Godhead is found only in Question/Answer 53. Of course, this does not mean that the only teaching on the subject of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit within the Heidelberg Catechism is recorded in this section alone. The purpose of this essay is an attempt to conduct an analysis of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, specifically Q/A 53, from three different contexts: the historical setting which reflects the historical context in which the Heidelberg Catechism was formulated, a macro and micro textual analysis of Q/A 53 within the context of the Heidelberg Catechism, and finally, the relevancy of the document for the contemporary context, especially focusing upon the Indonesian context. Keywords: Heidelberg Catechism, Question/Answer 53, The Holy Spirit, Consolation, Abiding, Historical Context, Textual Context, Contemporary Contex

    Analisa Frase ”to Akatharton Pneuma” Dalam Lukas 11:24-26

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    Dalam dunia ini selalu ada dua kuasa yang berjuang untuk mempengaruhimanusia, kuasa kegelapan melawan kuasa terang Ilahi. Kuasa kegelapan yaitu setandan para pengikutnya bekerja untuk memastikan manusia memperoleh kebinasaanyang pasti. Kuasa terang Ilahi yaitu Roh Kudus bekerja untuk melindungi danmemimpin manusia untuk memperoleh hubungan yang sejati dengan Allah. Manusiatidak dapat mengelak apakah akan berada di bawah kuasa kegelapan atau terang Ilahi.Jika manusia tidak mau bekerja sama dengan Roh Kudus, maka secaraotomatis setan akan menguasai manusia dan menjadikannya sebagai rumahnya yangtetap. Manusia tidak perlu dengan sengaja menyerahkan diri kepada kekuasaan setansupaya dapat dikuasai oleh setan. Hanyalah cukup dengan melalaikan hubungandengan Roh Kudus maka setan akan bertahta di dalam hati manusia danmengendalikanya. Oleh karena itu manusia hanya memiliki satu pilihan,menyerahkan diri sepenuhnya kepada Kristus dan Roh-Nya, atau akan dikuasai olehpenguasa kegelapan itu. Tuhan Yesus menjelaskan hal ini melalui analogi“Kembalinya Roh Jahat” dalam Lukas 11:24-26

    Magical Realism and the Space Between Spaces

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    Magical realism comes from Franz Roh, a german art historian and critic, who first used the term to describe the Post-Expressionism movement in visual art. His seminal writings and definitions on Post-Expressionism, then known as magical realism, were translated into Spanish and made available to Latin America in the mid twentieth century. Authors like Jorge Luis Borges and Gabriel Garcia Marquez adopted Roh\u27s writings and re-appropriated magical realism into literary art, and from there the new genre proliferated through the Latin American Boom and magical realism in literary fiction reached global recognition, inspiring authors across the world to take it up and continue the tradition into the present

    A Typology of Corrupt Transactions in Developing Countries

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    Summary Economic theory has attempted to identify the conditions under which corruption has particularly harmful effects. This article evaluates these theories and argues that the classifications offered are misleading. Very successful interventionist states have suffered from corruption just as much as very unsuccessful ones. Policy responses to corruption require an understanding of the effects of corruption and the determinants of these effects. The fact which appears to have a strong effect in determining the harmfulness of corruption is the balance of power between the state and its clients. An alternative classification of the effects of corruption is suggested on this basis

    Acid-Catalyzed Hydration of 1-Methylcycloheptene and Methylenecycloheptane. Construction of the Complete Free Energy Profile for Olefin-Alcohol Interconversion in the 1-Methylcycloheptyl System

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    Rates of the reversible hydration of 1-methylcycloheptene (ENDO) to 1- methylcycloheptanol (ROH) and the essentially irreversible hydration of ethylenecycloheptane (EXO) to ROH, plus the position of equilibrium between ENDO and ROH, were determined in concentrated aqueous perchloric acid solution at 25 °C. The results, together with a literature value of the ENDO : EXO equilibrium ratio, allow dissection of the experimental data into hydronium-ion catalytic coefficients for the following individual processes: ENDO-> ROH, *H+ = 102 x 10~3 NT1 s"1; EXO-ROH, *„ + = 3.53 x 1CT3 NT1 s_1; ROH-ENDO, *H+ = 2.17 x lCT5 M\u271 s\u271, and ROH-EXO, *H+ = 1.01 x 10~6 M-1 s"1. Combination of these results with a previous estimate of the barrier to reaction of tertiary carbocations with water leads to a complete free energy profile for this system


