42 research outputs found

    Stability of agronomic traits in interspecific hybrid potato clones in the Central Region of European Russia

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    Background. Yield stability is a necessary trait for sustainable potato production under climate change. Potato breeding is based on crosses between parental lines selected for a set of important traits: productivity, structural yield components, and resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses. Data on plant responses to environmental conditions allows breeders to conduct informed selection of plant forms for crossing. The objective of this work was to characterize interspecific potato hybrids in terms of their productivity, yield plasticity and stability in the Central Region of European Russia.Materials and methods. For seven years (2014–2020), 19 hybrids and cv. ‘Favorit’ (reference) were assessed for productivity, number of tubers per plant, mean tuber weight, marketability, and resistance to late blight. Growing conditions were characterized using the hydrothermal coefficient. Environmental sustainability was determined by calculating the parameters of plasticity (bI) and stability (σ2) according to N. P. Sklyarova and V. A. Zharova.Results. Positive and negative anomalies in heat or moisture supply were observed during the test years. The maximum productivity was obtained in 2016, with heavy rainfall and higher temperatures; the minimum, in the hot and dry 2018. For productivity, the effect sizes of the factors “variety” and “year” were 29% and 38%, respectively. Hybrids with yield levels close to cv. ‘Favorit’ were identified: 117-2, 122-29, 99-6-5, 99-1-3, 99-6-6, and 34-5-2003. ‘Favorit’ is an intensive-type cultivar, with low yield stability. Hybrid 135-2-2006, also of the intensive type, had a stable yield, but developed medium-sized tubers and was less productive than other accessions. Hybrid 117-2 is of the extensive type, with medium stability, while hybrids 8-3-2004 and 135-5-2005 demonstrated high environmental plasticity and yield stability

    South American species <i>Solanum alandiae</i> Card. and <i>S. okadae</i> Hawkes et Hjerting as potential sources of genes for potato late blight resistance

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    For several decades, wild species of Solanum L. section Petota Dumort. have been involved in potato cultivar breeding for robust resistance to pests and diseases. Potato late blight (LB) is caused by oomycete Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, and the genes for race-specific resistance to P. infestans (Rpi genes) have been introgressed into cultivated potatoes by remote crosses and trans- or cisgenesis, first from S. demissum Buk. and, more recently, from other wild species, such as S. bulbocastanum Dun., S. stoloniferum Schlechtd. et Bché, and S. venturii Hawkes et Hjerting (according to the nomenclature by Hawkes, 1990). Most wild species already involved in breeding for LB resistance came from North and Central Americas: series Bulbocastana (Rydb.) Hawkes, Demissa Buk. and Longipedicellata Buk., and some Rpi genes of these species have been already characterized in much detail. Rpi genes of South American species, including the series Tuberosa (Rydb.) Hawkes, have not been sufficiently investigated. Among the latter, this study focuses on the Rpi genes of S. alandiae Card. and S. okadae Hawkes et Hjerting. Four accessions of S. alandiae, one accession of S. okadae and 11 clones of interspecific potato hybrids comprising S. alandiae germplasm from the VIR collection were PCR-screened using specific SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region) markers for eight Rpi genes. SCAR amplicons of five Rpi genes registered in this study were validated by comparing their sequences with those of prototype genes deposited in the NCBI Genbank. Among the structural homologues of Rpi genes found in S. alandiae and S. okadae, of special interest are homologues of CC-NB-LRR resistance genes with broad specificity towards P. infestans races, in particular R2=Rpi-blb3, R8, R9a, Rpi-vnt1 and Rpi-blb2 (94–99, 94–99, 86–89, 92–98 and 91% identity with the prototype genes, respectively). Our data may help to better understand the process of Rpi gene divergence along with the evolution of tuberbearing Solanum species, particularly in the series Tuberosa

    Combination Breeding and Marker-Assisted Selection to Develop Late Blight Resistant Potato Cultivars

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    (1) Background: Although resistance to pathogens and pests has been researched in many potato cultivars and breeding lines with DNA markers, there is scarce evidence as to the efficiency of the marker-assisted selection (MAS) for these traits when applied at the early stages of breeding. A goal of this study was to estimate the potential of affordable DNA markers to track resistance genes that are effective against the pathogen Phytophthora infestans (Rpi genes), as a practical breeding tool on a progeny of 68 clones derived from a cross between the cultivar Sudarynya and the hybrid 13/11-09. (2) Methods: this population was studied for four years to elucidate the distribution of late blight (LB) resistance and other agronomical desirable or simple to phenotype traits such as tuber and flower pigmentation, yield capacity and structure. LB resistance was phenotypically evaluated following natural and artificial infection and the presence/absence of nine Rpi genes was assessed with 11 sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. To validate this analysis, the profile of Rpi genes in the 13/11-09 parent was established using diagnostic resistance gene enrichment sequencing (dRenSeq) as a gold standard. (3) Results: at the early stages of a breeding program, when screening the segregation of F1 offspring, MAS can halve the workload and selected SCAR markers for Rpi genes provide useful tools


