114 research outputs found

    First records of some species of Diptera (Insecta) from the Azores

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    During a collecting trip undertaken by J. Roháček and M. Vála in the São Miguel Island (Azores) in August and September 2006, mainly devoted to acalyptrate flies, three distinctive species of Diptera were found, two of which proved to be hitherto unrecorded from the Azorean archipelago. These additions to the regional fauna are presented below with a discussion of their origin. The voucher specimens of the species recorded below are deposited in the following collections: JSO – collection of J. Starý, Olomouc, Czech Republic, SMOC – Silesian Museum, Opava, Czech Republic, ZMAN – Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Revision of the New World species of Stiphrosoma Czerny (Diptera: Anthomyzidae).

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    Die neuweltlichen Arten der Gattung Stiphrosoma Czerny, 1928 werden revidiert. Vierzehn Arten werden festgestellt, darunter der Gattungstypus, S. sabulosum (Haliday, 1837), sowie 13 neue Arten: S. pectinatum sp. n. (Kanada: Ontario, Quebec; USA: District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia), S. lucipetum sp. n. (Bahamas; Belize; Costa Rica; Kuba; USA: Florida), S. pullum sp. n. (Costa Rica), S. setipleurum sp. n. (Kanada: Neubraunschweig, Neuschottland, Ontario, Quebec; USA: Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia), S. balteatum sp. n. (Kanada: Ontario, Quebec; USA: District of Columbia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Wisconsin), S. hirtum sp. n. (Kanada: Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan; USA: Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Utah), S. artum sp. n. (Kanada: Alberta, Saskatchewan; USA: North Dakota), S. helvum sp. n. (Kanada: Alberta; USA: Montana), S. stylatum sp. n. (Kanada: Manitoba, Ontario; USA: Minnesota, Utah), S. minor sp. n. (USA: Arizona), S. vittatum sp. n. (USA: Kalifornien), S. sororium sp. n. (Mexiko) und S. humerale sp. n. (Kanada: Alberta, Britisch Kolumbien, Manitoba, Neufundland, Neuschottland, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan; USA: Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington; in der Paläarktis: - Lettland; Nord-Korea; Russland: Sibirien). Alle Arten werden beschrieben unter Abbildung der männlichen und weiblichen Genitalien sowie anderer diagnostischer Merkmale, und ihre Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse, Biologie und Verbreitung werden diskutiert. Das Vorkommen von S. sabulosum in der nearktischen Region wird erörtert aber ihre vermutete Einschleppung aus Europa ist unbewiesen. Die holarktische Verbreitung von S. humerale wird als natürlich erachtet; ostpaläarktische Populationen von S. humerale wurden früher irrtümlich für S. laetum (Meigen, 1830) gehalten. Flügelpolymorphismus wird von zwei neuen Arten beschrieben, S. hirtum sp. n. und S. artum sp. n., sowie von S. sabulosum. Eine neue Gattungsdiagnose für Stiphrosoma wird erstellt unter Berücksichtigung aller bekannten Arten, und die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Gattung werden diskutiert. Ein Schlüssel für alle Arten von Stiphrosoma weltweit wird vorgestellt.StichwörterTaxonomy, Stiphrosoma, generic diagnosis, 13 new species, key, relationships, biology, distribution, wing polymorphism, New World.Nomenklatorische Handlungenartum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.balteatum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.helvum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.hirtum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.humerale Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.lucipetum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.minor Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.pectinatum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.pullum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.setipleurum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.sororium Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.stylatum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.vittatum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.The species of the genus Stiphrosoma Czerny, 1928 found in the New World are revised. Fourteen species are recognized, including the type species of the genus, S. sabulosum (Haliday, 1837), and 13 new species, viz. S. pectinatum sp. n. (Canada: Ontario, Quebec; USA: District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia), S. lucipetum sp. n. (Bahamas; Belize; Costa Rica; Cuba; USA: Florida), S. pullum sp. n. (Costa Rica), S. setipleurum sp. n. (Canada: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec; USA: Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia), S. balteatum sp. n. (Canada: Ontario, Quebec; USA: District of Columbia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Wisconsin), S. hirtum sp. n. (Canada: Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan; USA: Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Utah), S. artum sp. n. (Canada: Alberta, Saskatchewan; USA: North Dakota), S. helvum sp. n. (Canada: Alberta; USA: Montana), S. stylatum sp. n. (Canada: Manitoba, Ontario; USA: Minnesota, Utah), S. minor sp. n. (USA: Arizona), S. vittatum sp. n. (USA: California), S. sororium sp. n. (Mexico) and S. humerale sp. n. (Canada: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan; USA: Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington; in the Palaearctic - Latvia; North Korea; Russia: Siberia). Descriptions of all species are given along with illustrations of male and female terminalia and other diagnostic structures, and their relationships, biology and distribution are discussed. Occurrence of S. sabulosum in the Nearctic Region is discussed but its presupposed introduction from Europe has not been demonstrated. The Holarctic distribution of S. humerale is regarded as natural; the E. Palaearctic populations of S. humerale were formerly erroneously ascribed to S. laetum (Meigen, 1830). Wing polymorphism is described in two new species, viz. S. hirtum sp. n. and S. artum sp. n., as well as in S. sabulosum. The genus Stiphrosoma is newly diagnosed on the basis of all known species and its relationships are discussed. A key to world species of Stiphrosoma is presented.KeywordsTaxonomy, Stiphrosoma, generic diagnosis, 13 new species, key, relationships, biology, distribution, wing polymorphism, New World.Nomenclatural Actsartum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.balteatum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.helvum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.hirtum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.humerale Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.lucipetum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.minor Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.pectinatum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.pullum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.setipleurum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.sororium Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.stylatum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n.vittatum Roháček & Barber, 2005 (Stiphrosoma), spec. n

