162 research outputs found

    Synchronization in large populations of limit cycle oscillators with long-range interactions

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    We study the onset of synchronization in lattices of limit cycle oscillators with long-range coupling by means of numerical simulations. In this regime the critical coupling strength depends on the system size and interaction range reflecting the non extensive behavior of the system, but an adequate scaling removes the dependency and collapses the long-range synchronization curves with the one resulting from a system with uniform coupling. Two descriptions are considered, the Kuramoto or phase description model and a Cell Dynamical System model for phases and amplitudes. Oscillator death is observed in the second approach.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, presented at LAWNP 2001, to appear in Physica D Needs package elsar

    Ultra-Light Bear Canister

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    A bear canister is the primary tool used by outdoor enthusiasts to protect their food from bears while camping or backpacking. There are many effective products currently on the market, however many are not designed with reduced weight in mind. Hardcore backpackers want to have the lightest gear possible to ease the strain of carrying a large pack for sometimes weeks at a time. Current bear canisters exist that utilize carbon fiber for weight reduction, however they rely on stock carbon tubes and lack engineering analysis, and no competitor has a fully composite bear canister available. Our sponsor, Nick Hellewell, approached our team with a unique challenge to design an ultralight bear canister that could withstand testing requirements set by national parks and weigh under one pound. In a marketplace where niche consumers will pay hundreds of dollars for the lightest backpacking equipment available, an ultra-light bear canister could relieve precious weight, and carry a significant price premium

    Measuring the 3D Clustering of Undetected Galaxies Through Cross Correlation of their Cumulative Flux Fluctuations from Multiple Spectral Lines

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    We discuss a method for detecting the emission from high redshift galaxies by cross correlating flux fluctuations from multiple spectral lines. If one can fit and subtract away the continuum emission with a smooth function of frequency, the remaining signal contains fluctuations of flux with frequency and angle from line emitting galaxies. Over a particular small range of observed frequencies, these fluctuations will originate from sources corresponding to a series of different redshifts, one for each emission line. It is possible to statistically isolate the fluctuations at a particular redshift by cross correlating emission originating from the same redshift, but in different emission lines. This technique will allow detection of clustering fluctuations from the faintest galaxies which individually cannot be detected, but which contribute substantially to the total signal due to their large numbers. We describe these fluctuations quantitatively through the line cross power spectrum. As an example of a particular application of this technique, we calculate the signal-to-noise ratio for a measurement of the cross power spectrum of the OI(63 micron) and OIII(52 micron) fine structure lines with the proposed Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics. We find that the cross power spectrum can be measured beyond a redshift of z=8. Such observations could constrain the evolution of the metallicity, bias, and duty cycle of faint galaxies at high redshifts and may also be sensitive to the reionization history through its effect on the minimum mass of galaxies. As another example, we consider the cross power spectrum of CO line emission measured with a large ground based telescope like CCAT and 21-cm radiation originating from hydrogen in galaxies after reionization with an interferometer similar in scale to MWA, but optimized for post-reionization redshifts.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures; Replaced with version accepted by JCAP; Added an example of cross correlating CO line emission and 21cm line emission from galaxies after reionizatio

    Roadmap on optical energy conversion

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    For decades, progress in the field of optical (including solar) energy conversion was dominated by advances in the conventional concentrating optics and materials design. In recent years, however, conceptual and technological breakthroughs in the fields of nanophotonics and plasmonics combined with a better understanding of the thermodynamics of the photon energy-conversion processes reshaped the landscape of energy-conversion schemes and devices. Nanostructured devices and materials that make use of size quantization effects to manipulate photon density of states offer a way to overcome the conventional light absorption limits. Novel optical spectrum splitting and photon-recycling schemes reduce the entropy production in the optical energy-conversion platforms and boost their efficiencies. Optical design concepts are rapidly expanding into the infrared energy band, offering new approaches to harvest waste heat, to reduce the thermal emission losses, and to achieve noncontact radiative cooling of solar cells as well as of optical and electronic circuitries. Light–matter interaction enabled by nanophotonics and plasmonics underlie the performance of the third- and fourth-generation energy-conversion devices, including up- and down-conversion of photon energy, near-field radiative energy transfer, and hot electron generation and harvesting. Finally, the increased market penetration of alternative solar energy-conversion technologies amplifies the role of cost-driven and environmental considerations. This roadmap on optical energy conversion provides a snapshot of the state of the art in optical energy conversion, remaining challenges, and most promising approaches to address these challenges. Leading experts authored 19 focused short sections of the roadmap where they share their vision on a specific aspect of this burgeoning research field. The roadmap opens up with a tutorial section, which introduces major concepts and terminology. It is our hope that the roadmap will serve as an important resource for the scientific community, new generations of researchers, funding agencies, industry experts, and investors.United States. Department of Energy (DE-AC36-086038308

    SKYSURF: Constraints on Zodiacal Light and Extragalactic Background Light through Panchromatic HST All-Sky Surface-Brightness Measurements: I. Survey Overview and Methods

