5 research outputs found

    Ecological Consequences of Anomalies in Atmospheric Moisture and Snowpack

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    Although increased frequency of extreme‐weather events is one of the most secure predictions associated with contemporary climate change, effects of such events on distribution and abundance of climate‐sensitive species remain poorly understood. Montane ecosystems may be especially sensitive to extreme weather because of complex abiotic and biotic interactions that propagate from climate‐driven reductions in snowpack. Snowpack not only protects subnivean biotas from extreme cold, but also influences forage availability through timing of melt‐off and water availability. We related relative abundances of an alpine mammal, the American pika (Ochotona princeps), to measures of weather and snowpack dynamics over an 8‐yr period that included before and after a year of record‐low snowpack in Washington, USA. We sought to (1) quantify any change in pika abundance associated with the snowpack anomaly and (2) identify aspects of weather and snowpack that influenced abundance of pikas. Pikas showed a 1‐yr lag response to the snowpack anomaly and exhibited marked declines in abundance at elevations below 1,400 m simultaneous with increased abundances at higher elevations. Atmospheric moisture, indexed by vapor pressure deficit (VPD), was especially important, evidenced by strong support for the top‐ranked model that included the interaction of VPD with snowpack duration. Notably, our novel application of VPD from gridded climate data for analyses of animal abundances shows strong potential for improving species distribution models because VPD represents an important aspect of weather that influences the physiology and habitat of biota. Pikas were apparently affected by cold stress without snowpack at mid elevations, whereas changes to forage associated with snowpack and VPD were influential at high and low elevations. Our results reveal context dependency in pika responses to weather and illustrate how snow drought can lead to rapid change in the abundance of subnivean animals

    Genome-Wide Association Study Singles Out SCD and LEPR as the Two Main Loci Influencing Intramuscular Fat Content and Fatty Acid Composition in Duroc Pigs