    Christelenkidae, a new extinct family based on a new taxon from Eocene Baltic amber (Diptera: Acalyptratae), with X-ray synchrotron microtomography imaging of its structures

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    A new family of Diptera Acalyptratae, Christelenkidae Roháček fam. nov., is established for Christelenka multiplex Roháček gen. et sp. nov., an unusual extinct taxon described from a unique male specimen preserved in Baltic amber (Mid-late Eocene, ca 48–34 Ma). Apart from detailed examination by light microscopy and photography, the holotype of the new species has also been studied by means of X-ray synchrotron microtomography with the aim of obtaining additional morphological data for consideration of its relationships. Because of a very peculiar combination of morphological characters, the new family is tentatively considered a separate lineage of Acalyptratae having no apparent sister-group relationship with any of the known families. Its probable relationships to some families of Opomyzoidea and Ephydroidea are discussed

    Some winter active flies from snow and caves of Vârghiș, Romania

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    This paper attempts to fill the gaps in knowledge about the biodiversity of some winter-active fly families from snowfields and caves in Vârghiș, Romania. A total of 15 fly species were recorded from caves and 9 species from snowfields. Exechiopsis (Exechiopsis) pseudindecisa Lastovka et Matile, 1974 and Rymosia placida Winnertz, 1863 from caves and Mycetophila mitis (Johannsen, 1912) (all Mycetophilidae) from snow represent the first records for Romania. Habitus photographs of these three species are provided

    Fauna Europaea: Diptera -Brachycera

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    Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Pape, T., Beuk, P., Pont, A. C., Shatalkin, A. I., Ozerov, A. L., Woźnica, A. J., ... de Jong, Y. (2015). Fauna Europaea: 3, [e4187]. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.3.e4187 General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Library will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please Ask the Library: https://uba.uva.nl/en/contact, or a letter to: Library of the University of Amsterdam, Secretariat, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You will be contacted as soon as possible. Abstract Fauna Europaea provides a public web-service with an index of scientific names (including important synonyms) of all extant multicellular European terrestrial and freshwater animals and their geographical distribution at the level of countries and major islands (east of the Urals and excluding the Caucasus region). The Fauna Europaea project comprises about 230,000 taxonomic names, including 130,000 accepted species and 14,000 accepted subspecies, which is much more than the originally projected number of 100,000 species. Fauna Europaea represents a huge effort by more than 400 contributing taxonomic specialists throughout Europe and is a unique (standard) reference suitable for many user communities in science, government, industry, nature conservation and education. The Diptera-Brachycera is one of the 58 Fauna Europaea major taxonomic groups, and data have been compiled by a network of 55 specialists. Within the two-winged insects (Diptera), the Brachycera constitute a monophyletic group, which is generally given rank of suborder. The Brachycera may be classified into the probably paraphyletic 'lower brachyceran grade' and the monophyletic Eremoneura. The latter contains the Empidoidea, the Apystomyioidea with a single Nearctic species, and the Cyclorrhapha, which in turn is divided into the paraphyletic 'aschizan grade' and the monophyletic Schizophora. The latter is traditionally divided into the paraphyletic 'acalyptrate grade' and the monophyletic Calyptratae. Our knowledge of the European fauna of Diptera-Brachycera varies tremendously among families, from the reasonably well known hoverflies (Syrphidae) to the extremely poorly known scuttle flies (Phoridae). There has been a steady growth in our knowledge of European Diptera for the last two centuries, with no apparent slow down, but there is a shift towards a larger fraction of the new species being found among the families of the nematoceran grade (lower Diptera), which due to a larger number of small-sized species may be considered as taxonomically more challenging. Most of Europe is highly industrialised and has a high human population density, and the more fertile habitats are extensively cultivated. This has undoubtedly increased the extinction risk for numerous species of brachyceran flies, yet with the recent re-discovery of Thyreophora cynophila (Panzer), there are no known cases of extinction at a European level. However, few national Red Lists have extensive information on Diptera. For the Diptera-Brachycera, data from 96 families containing 11,751 species are included in this paper

