71 research outputs found

    Cooperativity and Competition in the Binding of Intercalators and Groove Binders to DNA

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    Both DNA intercalating ligands such as psoralens and DNA groove binding ligands such as heterocyclic diamidines have been shown to alter the activity of restriction endonucleases if bound at or near the restriction enzyme reaction site. When two agents have binding sites near a particular restriction enzyme site, the possibility arises that each may affect the binding and binding consequences of the other. We have examined this by examining the effects of heterocyclic diamidine mixtures or of diamidine/psoralen mixtures or of heterocyclic diamidine/Co+2 mixtures upon the reactivity of several restriction enzymes on phix174RF DNA. For example, with the restriction enzyme Mlu I [ACGCGT], separately the diamidines DB 293 and DB818 produce inhibition of cleavage. The combination produces enhanced cleavage – which implies a DNA structural alteration. This suggests that these agents, while both groove binders, bind differently and when together, perhaps cooperatively. With Ava II [GGACC], DB818 alone produces enhanced cleavage and DB293 produces inhibited cleavage. The combination produces inhibited cleavage. 8- methoxypsoralen, an intercalator, alone produces inhibition of Mlu I cleavage. The mixture of 8- methoxypsoralen and DB818 results in enhanced cleavage. Alone, Co+2 does not affect reactivity of the restriction enzymes examined. DB293 alone enhances cleavage by Stu I [AGGCCT]. The combination of DB293 and Co+2 produces inhibited cleavage by Stu I. These results and the results with other restriction enzymes cleaving at different sequences suggest that the agents examined affect the structure of DNA upon binding and thus affect the binding of other agents to these locations

    Algunos hallazgos y dificultades sobre los resultados de la evaluación de competencias en matemáticas en el examen de estado

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    La evaluación es tema fundamental en la discusión sobre la educación matemática y sus referentes incorporan aspectos conceptuales, sino metodológicos, didácticos de la matemática escolar acorde con los lineamientos vigentes. Tal es el caso de la evaluación por competencias en el Examen de Estado, que ha sido objeto de análisis y críticas sobre la manera como ha interpretado y diseñado el instrumento de evaluación, en particular las preguntas que dan cuenta de las competencias interpretativa, argumentativa y propositiva en matemáticas. Sabemos que su análisis permite conceptualizar cada vez mejor la evaluación y así mismo ofrecer a la comunidad de matemática educativa otros elementos de reflexión sobre lo que nos ocupa: cualificar la educación básica y media

    Errors in Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Estimation of Body Composition Induced by Hypohydration

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    Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is a popular tool to determine body composition (BC) in athletes, and is used for analysis of fat-free soft tissue mass (FFST) or fat mass (FM) gain/loss in response to exercise or nutritional interventions. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of exercise-heat stress induced hypohydration (HYP, >2% of body mass (BM) loss) vs. maintenance of euhydration (EUH) on DXA estimates of BC, sum of skinfolds (SF), and impedance (Berk et al.) measurements in athletes. Competitive athletes (23 males and 15 females) recorded morning nude BM for 7 days prior to the first main trial. Measurements on the first trial day were conducted in a EUH condition, and again after exercise-heat stress induced HYP. On the second trial day, fluid and electrolyte losses were replaced during exercise using a sports drink. A reduction in total BM (1.6±0.4 kg; 2.3±0.4% HYP) and total LM (1.3±0.4 kg), mainly from trunk (1.1±0.5 kg), was observed using DXA when participants were HYP, reflecting the sweat loss. Estimated fat percent increased (0.3±0.3%), however, total FM did not change (0.1±0.2 kg). SF and IMP declined with HYP (losses of 1.5±2.9% and 1.6±3% respectively) suggesting FM loss. When EUH was maintained there were no significant changes in BM, DXA estimates, or SF values pre to post exercise, but IMP still declined. We conclude that use of DXA for LM assessment in athletes must ensure a EUH state, particularly when considering changes associated with nutritional or exercise interventions

    Factores de riesgo iniciales para ceguera en pacientes con glaucoma, Hospital III Suárez Angamos – ESSALUD, 2003 – 2018

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    El glaucoma es la principal causa de ceguera global e irreversible a nivel mundial, su impacto socioeconómico es muy elevado, debido a su epidemiología y a las consecuencias en la función visual. Para el 2013, su prevalencia en el mundo fue del 3.54%, con esta cifra se proyectó que el número de personas, entre 40 a 80 años, que padecen de glaucoma irá en aumento de 64.3 a 111.8 millones para el año 2040. De los tipos de glaucoma que existen, el glaucoma primario de ángulo abierto (GPAA) es el que mayor prevalencia presenta con 3.05

