73 research outputs found


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    The article summarizes domestic and foreign experience of creating textbooks in а game format and presents an innovative concept of educational gamificated phraseographic text intended for the younger schoolchildren. The goals and objectives of the game dictionary projects of the Experimental laboratory of educational lexicography of Pskov state University are determined. The macrostructure and parametric model of educational gamificated dictionaries are presented. The lexicographical game techniques of etymologization of phraseological units are described. The results of the training experiment conducted in schools of Pskov on the materials of the author's dictionaries are also presented. They confirm the effectiveness of the developed methodology of gamificated lexicographical representation of phraseology and the practical value of dictionaries. 


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    The article summarizes the experience of developing primary school children’s linguistic and regional knowledge by means of a dictionary of regional onomastics created by the specialists of the Experimental Laboratory of Educational Lexicography of Pskov State University. It presents the author’s concept of a dictionary called “The Streets of My Home Town”. It contains the examples of dictionary entries and lessons based on the materials of the dictionary and intended for primary school children. The author describes the levels of acquisition of linguistic and regional knowledge for primary school children


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    Psychological work with elite athletes has its own characteristics. The article presents a theoretical justification for the use of short-term counseling with elite athletes, discusses the goals and objectives of short-term counseling, and describes two cases of working with elite athletes. The sport of the highest achievements is always associated with various objective and subjective difficulties; therefore, the main condition for the development of personal qualities of athletes is their readiness to overcome difficulties. The purpose of short-term counseling is to help elite athletes in situations of activity crisis that distinguishes it from other psychotherapeutic practices. The methodological justification of short-term counseling is the subject-activity approach developed by the outstanding Russian psychologist S. L. Rubinstein, according to which in the process of activity there is the formation and development of personal qualities of a person, as well as the development of his consciousness. In the course of 1-3 meetings, a sports psychologist can help athletes understand their own goals better, reevaluate the crisis situation, realize their resources, develop alternative solutions, and set athletes up for a pro-active behavior strategy.Психологическая работа с элитными  спортсменами имеет свои особенности. В статье представлено теоретическое обоснование к использованию краткосрочного консультирования с элитными спортсменами, рассмотрены   цели и задачи краткосрочного  консультирования, дано описание двух кейсов работы с элитными спортсменами. Спорт высших достижений всегда сопряжен с различными объективными и субъективными трудностями, поэтому главным условием развития личностных качеств спортсменов выступает их готовность к преодолению трудностей.  Целью краткосрочного консультирования является помощь  элитным спортсменам в ситуациях кризиса деятельности, что отличает его от других психотерапевтических практик.  Методологическим обоснованием краткосрочного консультирования  является субъектно-деятельностный подход, разработанный выдающимся российским психологом   С. Л. Рубинштейном, согласно которому в процессе деятельности происходит становление и развитие личностных качеств человека, а так же  развитие его сознания. В процессе 1-3 встреч, спортивный психолог может помочь спортсменам  лучше осознать собственные цели, переоценить  кризисную ситуацию, осознать свои ресурсы, выработать альтернативные решения, настроить спортсменов на про-активную стратегию поведения


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    The article presents the author’s concept of forming the regional cultural linguistic competence of language teachers in the process of study in pursuit of Bachelor's and Master's degrees. It regards the optimal structure and contents of the regional cultural linguistic competence, the forms and means of the implementation of the regional linguocultural component of teachers’professionaltraining. It shows different types of students’ in- and out-of-class activities and research projects connected with studying regional cultural linguistics, new models of modern means of teaching – the author’s textbooks and educational dictionaries that provide the implementation of the concept. The results of the methodical experiment that prove the effectiveness of the author’s model of forming the regional cultural linguistic competence of language teachers are given


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    The article presents the concept of improving the professional competence of students-philologists within the framework of lexicographical workshop. The potential of dictionaries as a means of forming professional competence of students-philologists, in our opinion, is not fully realized in the practice of University teaching of linguistic disciplines. Dictionary materials as a linguistic and methodological resource are used mainly in the formation and improvement of "user" skills in the field of lexicography. Students are rarely involved in the compilation of vocabulary materials. The novelty of our concept is that we offer a comprehensive improvement of professional competence of the student-philologist on lexicographical material, and not only the skills of using dictionaries. The purpose of our study, implemented on the basis of Pskov University, was to substantiate this concept, to implement it in the framework of experimental training of students-philologists, to conduct a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results of the experiment. This article presents the theoretical foundations of the concept, shows the specific methods of formation of various components of linguistic and cultural competence of students on lexicographical material. The results of experimental training, which are also given in the article, showed a significant increase in the level of professional competence of students, and thus confirmed the effectiveness of the developed model of lexicographic workshop.

