21 research outputs found


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    The issue about corruption after a decade of reformation has not brought Indonesia to the point of free corruption zone. The existence of institutions such as KPK has ever cosidered as  the spearhead to rid the republic from corruption virus. However, it finally comes upon an anti climax because it doesn’t give a deterrent effect to the doers of corruption. KPK is faced on a difficult situation. It can be seen from the weakening of its authority, while the death penalty for corruptors was still considered by some parties that it is not urgent. Explicitly, the Law of KPK is actually available on the space for the death penalty for corruptors, but it seems that it still has not found the momentum yet. The criminal of  corruption is a problem that needs to be solved seriously and it becomesthe problem of law in every country in the world, include Indonesia. The disease of corruption becomes more rampant day by day. The government's seriousness in finding solution about criminal of corruption is that an establishment of Law No. 31 of 1999 changed into Law No. 20 of 2001 about the Eradication of corruption

    Sistem Kamera Cerdas Untuk Deteksi Pelanggaran Marka Jalan

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    Penghitungan jumlah kendaraan dan deteksi pelanggaran rambu-rambu lalu lintas sejauh ini masih dilakukan sacara manual. Berkembangnya teknik pengolahan citra yang berasal dari sensor kamera mendorong adanya implementasi sistem pemantauan pelanggaran kendaraan pada area lampu lalu lintas dengan menggunakan kamera cerdas. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengembangkan sistem yang dapat mendeteksi dan menghitung jumlah kendaraan berupa mobil yang melanggar garis marka jalan. Metode pengolahan citra yang dikembagkan pada penelitian ini adalah mengubah citra video RGB hasil tangkapan kamera menjadi grayscale kemudian menerapkan teknik harr cascade untuk mendeteksi adanya pelanggaran garis marka jalan . Sistem yang dikembangkan mampu menghitung jumlah kendaraan yang melewati sensor kamera pada lajur jalan yang dipantau dan mendeteksi adanya pelanggaran pada marka jalan dengan akurasi deteksi sebesar 76 % dibandingkan dengan pengamatan secara langsung oleh mata manusia


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    Islam was recently reputed as an enemy by European’s society, whether as aftermath of cases related to Moslem society at their homeland or historical events in the past time. This article elaborates Islamophobia and its impact to Turkey’s nomination as a permamnent member to European Union. Furthermore Islamophobia was expanding becomes as Turkophobia, many facts show that Turkey is home for majority Moslem society. The latest survei in several member countries of EU asserts that resistance toward the membership of Turkey in EU was increased. This article also states that Islamophobia and Turkophobia is the biggest obstacle for Turkey’s membership process in EU


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    The development of Islam throughout the world so rapidly. This thencreates its own dynamics when it’s met with the traditions of each country.In Russia, Islam is looking for balance, it’s began to have a place in policymakingtables. Russia is also nowadays build a positive image on the worldstage as part of long-term plan. This paper presents about the phenomenon,as well as the Russians began to embrace Islam and make Islam both atdomestic and international level as two inseparable part.The development of Islam throughout the world so rapidly. This thencreates its own dynamics when it’s met with the traditions of each country.In Russia, Islam is looking for balance, it’s began to have a place in policymakingtables. Russia is also nowadays build a positive image on the worldstage as part of long-term plan. This paper presents about the phenomenon,as well as the Russians began to embrace Islam and make Islam both atdomestic and international level as two inseparable part

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Dekstop Untuk Pengelolaan Taman Pendidikan Al-qur'an

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    Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur'an (TPQ) as one of the community-based education requires an effective system and professional in administration and management. Problems that are found relating to the management of TPQ is still manual data management. This paper aims to provide a solution to manage the data that still manual can be completed quickly through a computer application program. The results of the design and implementation of the program is a computer application system that can be operated easily, can be used to manage the data of students, teachers and assets effectively in terms of time and operation, without error or bug, and can present a report of students, assets and financial flows quickly

    Sosialisasi Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis WEBS Dalam Pembelajaran ESP

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    Education has many elements and dimensions that refer to learning media as a determining factor for the success of learning activities. The use of media in its implementation, of course, has the aim of helping the learning process run more optimally and structured. The media determines the success or failure of the learning process. ESP learning at Al Mujtama Pamekasan Islamic High School, needs to be developed using Website-based learning media. The implementation of this service applied the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method and model. This activity lasted for three days, namely on 4, 5 and 6 April 2022 which was carried out offline with theoretical and practical concepts to all lecturers at STAI Al Mujtama.Pamekasan. There were some activities done covering the introduction, delivery of service stages, and socialization of the use of Webs-based ESP learning media. The results obtained from this service, namely lecturers are able to convey subject matter well, lecturers are easier to convey material to students, improve the quality of learning outcomes, learning is more directed, learning is more concrete and feels better understood. Internal audits are conducted twice per semester by stakeholders affiliated with the Quality Assurance Institution (LPM). This is done as a way to control the performance of teachers at Madrasah Al Mujtama Pamekasan. It is hoped that the next service will be developed in the development of very relevant materials and outputs in the form of the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) book according to the knowledge at STAI Al Mujtama Pamekasan


