267 research outputs found

    Chickens’ brains, like ours, are lateralized

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    This commentary draws attention to yet another attribute that has been instrumental in demonstrating the cognitive abilities of domestic chicks: lateralization of brain function. The discovery of lateralization in domestic chicks was part of the first evidence showing that humans are not unique in this respect. The effects on cognitive ability of sensory stimulation in critical stages of development have implications for the welfare of chicks, as well as other species

    From antenna to antenna: Lateral shift of olfactory memory in bees

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    Honeybees, _Apis mellifera_, readily learn to associate odours with sugar rewards and we show here that recall of the olfactory memory, as demonstrated by the bee extending its proboscis when presented with the trained odour, involves first the right and then the left antenna. At 1-2 hour after training using both antennae, recall is possible only when the bee uses its right antenna but by 6 hours after training the memory has made a lateral shift and can now be recalled only when the left antenna is in use. Long-term memory one day after training is also accessed only via the left antenna. This time-dependent shift from right to left antenna is seen as side biases in responding to odour presented to the bee's left or right side and hence may be manifested in natural behaviour

    Laterality in vertebrates and invertebrates: linked or different?

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    This paper compares lateralized behaviour in invertebrates and vertebrates and considers whether any similar patterns indicate homology or are examples of convergent evolution. It covers evidence for left-right asymmetries of memory consolidation, approach and withdrawal in social, predatory and predation situations, aggressive behaviour and sexual behaviour. Although the pattern of these asymmetries in the brains of vertebrate species is the mirror image of the pattern in invertebrates, the direction of behavioural asymmetry matches since sensory inputs cross the midline in vertebrates (for vision) but not in invertebrates (for olfaction and vision). Similarities in the lateralization pattern in vertebrate and invertebrate species suggest that a basic plan of lateralized brain function may have been conserved during the transition from invertebrates to vertebrates

    Brain Lateralization and Cognitive Capacity

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    One way to increase cognitive capacity is to avoid duplication of functions on the left and right sides of the brain. There is a convincing body of evidence showing that such asymmetry, or lateralization, occurs in a wide range of both vertebrate and invertebrate species. Each hemisphere of the brain can attend to different types of stimuli or to different aspects of the same stimulus and each hemisphere analyses information using different neural processes. A brain can engage in more than one task at the same time, as in monitoring for predators (right hemisphere) while searching for food (left hemisphere). Increased cognitive capacity is achieved if individuals are lateralized in one direction or the other. The advantages and disadvantages of individual lateralization are discussed. This paper argues that directional, or population-level, lateralization, which occurs when most individuals in a species have the same direction of lateralization, provides no additional increase in cognitive capacity compared to individual lateralization although directional lateralization is advantageous in social interactions. Strength of lateralization is considered, including the disadvantage of being very strongly lateralized. The role of brain commissures is also discussed with consideration of cognitive capacity

    Unfolding a sequence of sensory influences and interactions in the development of functional brain laterality

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    Evidence of sensory experience influencing the development of lateralized brain and behavior is reviewed. The epigenetic role of light exposure during two specific stages of embryonic development of precocial avian species is a particular focus of the research discussed. Two specific periods of light sensitivity (in early versus late incubation), each depending on different subcellular and cellular processes, affect lateralized behavior after hatching. Auditory and olfactory stimulation during embryonic development is also discussed with consideration of interactions with light-generated visual lateralization

    Knowledge of lateralized brain function can contribute to animal welfare

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    The specialized functions of each hemisphere of the vertebrate brain are summarized together with the current evidence of lateralized behavior in farm and companion animals, as shown by the eye or ear used to attend and respond to stimuli. Forelimb preference is another manifestation of hemispheric lateralization, as shown by differences in behavior between left- and right-handed primates, left- and right-pawed dogs and cats, and left- and right-limb-preferring horses. Left-limb preference reflects right hemisphere use and is associated with negative cognitive bias. Positive cognitive bias is associated with right-limb and left-hemisphere preferences. The strength of lateralization is also associated with behavior. Animals with weak lateralization of the brain are unable to attend to more than one task at a time, and they are more easily stressed than animals with strong lateralization. This difference is also found in domesticated species with strong vs. weak limb preferences. Individuals with left-limb or ambilateral preference have a bias to express functions of the right hemisphere, heightened fear and aggression, and greater susceptibility to stress. Recognition of lateralized behavior can lead to improved welfare by detecting those animals most likely to suffer fear and distress and by indicating housing conditions and handling procedures that cause stress

    Asymmetry of Motor Behavior and Sensory Perception: Which Comes First?