    Fluid and electrolyte balance considerations for female athletes

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    This review explores the effects of oestrogen and progesterone fluctuations across the menstrual cycle on fluid and electrolyte balance. The review aims to provide information on this topic for the exercising female but also for researchers working in this field. Beginning with a basic introduction to fluid and electrolyte balance, the review goes on to describe how oestrogen and progesterone have independent and integrated roles to play in the regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance. Despite evidence that oestrogen can influence the osmotic threshold for arginine vasopressin release, and that progesterone can influence aldosterone production, these actions do not appear to influence fluid retention, plasma volume changes at rest and during exercise, or electrolyte losses. However, the large inter-individual variations in hormonal fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle may mean that specific individuals with high fluctuations could experience disturbances in their fluid and electrolyte balance. During phases of oestrogen dominance (e.g. late-follicular phase) heat dissipation is promoted, while progesterone dominance (e.g. mid-luteal phase) promotes heat conservation with overall higher basal body temperature. However, these responses do not consistently lead to any change in observed sweat rates, heat-stress, or dehydration during exercise. Finally, the literature does not support any difference in fluid retention during post-exercise rehydration periods conducted at different menstrual cycle phases. Although these mean responses largely reveal no effects on fluid and electrolyte balance, further research is required particularly in those individuals who experience high hormonal fluctuations, and greater exploration of oestrogen to progesterone interactions is warranted

    Latin American Indigenous and Afro-Descendant Communicators: Sorority and Identities

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    This article will relate mobilizations and narratives of indigenous communicators under the eyes of decolonial feminism. It focuses on how the communicative actions of indigenous women in Mexico and Central America help their political participation to intertwine with efforts to realize human rights. With the methodological cross-referencing of local sources and theoretical perspectives, it is intended to demonstrate that the use of hypermedia by Latin American women and in the wide dissemination in various social networks has been important for feeding mechanisms to build a space for mobilization Social and political. And for them, living and learning with the emancipatory decolonial feminism: that acts beyond the hegemonic and consonant with localities and collective desires. In addition, it is intended to discuss the relevance of meetings of communicators for the exchange of experiences for the reaffirmation of their identities, intersected in their affinities

    A randomised trial to assess fluid and electrolyte balance responses following ingestion of different beverages in young and older men

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    Background Older adults are susceptible to dehydration and fluid overload due to a reduced ability to maintain homeostatic control of fluid and electrolyte balance. Purpose To assess fluid and electrolyte balance responses in young and older men following ingestion of commonly consumed beverages differing in composition. Methods 12 young and 11 older men were recruited. Euhydrated body mass was recorded. Participants consumed 1L (250 ml every 15 min) of water, fruit juice, a sports drink or low-fat milk in a randomized cross-over design. Urine and blood samples were obtained before and after the drinking period and every hour thereafter for 3-h. Samples were used to determine osmolality, electrolytes (Na+ and K+), water clearance, and glomerular filtration rate. Results Free water clearance was significantly higher in Young than Older at 1 and 2 h after the ingestion of W and S (p<0.05). Net Na+ and K+ balance were not different between Young and Older (p=0.91 and p=0.65) adults, respectively. At 3 h Na+ balance was negative after ingesting water and fruit juice, but neutral after sport drink and milk. Net K+ balance was neutral at 3 h after ingesting milk, but negative after water, fruit juice and sport drink. Conclusions Milk was retained longer than other beverages in Young, but not in Older, despite similar net electrolyte balance responses. Older had higher fluid retention in the first 2 h after the ingestion of all beverages, except for milk when compared to Young, indicating an age-related loss of ability to regulate fluid balance under current study conditions

    Effect of Drinking Rate on the Retention of Water or Milk Following Exercise-Induced Dehydration

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    This study investigated the effect of drinking rate on fluid retention of milk and water following exercise-induced dehydration. In Part A, 12 male participants lost 1.9% ± 0.3% body mass through cycle exercise on four occasions. Following exercise, plain water or low-fat milk equal to the volume of sweat lost during exercise was provided. Beverages were ingested over 30 or 90 min, resulting in four beverage treatments: water 30 min, water 90 min, milk 30 min, and milk 90 min. In Part B, 12 participants (nine males and three females) lost 2.0% ± 0.3% body mass through cycle exercise on four occasions. Following exercise, plain water equal to the volume of sweat lost during exercise was provided. Water was ingested over 15 min (DR15), 45 min (DR45), or 90 min (DR90), with either DR15 or DR45 repeated. In both trials, nude body mass, urine volume, urine specific gravity and osmolality, plasma osmolality, and subjective ratings of gastrointestinal symptoms were obtained preexercise and every hour for 3 hr after the onset of drinking. In Part A, no effect of drinking rate was observed on the proportion of fluid retained, but milk retention was greater (p