    A monograph and re-classification of the previous genus Limosina Macquart (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) of Europe. Part II.

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    In Form einer Monographie wurden die europäischen Arten bearbeitet, die zur bisherigen Gattung Limosina Macquart (sensu Hackmann 1969a) gehören. Dieses Taxon erwies sich als polyphyletisch und wurde nach Gesichtspunkten der phylogenetischen Klassifikation in 17 Gattungen mit insgesamt 81 europäischen Arten gegliedert. Elf Gattungen und 11 Untergattungen werden als neu beschrieben. Gigalimosina gen. nov., Herniosina gen. nov., Terrilimosina gen. nov., Minilimosina gen. nov., Minilimosina (Svarciella) subgen. nov., Minilimosina (Allolimosina) subgen. nov., Xenolimosina gen. nov., Paralimosina (Canarisina) subgen. nov., Spelobia (Eulimosina) subgen. nov., Spelobia (Bifronsina) subgen. nov., Pullimosina gen. nov., Pullimosina (Dahlimosina) subgen. nov., Spinilimosina gen. nov., Kimosina gen. nov., Kimosina (Kollimosina) subgen. nov., Kimosina (Alimosina) subgen. nov., Telomerina gen. nov., Opalimosina gen. nov., Opalimosina (Pappiella) subgen. nov., Opalimosina (Hakmanina) subgen. nov., Opalimosina (Dentilimosina) subgen. nov., und Rudolfia gen. nov. Die anderen hierzu gehörenden Gattungen, werden redeskribiert: Limosina Maquart, 1835; Apteromyia Vimmer, 1929 gen. restit.; Paralimosina Papp, 1973; Spelobia Spuler, 1924 nom. restit., stat. nov.; Chaetopodella Duda, 1920; Halidayina Duda 1918. 14 neue Arten werden beschrieben (Minilimosina 4, Spelobia 6, Kimosina 1, Telomerina 3) die anderen Spezies vollständig redeskribiert. Vier neue Synonyme wurden festgelegt; zahlreiche Arten (neben jenen, die in der Monographie enthalten sind) sind in neuen Kombinationen fixiert. Alles erreichbare Typenmaterial der europäischen Arten einschließlich der Synonyma wurde revidiert, eine Anzahl Lectotypen designiert und auf diese Weise der Status einzelner Arten festgelegt. Die Beschreibung jeder Art wird durch zahlreiche Zeichnungen ergänzt, durch Angaben zur Morphologie der praeimaginalen Stadien, zur Biologie und Verbreitung sowie durch die Erörterung der verwandschaftlichen Beziehungen. Für alle behandelten Arten wurden Bestimmungsschlüssel erarbeitet. Der allgemeine Teil enthält eine Zusammenfassung der Angaben grundsätzlicher Art zum historischen Verlauf der Erforschung, zur Morphologie, Biologie, Zoogeographie und Phylogenie der untersuchten Gruppen.Nomenklatorische Handlungenclaviventris (Strobl, 1909) (Apteromyia), comb. no. hitherto Limosina claviventrisflaviceps (Zetterstedt, 1847) (Gigalimosina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina flavicepsbequaerti (Villeneuve, 1917) (Herniosina), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera (Limosina) bequaertihorrida (Roháček, 1978) (Herniosina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina horridaAlimosina Roháček, 1983 (Kimosina), sgen. n.Collimosina Roháček, 1983 (Kimosina), sgen. n.empirica (Hutton, 1901) (Kimosina (Alimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Borborus empiricusspinosa (Collin, 1930) (Kimosina (Collimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina spinosaciliata (Duda, 1918) (Kimosina (Kimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) ciliataglabrescens (Villeneuve, 1917) (Kimosina (Kimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera (Limosina) glabrescenslongisetosa (Dahl, 1909) (Kimosina (Kimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina longisetosapappi Roháček, 1983 (Kimosina (Kimosina)), spec. n.plumosula (Rondani, 1880) (Kimosina (Kimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina plumosulalatigena Roháček, 1977 (Limosina), syn. n. of Paralimosina (Paralimosina) kaszabi Papp, 1973Allolimosina Roháček, 1983 (Minilimosina), sgen. n.Svarciella Roháček, 1983 (Minilimosina), sgen. n.albinervis (Duda, 1918) (Minilimosina (Allolimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scatophilella) albinervisalloneura (Richards, 1952) (Minilimosina (Allolimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocedra (Limosina) alloneurasecundaria (Duda, 1918) (Minilimosina (Allolimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scatophilella) secundariafungicola (Haliday, 1836) (Minilimosina (Minilimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina fungicolagemella Roháček, 1983 (Minilimosina (Minilimosina)), spec. n.parvula (Stenhammar, 1854) (Minilimosina (Minilimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina parvulatenera Roháček, 1983 (Minilimosina (Minilimosina)), spec. n.trogeri Roháček, 1983 (Minilimosina (Minilimosina)), spec. n.hackmani (Roháček, 1977) (Minilimosina (Svarciella)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina hackmaniismayi Roháček, 1983 (Minilimosina (Svarciella)), spec. n.splendens (Duda, 1928) (Minilimosina (Svarciella)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) splendensv-atrum (Villeneuve, 1917) (Minilimosina (Svarciella)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera (Limosina) v-atrumvitripennis (Zetterstedt, 1847) (Minilimosina (Svarciella)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina vitripennisDentilimosina Roháček, 1983 (Opalimosina), sgen. n.Hackmanina Roháček, 1983 (Opalimosina), sgen. n.Pappiella Roháček, 1983 (Opalimosina), sgen. n.denticulata (Duda, 1924) (Opalimosina (Dentilimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella)czernyi (Duda, 1918) (Opalimosina (Hackmanina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) czernyicalcarifera (Roháček, 1975) (Opalimosina (Opalimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina calcariferacollini (Richards, 1929) (Opalimosina (Opalimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera collinimirabilis (Collin, 1902) (Opalimosina (Opalimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina mirabilissimplex (Richards, 1929) (Opalimosina (Opalimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera grenstedi var. simplexliliputana (Rondani, 1880) (Opalimosina (Pappiella)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina liliputanaCanarisina Roháček, 1983 (Paralimosina), sgen. n.beckeri (Duda, 1918) (Paralimosina (Canarisina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) beckerifucata (Rondani, 1880) (Paralimosina (Paralimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina fucatamacedonica (Roháček, 1977) (Paralimosina (Paralimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina macedonicasubcribrata (Roháček, 1977) (Paralimosina (Paralimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina subcribatatrichopyga (Richards, 1952) (Paralimosina (Paralimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera (Limosina) trichopygaDahlimosina Roháček, 1983 (Pullimosina), sgen. n.dahli (Duda, 1918) (Pullimosina (Dahlimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) dahlikarelica (Papp, 1979) (Pullimosina (Dahlimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina karelicaantennata (Duda, 1918) (Pullimosina (Pullimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) antennataheteroneura (Haliday, 1836) (Pullimosina (Pullimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina heteroneurameijerei (Duda, 1918) (Pullimosina (Pullimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) meijereimoesta (Villeneuve, 1918) (Pullimosina (Pullimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Leptocera) moestapullula (Zetterstedt, 1847) (Pullimosina (Pullimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina pullularozkosnyi (Roháček, 1975) (Rudolfia), comb. n. hitherto Limosina rozkosnyiBifronsina Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia), sgen. n.Eulimosina Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia), sgen. n.bifrons (Stenhammar, 1854) (Spelobia (Bifronsina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina bifronsochripes (Meigen, 1830) (Spelobia (Eulimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Borborus ochripesbaezi (Papp, 1977) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina baezibelanica Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia (Spelobia)), spec. n.cambrica (Richards, 1929) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera cambricaclunipes (Meigen, 1830) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Borborus clunipesczizeki (Duda, 1918) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) czizekifaeroensis (Deeming, 1966) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera (Limosina) faeroensisibrida Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia (Spelobia)), spec. n.luteilabris (Rondani, 1880) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina luteilabrismanicata (Richards, 1927) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina manicatanana (Rondani, 1880) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina nanapalmata (Richards, 1927) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina palmatapappi Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia (Spelobia)), spec. n.parapusio (Dahl, 1909) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina parapusiopseudonivalis (Dahl, 