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    [EN] Intramuscular fat (IMF) content and fatty acid composition affect the organoleptic quality and nutritional value of pork. A genome-wide association study was performed on 138 Duroc pigs genotyped with a 60k SNP chip to detect biologically relevant genomic variants influencing fat content and composition. Despite the limited sample size, the genome-wide association study was powerful enough to detect the association between fatty acid composition and a known haplotypic variant in SCD (SSC14) and to reveal an association of IMF and fatty acid composition in the LEPR region (SSC6). The association of LEPR was later validated with an independent set of 853 pigs using a candidate quantitative trait nucleotide. The SCD gene is responsible for the biosynthesis of oleic acid (C18:1) from stearic acid. This locus affected the stearic to oleic desaturation index (C18:1/C18:0), C18: 1, and saturated (SFA) and monounsaturated (MUFA) fatty acids content. These effects were consistently detected in gluteus medius, longissimus dorsi, and subcutaneous fat. The association of LEPR with fatty acid composition was detected only in muscle and was, at least in part, a consequence of its effect on IMF content, with increased IMF resulting in more SFA, less polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and greater SFA/PUFA ratio. Marker substitution effects estimated with a subset of 65 animals were used to predict the genomic estimated breeding values of 70 animals born 7 years later. Although predictions with the whole SNP chip information were in relatively high correlation with observed SFA, MUFA, and C18: 1/C18: 0 (0.48-0.60), IMF content and composition were in general better predicted by using only SNPs at the SCD and LEPR loci, in which case the correlation between predicted and observed values was in the range of 0.36 to 0.54 for all traits. Results indicate that markers in the SCD and LEPR genes can be useful to select for optimum fatty acid profiles of pork.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO; grants AGL2012-33529 and AGL2015-65846-R).Ros-Freixedes, R.; Gol, S.; Pena, R.; Tor, M.; Ibañez Escriche, N.; Dekkers, J.; Estany, J. (2016). Genome-Wide Association Study Singles Out SCD and LEPR as the Two Main Loci Influencing Intramuscular Fat Content and Fatty Acid Composition in Duroc Pigs. PLoS ONE. 11(3). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0152496S113Cameron, N. ., Enser, M., Nute, G. ., Whittington, F. ., Penman, J. ., Fisken, A. ., … Wood, J. . (2000). Genotype with nutrition interaction on fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat and the relationship with flavour of pig meat. Meat Science, 55(2), 187-195. doi:10.1016/s0309-1740(99)00142-4Christophersen, O. A., & Haug, A. (2011). Animal products, diseases and drugs: a plea for better integration between agricultural sciences, human nutrition and human pharmacology. Lipids in Health and Disease, 10(1), 16. doi:10.1186/1476-511x-10-16Ntawubizi, M., Colman, E., Janssens, S., Raes, K., Buys, N., & De Smet, S. (2010). Genetic parameters for intramuscular fatty acid composition and metabolism in pigs1. Journal of Animal Science, 88(4), 1286-1294. doi:10.2527/jas.2009-2355Ros-Freixedes, R., Reixach, J., Tor, M., & Estany, J. (2012). Expected genetic response for oleic acid content in pork1. Journal of Animal Science, 90(12), 4230-4238. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-5063Clop, A., Ovilo, C., Perez-Enciso, M., Cercos, A., Tomas, A., Fernandez, A., … Noguera, J. L. (2003). Detection of QTL affecting fatty acid composition in the pig. Mammalian Genome, 14(9), 650-656. doi:10.1007/s00335-002-2210-7Kim, Y., Kong, M., Nam, Y. J., & Lee, C. (2006). A Quantitative Trait Locus for Oleic Fatty Acid Content on Sus scrofa Chromosome 7. Journal of Heredity, 97(5), 535-537. doi:10.1093/jhered/esl026Sanchez, M.-P., Iannuccelli, N., Basso, B., Bidanel, J.-P., Billon, Y., Gandemer, G., … Le Roy, P. (2007). Identification of QTL with effects on intramuscular fat content and fatty acid composition in a Duroc × Large White cross. BMC Genetics, 8(1), 55. doi:10.1186/1471-2156-8-55Guo, T., Ren, J., Yang, K., Ma, J., Zhang, Z., & Huang, L. (2009). Quantitative trait loci for fatty acid composition in longissimus dorsi and abdominal fat: results from a White Duroc × Erhualian intercross F2population. Animal Genetics, 40(2), 185-191. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2008.01819.xC.M. Dekkers, J. (2012). Application of Genomics Tools to Animal Breeding. Current Genomics, 13(3), 207-212. doi:10.2174/138920212800543057Uemoto, Y., Nakano, H., Kikuchi, T., Sato, S., Ishida, M., Shibata, T., … Suzuki, K. (2011). Fine mapping of porcine SSC14 QTL and SCD gene effects on fatty acid composition and melting point of fat in a Duroc purebred population. Animal Genetics, 43(2), 225-228. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2011.02236.xUemoto, Y., Soma, Y., Sato, S., Ishida, M., Shibata, T., Kadowaki, H., … Suzuki, K. (2011). Genome-wide mapping for fatty acid composition and melting point of fat in a purebred Duroc pig population. Animal Genetics, 43(1), 27-34. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2011.02218.xEstany, J., Ros-Freixedes, R., Tor, M., & Pena, R. N. (2014). A Functional Variant in the Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase Gene Promoter Enhances Fatty Acid Desaturation in Pork. PLoS ONE, 9(1), e86177. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086177Ramayo-Caldas, Y., Mercadé, A., Castelló, A., Yang, B., Rodríguez, C., Alves, E., … Folch, J. M. (2012). Genome-wide association study for intramuscular fatty acid composition in an Iberian × Landrace cross1. Journal of Animal Science, 90(9), 2883-2893. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4900Muñoz, M., Rodríguez, M. C., Alves, E., Folch, J. M., Ibañez-Escriche, N., Silió, L., & Fernández, A. I. (2013). Genome-wide analysis of porcine backfat and intramuscular fat fatty acid composition using high-density genotyping and expression data. BMC Genomics, 14(1), 845. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-845Yang, B., Zhang, W., Zhang, Z., Fan, Y., Xie, X., Ai, H., … Ren, J. (2013). Genome-Wide Association Analyses for Fatty Acid Composition in Porcine Muscle and Abdominal Fat Tissues. PLoS ONE, 8(6), e65554. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065554Zhang, W., Zhang, J., Cui, L., Ma, J., Chen, C., Ai, H., … Yang, B. (2016). Genetic architecture of fatty acid composition in the longissimus dorsi muscle revealed by genome-wide association studies on diverse pig populations. Genetics Selection Evolution, 48(1). doi:10.1186/s12711-016-0184-2Kim, E.-S., Ros-Freixedes, R., Pena, R. N., Baas, T. J., Estany, J., & Rothschild, M. F. (2015). Identification of signatures of selection for intramuscular fat and backfat thickness in two Duroc populations1. Journal of Animal Science, 93(7), 3292-3302. doi:10.2527/jas.2015-8879Bosch, L., Tor, M., Reixach, J., & Estany, J. (2009). Estimating intramuscular fat content and fatty acid composition in live and post-mortem samples in pigs. Meat Science, 82(4), 432-437. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2009.02.013AOAC. 1997. Supplement to AOAC Official Method 996.06: Fat (total, saturated, and monounsaturated) in foods hydrolytic extraction gas chromatographic method. Page 18 in Official Methods of Analysis (16th ed). Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA.ÓVILO, C., FERNÁNDEZ, A., NOGUERA, J. L., BARRAGÁN, C., LETÓN, R., RODRÍGUEZ, C., … TORO, M. (2005). Fine mapping of porcine chromosome 6 QTL and LEPR effects on body composition in multiple generations of an Iberian by Landrace intercross. 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