    Fortalecimiento de juegos tradicionales de la subregión del telembi como estrategia pedagógica para conocer el legado cultural y territorio en los estudiantes del grado tercero del centro educativo la vega del municipio de Barbacoas (Nariño)

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    La propuesta investigativa estuvo enfocada en la generación de una estrateg ia pedagógica para fortalecer el conocimiento que tienen los estudiantes del grado (3) del centro educativo la vega en la práctica de juegos tradicionales en la subregión del telembi, especialmente en el municipio de barbacoas ya que estas tradiciones no se realizan en los diferentes espacios de la vida cotidiana ni con la familia, compañeros y centros educativos que paso con el recurso que tenían nuestros ancestros de transmitir los conocimientos a las futuras generaciones por medio de la oralidad para q ue no se pierda el legado cultural de aquellos procesos que nos permiten identificarnos y mantener nuestra identidad étnica y cultural, de allí la importancia de trabajar proyectos productivos que permitan inculcar en los estudiantes conocimientos. Para el beneficio de ellos y nuestras comunidades y brindar herramientas necesarias para fortalecer los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje de nuestra población afrocolombiana. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto nos apoyamos en los siguientes referentes: el pre tan como herramienta de los procesos culturales. La constitución política de Colombia que respalda y garantiza el derecho de las comunidades negras. La ley general de la educación ley 115 de 1994 donde se describe la educación para grupos étnicos, y la le y 70 de 1993 donde se describen los mecanismos para la protección y desarrollo de los derechos y de la identidad cultural. Nos trazamos los siguientes objetivos fortalecer los conocimientos de los juegos tradicionales de la subregión del telembi en los est udiantes del grado (3) del centro educativo la vega zona rural del municipio de barbacoas en el área de ciencias sociales como objetivo general Unos específicos identificar los diferentes juegos tradicionales de la subregión del telembi para fortalecer el aspecto cultural y conocimiento del territorio, diseñar una estrategia pedagógica enfocada en fortalecer los juegos tradicionales de la subregión del telembi e implementar la estrategia pedagógica en el centro educativo la vega. El proyecto aplicativo es tá diseñado bajo los lineamientos de enfoque cualitativo , método interpretativo y un tipo de investigación descriptiva las técnicas y herramientas que se emplearon fueron : entrevistas y observación participante lo que se pretende con estos proyectos es la enseñanza y aprendizaje sobre la identidad cultural en el municipio de barbacoas con base Fortalecimiento de los juegos tradicionales 9 en el conocimiento de los juegos tradicionales de la subregión del telembi , inculcar en las en el conocimiento de los juegos tradicionales de la subregión del telembi , inculcar en las futuras generaciones toda la parte cultural y ancestral de nuestras cofuturas generaciones toda la parte cultural y ancestral de nuestras comunidades ,mantener viva la munidades ,mantener viva la tradición de nuestros ancestros para que no pierda por el contrario permanezcan en la mente tradición de nuestros ancestros para que no pierda por el contrario permanezcan en la mente nuestras y en las generaciones venideras , fortalecer los conocimientos adquiridos por los nuestras y en las generaciones venideras , fortalecer los conocimientos adquiridos por los estudiantes, mejorar lazos de amistad , amor estudiantes, mejorar lazos de amistad , amor , comprensión, tolerancia , unión como , comprensión, tolerancia , unión como comunidades , difundir nuestras prácticas a nivel nacional para que sean conocidas por todos ya comunidades , difundir nuestras prácticas a nivel nacional para que sean conocidas por todos ya que es obligación del estado y de las personas proteger las riquezas culturales y naturales de la que es obligación del estado y de las personas proteger las riquezas culturales y naturales de la nación.The research proposal was focused on the generation of a pedagogical strategy to strengthen the knowledge that students in grade (3) of the educational center la vega have in the practice of traditional games in the sub region of telembi, especially in the municipality of barbecues since these traditions are not carried out in the different spaces of daily life or with the family, O ur ancestors had the resource of transmitting knowledge to future generations through orality so that the cultural legacy of those processes that allow us to identify ourselves and maintain our ethnic and cultural identity is not lost, hence the importance of working on productive projects that allow students to inculcate knowledge. For the benefit of them and our communities and to provide the necessary tools to strengthen the teaching and learning processes of our Afro Colombian population. For the devel opment of this project we rely on the following references: the pretan as a tool of cultural processes. The political constitution of Colombia that supports and guarantees the rights of black communities. The general law of education, Law 115 of 1994, whic h describes education for ethnic groups, and Law 70 of 1993, which describes the mechanisms for the protection and development of rights and cultural identity. We set ourselves the following objectives to strengthen the knowledge of the traditional games o f the sub region of the telembi in the students of the grade (3) of the educational center the rural zone of the municipality of barbecues in the area of social sciences as general objective Some specifics identify the different traditional games of the te lembi sub region to strengthen the cultural aspect and knowledge of the territory, design a pedagogical strategy focused on strengthening the traditional games of the telembi sub region and implement the pedagogical strategy in the educational center la ve ga. The application project is designed under the guidelines of qualitative approach, interpretative method and a type of descriptive research techniques and tools that were used: Fortalecimiento de los juegos tradicionales 11 interviews and observation participant what is intended with these projects interviews and observation participant what is intended with these projects is the teaching and is the teaching and learning about cultural identity in the municipality of barbecues based on the knowledge of learning about cultural identity in the municipality of barbecues based on the knowledge of traditional games of the subtraditional games of the sub--region of telembi, instill in future generations all the cultural and region of telembi, instill in future generations all the cultural and ancestral part of our communities,to keep alancestral part of our communities,to keep alive the tradition of our ancestors so that it does not ive the tradition of our ancestors so that it does not lose on the contrary remain in our minds and in future generations, strengthen the knowledge lose on the contrary remain in our minds and in future generations, strengthen the knowledge acquired by students, improve ties of friendship, love, understanding, tolerance, union as acquired by students, improve ties of friendship, love, understanding, tolerance, union as communities, disscommunities, disseminate our practices nationally to be known by all because it is the obligation eminate our practices nationally to be known by all because it is the obligation of the state and people to protect the cultural and natural wealth of the nation.of the state and people to protect the cultural and natural wealth of the nation

