128 research outputs found

    Genetic variability for waxy genes in Argentinean bread wheat germplasm

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    Amylose and amylopectin are the two polysaccharides that constitute starch in bread wheat and the enzyme GBSSI (Granule-bound starch synthase I), also known as waxy protein, is responsible for amylose synthesis in storage tissues. Decrease of the amylose content in starch has been associated with the lack of waxy protein(s). In this work, different sets of PCR markers were used to characterize the genetic variability of waxy loci from 103 Argentinean bread wheat cultivars. For the Wx-A1 locus, Wx-A1a and a novel molecular allele designed Wx-A1g were detected. Wx-B1 locus showed three alleles (Wx-B1a, Wx-B1b, Wx-B1e), and Wx-D1 locus showed only the Wx-D1a allele. Novel single-locus allele specific markers for Wx-A1b, Wx-B1b and Wx- D1b null alleles were also described. To our best knowledge this is the first study focused to characterize the genetic variability for waxy genes in bread wheat cultivars from South America

    Análisis comparativo del potencial de siete variedades de triticale para usos agroenergéticos.

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    Se han realizado ensayos de campo durante 2008 y 2009 para evaluar la producción de biomasa seca y de los principales componentes celulósicos de la biomasa, y el rendimiento en grano de 7 variedades de triticale y 5 variedades de otros cereales (centeno, avena forrajera y trigo blando). Los centenos analizados, en particular la variedad híbrida ‘Picasso’, han sido los materiales más productivos, tanto en lo que respecta a su posible rendimiento energético, como en su condición de cereal para grano. No obstante, los triticales ‘Forricale’ y ‘Misionero’ han mostrado un buen potencial como cultivo agroenergé- tico, especialmente en condiciones climatológicas adversas. También destacan en cuanto a su posible utilización como variedades de doble uso: biocombustible y cereal-grano

    Treatments for alopecia areata: a network meta-analysis

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    Acknowledgement: “This Protocol of a Cochrane Review was published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020, Issue 9. Cochrane Protocols and Reviews are regularly updated as new evidence emerges and in response to feedback, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews should be consulted for the most recent version of the Protocol.'Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Objectives: This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows:. To assess the comparative effectiveness and safety of interventions used in the management of alopecia areata (AA), including patchy alopecia (PA), alopecia totalis (AT) and alopecia universalis (AU). To establish rankings of the available treatments for AA, based on their effectiveness and safety (primary outcomes), through a network meta-analysis

    Análisis de la diversidad para proteínas de endospermo en los citotipos 2N=10 y 2N=30 de Brachipodium

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    Se han analizado mediante electroforesis las proteínas del endospermo de 38 poblaciones españolas de brachypodium, correspondientes a los citotipos de 10 y 30 cromosomas. En total, se han identificado 40 bandas de proteínas diferentes, ninguna de las cuales ha resultado ser específica de uno de los dos citotipos. Se ha encontrado una alta variabilidad intra- e interpoblacional, siendo las poblaciones de 30 cromosomas las que muestran el mayor grado de diversidad genétic

    Metal content determination in biodiesel samples by microwave mineralization and ICP-AES

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    El trabajo comprende la puesta a punto de un método de digestión, mediante calentamiento de microondas, de muestras de biodiesel obtenidas mediante catálisis homogénea de aceites vegetales, para la determinación de 20 elementos mediante ICP-AES

    Characterization of endosperm proteins and bread-making quality in wheat breeding lines carrying resistance genes for Mayetiola destructor and/or Heterodera avenae.

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    The experimental material included thirteen bread wheat-breeding lines that carry genes for resistance to M. destruc¬tor and/or H. avenae. The sources of these resistances are the wild species Ae. triuncialis and Ae. ventricosa (lines TR and H-93, respectively) (Delibes et al. 1993, 1997; Romero et al. 1998). We have determined the composition in HMW-glutenin subunits (related with bread-making quality), puroindoline proteins (related with hardness of grain), and waxy proteins (related with starch viscosity). In addition to, of prolamins by electrophoresis SDS-PAGE indicated the homogeneity of the lines

    Karyotype characterization of wheat breeding lines carrying resistance genes from Aegilops ventricosa

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    We have used in situ hybridization combining genomic and repeated DNA fluorescent probes to determine the karyotype composition of two bread wheat introgression lines: H-93-33, which carries the gene H27 for resistance to the Hessian fly M. destructor (Delibes et al. 1997); and H-93-8, carrying the gene Cre2 which confers resistance to the cereal cyst nematode H. avenae (Delibes et al. 1993). Both introgression lines had been derived from an earlier cross between T. aestivum subsp. aestivum (2n=42; genome composition AABBDD) and a semi-fertile hybrid between T. turgidum subsp. turgidum (2n=28; genome composition AABB) and the wild grass Ae. ventricosa (2n=28; genome constitution DvDvN¬vNv). We also have examined several resistant advanced lines that were obtained from H-93-33 (lines ID-2151, ID-2193, Ma-1612-a and Ma-1612-b) or H-93-8 (line ID-2150) after 3 to 5 backcrosses with commercial wheats

    Calidad semolera y nuevas variantes alélicas prolaminas en variedades indígenas españolas d trigo duro (Triticum Turgidum L. Tell.)

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    Las prolaminas son las principales proteínas del endospermo de los trigos panaderos que están relacionadas con la calidad panadera. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar gluteninas LMW según la nomenclatura de Liu et al y relacionarlas con la fuerza panadera

    High expression of ID family and IGJ genes signature as predictor of low induction treatment response and worst survival in adult Hispanic patients with B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Table S4. Complete list of signaling pathways dysregulated in patients who achieved complete remission therapy. Signaling pathway analysis was done using MetaCore KPA using the set of 442 genes differentially expressed between good and poor response group. (XLSX 10 kb