19 research outputs found

    Mogućnost primjene propolisom oplemenjenog netkanog tekstila kao uloÅ”ka za obuću

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    Cilj rada je prikazati moguću primjenu biorazgradivog TencelĀ® netkanog tekstila s dodanom vrijednoŔćuna uloÅ”cima za obuću. Naglasak je na primjeni ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljivih prirodnih supstanci u svrhu antibakterijske zaÅ”tite. Primijenjen je propolis - prirodni antibiotik potvrđenog antimikrobnog i protuupalnog djelovanja. KoriÅ”ten je prah nativnog propolisa izvorno Hrvatskog porijekla. Propolis je na uzorke nanesen postupkom rasprÅ”ivanja. Antimikrobna učinkovitost dobivene obrade ispitana je po normi HRN EN ISO 20645:2004 i normi HRN EN ISO 20743:2008 za dvije vrste bakterija: gram-pozitivnu Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 8739) i gram-negativnuEscherichia coli (ATCC 6538).Rezultati su pokazali da primjena praha nativnog propolisa na TencelĀ® netkanom tekstilu daje zadovoljavajuću antimikrobnu učinkovitost.S obzirom na to da propolis ima antifungalno djelovanje na viÅ”e sojeva gljivica, uključujući Candida albicans koja uzrokuje gljivične infekcije kod ljudi moguća je primjena na uloÅ”cima za obuću

    TENCEL with a Microbial Barrier for Medical Bras

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    The goal of the research was to determine the properties of the microbial barrier TENCELr knitted fabrics intended for medical bras. The samples were tested according to a new method developed in the earlier research by the same authors. The most resistant forms of microorganisms of a pathogenic bacterial endospore of the Bacilllus genus were used to investigate microbial barrier permeability. Based on the samples tested and their characteristics, medical bra construction was developed with the aim of reducing irritation for the body part that underwent surgery. The data on the forms and measures were obtained using a 3D body scanner

    The application of traditional elements of a leather vest from the Croatia area in a contemporary collection of women\u27s clothing

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    The collection of women\u27s clothing presented in the paper is inspired by the leather elements of the ethno men\u27s and women\u27s folk costumes of Slavonia. Due to the richness and variety of costumes, one leather element from the leather coat (kožuh) has been singled out, which has been developed in a new way and applied in a contemporary clothing collection. A lot of attention has been paid to handmade workmanship and quality, so this collection also has high fashion features. In the art part, through sketches, the selected theme or element is elaborated. Models have been developed and places where and in what way leather elements and mirrors will be applied. The collection transforms the costume element into simple, refined garments, creating a contrast between the old and the new, tradition and modernity. It depicts the present, a contemporary collection created on the foundations of a rich past and tradition. The result is presented in the form of a realized fashion collection of women\u27s clothing with leather ethno applications

    Natural leather car upholstery ā€“ characteristics and sewing challenges

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    U radu je dan pregled materijala i specifičnosti izrade automobilskih navlaka u prometalima. Naglasak je na prirodnoj koži koja predstavlja jedan od najluksuznijih materijala za izradu automobilskih navlaka. Obrađena su njezina svojstva, prednosti i nedostatci u odnosu prema tekstilnim materijalima. Jedan od najizazovnijih zadataka u izradi automobilskih navlaka jest kvaliteta odgovarajućeg Å”ava. Posebna pozornost posvećena je krojenju i Å”ivanju prirodne kože namijenjene automobilskim navlakama. Prirodna koža je specifičan prirodni materijal koji daje dozu luksuza automobilskim sjedalima i interijeru automobila. Njezina dugotrajnost, cijena i manja tržiÅ”na ponuda dovodi do manje primjene za automobilske navlake u odnosu prema tekstilnim materijalima, ali je zato iznimno poželjna. Prema dosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima krojenje i Å”ivanje kožnih automobilskih navlaka zahtijeva veću pozornost pri odabiru odgovarajuće kože, Å”ivaćeg stroja, konca, igle i tipa Å”ivanog Å”ava, koji će dati zadovoljavajuća svojstva automobilskoj navlaci u svim njezinim segmentima. Ovaj rad pridonosi stručnim saznanjima i specifičnostima vezanim za prirodnu kožu, njezinu namjenu za automobilska sjedala te odgovarajuću kvalitetu Å”ivanog Å”avaThis paper gives an overview of materials and specifics in production of upholstery for vehicles. Special attention has been paid to natural leather as one of the most luxurious materials for the manufacture of car interior upholstery materials. Its properties, advantages and disadvantages are compared with textile materials. The quality of suitable seams is one of the most challenging tasks in making upholstery. In this paper, special emphasis is placed on cutting and sewing natural leather used for making car interior upholstery. Natural leather is a specific natural material that gives a touch of luxury to car seats and interiors. Durability, high price and lower market offer of leather lead to its restricted use for car upholstery compared to textile materials; however, these reasons in particular make it extremely desirable at the same time. According to previous research, cutting and sewing of leather car upholstery require greater attention also when choosing the appropriate leather, sewing machine, thread, needle and seam type, which will give satisfactory properties of the car upholstery in all segments. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to professional knowledge and specifics related to natural leather, its use for car seats and the proper quality of the sewn seam

