1,749 research outputs found

    The AM Canum Venaticorum binary SDSS J173047.59+554518.5

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    The AM Canum Venaticorum (AM CVn) binaries are a rare group of hydrogen-deficient, ultrashort period, mass-transferring white dwarf binaries and are possible progenitors of Type Ia supernovae. We present time-resolved spectroscopy of the recently discovered AM CVn binary SDSS J173047.59+554518.5. The average spectrum shows strong double-peaked helium emission lines, as well as a variety of metal lines, including neon; this is the second detection of neon in an AM CVn binary, after the much brighter system GP Com. We detect no calcium in the accretion disc, a puzzling feature that has been noted in many of the longer period AM CVn binaries. We measure an orbital period, from the radial velocities of the emission lines, of 35.2 ± 0.2 min, confirming the ultracompact binary nature of the system. The emission lines seen in SDSS J1730 are very narrow, although double-peaked, implying a low-inclination, face-on accretion disc; using the measured velocities of the line peaks, we estimate i ≀ 11°. This low inclination makes SDSS J1730 an excellent system for the identification of emission lines

    Active noise compensation for multichannel magnetocardiography in an unshielded environment

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    A multichannel high-T/sub c/-SQUID-based heart scanner for unshielded environments is under development, Outside a magnetically shielded room, sensitive SQUID measurements are possible using gradiometers. However, it is difficult to realize large-baseline gradiometers in high-T/sub c/ materials, Therefore, the authors developed two active noise compensation techniques. In the Total Field Compensation technique, a Helmholtz type coil set is placed around the sensors. One magnetometer is used as a zero detector controlling the compensation current through the coil set. For Individual Flux Compensation, the reference signal is sent to the separate SQUIDs (or their flux transformer circuits) to compensate the local environmental noise fluxes, The latter technique was tested on low-T/sub c/ rf-SQUID magnetometers, each sensor set to a field resolution SQUID magnetometers, i.e. 0.1 pT/sub RMS///spl radic/Hz. The authors were able to suppress the environmental disturbances to such an extent that magnetocardiograms could be recorded in an ordinary environment. Here the two suppression techniques are described and experimental results are presente

    Who's involved?:Case reports on older adults' alcohol and tobacco use in Dutch residential care facilities

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    Residential care facilities (RCFs) provide 24/7 care to older adults with cognitive and/or physical disabilities and aim to provide person-centered care (PCC). Maintaining residents’ autonomy is important to provide PCC, for example, with shared decision-making (SDM). Residents are largely dependent on multiple stakeholders, which could jeopardize their autonomy, especially regarding unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol. This case study explores the dynamics of multiple stakeholders around four RCF residents regarding their alcohol and/or tobacco use. Four RCF residents who smoke tobacco and/or drink alcohol were selected from a previous study, and their (in)formal caregivers were additionally invited to participate. A qualitative research design was chosen, and semi-structured interviews were conducted. The Ethics Review Board from the Tilburg University School of Social and Behavioral Sciences (Reference: RP39) and the executive boards of the two participating organizations granted approval. Narrative portraiture resulted in four case descriptions. Two cases focused mostly on tobacco use, and two cases focused mostly on alcohol use. Multiple stakeholders were involved on different levels: family bought alcohol or cigarettes, and team managers supported care professionals. However, little interaction was found between stakeholders. In these cases, limited interaction between the stakeholders, including the resident, jeopardizes SDM and, in this way, PCC regarding residents’ alcohol and/or tobacco use. SDM on this topic could enhance interaction between all stakeholders involved, which could increase PCC. Finally, the cases indicate a constant struggle between protecting residents from adverse outcomes of alcohol and tobacco use and enhancing their autonomy

    The expanding bipolar shell of the helium nova V445 Puppis

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    From multi-epoch adaptive optics imaging and integral field unit spectroscopy, we report the discovery of an expanding and narrowly confined bipolar shell surrounding the helium nova V445 Puppis (Nova Puppis 2000). An equatorial dust disc obscures the nova remnant, and the outflow is characterized by a large polar outflow velocity of 6720 +/- 650 km s(-1) and knots moving at even larger velocities of 8450 +/- 570 km s(-1). We derive an expansion parallax distance of 8.2 +/- 0.5 kpc and deduce a pre-outburst luminosity of the underlying binary of log L/L-circle dot = 4.34 +/- 0.36. The derived luminosity suggests that V445 Puppis probably contains a massive white dwarf accreting at high rate from a helium star companion making it part of a population of binary stars that potentially lead to supernova Ia explosions due to accumulation of helium-rich material on the surface of a massive white dwarf

    Binaries discovered by the SPY project. IV, Five single-lined DA double white dwarfs

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    We present results from our ongoing follow-up observations of double white dwarf binaries detected in the ESO SN Ia Progenitor SurveY (SPY). We discuss our observing strategy and data analysis and present the orbital solutions of five close double white dwarf binaries: HE0320−1917, HE1511−0448, WD0326−273, WD1013−010 and WD1210+140. Their periods range from 0.44 to 3.22 days. In none of these systems we find any spectral lines originating from the companion. This rules out main sequence companions and indicates that the companion white dwarfs are significantly older and cooler than the bright component. Infrared photometry suggests the presence of a cool, helium-rich white dwarf companion in the binary WD 0326−273. We briefly discuss the consequences of our findings for our understanding of the formation and evolution of double white dwarfs