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    We give an overview and describe the rationale, methods, and testing of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Archival Legacy project "SKYSURF." SKYSURF uses HST's unique capability as an absolute photometer to measure the ~0.2-1.7 μ\mum sky surface brightness (SB) from 249,861 WFPC2, ACS, and WFC3 exposures in ~1400 independent HST fields. SKYSURF's panchromatic dataset is designed to constrain the discrete and diffuse UV to near-IR sky components: Zodiacal Light (ZL; inner Solar System), Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs; outer Solar System), Diffuse Galactic Light (DGL), and the discrete plus diffuse Extragalactic Background Light (EBL). We outline SKYSURF's methods to: (1) measure sky-SB levels between its detected objects; (2) measure the integrated discrete EBL, most of which comes from AB\simeq17-22 mag galaxies; and (3) estimate how much diffuse light may exist in addition to the extrapolated discrete galaxy counts. Simulations of HST WFC3/IR images with known sky-values and gradients, realistic cosmic ray (CR) distributions, and star plus galaxy counts were processed with nine different algorithms to measure the "Lowest Estimated Sky-SB" (LES) in each image between the discrete objects. The best algorithms recover the inserted LES values within 0.2% when there are no image gradients, and within 0.2-0.4% when there are 5-10% gradients. SKYSURF requires non-standard re-processing of these HST images that includes restoring the lowest sky-level from each visit into each drizzled image. We provide a proof of concept of our methods from the WFC3/IR F125W images, where any residual diffuse light that HST sees in excess of the Kelsall et al. (1998) Zodiacal model prediction does not depend on the total object flux that each image contains. This enables us to present our first SKYSURF results on diffuse light in Carleton et al. (2022).Comment: Accepted to AJ; see accompanying paper Carleton et al. 2022: arXiv:2205.06347. Comments welcome

    An IQSEC2 Mutation Associated With Intellectual Disability and Autism Results in Decreased Surface AMPA Receptors

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    We have recently described an A350V mutation in IQSEC2 associated with intellectual disability, autism and epilepsy. We sought to understand the molecular pathophysiology of this mutation with the goal of developing targets for drug intervention. We demonstrate here that the A350V mutation results in interference with the binding of apocalmodulin to the IQ domain of IQSEC2. We further demonstrate that this mutation results in constitutive activation of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity of IQSEC2 resulting in increased production of the active form of Arf6. In a CRISPR generated mouse model of the A350V IQSEC2 mutation, we demonstrate that the surface expression of GluA2 AMPA receptors in mouse hippocampal tissue was significantly reduced in A350V IQSEC2 mutant mice compared to wild type IQSEC2 mice and that there is a significant reduction in basal synaptic transmission in the hippocampus of A350V IQSEC2 mice compared to wild type IQSEC2 mice. Finally, the A350V IQSEC2 mice demonstrated increased activity, abnormal social behavior and learning as compared to wild type IQSEC2 mice. These findings suggest a model of how the A350V mutation in IQSEC2 may mediate disease with implications for targets for drug therapy. These studies provide a paradigm for a personalized approach to precision therapy for a disease that heretofore has no therapy

    HIV Prevention Via Mobile Messaging for Men Who Have Sex With Men (M-Cubed): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Men who have sex with men (MSM) continue to be the predominately impacted risk group in the United States HIV epidemic and are a priority group for risk reduction in national strategic goals for HIV prevention. Modeling studies have demonstrated that a comprehensive package of status-tailored HIV prevention and care interventions have the potential to substantially reduce new infections among MSM. However, uptake of basic prevention services, including HIV testing, sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, condom distribution, condom-compatible lubricant distribution, and preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP), is suboptimal. Further, stronger public health strategies are needed to promote engagement in HIV care and viral load suppression among MSM living with HIV. Mobile health (mHealth) tools can help inform and encourage MSM regarding HIV prevention, care, and treatment, especially among men who lack access to conventional medical services. This protocol details the design and procedures of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of a novel mHealth intervention that comprises a comprehensive HIV prevention app and brief, tailored text- and video-based messages that are systematically presented to participants based on the participants’ HIV status and level of HIV acquisition risk. Objective: The objective of the RCT was to test the efficacy of the Mobile Messaging for Men (M-Cubed, or M3) app among at least 1200 MSM in Atlanta, Detroit, and New York. The goal was to determine its ability to increase HIV testing (HIV-negative men), STI testing (all men), condom use for anal sex (all men), evaluation for PrEP eligibility, uptake of PrEP (higher risk HIV-negative men), engagement in HIV care (men living with HIV), and uptake of and adherence to antiretroviral medications (men living with HIV). A unique benefit of this approach is the HIV serostatus-inclusiveness of the intervention, which includes both HIV-negative and HIV-positive MSM. Methods: MSM were recruited through online and venue-based approaches in Atlanta, Detroit, and New York City. Men who were eligible and consented were randomized to the intervention (immediate access to the M3 app for a period of three months) or to the waitlist-control (delayed access) group. Outcomes were evaluated immediately post intervention or control period, and again three and six months after the intervention period. Main outcomes will be reported as period prevalence ratios or hazards,depending on the outcome. Where appropriate, serostatus/risk-specific outcomes will be evaluated in relevant subgroups. Men randomized to the control condition were offered the opportunity to use (and evaluate) the M3 app for a three-month period after the final RCT outcome assessment. Results: M3 enrollment began in January 2018 and concluded in November 2018. A total of 1229 MSM were enrolled. Datacollection was completed in September 2019.Conclusions: This RCT of the M3 mobile app seeks to determine the effects of an HIV serostatus–inclusive intervention on the use of multiple HIV prevention and care-related outcomes among MSM. A strength of the design is that it incorporates a large sample and broad range of MSM with differing prevention needs in three cities with high prevalence of HIV among MSM

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains table of contents for Section 2 and reports on four research projects.National Science Foundation Grant ECS-89-02990U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant AFOSR 89-0082-CU.S. Army - Harry Diamond Laboratories Contract DAAL02-89-K-0084U.S. Army - Harry Diamond Laboratories Contract DAAL02-92-K-0037U.S. Department of Energy Contract DE-AC02-90ER-40591U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-90-J-4130Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Subcontract B-160456National Aeronautics and Space Administration Grant NAGW-2048National Science Foundation Grant ECS-88-22475U.S. Department of Energy Grant DE-FG02-91-ER-5410