182 research outputs found

    3d printing and testing of rose thorns or limpet teeth inspired anchor device for tendon tissue repair

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    Purposes: Advancements in medical technology have enabled medical specialists to resolve significant problems concerning tendon injuries. However, despite the latest improvements, surgical tendon repair remains challenging. This study aimed to explore the capabilities of the current state-of-the-art technologies for implantable devices. Methods: After performing extensive patent landscaping and literature review, an anchored tissue fixation device was deemed the most suitable candidate. This design was firstly investigated numerically, realizing a Finite Element Model of the device anchored to two swine tendons stumps, to simulate its application on a severed tendon. Two different hook designs, both bio-inspired, were tested while retaining the same device geometry and anchoring strategy. Then, the applicability of a 3D-printed prototype was tested on swine tendons. Finally, the device-tendon stumps ensemble was subjected to uniaxial tensile tests. Results: The results show that the investigated device enables a better load distribution during the immobilized limb period in comparison to standard suture-based approaches, yet it still presents several design flaws. Conclusions: The current implantable solutions do not ensure an optimal result in terms of strength recovery. This and other weak points of the currently available proposals will serve as a starting point for future works on bio-inspired implantable devices for tendon repair

    Mechanical properties of animal ligaments: a review and comparative study for the identification of the most suitable human ligament surrogates

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    : The interest in the properties of animal soft tissues is often related to the desire to find an animal model to replace human counterparts due to the unsteady availability of human tissues for experimental purposes. Once the most appropriate animal model is identified, it is possible to carry out ex-vivo and in-vivo studies for the repair of ligamentous tissues and performance testing of replacement and support healing devices. This work aims to present a systematic review of the mechanical properties of ligaments reported in the scientific literature by considering different anatomical regions in humans and several animal species. This study was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method. Moreover, considering the lack of a standard protocol for preconditioning of tissues, this aspect is also addressed. Ninety-six studies were selected for the systematic review and analysed. The mechanical properties of different animal species are reported and summarised in tables. Only results from studies reporting the strain rate parameter were considered for comparison with human ligaments, as they were deemed more reliable. Elastic modulus, ultimate tensile stress, and ultimate strain properties are graphically reported identifying the range of values for each animal species and to facilitate comparison between values reported in the scientific literature in animal and human ligaments. Useful similarities between the mechanical properties of swine, cow, and rat and human ligaments have been found

    Effect of nanoscale curvature sign and bundle structure on supercritical H(2) and CH(4) adsorptivity of single wall carbon nanotube

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    The adsorptivities of supercritical CH(4) and H(2) of the external and internal tube walls of single wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT) were determined. The internal tube wall of the negative curvature showed the higher adsorptivities for supercritical CH(4) and H(2) than the external tube wall of the positive curvature due to their interaction potential difference. Fine SWCNT bundles were prepared by the capillary force-aided drying treatment using toluene or methanol in order to produce the interstitial pore spaces having the strongest interaction potential for CH(4) or H(2); the bundled SWCNT showed the highest adsorptivity for supercritical CH(4) and H(2). It was clearly shown that these nanostructures of SWCNTs are crucial for supercritical gas adsorptivity.ArticleADSORPTION-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ADSORPTION SOCIETY. 17(3):643-651 (2011)journal articl

    Formation of Nanoclusters and Nanopillars in Nonequilibrium Surface Growth for Catalysis Applications: Growth by Diffusional Transport of Matter in Solution Synthesis

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    Growth of nanoclusters and nanopillars is considered in a model of surface deposition of building blocks (atoms) diffusionally transported from solution to the forming surface structure. Processes of surface restructuring are also accounted for in the model, which then yields morphologies of interest in catalysis applications. Kinetic Monte Carlo numerical approach is utilized to explore the emergence of FCC-symmetry surface features in Pt-type metal nanostructures. Available results exemplify evaluation of the fraction of the resulting active sites with desirable properties for catalysis, such as (111)-like coordination, as well as suggest optimal growth regimes

    Characterization of deposits formed on diesel injectors in field test and from thermal oxidative degradation of n-hexadecane in a laboratory reactor