1909) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina pseudonivalispseudosetaria (Duda, 1918) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) pseudosetariaquaesita Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia (Spelobia)), spec. n.rufilabris (Stenhammar, 1854) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. Limosinasimplicipes (Duda, 1925) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) simplicipestalis Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia (Spelobia)), spec. n.talparum (Richards, 1927) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina taplarumulla Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia (Spelobia)), spec. n.villosa (Duda, 1918) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) villosaAptilomyia Vimmer, 1929 (Sphaeroceridae), syn. n. of Apteromyia Vimmer, 1929Gigalimosina Rohácek, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Herniosina Rohácek, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Kimosina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Minilimosina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Opalimosina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Pullimosina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Rudolfia Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Spelobia Spuler, 1924 (Sphaeroceridae), stat. n. hitherto subgenus of LeptoceraSpinilimosina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Telomerina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Terrilimosina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Vseteckiella Vimmer, 1931 (Sphaeroceridae), syn. n. of Apteromyia Vimmer, 1929Xenolimosina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.brevicostata (Duda, 1918) (Spinilimosina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) brevicostataantonini Roháček, 1983 (Telomerina), spec. n.eburnea Roháček, 1983 (Telomerina), spec. n.flavipes (Meigen, 1930) (Telomerina), comb. n. hitherto Borborus flavipespseudoleucoptera (Duda, 1924) (Telomerina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) pseudoleucopteraursina Roháček, 1983 (Telomerina), spec. n.racovitzai (Bezzi, 1911) (Terrilimosina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina racovitzaischmitzi (Duda, 1918) (Terrilimosina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) schmitzisudetica (Roháček, 1975) (Terrilimosina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina sudeticasetaria (Villeneuve, 1918) (Xenolimosina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Leptocera) setariaThe European species belonging to the previous genus Limosina Macquart (sensu Hackmann 1969a) are monographed. This taxon was found to be polyphyletic and is divided using cladistic classification into 17 genera with a total of 81 European species. 11 genera and 11 subgenera are discribed as new: Gigalimosina gen. nov., Herniosina gen. nov., Terrilimosina gen. nov., Minilimosina gen. nov., Minilimosina (Svarciella) subgen. nov., Minilimosina (Allolimosina) subgen. nov., Xenolimosina gen. nov., Paralimosina (Canarisina) subgen. nov., Spelobia (Eulimosina) subgen. nov., Spelobia (Bifronsina) subgen. nov., Pullimosina gen. nov., Pullimosina (Dahlimosina) subgen. nov., Spinilimosina gen. nov., Kimosina gen. nov., Kimosina (Kollimosina) subgen. nov., Kimosina (Alimosina) subgen. nov., Telomerina gen. nov., Opalimosina gen. nov., Opalimosina (Pappiella) subgen. nov., Opalimosina (Hakmanina) subgen. nov., Opalimosina (Dentilimosina) subgen. nov., and Rudolfia gen. nov. Other included (Limosina Maquart, 1835; Apteromyia Vimmer, 1929 gen. restit.; Paralimosina Papp, 1973; Spelobia Spuler, 1924 nom. restit., stat. nov.; Chaetopodella Duba, 1920; Halidayina Duba 1918) are rediscribed. Descriptions of 14 new species are given (Minilimosina 4, Spelobia 6, Kimosina 1, Telomeina 3), other are fully rediscribed. 4 new synonyms are established; numerous species (besides those included in the Monograph) are put in new combinations. All available type material of European species (including synonyms) was revised, number of lectotypes designated and in this way the status of particular species fixed. A description of each species is supplemented by numerous illustrations, data on the morphology of preimaginal stages, biology, distribution and by discussion of relationships. Identification keys to all included taxa are given. The general part includes a summary of basic data dealing with history of investigations, morphology, biology, zoogeography and phylogeny (cladistic classification) of the groups under study.Nomenclatural