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    The main results of aerosol dispersion determination of anthropogenic radionuclides released are presented in this work. Three-stage screen type diffusion battery developed in the Radiation Laboratory of the Institute of Industrial Ecology (Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) was used in this experiment

    Image-based analysis of quantitative morphological characteristics of wild potato tubers using the desktop application SeedСounter

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    The development of quantitative digital phenotyping methods for evaluation of wild potato (section Petota Dumort., genus Solanum L.) tuberization is required for annotation of genebank collections and selection of the suitable donor material for potato breeding. There are no available methods specifically designed for the quantitative analysis of wild potato tuber morphology. The current study is devoted to evaluation of wild potato tubers’ morphological characteristics using a digital image processing technique. For this purpose, the mobile application SeedSounter developed previously for grain analysis was specifically adapted for tuber phenotyping. The application estimates the number and shape of objects scattered on a standard sheet of white paper (i. e. A3 or A4). Twelve accessions from the VIR genebank collection belonging to nine Petota species were grown in pots protected with garden fabric during the growing season of cultivated potato (Novosibirsk region). Tubers were collected form plants of nine genotypes. Three genotypes did not produce tubers. The weight of tubers collected from each plant was measured. The tuber yield from each plant was analyzed using SeedCounter (http://wheatdb.org/seedcounter). The number of tubers per plant was counted; the following characteristics were extracted from the images of individual tubers: length, width, projected area, length to width ratio, сircularity, roundness, rugosity and solidity. One-way ANOVA showed a significant effect of genotype on all measured characteristics. A pairwise comparison of nine Petota accessions using all measured parameters revealed statistically significant differences between 86 % of pairs. The overall tuber yield volume for each plant was  calculated as a sum of volumes of individual tubers; tuber volume was calculated from its length to width ratio and projected area. A strong correlation between the evaluated tuber yield volume and yield weight was shown. We propose tuber yield volume as a characteristic for a general evaluation of tuberization for wild potato, implementing the four-step scale from 0 to 3. According to this characteristic, the twelve wild potato accessions studied could be divided into four groups with different tuberization abilities. The evaluated tuberization ability is partially in accordance with previously obtained VIR data. The results presented demonstrate the possibility to use SeedCounter for  wild potato  collections phenotyping

    Цитомегаловирусная инфекция у иммунокомпетентных беременных: клинические проявления и тактика ведения

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    Objective: to analyze clinical manifestations, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to management of pregnant women with cytomegalovirus infection for optimization of clinical and laboratory diagnostics and reduction of risks of congenital cytomegalovirus infection in the postnatal period.Materials and methods: in the article describe results a retrospective study the pregnancy course of 92 women who had 94 children with a confirmed congenital manifest form of cytomegalovirus infection. The inclusion criteria in main group were women aged 18-40 years and presence the results of examination for TORCH-syndrome in the first trimester of pregnancy, negative results for HIV. Markers of cytomegalovirus infection were determined by PCR (blood, vaginal secretions) and serologically (IgM, IgG to CMV-infection).Findings: the study showed that acute cytomegalovirus infection was documented during pregnancy in 18.4% of cases, and recrudescence of CMV-infection only in 33.6% of cases. Acute cytomegalovirus infection was asymptomatic in 35.3% of patients, the rest had nonspecific symptoms in the form of fatigue and headache, cholestasis was registered in 35.2% of cases, whereas with recrudescence of cytomegalovirus infection, catarrhal symptoms in the form of rhinitis and pharyngitis prevailed 42,8% cases, p&lt;0,05. 15 people received therapy during pregnancy: 2 of them – antiviral (valgancyclovir), 11 – immunocorrective (interferon2alfa) and 2 – pathogenetic therapy (blood transfusion to the fetus for anemia). Based on the literature data and obtained by analyzing management tactics of the observed pregnant women, an algorithm for the management of pregnant women with cytomegalovirus infection was created.Conclusion: the study made it possible to substantiate algorithm of diagnosis and tactics management of cytomegalovirus infection in immunocompetent pregnant women and gave recommendations for obstetricians and gynecologists about alertness regarding cytomegalovirus infection.Цель: проанализировать клинические проявления, диагностические и лечебные подходы ведения беременных с цитомегаловирусной инфекцией для оптимизации клинико-лабораторной диагностики и снижения рисков реализации врожденной цитомегаловирусной инфекции в постнатальном периоде.Материалы и методы: ретроспективно изучено течение беременности 92 женщин, у которых родилось 94 ребенка с подтвержденной манифестной формой врожденной цитомегаловирусной инфекции. Критерии включения в исследование: женщины в возрасте 18–40 лет, наличие результатов обследования на TORCH-синдром в первом триместре беременности, отсутствие маркёров ВИЧ-инфекции. Маркеры цитомегаловирусной инфекции определяли методом ПЦР (кровь, вагинальный секрет) и серологически (IgM, IgG к антигенам цитомегаловируса).Результаты. Острая ЦМВИ во время беременности диагностирована в 18,4% случаев, обострение – в 33,6% случаев. У 35,3% больных острая цитомегаловирусная инфекция протекала бессимптомно, у остальных преобладали неспецифические симптомы в виде утомляемости и головной боли, холестаз регистрировался в 35,2% случаев. При обострении цитомегаловирусной инфекции преобладали катаральные явления в виде ринита и фарингита (42,8% случаев, p&lt;0,05). 2 беременных получали противовирусную (валганцикловир), 11 – иммунокорректирующую (интерферон2альфа) терапию, еще в 2 случаях выполнено переливание крови плоду по поводу анемии. На основании данных литературы и результатов этого исследования создан алгоритм ведения беременных с цитомегаловирусной инфекцией.Заключение: результаты проведенного исследования позволяют обосновать алгоритм диагностики и тактики ведения иммунокомпетентных беременных с цитомегаловирусной инфекцией и рекомендовать акушерам-гинекологам учитывать вероятность цитомегаловирусной инфекции у беременных

