51,413 research outputs found

    Anomalous Nernst Effect in the Vortex-Liquid Phase of High-Temperature Superconductors by Layer Decoupling

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    Linear diamagnetism is predicted in the vortex-liquid phase of layered superconductors at temperatures just below the mean-field phase transition on the basis of a high-temperature analysis of the corresponding frustrated XY model. The diamagnetic susceptibility, and the Nernst signal by implication, is found to vanish with temperature as (T_c0 - T)^3 in the vicinity of the meanfield transition at T_c0. Quantitative agreement with recent experimental observations of a diamagnetic signal in the vortex-liquid phase of high-temperature superconductors is obtained.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Fermion Analogy for Layered Superconducting Films in Parallel Magnetic Field

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    The equivalence between the Lawrence-Doniach model for films of extreme type-II layered superconductors and a generalization of the back-scattering model for spin-1/2 electrons in one dimension is demonstrated. This fermion analogy is then exploited to obtain an anomalous H∥−1H_{\parallel}^{-1} tail for the parallel equilibrium magnetization of the minimal double layer case in the limit of high parallel magnetic fields H∥H_{\parallel} for temperatures in the critical regime.Comment: 11 pages of plain TeX, 1 postscript figur

    Layered XY-Models, Anyon Superconductors, and Spin-Liquids

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    The partition function of the double-layer XYXY model in the (dual) Villain form is computed exactly in the limit of weak coupling between layers. Both layers are found to be locked together through the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, while they become decoupled well inside the normal phase. These results are recovered in the general case of a finite number of such layers. When re-interpreted in terms of the dual problems of lattice anyon superconductivity and of spin-liquids, they also indicate that the essential nature of the transition into the normal state found in two dimensions persists in the case of a finite number of weakly coupled layers.Comment: 10 pgs, TeX, LA-UR-94-394

    Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in Spin-Charge Separated Superconductor

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    A model for spin-charge separated superconductivity in two dimensions is introduced where the phases of the spinon and holon order parameters couple gauge-invariantly to a statistical gauge-field representing chiral spin-fluctuations. The model is analyzed in the continuum limit and in the low-temperature limit. In both cases we find that physical electronic phase correlations show a superconducting-normal phase transition of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type, while statistical gauge-field excitations are found to be strictly gapless. The normal-to-superconductor phase boundary for this model is also obtained as a function of carrier density, where we find that its shape compares favorably with that of the experimentally observed phase diagram for the oxide superconductors.Comment: 35 pages, TeX, CSLA-P-93-

    Shape evolution in Yttrium and Niobium neutron-rich isotopes

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    The isotopic evolution of the ground-state nuclear shapes and the systematics of one-quasiproton configurations are studied in neutron-rich odd-A Yttrium and Niobium isotopes. We use a selfconsistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov formalism based on the Gogny energy density functional with two parametrizations, D1S and D1M. The equal filling approximation is used to describe odd-A nuclei preserving both axial and time reversal symmetries. Shape-transition signatures are identified in the N=60 isotopes in both charge radii and spin-parities of the ground states. These signatures are a common characteristic for nuclei in the whole mass region. The nuclear deformation and shape coexistence inherent to this mass region are shown to play a relevant role in the understanding of the spectroscopic features of the ground and low-lying one-quasiproton states. Finally, a global picture of the neutron-rich A=100 mass region from Krypton up to Molybdenum isotopes is illustrated with the systematics of the nuclear charge radii isotopic shifts.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Systematics of one-quasiparticle configurations in neutron-rich Sr, Zr, and Mo odd isotopes with the Gogny energy density functional

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    The systematics of one-quasiparticle configurations in neutron-rich Sr, Zr, and Mo odd isotopes is studied within the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov plus Equal Filling Approximation method preserving both axial and time reversal symmetries. Calculations based on the Gogny energy density functional with both the standard D1S parametrization and the new D1M incarnation of this functional are included in our analysis. The nuclear deformation and shape coexistence inherent to this mass region are shown to play a relevant role in the understanding of the spectroscopic features of the ground and low-lying one-quasineutron states.Comment: 11 page

    Signatures of shape transition in odd-A neutron-rich Rubidium isotopes

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    The isotopic evolution of the ground-state nuclear shapes and the systematics of one-quasiproton configurations are studied in odd-A Rubidium isotopes. We use a selfconsistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov formalism based on the Gogny energy density functional with two parametrizations, D1S and D1M, and implemented with the equal filling approximation. We find clear signatures of a sharp shape transition at N=60 in both charge radii and spin-parity of the ground states, which are robust, consistent to each other, and in agreement with experiment. We point out that the combined analysis of these two observables could be used to predict unambiguously new regions where shape transitions might develop.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. C (Rapid Communications

    Microscopic description of quadrupole-octupole coupling in Sm and Gd isotopes with the Gogny Energy Density Functional

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    The interplay between the collective dynamics of the quadrupole and octupole deformation degree of freedom is discussed in a series of Sm and Gd isotopes both at the mean field level and beyond, including parity symmetry restoration and configuration mixing. Physical properties like negative parity excitation energies, E1 and E3 transition probabilities are discussed and compared to experimental data. Other relevant intrinsic quantities like dipole moments, ground state quadrupole moments or correlation energies associated to symmetry restoration and configuration mixing are discussed. For the considered isotopes, the quadrupole-octupole coupling is found to be weak and most of the properties of negative parity states can be described in terms of the octupole degree of freedom alone.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure
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