2,012 research outputs found

    Explotando el nuevo módulo OpenCL de Intel TBB

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo contribuir al desarrollo de la programación paralela trabajando en una de las herramientas desarrolladas por Intel: Intel Threading Building Blocks (Intel TBB). Hemos implementado una versión paralela de la aplicación ViVid, un algoritmo de detección de objetos, aprovechando la librería Flow Graph de TBB. En la última versión de esta librería se soporta un nuevo tipo de nodos que simplifica la ejecución de kernels OpenCL. Estos nodos OpenCL_node han simplificado la codificación de nuestro algoritmo para aprovechar al mismo tiempo tanto la CPU como la GPU. A la vista de los resultados obtenidos, podemos concluir que nuestra implementación heterogénea con Flow Graph y OpenCL_node mejora en gran medida a desarrollos anteriores, debido principalmente a explotar la técnica de zero-copy buffer entre GPU y CPU, en vez de lectura y escritura de buffers.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto TIN2016-80920-R del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitivida

    Mineralization of Clapper Rail Eggshell from a Contaminated Salt Marsh System

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    The effect of contamination on eggshell mineralization has been studied for clapper rails (Rallus longirostris) inhabiting a contaminated salt marsh in coastal Georgia. To assess the impact of contaminants, the thickness, microstructure (crystal orientation), mineral composition, and chemistry of shell material were analyzed from a contaminated site and a nearby reference site using optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and gas chromatography with electron capture detector. Eggshells from the contaminated site were generally thinner than those from the reference site. Also, eggshells from the contaminated site were abnormally brittle and contained anomalous microstructural attributes. The combination of reduced shell thickness and anomalous microstructure resulted in weaker eggshells, which in turn could pose a significant threat to the reproductive success of the affected population. PCB concentrations in eggshells were at background levels in both sites. Eggshells from the contaminated site had higher concentrations of heavy metals, specifically mercury, than the reference site. The structural changes observed in eggshells may be related to the concentration of specific metals (e.g., Mg, Cu, Zn, Pb, and Hg) in shell, however, statistical analyses indicated that metals only explained a small portion of the observed variation in properties (i.e., thickness, crystal orientation). Further analysis is required to better constrain the factors leading to unusually weak eggshells in the contaminated site

    Mineralization of Clapper Rail Eggshell from a Contaminated Salt Marsh System

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    The effect of contamination on eggshell mineralization has been studied for clapper rails (Rallus longirostris) inhabiting a contaminated salt marsh in coastal Georgia. To assess the impact of contaminants, the thickness, microstructure (crystal orientation), mineral composition, and chemistry of shell material were analyzed from a contaminated site and a nearby reference site using optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and gas chromatography with electron capture detector. Eggshells from the contaminated site were generally thinner than those from the reference site. Also, eggshells from the contaminated site were abnormally brittle and contained anomalous microstructural attributes. The combination of reduced shell thickness and anomalous microstructure resulted in weaker eggshells, which in turn could pose a significant threat to the reproductive success of the affected population. PCB concentrations in eggshells were at background levels in both sites. Eggshells from the contaminated site had higher concentrations of heavy metals, specifically mercury, than the reference site. The structural changes observed in eggshells may be related to the concentration of specific metals (e.g., Mg, Cu, Zn, Pb, and Hg) in shell, however, statistical analyses indicated that metals only explained a small portion of the observed variation in properties (i.e., thickness, crystal orientation). Further analysis is required to better constrain the factors leading to unusually weak eggshells in the contaminated site

    Impact of Different Layer Housing Systems on Eggshell Cuticle Quality and Salmonella Adherence in Table Eggs