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    Solid deposits from commercially available high-pressure diesel injectors (HPDI) were analyzed to study the solid deposition from diesel fuel during engine operation. The structural and chemical properties of injector deposits were compared to those formed from the thermal oxidative stressing of a diesel fuel range model compound, n-hexadecane at 160°C and 450 psi for 2.5 h in a flow reactor. Both deposits consist of polyaromatic compounds (PAH) with oxygen moieties. The similarities in structure and composition of the injector deposits and n-hexadecane deposits suggest that laboratory experiments can simulate thermal oxidative degradation of diesel in commercial injectors. The formation of PAH from n-hexadecane showed that aromatization of straight chain alkanes and polycondensation of aromatic rings was possible at temperatures as low as 160°C in the presence of oxygen. A mechanism for an oxygen-assisted aromatization of cylcoalkanes is proposed

    Stimulation of Chitin Synthesis Rescues Candida albicans from Echinocandins

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    Echinocandins are a new generation of novel antifungal agent that inhibit cell wall ÎČ(1,3)-glucan synthesis and are normally cidal for the human pathogen Candida albicans. Treatment of C. albicans with low levels of echinocandins stimulated chitin synthase (CHS) gene expression, increased Chs activity, elevated chitin content and reduced efficacy of these drugs. Elevation of chitin synthesis was mediated via the PKC, HOG, and Ca2+-calcineurin signalling pathways. Stimulation of Chs2p and Chs8p by activators of these pathways enabled cells to survive otherwise lethal concentrations of echinocandins, even in the absence of Chs3p and the normally essential Chs1p, which synthesize the chitinous septal ring and primary septum of the fungus. Under such conditions, a novel proximally offset septum was synthesized that restored the capacity for cell division, sustained the viability of the cell, and abrogated morphological and growth defects associated with echinocandin treatment and the chs mutations. These findings anticipate potential resistance mechanisms to echinocandins. However, echinocandins and chitin synthase inhibitors synergized strongly, highlighting the potential for combination therapies with greatly enhanced cidal activity

    Infections after spine instrumentation: effectiveness of short antibiotic treatment in a large multicentre cohort

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    REIPI (Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Disease)/GEIO–SEIMC (Group for the Study of Osteoarticular Infections – Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology).[Background and objectives] Available information about infection after spine instrumentation (IASI) and its management are scarce. We aimed to analyse DAIR (debridement, antibiotics and implant retention) prognosis and evaluate effectiveness of short antibiotic courses on early forms.[Methods] Multicentre retrospective study of patients with IASI managed surgically (January 2010–December 2016). Risk factors for failure were analysed by multivariate Cox regression and differences between short and long antibiotic treatment were evaluated with a propensity score-matched analysis.[Results] Of the 411 IASI cases, 300 (73%) presented in the first month after surgery, 48 in the second month, 22 in the third and 41 thereafter. Infections within the first 2 months (early cases) occurred mainly to older patients, with local inflammatory signs and predominance of Enterobacteriaceae, unlike those in the later periods. When managed with DAIR, prognosis of early cases was better than later ones (failure rate 10.4% versus 26.1%, respectively; P = 0.02). Risk factors for DAIR failure in early cases were female sex, Charlson Score, large fusions (>6 levels) and polymicrobial infections (adjusted HRs of 2.4, 1.3, 2.6 and 2.26, respectively). Propensity score matching proved shorter courses of antibiotics (4–6 weeks) as effective as longer courses (failure rates 11.4% and 10.5%, respectively; P = 0.870).[Conclusions] IASIs within the first 2 months could be managed effectively with DAIR and shorter antibiotic courses. Clinicians should be cautious when faced with patients with comorbidities, large fusions and/or polymicrobial infections.E.B. was supported with a grant of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Ministry of Science and Innovation (FI 16/00397). This research was carried out as part of our routine work.Peer reviewe