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    Job insecurity is an important thing for nurses. Data says 36% of depressed nurses are at risk 1.6 times experiencing job insecurity which results in emotional exhaustion, quit work, less productive at work, even burnout. Transformational leadership has advantages in the discipline of nursing. So that nurses need to understand the influence of transformational leadership on job insecurity. Purpose of this study is to identify the influence of transformational leadership on nurse’s job insecurity. Using literature study method consisting of 24 full-text articles published by Scopus, proquest platform and science direct from 2007 to 2018 that discuss job insecurity. It was found that Job Insecurity consisted of individual Job Insecurity and Job Insecurity Climate. The transformational leadership approach can overcome job insecurity by: (1) the idealist influence of the leader demonstrates positive behavior, provides training, and demonstrates performance and commitment; (2) leader's inspirational motivation increases employee self-esteem, encourages to be productive, builds positive relationships; (3) intellectual stimulation by reducing organizational cynicism, providing tasks that are compatible with employee competencies; (3) individual consideration of the leader demonstrates good morality and ability to make decisions. It can be concluded that to overcome job insecurity, an approach with transformational leadership style can build positive behavior and establish superior and subordinate relationships. Keywords: transformational, leadership, job insecurit

    Farmasis Bersatu Menuju Eradikasi Tuberkolosis Paru Pada Anak

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    Tuberkolosis adalah penyakit menular langsung yang disebabkan oleh kuman TB (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis). Sebagian besar kuman TB menyerang paru. Merunut WHO Indonesia sebagai salah satu Negara dengan penyakit TB anak mecapai 60% dari seluruh dunia. Dengan banyaknya faktor yang terlihat pada pasien TB paru pada anak maka, penyakit ini perlu diperhatikan secara khusus. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pemahaman dan edukasi kepada masyarakat terkait tanda dan gejala TB paru pada anak serta penatalaksanaannya. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam bentuk seminar daring dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital, yaitu Zoom Meeting dengan jumlah peserta 90 orang. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26 Mei 2020 jam 08:30 wib sampai 11:00 wib. Indikator dari webinar didapat dari hasil pengisian pretest sebelum kegiatan webinar dilakukan dan post test sesudah webinar melalui google form oleh peserta. Hasil kegiatan ini secara kualitas 84,00% peserta dapat memahami materi yang diberikan dengan parameter nilai posttest ≥ 60

    Kenali, Cegah dan Atasi Dislipidemia Recognize, Prevent, and Eradicate Dyslipidemia

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    Dislipidemia adalah kelainan metabolisme lipid yang ditandai dengan peningkatan maupun penurunan satu atau lebih fraksi lipid dalam darah. Peningkatan kadar kolesterol total dan LDL darah dapat disebabkan oleh peningkatan konsumsi lemak jenuh dan kolesterol yang tinggi dalam makanan. Pada perjalanan dislipidemia, apabila kadar kolesterol tidak terkontrol dengan baik, maka akan meningkatkan risiko terjadi nya komplikasi baik akut maupun kronis. Pada umumnya, sebagian masyarakat telah mengenal perihal kolesterol secara umum namun mungkin belum memahami bagaimana cara mencegah dan mengatasi kadar kolesterol darah yang tinggi. Edukasi yang baik disertai terapi nutrisi, jasmani dan tatalaksana farmakologi diharapkan dapat mengendalikan progresifitas penyakit dislipidemia dan komplikasinya. Oleh karena itu pengabdian masyarakat berbasis webinar ini diadakan selain untuk meningkatkan keilmuan, juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran akan bahaya dari penyakit dislipidemia. Kegiatan webinar ini menargetkan mahasiswa UTA45 dan masyarakat umum dengan luaran yang diharapkan yaitu dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang penyakit dislipidemia. Webinar dengan metode presentasi dan tanya jawab yang dilaksanakan pada 27 April 2022. Total peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan webinar dengan mengisi absen secara online sebanyak 66 peserta. Persentase rata – rata total skor prestest perserta sebesar 70,2% dan rata – rata skor posttest sebesar 79,6% dapat dilihat bahwa terjadi peningkatan skor posttest sebesar 9,4%

    Peran MUI dalam Penguatan Demokrasi Indonesia

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    Indonesia is still considered the nation with the world’s biggest Muslim population highlighting democracy. This predicate results from the impact of the country’s large population followed by the acceptance of the Muslim community toward democracy, which is deemed contrary to religious values in some Muslim countries. The acceptance of democracy situated in Indonesia cannot be separated from the legitimacy of religious authority; it refers to the Indonesian Ulema Council (hereafter, MUI). This religious council plays a pivotal role in ensuring democracy as ‘the only game in town’. The present study seeks to answer (1) what is the contribution of the MUI in strengthening democracy in Indonesia? and (2) how do the MUI leaders endeavor when encountering the political situation in the 2019 election demonstrated by an identity politics struggle which tended to divide the Indonesian Muslim communities? Grounded in qualitative library research, the study applied analytic-descriptive analysis. The findings promote that the MUI significantly contributed to ensure the well-established democratic system in Indonesia through their fatwas. It implies that MUI supports the continuation of fair elections and national stability, tackles a dispute over the Indonesia’s election, and fosters that religion is not merely employed as a political tool