    Serum from Calorie-Restricted Rats Activates Vascular Cell eNOS through Enhanced Insulin Signaling Mediated by Adiponectin

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    eNOS activation resulting in mitochondrial biogenesis is believed to play a central role in life span extension promoted by calorie restriction (CR). We investigated the mechanism of this activation by treating vascular cells with serum from CR rats and found increased Akt and eNOS phosphorylation, in addition to enhanced nitrite release. Inhibiting Akt phosphorylation or immunoprecipitating adiponectin (found in high quantities in CR serum) completely prevented the increment in nitrite release and eNOS activation. Overall, we demonstrate that adiponectin in the serum from CR animals increases NO• signaling by activating the insulin pathway. These results suggest this hormone may be a determinant regulator of the beneficial effects of CR


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    Recently the actual direction is development of programs of rehabilitation of the second stage of recovering of infectious diseases children. The purpose of this work is justification of need of the organization of offices of rehabilitation in a children's infectious hospital according to Order of the organization of medical rehabilitation. The retrospective analysis of clinical records of the patients who have arrived on treatment in clinical divisions of Federal State Budgetary Institution of Research of Children's Infections of Russia in 2011—2012 is carried out. It is established, that among surveyed 14 363 for 2 years of patients (in a year on the average more than 7000 children) — about 40% (2800 patients a year) children for whom rehabilitation actions of the second stage in the conditions of a hospital, including carrying out a diet therapy, physiotherapy exercises, physical therapy and pharmacotherapy are necessary. On a profile of infectious patients for rendering the rehabilitation help it is expedient to organize 2 offices on 30 beds: for treatment of children with consequences of neuroinfections and children with somatic pathology. The organization of two offices for carrying out medical rehabilitation of the second stage to recovering infectious diseases children taking into account recommended standards on equipment, according to the Order of the organization of medical rehabilitation, will allow to give high-tech help to patients and to prevent development of complications.В последнее время актуальным направлением является разработка программ реабилитации второго этапа детей-реконвалесцентов инфекционных заболеваний. Целью данной работы является обоснование необходимости организации отделений реабилитации в детском инфекционном стационаре в соответствии с Порядком организации медицинской реабилитации. Проведен ретроспективный анализ историй болезни больных, поступивших на лечение в клинические подразделения ФГБУ «НИИДИ ФМБА России» в 2011—2012 гг. Установлено, что среди обследованных 14 363 за 2 года пациентов (в год в среднем более 7000 детей) — около 40% (2800 больных в год) детей, кому необходимы реабилитационные мероприятия второго этапа в условиях стационара, в том числе проведение диетотерапии, ЛФК, физиотерапии и фармакотерапии. По профилю инфекционных больных для оказания реабилитационной помощи целесообразно организовать 2 отделения по 30 коек: для лечения детей с последствиями нейроинфекций и детей с соматической патологией. Организация двух отделений для проведения медицинской реабилитации второго этапа детям — реконвалесцентам инфекционных заболеваний с учетом рекомендуемых стандартов по оснащению, согласно Порядку организации медицинской реабилитации, позволит оказывать высокотехнологическую помощь пациентам и предупреждать развитие осложнений