    Fungal Planet description sheets: 1042-1111

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    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Antarctica, Cladosporium arenosum from marine sediment sand. Argentina, Kosmimatamyces alatophylus (incl. Kosmimatamyces gen. nov.) from soil. Australia, Aspergillus banksianus, Aspergillus kumbius, Aspergillus luteorubrus, Aspergillus malvicolor and Aspergillus nanangensis from soil, Erysiphe medicaginis from leaves of Medicago polymorpha, Hymenotorrendiella communis on leaf litter of Eucalyptus bicostata, Lactifluus albopicri and Lactifluus austropiperatus on soil, Macalpinomyces collinsiae on Eriachne benthamii, Marasmius vagus on soil, Microdochium dawsoniorum from leaves of Sporobolus natalensis, Neopestalotiopsis nebuloides from leaves of Sporobolus elongatus, Pestalotiopsis etonensis from leaves of Sporobolus jacquemontii, Phytophthora personensis from soil associated with dying Grevillea mccutcheonii. Brazil, Aspergillus oxumiae from soil, Calvatia baixaverdensis on soil, Geastrum calycicoriaceum on leaf litter, Greeneria kielmeyerae on leaf spots of Kielmeyera coriacea. Chile, Phytophthora aysenensis on collar rot and stem of Aristotelia chilensis. Croatia, Mollisia gibbospora on fallen branch of Fagus sylvatica. Czech Republic, Neosetophoma hnaniceana from Buxus sempervirens. Ecuador, Exophiala frigidotolerans from soil. Estonia, Elaphomyces bucholtzii in soil. France, Venturia paralias from leaves of Euphorbia paralias. India, Cortinarius balteatoindicus and Cortinarius ulkhagarhiensis on leaf litter. Indonesia, Hymenotorrendiella indonesiana on Eucalyptus urophylla leaf litter. Italy, Penicillium taurinense from indoor chestnut mill. Malaysia, Hemileucoglossum kelabitense on soil, Satchmopsis pini on dead needles of Pinus tecunumanii. Poland, Lecanicillium praecognitum on insects’ frass. Portugal, Neodevriesia aestuarina from saline water. Republic of Korea, Gongronella namwonensis from freshwater. Russia, Candida pellucida from Exomias pellucidus, Heterocephalacria septentrionalis as endophyte from Cladonia rangiferina, Vishniacozyma phoenicis from dates fruit, Volvariella paludosa from swamp. Slovenia, Mallocybe crassivelata on soil. South Africa, Beltraniella podocarpi, Hamatocanthoscypha podocarpi, Coleophoma podocarpi and Nothoseiridium podocarpi (incl. Nothoseiridium gen. nov.) from leaves of Podocarpus latifolius, Gyrothrix encephalarti from leaves of Encephalartos sp., Paraphyton cutaneum from skin of human patient, Phacidiella alsophilae from leaves of Alsophila capensis, and Satchmopsis metrosideri on leaf litter of Metrosideros excelsa. Spain, Cladophialophora cabanerensis from soil, Cortinarius paezii on soil, Cylindrium magnoliae from leaves of Magnolia grandiflora, Trichophoma cylindrospora (incl. Trichophoma gen. nov.) from plant debris, Tuber alcaracense in calcareus soil, Tuber buendiae in calcareus soil. Thailand, Annulohypoxylon spougei on corticated wood, Poaceascoma filiforme from leaves of unknown Poaceae. UK, Dendrostoma luteum on branch lesions of Castanea sativa, Ypsilina buttingtonensis from heartwood of Quercus sp. Ukraine, Myrmecridium phragmiticola from leaves of Phragmites australis. USA, Absidia pararepens from air, Juncomyces californiensis (incl. Juncomyces gen. nov.) from leaves of Juncus effusus, Montagnula cylindrospora from a human skin sample, Muriphila oklahomaensis (incl. Muriphila gen. nov.) on outside wall of alcohol distillery, Neofabraea eucalyptorum from leaves of Eucalyptus macrandra, Diabolocovidia claustri (incl. Diabolocovidia gen. nov.) from leaves of Serenoa repens, Paecilomyces penicilliformis from air, Pseudopezicula betulae from leaves of leaf spots of Populus tremuloides. Vietnam, Diaporthe durionigena on branches of Durio zibethinus and Roridomyces pseudoirritans on rotten wood. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes