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    By examining the development of lateralization in the sensory and motor systems of the human fetus and chick embryo, this paper debates which lateralized functions develop first and what interactions may occur between the different sensory and motor systems during development. It also discusses some known influences of inputs from the environment on the development of lateralization, particularly the effects of light exposure on the development of visual and motor lateralization in chicks. The effects of light on the human fetus are related in this context. Using the chick embryo as a model to elucidate the genetic and environmental factors involved in development of lateralization, some understanding has been gained about how these lateralized functions emerge. At the same time, the value of carrying out much more research on the development of the various types of lateralization has become apparent

    Development of Hand and Paw Preferences and Their Association with Other Patterns of Behaviour and Cognition

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    Hand preference in non-human primates has been studied extensively with the aim of understanding the evolution of hemispheric asymmetry and hand preferences in humans. However, the focus has been on hand preferences expressed in adulthood, with a surprising lack of studies on hand preferences in infants and changes that occur during the development of other, potentially associated, asymmetries in the brain and behaviour. This paper reports on the development of hand preference for grasping food and taking it to the mouth in common marmosets. It considers the de-velopment of other types of behaviour, such as head cocking and anogenital licking, that parallel and might influence the development of hand preferences during the first months of life. It then discusses behavioural differences between left- and right-handed adult marmosets, including response to novel stimuli, social behaviour and cognitive bias. The need to study the development of hand preferences together with the development of these other expressions of cognitive function is highlighted. The question to be addressed by empirical studies is whether hand preference is a downstream manifesta-tion of the development of hemispheric differences in sensory processing and cognition, or whether it is instrumental in the development of functional differences between the hemispheres. Comparison is made to paw preference and associated behaviour in non-primate species

    A right antenna for social behaviour in honeybees

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    Sophisticated cognitive abilities have been documented in honeybees, possibly an aspect of their complex sociality. In vertebrates brain asymmetry enhances cognition and directional biases of brain function are a putative adaptation to social behaviour. Here we show that honeybees display a strong lateral preference to use their right antenna in social interactions. Dyads of bees tested using only their right antennae (RA) contacted after shorter latency and were significantly more likely to interact positively (proboscis extension) than were dyads of bees using only their left antennae (LA). The latter were more likely to interact negatively (C-responses) even though they were from the same hive. In dyads from different hives C-responses were higher in RA than LA dyads. Hence, RA controls social behaviour appropriate to context. Therefore, in invertebrates, as well as vertebrates, lateral biases in behaviour appear to be associated with requirements of social life

    Unlocking the symmetric transfer of irrelevant information: gene-environment interplay and enhanced interhemispheric cross-talk

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    Hemispheric specialization influences stimulus processing and behavioural control, affecting responses to relevant stimuli. However, most sensory input is irrelevant and must be filtered out to prevent interference with task-relevant behaviour, a process known as habituation. Despite habituation's vital role, little is known about hemispheric specialization for this brain function. We conducted an experiment with domestic chicks, an elite animal model to study lateralization. They were exposed to distracting visual stimuli while feeding when using binocular or monocular vision. Switching the viewing eye after habituation, we examined if habituation was confined to the stimulated hemisphere or shared across hemispheres. We found that both hemispheres learned equally to ignore distracting stimuli. However, embryonic light stimulation, influencing hemispheric specialization, revealed an asymmetry in interhemispheric transfer of the irrelevant information discarded via habituation. Unstimulated chicks exhibited a directional bias, with the right hemisphere failing to transfer distracting stimulus information to the left hemisphere, while transfer from left to right was possible. Nevertheless, embryonic light stimulation counteracted this asymmetry, enhancing communication from the right to the left hemisphere and reducing the pre-existing imbalance. This sharing extends beyond hemisphere-specific functions and encompasses a broader representation of irrelevant events
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