Actsclaviventris (Strobl, 1909) (Apteromyia), comb. no. hitherto Limosina claviventrisflaviceps (Zetterstedt, 1847) (Gigalimosina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina flavicepsbequaerti (Villeneuve, 1917) (Herniosina), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera (Limosina) bequaertihorrida (Roháček, 1978) (Herniosina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina horridaAlimosina Roháček, 1983 (Kimosina), sgen. n.Collimosina Roháček, 1983 (Kimosina), sgen. n.empirica (Hutton, 1901) (Kimosina (Alimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Borborus empiricusspinosa (Collin, 1930) (Kimosina (Collimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina spinosaciliata (Duda, 1918) (Kimosina (Kimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) ciliataglabrescens (Villeneuve, 1917) (Kimosina (Kimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera (Limosina) glabrescenslongisetosa (Dahl, 1909) (Kimosina (Kimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina longisetosapappi Roháček, 1983 (Kimosina (Kimosina)), spec. n.plumosula (Rondani, 1880) (Kimosina (Kimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina plumosulalatigena Roháček, 1977 (Limosina), syn. n. of Paralimosina (Paralimosina) kaszabi Papp, 1973Allolimosina Roháček, 1983 (Minilimosina), sgen. n.Svarciella Roháček, 1983 (Minilimosina), sgen. n.albinervis (Duda, 1918) (Minilimosina (Allolimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scatophilella) albinervisalloneura (Richards, 1952) (Minilimosina (Allolimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocedra (Limosina) alloneurasecundaria (Duda, 1918) (Minilimosina (Allolimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scatophilella) secundariafungicola (Haliday, 1836) (Minilimosina (Minilimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina fungicolagemella Roháček, 1983 (Minilimosina (Minilimosina)), spec. n.parvula (Stenhammar, 1854) (Minilimosina (Minilimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina parvulatenera Roháček, 1983 (Minilimosina (Minilimosina)), spec. n.trogeri Roháček, 1983 (Minilimosina (Minilimosina)), spec. n.hackmani (Roháček, 1977) (Minilimosina (Svarciella)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina hackmaniismayi Roháček, 1983 (Minilimosina (Svarciella)), spec. n.splendens (Duda, 1928) (Minilimosina (Svarciella)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) splendensv-atrum (Villeneuve, 1917) (Minilimosina (Svarciella)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera (Limosina) v-atrumvitripennis (Zetterstedt, 1847) (Minilimosina (Svarciella)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina vitripennisDentilimosina Roháček, 1983 (Opalimosina), sgen. n.Hackmanina Roháček, 1983 (Opalimosina), sgen. n.Pappiella Roháček, 1983 (Opalimosina), sgen. n.denticulata (Duda, 1924) (Opalimosina (Dentilimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella)czernyi (Duda, 1918) (Opalimosina (Hackmanina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) czernyicalcarifera (Roháček, 1975) (Opalimosina (Opalimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina calcariferacollini (Richards, 1929) (Opalimosina (Opalimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera collinimirabilis (Collin, 1902) (Opalimosina (Opalimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina mirabilissimplex (Richards, 1929) (Opalimosina (Opalimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera grenstedi var. simplexliliputana (Rondani, 1880) (Opalimosina (Pappiella)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina liliputanaCanarisina Roháček, 1983 (Paralimosina), sgen. n.beckeri (Duda, 1918) (Paralimosina (Canarisina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) beckerifucata (Rondani, 1880) (Paralimosina (Paralimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina fucatamacedonica (Roháček, 1977) (Paralimosina (Paralimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina macedonicasubcribrata (Roháček, 1977) (Paralimosina (Paralimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina subcribatatrichopyga (Richards, 1952) (Paralimosina (Paralimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera (Limosina) trichopygaDahlimosina Roháček, 1983 (Pullimosina), sgen. n.dahli (Duda, 1918) (Pullimosina (Dahlimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) dahlikarelica (Papp, 1979) (Pullimosina (Dahlimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina karelicaantennata (Duda, 1918) (Pullimosina (Pullimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) antennataheteroneura (Haliday, 1836) (Pullimosina (Pullimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina heteroneurameijerei (Duda, 1918) (Pullimosina (Pullimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) meijereimoesta (Villeneuve, 1918) (Pullimosina (Pullimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Leptocera) moestapullula (Zetterstedt, 1847) (Pullimosina (Pullimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina pullularozkosnyi (Roháček, 1975) (Rudolfia), comb. n. hitherto Limosina rozkosnyiBifronsina Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia), sgen. n.Eulimosina Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia), sgen. n.bifrons (Stenhammar, 1854) (Spelobia (Bifronsina)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina bifronsochripes (Meigen, 1830) (Spelobia (Eulimosina)), comb. n. hitherto Borborus ochripesbaezi (Papp, 1977) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina baezibelanica Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia (Spelobia)), spec. n.cambrica (Richards, 1929) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera cambricaclunipes (Meigen, 1830) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Borborus clunipesczizeki (Duda, 1918) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) czizekifaeroensis (Deeming, 1966) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Leptocera (Limosina) faeroensisibrida Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia (Spelobia)), spec. n.luteilabris (Rondani, 1880) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina luteilabrismanicata (Richards, 1927) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina manicatanana (Rondani, 1880) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina nanapalmata (Richards, 1927) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina palmatapappi Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia (Spelobia)), spec. n.parapusio (Dahl, 1909) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina parapusiopseudonivalis (Dahl, 1909) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina pseudonivalispseudosetaria (Duda, 1918) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) pseudosetariaquaesita Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia (Spelobia)), spec. n.rufilabris (Stenhammar, 1854) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. Limosinasimplicipes (Duda, 1925) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) simplicipestalis Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia (Spelobia)), spec. n.talparum (Richards, 1927) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina taplarumulla Roháček, 1983 (Spelobia (Spelobia)), spec. n.villosa (Duda, 1918) (Spelobia (Spelobia)), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) villosaAptilomyia Vimmer, 1929 (Sphaeroceridae), syn. n. of Apteromyia Vimmer, 1929Gigalimosina Rohácek, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Herniosina Rohácek, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Kimosina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Minilimosina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Opalimosina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Pullimosina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Rudolfia Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Spelobia Spuler, 1924 (Sphaeroceridae), stat. n. hitherto subgenus of LeptoceraSpinilimosina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Telomerina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Terrilimosina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.Vseteckiella Vimmer, 1931 (Sphaeroceridae), syn. n. of Apteromyia Vimmer, 1929Xenolimosina Roháček, 1983 (Sphaeroceridae), gen. n.brevicostata (Duda, 1918) (Spinilimosina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) brevicostataantonini Roháček, 1983 (Telomerina), spec. n.eburnea Roháček, 1983 (Telomerina), spec. n.flavipes (Meigen, 1930) (Telomerina), comb. n. hitherto Borborus flavipespseudoleucoptera (Duda, 1924) (Telomerina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) pseudoleucopteraursina Roháček, 1983 (Telomerina), spec. n.racovitzai (Bezzi, 1911) (Terrilimosina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina racovitzaischmitzi (Duda, 1918) (Terrilimosina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Scotophilella) schmitzisudetica (Roháček, 1975) (Terrilimosina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina sudeticasetaria (Villeneuve, 1918) (Xenolimosina), comb. n. hitherto Limosina (Leptocera) setari