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    The bacterial load on the eggshell surface is a key factor in predicting the bacterial penetration and contamination of the egg interior. The eggshell cuticle is the first line of defense against vertical penetration by microbial food-borne pathogens such as Salmonella Enteritidis. Egg producers are increasingly introducing alternative caging systems into their production chain as animal welfare concerns become of greater relevance to today’s consumer. Stress that is introduced by hen aggression and modified nesting behavior in furnished cages can alter the physiology of egg formation and affect the cuticle deposition/quality. The goal of this study was to determine the impact of caging systems (conventional, enriched, free-run, and free-range), on eggshell cuticle parameters and the eggshell bacterial load. The cuticle plug thickness and pore length were higher in the free-range eggs as compared to conventional eggs. The eggshells from alternative caging (enriched and free-range) had a higher total cuticle as compared to conventional cages. A reduction in bacterial cell counts was observed on eggshells that were obtained from free-range eggs as compared to the enriched systems. An inverse correlation between the contact angle and Salmonella adherence was observed. These results indicate that the housing systems of layer hens can modify the cuticle quality and thereby impact bacterial adherence and food safety.Egg Farmers of Canada (EFC) grant number: 551562, Livestock Research Innovation Corporation (LRIC) grant number 570593PID2020- 116660GB-I00, RNM-938 group (Junta de Andalucía)UCE PP 2016.05 (Universidad de Granada

    Properties, genetics and innate immune function of the cuticle in egg-laying species

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    International audienceCleidoic eggs possess very efficient and orchestrated systems to protect the embryo from external microbes until hatch. The cuticle is a proteinaceous layer on the shell surface in many bird and some reptile species. An intact cuticle forms a pore plug to occlude respiratory pores and is an effective physical and chemical barrier against microbial penetration. The interior of the egg is assumed to be normally sterile, while the outer eggshell cuticle hosts microbes. The diversity of the eggshell microbiome is derived from both maternal microbiota and those of the nesting environment. The surface characteristics of the egg, outer moisture layer and the presence of antimicrobial molecules composing the cuticle dictate constituents of the microbial communities on the eggshell surface. The avian cuticle affects eggshell wettability, water vapor conductance and regulates ultraviolet reflectance in various ground-nesting species; moreover, its composition, thickness and degree of coverage are dependent on species, hen age, and physiological stressors. Studies in domestic avian species have demonstrated that changes in the cuticle affect the food safety of eggs with respect to the risk of contamination by bacterial pathogens such as Salmonella and Escherichia coli . Moreover, preventing contamination of internal egg components is crucial to optimize hatching success in bird species. In chickens there is moderate heritability (38%) of cuticle deposition with a potential for genetic improvement. However, much less is known about other bird or reptile cuticles. This review synthesizes current knowledge of eggshell cuticle and provides insight into its evolution in the clade reptilia. The origin, composition and regulation of the eggshell microbiome and the potential function of the cuticle as the first barrier of egg defense are discussed in detail. We evaluate how changes in the cuticle affect the food safety of table eggs and vertical transmission of pathogens in the production chain with respect to the risk of contamination. Thus, this review provides insight into the physiological and microbiological characteristics of eggshell cuticle in relation to its protective function (innate immunity) in egg-laying birds and reptiles

    No evidence that selection for egg production persistency causes loss of bone quality in laying hens

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    ERANET grant BBSRC BB/M028291/1Swedish Research Council Formas 2014-01840ARN (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria) 291815European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) CA15224UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) BB/P013759/

    Intrapreneurship fundamental as element in the organizations of the XXI century

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    This article focuses on the importance of intrapreneurship in organizations. It is based on the works of recognized authors; who have theorized about the importance of an intra-entrepreneurial culture in organizations. The objective of this research was to establish the benefits of the subject in question and its contribution to the productive units. The literature review methodology was used, complemented with the use of the hermeneutical method as an exegetic instrument to achieve a correct analysis of the hypothetical approaches expressed by the authors consulted, throwing among its conclusions, that intrapreneurship is essential to achieve organizations with committed and motivated members , thus contributing with their creative and innovative skills to the achievement of strategic objectives. Therefore, the design of organizations that facilitate the culture of intrapreneurship should be pointed out.El presente artículo se enfoca en la importancia del intraemprendimiento en las organizaciones. Se fundamenta en los trabajos de autores reconocidos; que han teorizado sobre la importancia de una cultura intraemprendedora en las organizaciones. El objetivode esta investigación fue establecer las bondades del tema en mención y su aporte a las unidades productivas. Se empleó la metodología de revisión bibliográfica complementada con la utilización del método hermenéutico como instrumento exegético para lograr un análisis correcto de los planteamientos hipotéticos expresados por los autores consultados, arrojando entre sus conclusiones, que el intraemprendimiento es fundamental para lograr organizaciones con miembros comprometidos y motivados, aportando así con sus habilidades creativas e innovadoras al logro de los objetivos estratégicos. Por lo tanto, se debe apuntar hacía el diseño de organizaciones que faciliten la cultura de intraemprendimiento

