1,535 research outputs found

    Comparison of ultrasound-guided versus blind interventions for supraspinatus tendinopathy : A cadaveric study

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    Background. The treatment of supraspinatus tendinopathy remains a challenge for the health professional. This study aims to analyze the precision of needle interventions in lesions of the supraspinatus tendon when conducting them in an ultrasound-guided or non-ultrasound guided (blind) manner. Methods. Study on cadaver with infiltrations performed under ultrasound control or blind after randomization of the parts and participants. Twenty fresh cadaveric shoulders and 30 practitioners with experience using musculoskeletal ultrasound and doing needle interventions. Each practitioner performed 4 ultrasound-guided and 4 unguided punctures. This provided 240 punctures that were analyzed in 3 different anatomical cuts, thus providing a database of 720 measurements for statistical analysis. Results. Statistically significant differences were observed (p<0.0001) in the distance to the bullet point between the ultrasound-guided and the non-guided infiltrations. It was estimated that the unguided punctures were performed on average 10mm farther from the bullet point than the 'ultrasound-guided' punctures. The ultrasound-guided punctures demonstrated 95% precision while the unguided punctures had a precision rate of 12.5% (p <0.0001). Conclusion. Interventions of the supraspinatus tendon should be performed in an ultrasound-guided manner to facilitate administration of the treatment in the proper area

    Machine-assisted Cyber Threat Analysis using Conceptual Knowledge Discovery

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    Over the last years, computer networks have evolved into highly dynamic and interconnected environments, involving multiple heterogeneous devices and providing a myriad of services on top of them. This complex landscape has made it extremely difficult for security administrators to keep accurate and be effective in protecting their systems against cyber threats. In this paper, we describe our vision and scientific posture on how artificial intelligence techniques and a smart use of security knowledge may assist system administrators in better defending their networks. To that end, we put forward a research roadmap involving three complimentary axes, namely, (I) the use of FCA-based mechanisms for managing configuration vulnerabilities, (II) the exploitation of knowledge representation techniques for automated security reasoning, and (III) the design of a cyber threat intelligence mechanism as a CKDD process. Then, we describe a machine-assisted process for cyber threat analysis which provides a holistic perspective of how these three research axes are integrated together

    An evaluation of enhanced geotextile layer in permeable pavement to improve stormwater infiltration and attenuation

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    This paper reports on an evaluation of the properties of a novel structure known as OASIS® which was designed at Coventry University as an enhancement of the commercially available geotextiles when incorporated in the permeable pavement system (PPS). The impact on the hydraulic behaviour of a PPS was analysed through the study of infiltration rate, throughout the PPS and time required to reach the steady-state stage behaviour of the water within the PPS, under extreme rainfall intensities of 100 mm/hr, 200 mm/hr and 400 mm/hr, corresponding to a 100-year return period rainfall over a duration of 15 min in different parts of the world. The result indicated that the novel structure provides an extra benefit when incorporated in PPSs, delaying peak flow of a rainfall event by retaining and storing great volumes of water within its structure. These additional benefits are especially important under extreme rainfall events

    Quantification of impacts in artistic gymnastics with accelerometry: an approximation

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    Intensity and volume of training in Artisti Gymnastics are increasing as the sooner athlete's age of incorporation creating some disturbance in them

    Potencial forrageiro de seis híbridos de sorgo com capim sudão.

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    Avaliaram-se quatro híbridos experimentais e duas cultivares comerciais de Sorghum bicolor cv bicolor x Sorghum bicolor cv sudanense quanto às características agronômicas: produções de matéria verde por hectare (MV/ha), matéria seca (MS/ha), altura das plantas, número de plantas/ha, taxa de rebrota e relação folha/haste. Os plantios ocorreram na transição do período seco para o período chuvoso. Os híbridos foram submetidos a três cortes sucessivos, realizados em duas épocas de plantio. Foi empregado um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso e a comparação de médias foi efetuada pelo teste de SNK, a 5% de probabilidade. Os híbridos estudados não diferiram para a maioria das características avaliadas, com exceção da população de plantas, em que o híbrido experimental ATF 54 x CMSXS 912, com 848 mil plantas/há, foi semelhante (P>0,05) aos híbridos testemunhas (comerciais) AG2501C, com 780 mil plantas/ha, e ao BRS800, com 749 mil plantas/ha, sendo superior (P<0,05) aos demais híbridos. Os resultados de produtividade indicam o potencial dos híbridos de sorgo com capim Sudão estudados para serem utilizados como alternativa para a produção de forragem em regime de corte, na transição do período seco para o período chuvoso

    Avaliação da silagem do híbrido de sorgo BR 601 com aditivos: alterações nos teores de matéria seca, frações fibrosas e digestibilidade "in vitro" da matéria seca.

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    Avaliou-se o padrão de fermentação de silagens do híbrido de sorgo forrageiro BR 601 com ou sem aditivos. Foram adotados os tratamentos: silagem sem aditivo (testemunha) e silagens adicionadas com 0,5% de uréia, 0,5% de carbonato de cálcio, 0,5% de uréia mais 0,5% de carbonato de cálcio e com inoculante bacteriano. Os materiais foram ensilados em silos de “PVC” e abertos com um, três, cinco, sete, 14, 28 e 56 dias de ensilagem. Determinaram-se as variações nos teores de matéria seca (MS), os teores de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), hemicelulose, celulose, fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), lignina e a digestibilidade “in vitro” da MS (DIVMS). Adotou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em um esquema fatorial 5 x 7, sendo as médias comparadas pelo teste SNK a 5%. As silagens tratadas com a associação entre uréia e carbonato de cálcio apresentaram as maiores perdas de MS. Os aditivos não promoveram alterações nos teores de FDN, hemicelulose e celulose e na DIVMS. Ocorreu diferença entre a silagem testemunha e as silagens com aditivo, com a evolução do processo fermentativo, quanto aos teores de FDA e lignina