32 research outputs found

    Is gene activity in plant cells affected by UMTS-irradiation? A whole genome approach

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    Mobile phone technology makes use of radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields transmitted through a dense network of base stations in Europe. Possible harmful effects of RF fields on humans and animals are discussed, but their effect on plants has received little attention. In search for physiological processes of plant cells sensitive to RF fields, cell suspension cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana were exposed for 24 h to a RF field protocol representing typical microwave exposition in an urban environment. mRNA of exposed cultures and controls was used to hybridize Affymetrix-ATH1 whole genome microarrays. Differential expression analysis revealed significant changes in transcription of 10 genes, but they did not exceed a fold change of 2.5. Besides that 3 of them are dark-inducible, their functions do not point to any known responses of plants to environmental stimuli. The changes in transcription of these genes were compared with published microarray datasets and revealed a weak similarity of the microwave to light treatment experiments. Considering the large changes described in published experiments, it is questionable if the small alterations caused by a 24 h continuous microwave exposure would have any impact on the growth and reproduction of whole plants

    Guard cell SLAC1-type anion channels mediate flagellin-induced stomatal closure

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    During infection plants recognize microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs), and this leads to stomatal closure. This study analyzes the molecular mechanisms underlying this MAMP response and its interrelation with ABA signaling. Stomata in intact Arabidopsis thaliana plants were stimulated with the bacterial MAMP flg22, or the stress hormone ABA, by using the noninvasive nanoinfusion technique. Intracellular double-barreled microelectrodes were applied to measure the activity of plasma membrane ion channels. Flg22 induced rapid stomatal closure and stimulated the SLAC1 and SLAH3 anion channels in guard cells. Loss of both channels resulted in cells that lacked flg22-induced anion channel activity and stomata that did not close in response to flg22 or ABA. Rapid flg22-dependent stomatal closure was impaired in plants that were flagellin receptor (FLS2)-deficient, as well as in the ost1-2 (Open Stomata 1) mutant, which lacks a key ABA-signaling protein kinase. By contrast, stomata of the ABA protein phosphatase mutant abi1-1 (ABscisic acid Insensitive 1) remained flg22-responsive. These data suggest that the initial steps in flg22 and ABA signaling are different, but that the pathways merge at the level of OST1 and lead to activation of SLAC1 and SLAH3 anion channels.Peer reviewe

    Natural Variation in Arabidopsis Cvi-0 Accession Reveals an Important Role of MPK12 in Guard Cell CO2 Signaling

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    Author Summary Human activities have increased the concentrations of CO2 and harmful air pollutants such as ozone in the troposphere. These changes can have detrimental consequences for agricultural productivity. Guard cells, which form stomatal pores on leaves, regulate plant gas exchange. To maintain photosynthesis, stomata open to allow CO2 uptake, but at the same time, open stomata lead to loss of water and allow the entrance of ozone. Elevated atmospheric CO2 levels reduce stomatal apertures, which can improve plant water balance but also increases leaf temperature. Using genetic approaches—in which we exploit natural variation and mutant analysis of thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana)—we find that MITOGEN-ACTIVATED PROTEIN KINASE 12 (MPK12) and its inhibitory interaction with another kinase, HIGH LEAF TEMPERATURE 1 (HT1) (involved in guard cell CO2 signaling), play a key role in this regulatory process. We have therefore identified a mechanism in which guard cell CO2 signaling regulates how efficiently plants use water and cope with the air pollutant ozone.Peer reviewe

    The calcium-permeable channel OSCA1.3 regulates plant stomatal immunity

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    Perception of biotic and abiotic stresses often leads to stomatal closure in plants 1,2. Rapid influx of calcium ions (Ca 2+) across the plasma membrane has an important role in this response, but the identity of the Ca 2+ channels involved has remained elusive 3,4. Here we report that the Arabidopsis thaliana Ca 2+-permeable channel OSCA1.3 controls stomatal closure during immune signalling. OSCA1.3 is rapidly phosphorylated upon perception of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Biochemical and quantitative phosphoproteomics analyses reveal that the immune receptor-associated cytosolic kinase BIK1 interacts with and phosphorylates the N-terminal cytosolic loop of OSCA1.3 within minutes of treatment with the peptidic PAMP flg22, which is derived from bacterial flagellin. Genetic and electrophysiological data reveal that OSCA1.3 is permeable to Ca 2+, and that BIK1-mediated phosphorylation on its N terminus increases this channel activity. Notably, OSCA1.3 and its phosphorylation by BIK1 are critical for stomatal closure during immune signalling, and OSCA1.3 does not regulate stomatal closure upon perception of abscisic acid—a plant hormone associated with abiotic stresses. This study thus identifies a plant Ca 2+ channel and its activation mechanisms underlying stomatal closure during immune signalling, and suggests specificity in Ca 2+ influx mechanisms in response to different stresses