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    The structural approach is an initial approach in a literary research. The purpose of this research is to describe the structural elements and describe the relationship between any elements in the drama script Roh by Wisran Hadi. The source of this research is the drama script Roh by Wisran Hadi written in June 1998 in Pagaruyung, West Sumatra. The script of this play has four acts with 29 pages. The drama script Roh is one of the best scripts by Wisran Hadi and won the 2nd place award in the 2003 DKJ competition. The drama script Roh by Wisran Hadi was published in the Sobrat drama script collection. Published by PT. Grasindo Jakarta 2003. The results of this study are in accordance with the initial objectives, the process of obtaining data is carried out through various stages, starting from the stage of recording data, classifying data and analyzing data. This research was conducted to prove that within the intrinsic elements of Wisran Hadi's dramae Roh, there is a concrete and significant relationship so that a literary work can be enjoyed in every verse of the written wordPendekatan struktur merupakan suatu pendekatan awal dalam sebuah penelitian sastra. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mendeskripsikan unsur-unsur struktur dan mendeskripsikan hubungan antar unsur apa saja yang ada dalam  naskah drama Roh karya Wisran Hadi. Sumber penelitian ini adalah naskah drama Roh karya Wisran Hadi yang ditulis pada Juni 1998 di Pagaruyung, Sumatera Barat. Naskah drama ini memiliki empat babak dengan 29 halaman. Naskah drama Roh merupakan salah satu naskah terbaik karya Wisran Hadi dan mendapatkan penghargaan juara II sayembara DKJ Tahun 2003. Naskah Drama Roh karya Wisran Hadi diterbitkan dalam kumpulan naskah drama Sobrat. Diterbitkan oleh PT. Grasindo Jakarta 2003. Hasil penelitian ini sesuai dengan tujuan awal, proses mendapatkan data dilakukan melalui berbagai tahap, mulai dari tahap pencatatan data, pengklasifikasian data serta menganalisis data. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan  untuk membuktikan bahwa di dalam unsur-unsur intrinsik naskah dramaeRoh Karya Wisran Hadi memiliki hubungan yang konkret dan signifikan sehingga terbentuklah suatu karya sastra yang dapat dinikmati setiap bait kata yang tertuli

    Report on the EU-US Workshop on Large Scientific Databases

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    This joint workshop was set up under the auspices of the Joint European Commission/National Science Foundation Strategy Group that met in Budapest in September 1998. The meeting derived from a joint collaboration agreement between the EC and NSF, signed by Dr. George Metakides (Director of Information Technologies for the EC) and Prof. Juris Hartmanis (Director of Computer and Information Science and Engineering at the NSF). Some themes that were identified include: digital libraries human-centered computing and virtual environments large scientific databases, and intelligent implants This report expresses the conclusions and recommendations of the Workshop on Large Scientific Databases, held in Annapolis, Maryland, USA in September 1999. The purpose of the workshop was to develop a report to the funding agencies outlining a possible solicitation to the research community, with emphasis on joint European-US work on Large Scientific Databases. Before the workshop, each participant submitted a position paper (these are available at the web site http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/euus). The results of the position papers, presentations, and group discussion are summarized in this report. There were 12 participants from Europe and 12 from the United States, and they are listed at the end of this report. The last section of this report describes possible funding mechanisms


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    Masyarakat Jawa yang mayoritas beragama Islam hingga sekarang belum bisa meninggalkan tradisi dan budaya Jawanya. Di antara tradisi dan budaya ini terkadang bertentangan dengan ajaran-ajaran Islam. Tradisi dan budaya Jawa ini sangat dijunjung tinggi oleh masyarakat Jawa, terutama yang abangan. Di antara tradisi dan budaya ini adalah keyakinan akan adanya roh-roh leluhur yang memiliki kekuatan ghaib, keyakinan adanya dewa dewi yang berkedudukan seperti tuhan, tradisi ziarah ke makam orang-orang tertentu, melakukan upacara-upacara ritual yang bertujuan untuk persembahan kepada tuhan atau meminta berkah serta terkabulnya permintaan tertentu. Setelah dikaji inti dari tradisi dan budaya tersebut, terutama dilihat dari tujuan dan tatacara melakukan ritus-nya, jelaslah bahwa semua itu tidak sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Tuhan yang mereka tuju dalam keyakinan mereka jelas bukan Allah, tetapi dalam bentuk dewa dewi seperti Dewi Sri, Ratu Pantai Selatan, roh-roh leluhur, atau yang lainnya. Begitu juga bentuk-bentuk ritual yang mereka lakukan jelas bertentangan dengan ajaran ibadah dalam Islam yang sudah ditetapkan dengan tegas dalam al-Quran dan hadis Nabi Saw. Karena itulah, tradisi dan budaya Jawa seperti itu sebenarnya tidak sesuai dengan ajaran Islam dan perlu diluruskan atau sekalian ditinggalkan