16 research outputs found

    La escuela desde las utopias reales de O. Wright

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    La sociología actual se sitúa ante el reto actual de contribuir con nuevas formulaciones y alternativas emancipadoras a las desigualdades y opresiones que emergen de las instituciones y organizaciones sociales. Diferentes autores de las Ciencias Sociales reconocen el dualismo de las sociedades: Habermas (1999) diferencia entre sistema y mundo de la vida, Giddens (1984) entre estructura y agencia humana, Beck (1998) analiza la emergencia de la subpolítica en la sociedad del riesgo, Touraine (1997) discute el rol de la subjetividad. Sus contribuciones destacan la capacidad de los agentes sociales no sólo de reproducir las estructuras sociales, sino de transformarlas en contextos en los que nos encontramos

    Interreligious Dialogue Groups Enabling Human Agency

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    Evidence has shown that interreligious dialogue is one of the paths to build bridges among diverse cultural and religious communities that otherwise would be in conflict. Some literature reflects, from a normative standpoint, on how interreligious dialogue should be authentic and meaningful. However, there is scarce literature on what conditions contribute to this dialogue achieving its desirable goals. Thus, our aim was to examine such conditions and provide evidence of how interreligious dialogue enables human agency. By analyzing the activity of interreligious dialogue groups, we document the human agency they generate, and we gather evidence about the features of the conditions. For this purpose, we studied four interreligious dialogue groups, all affiliated with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO) Association for Interreligious Dialogue (AUDIR), employing in-depth interviews and discussion groups. In these groups, which operate in diverse and multicultural neighborhoods, local actors and neighbors hold dialogues about diversity issues. In so doing, social coexistence, friendship ties, and advocacy initiatives arise. After analyzing the collected data, we conclude that for interreligious dialogue to result in positive and promising outputs, it must meet some principles of dialogic learning, namely equality of differences, egalitarian dialogue, cultural intelligence, solidarity, and transformatio

    Qualitative Methodology Innovation That Promotes Educational Success of Children of Immigrant Families in Disadvantaged Contexts

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    Most of the qualitative research aimed at diagnosing the educational performance of children of immigrant families in disadvantaged contexts does not address how such research can contribute to social impact. However, some research oriented to social impact has collected evidence of achieving improvement in schools implementing actions to promote educational success. This study is a qualitative meta-analysis of a line of research aimed at social impact to contribute to enhancing the educational success of children of immigrant families. Within the framework of this research line, the analysis focuses on three research projects, from the Spanish Research, Development and Innovation plans. These three research projects have analysed 23 case studies of schools in different disadvantaged contexts of Spain from 2009 to 2017. The main findings show that these research focused on social impact and included in their methodologies a category related to the improvement of educational achievement. Including the categoryof improvement of educational achievement allows qualitative research to obtain evidence of whether the educational actions implemented in those schools contribute to the educational success of children of immigrant families

    Actions to Promote the Employment and Social Inclusion of Muslim Women Who Wear the Hijab in Catalonia (Spain)

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    The current context of growing religious and cultural diversity requires, from societies, an adequate management of the expression of religious diversity in different social spheres, including the workplace. Muslim women who wear the hijab are one of the social groups that most frequently suffer prejudice and discrimination in work settings due to the intersection of multiple forms of discrimination, including gender, ethnic origin, religion and the use of a visible religious symbol. With the aim of exploring the experiences of Muslim women with hijab and identifying barriers and opportunities in their access to employment in Catalonia (Spain), a qualitative study with a communicative orientation was conducted, involving twelve communicative daily-life stories with Muslim women who wear the hijab and eleven in-depth interviews with a communicative orientation with other relevant actors in the fields of training and employment (employers, managers of internship programs, political representatives, etc.). The findings revealed some pending challenges and effective pathways to improve the employment and social inclusion of Muslim women wearing the hijab. The implications of the study point to the need to incorporate respect for diversity as a necessary value to move towards more inclusive societies

    Media Manipulation Against Social Justice Researchers: Second-Order Sexual Harassment

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    According to scientific studies, manipulation, which is a key concept in critical discourse analyses, is used to gain control of power against those who act to promote transformations oriented toward social justice. In the case of the struggle against sexual harassment, attacks against people supporting the victims constitute second-order sexual harassment. In this article, we analyze a specific case of media manipulation aiming to silence the brave people who dared speak about gender violence at Spanish universities and acted toward eliminating violence at these universities. Most individuals who had assumed a position against gender violence have been professionally and personally attacked and destroyed by structural powers. In this article, we focus on two aspects. First, we analyze how the group that broke the silence in Spain managed to overcome the attacks by the yellow press. Second, we observe how this group achieved increasing social impact by transforming the universities and gaining the support of their family members, social movements, and most journalists. We performed this analysis using communicative methodology, including interviews with the relatives of the brave people who suffered second-order sexual harassment by certain media and compromised journalists. According to their relatives, by contributing to social justice, their families also improved their lives and family relationship