    A voltage‐dependent Ca 2+

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    Cytosolic calcium signals are evoked by a large variety of biotic and abiotic stimuli and play an important role in cellular and long distance signalling in plants. While the function of the plasma membrane in cytosolic Ca2+^{2+} signalling has been intensively studied, the role of the vacuolar membrane remains elusive. A newly developed vacuolar voltage clamp technique was used in combination with live-cell imaging, to study the role of the vacuolar membrane in Ca2+^{2+} and pH homeostasis of bulging root hair cells of Arabidopsis. Depolarisation of the vacuolar membrane caused a rapid increase in the Ca2+^{2+} concentration and alkalised the cytosol, while hyperpolarisation led to the opposite responses. The relationship between the vacuolar membrane potential, the cytosolic pH and Ca2+ concentration suggests that a vacuolar H+^{+}/Ca2+^{2+} exchange mechanism plays a central role in cytosolic Ca2+ homeostasis. Mathematical modelling further suggests that the voltage-dependent vacuolar Ca2+^{2+} homeostat could contribute to calcium signalling when coupled to a recently discovered K+^{+} channel-dependent module for electrical excitability of the vacuolar membrane

    A voltage-dependent Ca2+^{2+} homeostat operates in the plant vacuolar membrane

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    Cytosolic calcium signals are evoked by a large variety of biotic and abiotic stimuli and play an important role in cellular and long distance signalling in plants. While the function of the plasma membrane in cytosolic Ca2+^{2+} signalling has been intensively studied, the role of the vacuolar membrane remains elusive. A newly developed vacuolar voltage clamp technique was used in combination with live-cell imaging, to study the role of the vacuolar membrane in Ca2+^{2+} and pH homeostasis of bulging root hair cells of Arabidopsis. Depolarisation of the vacuolar membrane caused a rapid increase in the Ca2+^{2+} concentration and alkalised the cytosol, while hyperpolarisation led to the opposite responses. The relationship between the vacuolar membrane potential, the cytosolic pH and Ca2+ concentration suggests that a vacuolar H+^{+}/Ca2+^{2+} exchange mechanism plays a central role in cytosolic Ca2+ homeostasis. Mathematical modelling further suggests that the voltage-dependent vacuolar Ca2+^{2+} homeostat could contribute to calcium signalling when coupled to a recently discovered K+^{+} channel-dependent module for electrical excitability of the vacuolar membrane

    Ca(2+)-Dependent and -Independent Abscisic Acid Activation of Plasma Membrane Anion Channels in Guard Cells of Nicotiana tabacum

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    Drought induces stomatal closure, a response that is associated with the activation of plasma membrane anion channels in guard cells, by the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA). In several species, this response is associated with changes in the cytoplasmic free Ca(2+) concentration. In Vicia faba, however, guard cell anion channels activate in a Ca(2+)-independent manner. Because of potential differences between species, Nicotiana tabacum guard cells were studied in intact plants, with simultaneous recordings of the plasma membrane conductance and the cytoplasmic free Ca(2+) concentration. ABA triggered transient rises in cytoplasmic Ca(2+) in the majority of the guard cells (14 out of 19). In seven out of 14 guard cells, the change in cytoplasmic free Ca(2+) closely matched the activation of anion channels, while the Ca(2+) rise was delayed in seven other cells. In the remaining five cells, ABA stimulated anion channels without a change in the cytoplasmic Ca(2+) level. Even though ABA could activate anion channels in N. tabacum guard cells independent of a rise in the cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentration, patch clamp experiments showed that anion channels in these cells are stimulated by elevated Ca(2+) in an ATP-dependent manner. Guard cells thus seem to have evolved both Ca(2+)-independent and -dependent ABA signaling pathways. Guard cells of N. tabacum apparently utilize both pathways, while ABA signaling in V. faba seems to be restricted to the Ca(2+)-independent pathway

    The green light gap: a window of opportunity for optogenetic control of stomatal movement

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    Green plants are equipped with photoreceptors that are capable of sensing radiation in the ultraviolet‐to‐blue and the red‐to‐far‐red parts of the light spectrum. However, plant cells are not particularly sensitive to green light (GL), and light which lies within this part of the spectrum does not efficiently trigger the opening of stomatal pores. Here, we discuss the current knowledge of stomatal responses to light, which are either provoked via photosynthetically active radiation or by specific blue light (BL) signaling pathways. The limited impact of GL on stomatal movements provides a unique option to use this light quality to control optogenetic tools. Recently, several of these tools have been optimized for use in plant biological research, either to control gene expression, or to provoke ion fluxes. Initial studies with the BL‐activated potassium channel BLINK1 showed that this tool can speed up stomatal movements. Moreover, the GL‐sensitive anion channel GtACR1 can induce stomatal closure, even at conditions that provoke stomatal opening in wild‐type plants. Given that crop plants in controlled‐environment agriculture and horticulture are often cultivated with artificial light sources (i.e. a combination of blue and red light from light‐emitting diodes), GL signals can be used as a remote‐control signal that controls stomatal transpiration and water consumption