    Arganthomyza versitheca Rohacek 2009

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    <i>Arganthomyza versitheca</i> Roháček, 2009 <p> <b>Material examined.</b> <b> CHINA: SHAANXI:</b> Fuping-x, Banbianhe, 1.5 km N of Longcaoping, 1300–1360 m, 4.vii.1997, 1, T. Saigusa leg. (SIINH, genit. prep.). <b>SICHUAN:</b> Pingwu Co., Laohegou Reserve, 32°29′3.20′′N 104°43′9.96′′E, 1400–2100 m, 13.–17.v.2016, 2 3 ♀♀, O. Lonsdale leg. (CNCI, 1 1 ♀ genit. prep.).</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> Another representative of the <i>Arganthomyza setiplanta</i> group (delimited by ROHÁČEK & BARBER 2013). As noted above it is obviously the nearest relative (sister species) of <i>A. hyperseta</i> sp. nov. (described above) while the Nearctic <i>A. carbo</i> Roháček & Barber, 2013 is the next closest ally to this pair. The remaining (most ancestral) species of the group seems to be <i>A. setiplanta</i> (Roháček, 1987) from Nepal.</p> <p> <b>Biology.</b> The type series was captured in montane forests of South Korea (750–1200 m) in June. The Shaanxi and Sichuan specimens expand both flight period (to May, July) and altitude range (1300–2100 m) of the species. The species is probably associated with the undergrowth of moist leafy forests (see ROHÁČEK & BARBER 2013: Fig. 52).</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> South Korea (ROHÁČEK 2009), China: Shaanxi, Sichuan (first records).</p>Published as part of <i>Roháček, Jindřich, 2018, First Anthomyzidae (Diptera) from China: a new genus, six new species and new records, pp. 35-76 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 58 (1)</i> on page 74, DOI: 10.2478/aemnp-2018-0007, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3676725">http://zenodo.org/record/3676725</a&gt

    The type material of Sphaeroceridae described by J. Villeneuve with lectotype designations and nomenclatural and taxonomic notes (Diptera)

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    The type material of Sphaeroceridae (Limosininae) described by J. Villeneuve recently found in the collection of the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Laboratoire de Zoologie, AGRO, Montpellier, is reviewed. Type specimens of 17 species described by Villeneuve (1916-1918) were examined and lectotypes are designated for 16 species ; the identity of a number of species is solved and their status fixed. Some species are synonymized. Two species formerly considered as synonyms of Villeneuve's species are restituted as valid taxa. The name Pullimosina (Pullimosina) vulgesta n. sp., is proposed for Pullimosina moesta auctt. nec Villeneuve, 1918 and type material (from the Czech Republic and Slovakia) for it is designated. Previous interpretations and/or synonymies are confirmed for six species. Some lectotypes are also designated and syntypic specimens found in Villeneuve's collection are designated as paralectotypes. The distribution of several species is clarified. All Villenuve's types will be deposited in the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (Entomologie), Paris.Le matériel type des Sphaeroceridae décrits par J. Villeneuve avec désignation de lectotypes et notes nomenclaturales et taxonomiques (Diptera). Le matériel typique des Sphaeroceridae décrit par J. Villeneuve et récemment retrouvé dans la collection de l'Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Laboratoire de Zoologie, AGRO Montpellier, est révisé. Les spécimens types de 17 espèces décrites par Villeneuve (1916-1918) sont examinés et des lectotypes sont désignés pour 16 espèces ; l'identité de plusieurs espèces est clarifiée et leurs statuts fixés. Cinq nouvelles synonymies sont établies. Deux espèces, jusqu'à présent considérées comme synonymes d'espèces décrites par Villeneuve retrouvent leur statut spécifique. Le nom Pullimosina (Pullimosina) vulgesta n. sp., est proposé pour P. moesta auctt. nec Villeneuve, 1918 et le matériel type (de République Tchèque et de Slovaquie) est désigné pour ce taxon. Les interprétations antérieures du statut (y compris des synonymies) de six espèces sont confirmées. Des lectotypes sont aussi désignés et des spécimens syntypiques trouvés dans la collection Villeneuve sont désignés comme paralectotypes. La distribution de plusieurs espèces est clarifiée. Tous les types de Villeneuve dont il est question ici seront déposés au Laboratoire d'Entomologie du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (Paris).Roháček Jindřich. The type material of Sphaeroceridae described by J. Villeneuve with lectotype designations and nomenclatural and taxonomic notes (Diptera). In: Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, volume 105 (5), décembre 2000. pp. 467-478

    A peculiar male genitalia monstrosity in Anthomyza neglecta (Diptera: Anthomyzidae)

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    Roháček, Jindřich (2010): A peculiar male genitalia monstrosity in Anthomyza neglecta (Diptera: Anthomyzidae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 50 (2): 619-628, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.532656