    The Clapper Rail as an Indicator Species of Estuarine Marsh Health

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    Clapper Rails (Rallus longirostris) can potentially serve as an indicator species of estuarinemarsh health because of their strong site fi delity and predictable diet consisting predominantly of benthic organisms. These feeding habits increase the likelihood of individuals accumulating signifi - cant amounts of contaminants associated with coastal sediments. Moreover, since Clapper Rails are threatened in most of their western range, additional study of the effects of potential toxins on these birds is essential to conservation programs for this species. Here we present techniques (DNA strand breakage, eggshell structure, and human-consumption risk) that can be used to quantify detrimental effects to Clapper Rails exposed to multiple contaminants in disturbed ecosystems as well as humans who may eat them. Adult birds collected near a site contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and metals in Brunswick, Georgia had a high degree of strand breakage, while those collected from a nearby reference area had no strand breakage. Although, results showed that eggshell integrity was compromised in eggs from the contaminated sites, these results were more diffuse, reemphasizing that multiple endpoints should be used in ecological assessments. This study also shows that techniques such as eggshell integrity on hatched eggs and DNA strand breakage in adults can be used as non-lethal mechanisms to monitor the population health of more threatened populations such as those in the western US. We also present results from human-based risk assessment for PCBs as a third toxicological endpoint, since these species are hunted and consumed by the public in the southeastern US. Using standard human-risk thresholds, we show a potential risk to hunters who consume Clapper Rails shot near the contaminated site from PCBs because of the additional lifetime cancer risk associated with that consumption

    Comparative Hydrodynamic Analysis by Using Two-Dimensional Models and Application to a New Bridge

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    This document develops a methodology that evaluates the impact on the environment of the rivers produced by the creation of civil infrastructures. The methodology is based on the two-dimensional hydrodynamic calculation by using shallow water equations both in the conditions prior to the creation of the infrastructure, and in the new conditions after the infrastructure is created. Subsequently, several characteristics, such as water depth and velocity, among others, are compared between the initial and final conditions, and a two-dimensional zoning of the changes observed is obtained. The methodology herein presented is useful to verify the impact that the implantation of different infrastructures around the river currents could produce. In addition, it is also relevant for carrying out a study taking into account different infrastructure options related to river currents, as well as for selecting the most suitable one. By using the methodology presented, changes on the regime of the currents caused by the infrastructures can be deduced, including a qualitative and quantitative zoning of the changes, with a special emphasis on some characteristics, such as depth and velocity. The methodology is applied in a case study for the creation of a road bridge over the Jalon River in Spain

    Data set for the proteomic inventory and quantitative analysis of chicken eggshell matrix proteins during the primary events of eggshell mineralization and the active growth phase of calcification

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    This research was funded by the French National Research Agency ANR (ANR-13-BSV6-0007-01, ANK-13-BSV6-0007-02 and ANK-13-BSV6-0007-05). The high resolution mass spectrometer was financed (SMHART project, 35069) by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Conseil Regional du Centre, the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) and the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), ARN acknowledges funding through Grants CGL2011-25906 (Ministerio de Economia, Spain).Chicken eggshell is a biomineral composed of 95% calcite calcium carbonate mineral and of 3.5% organic matrix proteins. The assembly of mineral and its structural organization is controlled by its organic matrix. In a recent study [1], we have used quantitative proteomic, bioinformatic and functional analyses to explore the distribution of 216 eggshell matrix proteins at four key stages of shell mineralization defined as: (1) widespread deposition of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC), (2) ACC transformation into crystalline calcite aggregates, (3) formation of larger calcite crystal units and (4) rapid growth of calcite as columnar structure with preferential crystal orientation. The current article detailed the quantitative analysis performed at the four stages of shell mineralization to determine the proteins which are the most abundant. Additionally, we reported the enriched GO terms and described the presence of 35 antimicrobial proteins equally distributed at all stages to keep the egg free of bacteria and of 81 proteins, the function of which could not be ascribed.French National Research Agency (ANR) ANR-13-BSV6-0007-01 ANK-13-BSV6-0007-02 ANK-13-BSV6-0007-05European Union (EU) 35069Region Centre-Val de LoireFrench National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (Inserm)Ministerio de Economia, Spain CGL2011-2590