251 research outputs found

    ReCon: Revealing and Controlling PII Leaks in Mobile Network Traffic

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    It is well known that apps running on mobile devices extensively track and leak users' personally identifiable information (PII); however, these users have little visibility into PII leaked through the network traffic generated by their devices, and have poor control over how, when and where that traffic is sent and handled by third parties. In this paper, we present the design, implementation, and evaluation of ReCon: a cross-platform system that reveals PII leaks and gives users control over them without requiring any special privileges or custom OSes. ReCon leverages machine learning to reveal potential PII leaks by inspecting network traffic, and provides a visualization tool to empower users with the ability to control these leaks via blocking or substitution of PII. We evaluate ReCon's effectiveness with measurements from controlled experiments using leaks from the 100 most popular iOS, Android, and Windows Phone apps, and via an IRB-approved user study with 92 participants. We show that ReCon is accurate, efficient, and identifies a wider range of PII than previous approaches.Comment: Please use MobiSys version when referencing this work: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2906392. 18 pages, recon.meddle.mob

    Readily accessible sp3-rich cyclic hydrazine frameworks exploiting nitrogen fluxionality

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    Increased molecular complexity correlates with improved chances of success in the drug development process. Here, a strategy for the creation of sp3-rich, non-planar heterocyclic scaffolds suitable for drug discovery is described that obviates the need to generate multiple stereogenic centers with independent control. Asymmetric transfer hydrogenation using a tethered Ru-catalyst is used to efficiently produce a range of enantiopure cyclic hydrazine building blocks (up to 99% ee). Iterative C–N functionalization at the two nitrogen atoms of these compounds produces novel hydrazine and hydrazide based chemical libraries. Wide chemical diversification is possible through variation in the hydrazine structure, use of different functionalization chemistries and coupling partners, and controlled engagement of each nitrogen of the hydrazine in turn. Principal Moment of Inertia (PMI) analysis of this small hydrazine library reveals excellent shape diversity and three-dimensionality. NMR and crystallographic studies confirm these frameworks prefer to orient their substituents in three-dimensional space under the control of a single stereogenic center through exploitation of the fluxional behavior of the two nitrogen atoms

    Synthesis of benzofuropyridines and dibenzofurans by a metalation/Negishi cross-coupling/SNAr reaction sequence

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    An efficient methodology for the synthesis of benzofuropyridines and dibenzofurans from fluoropyridines or fluoroarenes and 2-bromophenyl acetates is reported. This streamlined one-pot procedure consists of a four-step directed ortho-lithiation, zincation, Negishi cross-coupling, and intramolecular nucleophilic aromatic substitution, allowing for the facile assembly of a diverse set of fused benzofuro heterocycles

    Singing Actors and Dancing Singers

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    This article looks at two recent and widely recognized productions of Henry Purcell's Dido and Aeneas (by choreographer Sasha Waltz, Berlin 2005, and theatre director Sebastian Nübling, Basel 2006) and discusses three main aspects: 1. Genre: coming from a Tanztheater (Waltz) and a Sprechtheater (Nübling) background, each director renegotiates conventions of the operatic genre and consciously evades expectations in pursuit of a new and challenging experience for both the performers and their audience. 2. Physicality: both productions place the performers' bodies at the forefront of the mise-en-scne they remap the singing, dancing, acting body by questioning conventions and expectations commonly found in the production and reception process. 3. Adaptation: both productions take unconventional liberties by adapting in a domain where notions of Werktreue (fidelity to the original work or score) still reign. Adopting ideas from Nicholas Cook and Mikhail Bakhtin, I will argue that the conceptual, musical and theatrical implications of both productions indicate a renegotiation of the social and performative relevance of operatic performance

    Computational modelling and experimental tank testing of the multi float WaveSub under regular wave forcing

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    A submerged wave device generates energy from the relative motion of floating bodies. In WaveSub, three floats are joined to a reactor; each connected to a spring and generator. Electricity generated damps the orbital movements of the floats. The forces are non-linear and each float interacts with the others. Tuning to the wave climate is achieved by changing the line lengths, so there is a need to understand the performance trade-offs for a large number of configurations. This requires an efficient, large displacement, multidirectional, multi-body numerical scheme. Results from a 1/25 scale wave basin experiment are described. Here, we show that a time domain linear potential flow formulation (Nemoh, WEC-Sim) can match the tank testing provided that suitably tuned drag coefficients are employed. Inviscid linear potential models can match some wave device experiments; however, additional viscous terms generally provide better accuracy. Scale experiments are also prone to mechanical friction, and we estimate friction terms to improve the correlation further. The resulting error in mean power between numerical and physical models is approximately 10%. Predicted device movement shows a good match. Overall, drag terms in time domain wave energy modelling will improve simulation accuracy in wave renewable energy device design

    Computational modelling and experimental tank testing of the multi float WaveSub under regular wave forcing

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    A submerged wave device generates energy from the relative motion of floating bodies. In 1 WaveSub, three floats are joined to a reactor; each connected to a spring and generator. Electricity generated 2 damps the orbital movements of the floats. The forces are non-linear and each float interacts with the others. 3 Tuning to the wave climate is achieved by changing the line lengths so there is a need to understand the 4 performance trade-offs for a large number of configurations. This requires an efficient, large displacement, 5 multidirectional, multi-body numerical scheme. Results from a 1/25 scale wave basin experiment are described. 6 Here we show that a time domain linear potential flow formulation (Nemoh, WEC-Sim) can match the tank 7 testing provided that suitably tuned drag coefficients are employed. Inviscid linear potential models can match 8 some wave device experiments, however, additional viscous terms generally provide better accuracy. Scale 9 experiments are also prone to mechanical friction and we estimate friction terms to improve the correlation 10 further. The resulting error in mean power between numerical and physical models is approximately 10%. 11 Predicted device movement shows a good match. Overall, drag terms in time domain wave energy modelling 12 will improve simulation accuracy in wave renewable energy device design
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