    Innovative Approaches to Creating Training Phraseological Dictionary as Interactive Hypertext

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    The article reviews material on Russian training phraseography, in particular, it contains an analysis of the disadvantages of the interpretation of idioms in phraseological dictionaries for primary school learners. The author presents her own technology of creating an innovative phraseological dictionary for primary school children which combines traditional principles for describing idioms in phraseological dictionaries with stimulation of an interactive dialogue between the author and the young reader. As a result, the interactive hypertext of a non-computer dictionary approximates to an electronic dictionary and an educational computer game that satisfies primary school learners’ demand and facilitates children’s learning idioms


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    The article covers the issues of linguocultural competency of foreign students based on the phraseological material. Ethnocultural content of the Russian phraseological units has been reviewed, as well as their connection to Russian history and culture. A dictionary-type educational guidance is presented as a means of development of the linguocultural competency.The structure of the dictionary entry is shown, parametric zones of which correlate with the components of the linguocultural competency - language and cultural knowledge, receptive and productive speaking skills. Results of the methodical experiment are presented proving the effectiveness of the educational guidance developed by the authors

    As ameaças à segurança alimentar

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    The research object is the Russian Federation fisheries management as the basic source of resource supply to its food market. The research subject is the network of socio-economic relations concerning food security between the entities of fisheries management and the society. The authors examine in detail the Russia's fisheries management influence on national food security within a systemic, multicomponent approach, based on indicators of the fisheries management products availability (production volumes, bioresource potential, anthropogenic threats), fish products affordability and fish products consumption (quality and safety). The research information base includes the official conceptual documents and regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Federal Agency for Fisheries of the Russian Federation; the Federal State Statistics Service materials; expert assessments and Russian and foreign scientists calculations published in the scientific literature. Traditional methods of scientific analysis, economic and mathematical statistics, technical, economic and logical analysis, graphic modeling, etc. were used as a methodological background. The authors show a high degree of the country’s self-sufficiency in fish products and independence of food supply from import deliveries. There are three aspects of threats to food security: quantitative (the export orientation of Russian fish producers, the production decline of some fish products, anthropogenic threats to the resource base, low level of fish farming), socio-economic (deterioration in the food affordability conditions for the population due to rising prices and falling real incomes of the population with the simultaneous new consumer habits formation in our society) and qualitative-certification (fish products of questionable quality and counterfeit products penetration to the Russian market). The authors proposed measures to ensure Russia's food security concerning fish and seafood.El objetivo de la investigación es la gestión de las pesquerías de la Federación de Rusia como fuente básica de suministro de recursos para su mercado de alimentos. El sujeto de investigación es la red de relaciones socioeconómicas relativas a la seguridad alimentaria entre las entidades de gestión pesquera y la sociedad. Los autores examinan en detalle la influencia de la gestión pesquera de Rusia en la seguridad alimentaria nacional dentro de un enfoque sistémico y multicomponente, basado en indicadores de la disponibilidad de productos de gestión pesquera (volúmenes de producción, potencial de recursos biológicos, amenazas antropogénicas), asequibilidad de los productos pesqueros y consumo de productos pesqueros (calidad). y seguridad). La base de información de la investigación incluye los documentos conceptuales oficiales y los actos legales reglamentarios del Ministerio de Agricultura y la Agencia Federal de Pesca de la Federación de Rusia; los materiales del Servicio Federal de Estadísticas del Estado; Evaluaciones de expertos y cálculos de científicos rusos y extranjeros publicados en la literatura científica. Los métodos tradicionales de análisis científico, estadística económica y matemática, análisis técnico, económico y lógico, modelado gráfico, etc. se utilizaron como antecedentes metodológicos. Los autores muestran un alto grado de autosuficiencia del país en productos pesqueros y la independencia del suministro de alimentos de las entregas de importación. Hay tres aspectos de las amenazas a la seguridad alimentaria: cuantitativa (orientación a la exportación de los productores rusos de pescado, disminución de la producción de algunos productos pesqueros, amenazas antropogénicas a la base de recursos, bajo nivel de piscicultura), socioeconómica (deterioro de los alimentos). condiciones de asequibilidad para la población debido al aumento de los precios y la caída de los ingresos reales de la población con la formación simultánea de nuevos hábitos de consumo en nuestra sociedad) y la certificación cualitativa (productos pesqueros de calidad cuestionable y penetración de productos falsificados en el mercado ruso). Los autores propusieron medidas para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de Rusia en relación con los pescados y mariscos.O objeto de pesquisa é o gerenciamento da pesca na Federação Russa como fonte básica de suprimento de recursos para o mercado de alimentos. O tema de pesquisa é a rede de relações socioeconômicas relativas à segurança alimentar entre as entidades de gestão pesqueira e a sociedade. Os autores examinam detalhadamente a influência da Rússia sobre a gestão da pesca na segurança alimentar nacional dentro de uma abordagem sistêmica e multicomponente, baseada em indicadores da disponibilidade de produtos de manejo pesqueiro (volumes de produção, potencial biológico, ameaças antropogênicas), acessibilidade a produtos pesqueiros e consumo de produtos pesqueiros. E segurança). A base de informações de pesquisa inclui os documentos conceituais oficiais e os atos normativos legais do Ministério da Agricultura e da Agência Federal de Pesca da Federação Russa; os materiais do Serviço de Estatísticas do Estado Federal; avaliações de especialistas e cálculos de cientistas russos e estrangeiros publicados na literatura científica. Métodos tradicionais de análise científica, estatística econômica e matemática, análise técnica, econômica e lógica, modelagem gráfica, etc. foram utilizados como pano de fundo metodológico. Os autores mostram um alto grau de auto-suficiência do país em produtos de peixe e independência do suprimento de alimentos das entregas de importação. Existem três aspectos das ameaças à segurança alimentar: quantitativos (a orientação para exportação dos produtores de peixe russos, o declínio da produção de alguns produtos pesqueiros, ameaças antropogênicas à base de recursos, baixo nível de piscicultura), socioeconômicos (deterioração nos alimentos). condições de acessibilidade para a população devido ao aumento dos preços e queda da renda real da população com a formação simultânea de novos hábitos de consumo em nossa sociedade) e certificação qualitativa (produtos de pesca de qualidade questionável e penetração de produtos falsificados para o mercado russo). Os autores propuseram medidas para garantir a segurança alimentar da Rússia em relação a peixes e frutos do mar