    Primjena tradicijskih elemenata kožnog prsluka u suvremenoj kolekciji ženske odjeće

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    Kolekcija ženske odjeće prikazana u radu inspirirana je kožnim elementima etna muÅ”ke i ženske narodne noÅ”nje Slavonije. Obzirom na bogatstvo i različitost noÅ”nji izdvojen je jedan kožni element s kožuha koji je razrađen na nov način i primijenjen u suvremenoj kolekciji odjeće. Puno pažnje posvetilo se ručnoj izradi i kvaliteti pa ova kolekcija ima i obilježja visoke mode. U likovnom dijelu, kroz skice, je razrađena odabrana tema odnosno element. Razrađeni su modeli te mjesta gdje će se i na koji način aplicirati kožni elementi i ogledala. Kolekcija element noÅ”nje prebacuje u jednostavne, pročiŔćene odjevne predmete, čime stvara kontrast između staroga i novoga, tradicije i moderne. Prikazuje sadaÅ”njost, suvremenu kolekciju nastalu na temeljima bogate proÅ”losti i tradicije. Rezultat je prikazan u obliku realizirane kolekcije ženske odjeće s izrađenim kožnim etno aplikacijama

    Thermophysiological wear comfort of viscose and tencel socks

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    Projektirane su i izrađene muÅ”ke čarape u viÅ”estruko platirnom desno-lijevom prepletu s viskoznom i tencel pređom finoće 20 tex, multifilamentnom PA 6.6 pređom finoće 156 i 220 dtex i pamučnom pređom finoće 25 tex. Određena je masa, debljina, visina tijela, duljina stopala, polovica opsega tijela i polovica opsega stopala čarape. Određena je termofizioloÅ”ka udobnost čarapa mjerenjem otpora prolazu topline na termalnom stopalu. Rezultati su pokazali da uzorci čarapa koji u strukturi imaju prstenastu pređu imaju veći otpor prolazu topline u odnosu na uzorke sa rotorskom i aerodinamičkom pređom. Dobivena razlika otpora prolazu topline uzoraka čarapa po tipu bazne pređe je značajna. Najveći otpor prolazu topline imaju viskozne čarape izrađene iz prstenastih pređa uz dodatak grublje pamučne i PA 6.6. pređe, dok najmanji otpor imaju čarape iz tencel rotorske pređe.Menā€™s socks were designed and manufactured in multiple plated single jersey structure using 20 tex viscose and Tencel yarn, 156 and 220 dtex multifilament PA 6.6 yarn and 25 tex cotton yarn. Sock mass and sock thickness were determined, the height of the sock leg, the length of the sock foot and half of the leg circumference and half of the foot circumference were measured. Thermophysiological sock wear comfort was determined by measuring thermal resistance on the thermal foot manikin. The results revealed that the sock samples containing the ring spun yarn in the structure had higher thermal resistance than the socks containing rotor and air-jet spun yarns. The obtained difference of thermal resistance of the sock samples per type of the basic yarn was significant. The viscose socks made of ring spun yarns with an added coarser cotton yarn and PA 6.6 yarn had the highest thermal resistance, while the lowest thermal resistance was recorded for the Tencel rotor spun yarns

