38 research outputs found

    The influence of leadership on the prevention of safety incidents: on risk reduction, leadership, safety principles and practices

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    This research revealed the role of leaders in relation to incident prevention in organisations. The acquired data showed that Dominance-oriented leaders have a negative influence on safety. Relation-oriented leaders appeared to be friendly people with no real influence on safety. Production-oriented leaders are real achievers, committed to meeting production targets. A new character emerged during our research: the Process-oriented leader. This leader proved a dedicated safety minded leader, who fulfils his production duties in a responsible way, taking care of the reliability of production without compromising the safety of his team members. Also, we developed a Risk Reduction Cycle, showing the risk reduction process. This model revealed that the recognition of risks and implementation of remedial actions are the weakest links. In conclusion, we argue that this research revealed that the effectiveness of incident prevention depends predominantly on the individual behaviour of their leaders. Consequently, in order to foster Process-oriented Safety Leadership, we recommend not to focus on operational safety practices to be carried out by the workforce. Instead, we deliberately emphasise the influential power of their leaders, and propose a set of Process-oriented Safety Leadership Principles, directed at the board room level of organisations and three external parties. Security and Global Affair

    Transport of a passive scalar in wide channels with surface topography

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    We generalize classical dispersion theory for a passive scalar to derive an asymptotic long-time convection-diffusion equation for a solute suspended in a wide, structured channel and subject to a steady low-Reynolds-number shear flow. Our theory, valid for small roughness amplitudes of the channel, holds for general surface shapes expandable as a Fourier series. We determine an anisotropic dispersion tensor, which depends on the characteristic wavelengths and amplitude of the surface structure. For surfaces whose corrugations are tilted with respect to the applied flow direction, we find that dispersion along the principal direction (i.e., the principal eigenvector of the dispersion tensor) is at an angle to the main flow direction and becomes enhanced relative to classical Taylor dispersion. In contrast, dispersion perpendicular to it can decrease compared to the short-time diffusivity of the particles. Furthermore, for an arbitrary surface shape represented in terms of a Fourier decomposition, we find that each Fourier mode contributes at leading order a linearly-independent correction to the classical Taylor dispersion tensor.Comment: under consideration for publication in the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (JPCM

    S-D logic-informed customer engagement: Integrative framework, revised fundamental propositions, and application to CRM

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    Advance online in 2016</p

    On the time course of attentional focusing in older adults

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    Many sensory and cognitive changes accompany normal ageing, including changes to visual attention. Several studies have investigated age-related changes in the control of attention to specific locations (spatial orienting), but it is unknown whether control over the distribution or breadth of attention (spatial focus) also changes with age. In the present study, we employed a dual-stream attentional blink task and assessed changes to the spatial distribution of attention through the joint consequences of temporal lag and spatial separation on second-target accuracy. Experiment 1 compared the rate at which attention narrows in younger (mean age 22.6, SD 4.25) and older (mean age 66.8, SD 4.36) adults. The results showed that whereas young adults can narrow attention to one stream within 133 ms, older adults were unable to do the same within this time period. Experiment 2 showed that older adults can narrow their attention to one stream when given more time (266 ms). Experiment 3 confirmed that age-related changes in retinal illuminance did not account for delayed attentional narrowing in older adults. Considered together, these experiments demonstrate that older adults can narrow their attentional focus, but that they are delayed in initiating this process compared to younger adults. This finding adds to previously reported reductions in attentional dynamics, deficits in inhibitory processes, and reductions in posterior parietal cortex function that accompany normal ageing

    Innovatie Roadmap Zorgveiligheid 2020: Pleidooi voor een integrale benadering

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    Op 17 juni 2013 besprak de Tweede Kamer de Initiatiefnota van de Tweede Kamerleden Anne Mulder en Michiel van Veen. De nota van de Stichting voor Klinische Veiligheidskunde (zie comment) is initiërend ten behoeve van de Innovatie Roadmap Zorgveiligheid 2020. Onze voorstellen zijn bedoeld om op middellange termijn een transitie te bewerkstelligen waardoor - in het verlengde van de Initiatiefnota - de veiligheid in de zorgsector systematisch en planmatig op een hoger plan wordt ge-bracht. De nota schets daartoe een beloftevol beeld met een aanzet tot een sector-breed, meer innovatief en collectief gericht systeemdenken om vermijdbare schade door complicaties, incidenten en menselijk en technisch falen in de zorg sterk te kunnen verminderen

    Innovatie Roadmap Zorgveiligheid 2020: Pleidooi voor een integrale benadering

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    Position paper aangeboden aan de Tweede Kamer. Daarmee wil de stichting een bijdrage leveren aan de professionalisering van veiligheidsmanagement in de zorg

    Gamification via mobile applications: A longitudinal examination of its impact on attitudinal loyalty and behavior toward a core service

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    Organizations increasingly use gamification to engage with, and influence, consumers’ attitudes and behaviors. In this article, we present findings from a longitudinal, mixed‐method research design that (1) examined the extent to which game design elements created by a third‐party app lead to increased attitudinal loyalty toward core service providers and (2) sought to explain the underlying processes that invoke attitudinal change. Behavioral data collected from app users indicated that knowledge‐focused affordances positively influenced consumer loyalty and explained 11.3% of the variance in attitudinal change. Follow‐up interviews revealed that Rewards, Competition, Sense of Achievement, and Gaining Knowledge were representative of consumers’ motives for using the app, and Engagement and Identity explained how using the gamified application influenced users’ attitudinal loyalty toward the core service. Overall, we contribute to knowledge about how gamified affordances can be used to add value to consumer experiences, both in relation to the gamified consumption experiences, and the focal brand that is serviced by a third‐party app