    Optimization of bioselective membrane of amperometric enzyme sensor on basis of glucose oxidase using NH2-modified multi-wall carbone nanotubes

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    Aim. To investigate a possibility of application of multi-wall carbone nanotubes modified with NH2-groups (MWCNT-NH2) for creation of sensitive elements of the amperometric biosensor based on immobilized oxidoreductases, in particular, glucose oxidase (GOD). To study electrochemical properties of the membranes obtained. Methods. Experiments were carried out with amperometric methods using the μStat 200 device («DropSens», Spain). The enzymes were immobilised in glutaraldehyde vapour. Results. The method of formation of bioselective matrix based on immobilised GOD with MNP-NH2 on the surface of gold amperometric electrodes was optimised. Optimal working conditions of the biosensor developed were determined. Conclusion. MWCNT integration into a bioselective matrix improves the biosensor analytical characteristics which means: higher signal value, wider linear range of glucose analysis, and possibility of substrate determination in wide range of working potential.Мета. Дослідити можливість застосування багатошарових карбонових нанотрубок, модифікованих аміногрупами (БНТ-NH2), для створення чутливих елементів амперометричного біосенсора на основі іммобілізованих оксидоредуктаз, зокрема глюкозооксидази (ГОД), та вивчити електрохімічні властивості отриманих мембран. Методи. Експерименти проведено з використанням амперометричних методів за допомогою приладу μStat 200 («DropSens», Іспанія). Ферменти іммобілізували у випарах глутарового альдегіду. Результати. Оптимізовано метод формування біоселективної матриці біосенсора на основі іммобілізованої ГОД з БНТ-NH2 на поверхні золотих амперометричних електродів. Визначено оптимальні умови роботи біосенсора на ії основі. Висновки. Показано, що включення БНТ до біоселективної матриці біосенсора покращує його аналітичні характеристики: сприяє підвищенню величини сигналу та розширенню лінійного діапазону для встановлення рівня глюкози, дає можливість визначати субстрат у широких межах значень робочого потенціалу).Цель. Исследовать возможность использования мультистеночных карбоновых нанотрубок, модифицированных аминогруппами (МНТ-NH2), для создания чувствительного элемента амперометрического биосенсора на основе иммобилизованных оксидоредуктаз, в частности глюкозооксидазы (ГОД), и изучить электрохимические свойства полученных мембран. Методы. Эксперименты проводили с использованием амперометрических методов с помощью прибора μStat 200 («DropSens», Испания). Ферменты иммобилизовали в парах глутарового альдегида. Результаты. Оптимизирован метод формирования биоселективной матрицы биосенсора на основе иммобилизованной ГОД с МНТ-NH2 на поверхности золотых амперометрических электродов. Определены оптимальные условия функционирования биосенсора на ее основе. Выводы. Показано, что вкючение МНТ в состав биоселективной матрицы биосенсора улучшает его аналитические характеристики: способствует увеличению величины сигнала и расширению линейного диапазона для нахождения уровня глюкозы, дает возможность определять субстрат в широких границах значений рабочего потенциала)

    The hardiness of adolescents in various social groups

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    Hardiness is considered as one of the adaptation resources of personality to stressful situations, responsible for the mental health preservation. Adolescents as an age group is one of most susceptible to stress factors, so conducting research on the development of hardiness in adolescents becomes necessary. Due to difference in social conditions under which development of hardiness of adolescents takes place, the purpose of our research was to study the hardiness of adolescents included in different social groups: first group – athletes, students of sports schools, second – students of specialized schools for intellectually gifted individuals, third– students of regular schools. In total, 239 adolescents of 14–16 years old participated. The study revealed significant differences in the development of hardiness among all three groups of adolescents. The general and specific patterns of the development of hardiness components of adolescents in different social groups were identified. The article describes the main types of manifestation of hardiness and its components under different social conditions of activity and development in modern adolescents. © 2019 Malkin, Rogaleva, Kim and Khon