    Thermal resistance of viscose socks

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    Projektirane su i izrađene muÅ”ke čarape iz viskoznih vlakana, veličine 42 na čaraparskom automatu promjera cilindra 95 mm (3 3/4 inča) koji plete sa 108 igala. Čarape su izrađivane u viÅ”estruko platirnom desno-lijevom prepletu s viskoznom pređom finoće 20 tex, filamentnom PA 6.6 pređom finoće 156 i 220 dtex i pamučnom pređom finoće 25 tex. U okrajak čarape upletena je elastanska nit. Određena je masa, debljina čarapa te je mjerena visina tijela čarape, duljina stopala čarape te polovica opsega tijela i polovica opsega stopala čarape. Određena su termofizioloÅ”ka svojstva čarapa mjerenjem otpora prolazu topline na termalnom stopalu. Struktura čarapa, kod jednakih uvjeta pletenja i veza čarapa, ovisi o broju pređa, tipu pređa, vrsti sirovine (viskozna, pamučna, PA) te finoći pređa. Finije pređe daju veće istezanje u dijelu tijela čarape u smjeru nizova. Najveći otpor prolazu topline imaju čarape izrađene iz viskoznih pređa uz dodatak grublje pamučne pređe i grublje PA 6.6 pređe, dok najmanji otpor imaju čarape iz viskoznih pređa uz dodatak samo PA 6.6 pređe.Men\u27s viscose socks size 42 were designed and manufactured on an automatic sock knitting machine with a cylinder diameter of 95 mm (3 Ā¾ inches) which knits with 108 needles. Socks were manufactured of 20 tex viscose yarn, 156 and 220 dtex filament PA 6.6 yarn and 25 tex cotton yarn in multiple plated single jersey structure. The sock cuff contained an interlaced elastane yarn. Sock weight and sock thickness were determined, the height of the sock leg, the length of the sock foot and half of the leg circumference and half of the foot circumference were measured. Thermo physiological sock properties were determined by measuring thermal resistance on a thermal foot manikin. The sock structure under the same knitting conditions depends on the number of yarns, yarn type, the type of raw material (viscose, cotton, PA) and yarn count. Finer yarns provide higher stretchability in the part of the sock leg in the wale direction. The viscose socks with an added coarser cotton yarn and a coarser PA 6.6 yarn had the highest thermal resistance, while the viscose yarns with only an added PA 6.6 yarn had the lowest thermal resistance

    Nova metoda određivanja barijernih svojstava medicinskog tekstila

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    U svrhu utvrđivanja svojstava mikrobne barijere razvijena je nova metoda ispitivanja medicinskih tekstilija u suhom stanju. KoriÅ”tene su aerobne bakterijske spore Geobacillus Stearothermophilus i Bacillus Atrophaeus. Ispitivanja su provedena nakon 1, 10 i 20 ciklusa pranja i sterilizacije na tkanini od mjeÅ”avine poliesterskih vlakana i pamuka, te tkanini od liocelnih vlakana. Rezultati ispitivanja novom metodom pokazali su da kod celuloznih medicinskih tekstilija dolazi do određene propusnosti bakterija u slučaju kontaminacije ekstremnom količinom aerobnih bakterijskih spora. Dok, materijali koriÅ”teni u realnim bolničkim uvjetima, nakon postupka pranja i sterilizacije imaju dobra svojstva mikrobne barijere. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da se ispitani celulozni medicinski materijali mogu koristiti kao učinkovita mikrobna barijera

    Sinestezija ā€“ poticaj za projektiranje kolekcije odjeće

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    Rad istražuje pojavu sinestezije kod autorice diplomskog rada čiji je pokretač glazba. SluÅ”anjem glazbe određenog žanra: emo/metalcore i klasične/orkestralne glazbe dolazi doā€œzvuk-bojaā€ sinestezije. Rezultat pojave sinestezije su vizualne asocijacije na određene motive i boje koje autorica koristi u projektiranju kolekcije odjeće. Dobiveni osjetilni podražaji reinterpretirani su u oblikovanje dizajna tekstila i odjeće. Dobiveni motivi, oblici i boje koriÅ”teni su za tisak na tekstilu od kojega je izrađena kolekcija odjeće. Realizirano je pet modela

    Textile Formsā€™ Computer Simulation Techniques

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    Computer simulation techniques of textile forms already represent an important tool for textile and garment designers, since they offer numerous advantages, such as quick and simple introduction of changes while developing a model in comparison with conventional techniques. Therefore, the modeling and simulation of textile forms will always be an important issue and challenge for the researchers, since closeā€toā€reality models are essential for understanding the performance and behavior of textile materials. This chapter deals with computer simulation of different textile forms. In the introductory part, it reviews the development of complex modeling and simulation techniques related to different textile forms. The main part of the chapter focuses on study of the fabric and fused panel drape by using the finite element method and on development of some representative textile forms, above all, on functional and protective clothing for persons who are sitting during performing different activities. Computer simulation techniques and scanned 3D body models in a sitting posture are used for this purpose. Engineering approaches to textile formsā€™ design for particular purposes, presented in this chapter, show benefits and limitations of specific 3D body scanning and computer simulation techniques and outline the future research challenges