    El Impacto de la inteligencia Artificial en el Trabajo

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    Las tecnologías basadas en inteligencia artificial son conocidas como sistemas informáticos complejos a través de máquinas y softwares que son semejantes al ser humano y su entorno cognitivo. A lo largo de la historia, su avance ha sido paulatino hasta obtener un crecimiento exponencial en la actualidad, como resultado de su capacidad de adaptación en cualquier área y de expandir el conocimiento y la innovación humana. El uso de la inteligencia artificial ha cambiado la economía mundial y por supuesto la economía emergente colombiana. Los expertos señalan esta tecnología la forma de potencializar el trabajo humano. En consecuencia, en el ámbito laboral; veremos cómo ha surgido el teletrabajo como una herramienta importante para gestionar la aplicación de las tecnologías de inteligencia artificial y el crecimiento empresarial como su mayor impacto, más sin embargo esta medida no ha sido suficientemente regulada y adaptada a un desarrollo sostenible en el futuro tecnológico en nuestro país. Para concluir, el teletrabajo ha sido parte de esta nueva era de la inteligencia artificial por que ha contribuido a que los empleadores adopten nuevas formas de flexibilizar el trabajo, como son usos de sistemas automatizados, procesos de digitalización en la nube, cibernética y usos de las TIC para mitigar costos y mejorar productividad. De otro lado se genera incertidumbre para los trabajadores, quienes a futuro deberán mejorar sus habilidades laborales o perderán sus empleos. También deberán contar con un buen acceso a la conexión de internet para cumplir eficientemente con sus tareas asignadas, sin olvidar las respectivas provisiones de herramientas tecnológicas de trabajo y su debido uso y mantenimiento.Universidad Libre - Facultad Derecho- Especialización en Derecho Laboral y Seguridad SocialTechnologies based on artificial intelligence are known as complex computer systems through machines and software that are like humans and their cognitive environment. Throughout history, its progress has been gradual until today it has grown exponentially, because of its ability to adapt in any area and to expand knowledge and human innovation. The use of artificial intelligence has changed the world economy and of course the emerging Colombian economy. The experts point out this technology the way to potentiate human work. Consequently, from the labor point of view, We will see the implementation of teleworking as an important tool to manage the application of artificial intelligence technologies and business growth as its greatest impact, but this measure has not been sufficiently regulated and adapted to sustainable development in the technological future in our country. country. To conclude, teleworking has been part of this new era of artificial intelligence because it has contributed to employers adopting new ways of making work more flexible, such as uses of automated systems, digitalization processes in the cloud, cybernetics and uses of ICT to mitigate costs and improve productivity. On the other hand, uncertainty is generated for workers, who in the future must improve their work skills or lose their jobs. They must also have good access to the internet connection to efficiently carry out their assigned tasks, without forgetting the respective provisions of technological work tools and their proper use and maintenance. Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI), information and communication technologies (ICT), telework, work environment, productivity, sustainable development, self-adaptation
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