34,790 research outputs found

    Consensus Acceleration in Multiagent Systems with the Chebyshev Semi-Iterative Method

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    We consider the fundamental problem of reaching consensus in multiagent systems; an operation required in many applications such as, among others, vehicle formation and coordination, shape formation in modular robotics, distributed target tracking, and environmental modeling. To date, the consensus problem (the problem where agents have to agree on their reported values) has been typically solved with iterative decentralized algorithms based on graph Laplacians. However, the convergence of these existing consensus algorithms is often too slow for many important multiagent applications, and thus they are increasingly being combined with acceleration methods. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art acceleration techniques require parameters that can be optimally selected only if complete information about the network topology is available, which is rarely the case in practice. We address this limitation by deriving two novel acceleration methods that can deliver good performance even if little information about the network is available. The first proposed algorithm is based on the Chebyshev semi-iterative method and is optimal in a well defined sense; it maximizes the worst-case convergence speed (in the mean sense) given that only rough bounds on the extremal eigenvalues of the network matrix are available. It can be applied to systems where agents use unreliable communication links, and its computational complexity is similar to those of simple Laplacian-based methods. This algorithm requires synchronization among agents, so we also propose an asynchronous version that approximates the output of the synchronous algorithm. Mathematical analysis and numerical simulations show that the convergence speed of the proposed acceleration methods decrease gracefully in scenarios where the sole use of Laplacian-based methods is known to be impractical

    Inventories of Delaware's coastal vegetation and land-use utilizing digital processing of ERTS-1 imagery

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    Ground-based photometric surveillance of the passive geodetic satellite

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    Ground-based photometry of Passive Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite /PAGEOS

    Computer mapping of turbidity and circulation patterns in Saginaw Bay, Michigan from LANDSAT data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. LANDSAT was used as a basis for producing geometrically-corrected, color-coded imagery of turbidity and circulation patterns in Saginaw Bay, Michigan (Lake Huron). This imagery shows nine discrete categories of turbidity, as indicated by nine Secchi depths between 0.3 and 3.3 meters. The categorized imagery provided an economical basis for extrapolating water quality parameters from point samples to unsample areas. LANDSAT furnished a synoptic view of water mass boundaries that no amount of ground sampling or monitoring could provide

    Sequential Decision Making with Untrustworthy Service Providers

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    In this paper, we deal with the sequential decision making problem of agents operating in computational economies, where there is uncertainty regarding the trustworthiness of service providers populating the environment. Specifically, we propose a generic Bayesian trust model, and formulate the optimal Bayesian solution to the exploration-exploitation problem facing the agents when repeatedly interacting with others in such environments. We then present a computationally tractable Bayesian reinforcement learning algorithm to approximate that solution by taking into account the expected value of perfect information of an agent's actions. Our algorithm is shown to dramatically outperform all previous finalists of the international Agent Reputation and Trust (ART) competition, including the winner from both years the competition has been run

    Automated land-use mapping from spacecraft data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. In response to the need for a faster, more economical means of producing land use maps, this study evaluated the suitability of using ERTS-1 computer compatible tape (CCT) data as a basis for automatic mapping. Significant findings are: (1) automatic classification accuracy greater than 90% is achieved on categories of deep and shallow water, tended grass, rangeland, extractive (bare earth), urban, forest land, and nonforested wet lands; (2) computer-generated printouts by target class provide a quantitative measure of land use; and (3) the generation of map overlays showing land use from ERTS-1 CCTs offers a significant breakthrough in the rate at which land use maps are generated. Rather than uncorrected classified imagery or computer line printer outputs, the processing results in geometrically-corrected computer-driven pen drawing of land categories, drawn on a transparent material at a scale specified by the operator. These map overlays are economically produced and provide an efficient means of rapidly updating maps showing land use

    Pyrotechnic shock at the orbiter/external tank forward attachment

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    During the initial certification test of the forward structural attachment of the space shuttle orbiter to the external tank, pyrotechnic shock from actuation of the separation device resulted in structural failure of the thermal protection tiles surrounding the attachment. Because of the high shock associated with the separation bolt, the development of alternative low shock separation designs was initiated. Two concepts that incorporate a 5.08 centimeter frangible nut as the release device were developed and tested

    Automatic mapping of strip mine operations from spacecraft data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Computer techniques were applied to process ERTS tapes acquired over coal mining operations in southeastern Ohio on 21 August 1972 and 3 September 1973. ERTS products obtained included geometrically-correct map overlays, at scales from 1:24,000 to 1:250,000, showing stripped earth, partially reclaimed earth, water, and natural vegetation. Computer-generated tables listing the area covered by each land-water category in square kilometers were also produced. By comparing these mapping products, the study demonstrates the capability of ERTS to monitor changes in the extent of stripping and reclamation. NASA C-130 photography acquired on 7 September 1973 when compared with the ERTS products generated from the 3 September 1973 tape established the categorization accuracy to be better than 90%. It is estimated that the stripping and reclamation maps and data were produced from the ERTS CCTs at a tenth of the cost of conventional techniques

    Automated strip-mine and reclamation mapping from ERTS

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Computer processing techniques were applied to ERTS-1 computer-compatible tape (CCT) data acquired in August 1972 on the Ohio Power Company's coal mining operation in Muskingum County, Ohio. Processing results succeeded in automatically classifying, with an accuracy greater than 90%: (1) stripped earth and major sources of erosion; (2) partially reclaimed areas and minor sources of erosion; (3) water with sedimentation; (4) water without sedimentation; and (5) vegetation. Computer-generated tables listing the area in acres and square kilometers were produced for each target category. Processing results also included geometrically corrected map overlays, one for each target category, drawn on a transparent material by a pen under computer control. Each target category is assigned a distinctive color on the overlay to facilitate interpretation. The overlays, drawn at a scale of 1:250,000 when placed over an AMS map of the same area, immediately provided map locations for each target. These mapping products were generated at a tenth of the cost of conventional mapping techniques

    Subscale, hydrogen-burning, airframe-integrated-scramjet: Experimental and theoretical evaluation of a water cooled strut airframe-integrated-scramjet: Experimental leading edge

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    A water-cooled leading-edge design for an engine/airframe integrated scramjet model strut leading edge was evaluated. The cooling design employs a copper cooling tube brazed just downstream of the leading edge of a wedge-shaped strut which is constructed of oxygen-free copper. The survival of the strut leading edge during a series of tests at stagnation point heating rates confirms the practicality of the cooling design. A finite difference thermal model of the strut was also proven valid by the reasonable agreement of calculated and measured values of surface temperature and cooling-water heat transfer