    Communicative Methodology: Contributions to Social Impact Assessment in Psychological Research

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    Recent advancements in the social impact assessment of science have shown the diverse methodologies being developed to monitor and evaluate the improvements for society as a result of research. These assessment methods include indicators to gather both quantitative and qualitative evidence of the social impact of science achieved in the short, medium and long terms. In psychology, the impact of research has been mainly analysed in relation to scientific publications in journals, but less is known about the methods for the social impact assessment of psychological research. Impact assessment in the domains of educational psychology and organizational psychology presents synergies with bottom-up approaches that include the voices of citizens and stakeholders in their analyses. Along these lines, the communicative methodology (CM) emerges as a methodology useful for the communicative evaluation of the social impact of research. Although the CM has widely demonstrated social impact in the social sciences, less is known about how it has been used and the impact achieved in psychological research. This article unpacks how to achieve social impact in psychology through the CM. In particular, it focuses on the theoretical underpinnings of the CM, the postulates linked to psychological research and some key actions for the implementation of the CM in relation to the design of advisory committees, working groups and plenary meetings in research. Furthermore, it shows how the CM has been implemented in illustrative cases in psychological research. The article finishes with a conclusion and recommendations to further explore the ways in which the CM enables the social impact of research in psychology

    Reducing health effects on deceit in heterosexual sexual-affective relationships: the impact of the preventive socialization program (PSP)

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    Background: Health research has provided robust evidence of the negative effects caused by facing deceit in sexual-affective relationships. In this regard, several analyses have been conducted addressing psychological, family therapies, and educational interventions to improve marital problems. On the other hand, many investigations have addressed how the preventive socialization program (PSP), framed on the analysis of a dominant coercive discourse that is connected with the promotion of specific traditional masculine models, impacts on young people's relationships free of violence. However, the link between deceit, health, and the PSP has not yet been analyzed. To cover this gap, a qualitative study has been performed with a methodology framed on the communicative approach. We enrolled heterosexual women and men aged 25 to 42 years old who have been in contact with the PSP and have experienced or know of any cases of deceit. Two different analytical categories emerged from the analysis, which distinguishes between exclusionary and transformative dimensions. Findings show that the majority of people involved in PSP were able to understand the reasons for deceit as well as to take decisions in their further sexual-affective relationships. Therefore, this study corroborates that access to scientific evidence in the framework of PSP is positively impacting interviewees' health status (...

    Guia d'actuacions docents universitàries sobre gènere i prevenció de violència de gènere

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    Aquesta guia és producte del projecte “Prevenció de les violències de gènere des d’una formació basada en evidències científiques” finançat per l’Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) dins dels d’ajuts per a projectes d'innovació per a la millora de la qualitat docent en matèria de violència de gènere (2021 INDOV 0008)Aquest projecte ha contribuït en l'avenç en l'erradicació de la violència de gènere en l'àmbit universitari, a partir de la formació integral de futures i futurs professionals. Aquest objectiu ha estat assolit a través de la creació i consolidació d'entorns de tolerància zero cap la violència i lliures de la mateixa. De forma transversal i al llarg de tot el desenvolupament del projecte, s'ha emfatitzat el reconeixement d’altres formes de violència de gènere fora del context de les parelles. De manera més concreta, a través de les innovacions educatives basades en evidències científiques, seguint la línia de recerca de socialització preventiva de la violència de gènere, el projecte ha dut a terme tasques de sensibilització envers la problemàtica dins l'àmbit universitari, tot aportant a les aules la reflexió respecte factors d'incidència en la violència de gènere o la construcció de les identitats de gènere, entre d'altres. Per fer-ho s'han dut a terme activitats com la lectura de textos científics sobre gènere i prevenció de la violència de gènere, la creació d'espais pel diàleg i el debat, la col·laboració d'actors socials relacionats amb la realitat de la violència de gènere i la incorporació d'eines tecnològiques per a facilitar la construcció de coneixement relacionat amb la prevenció de la violència de gènere. En aquest sentit, s'han donat a conèixer eines d'utilitat que els hi permeten accedir i participar en la construcció de coneixement sobre la temàtica, com és el cas de la plataforma "Sappho". Tot aquest coneixement ha quedat recollit en un document de recomanacions per la docència universitària compromesa en la lluita contra la violència de gènere