195 research outputs found

    Sistema log?stico reverso aplicado a planta de processamento de rejeitos de barragem de min?rio de ferro.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Constru??o Met?lica. Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Nas atividades inerentes a minera??o, ocorre uma elevada gera??o de materiais de baixo ou nenhum valor econ?mico, cuja destina??o impacta de maneira direta na viabilidade do seu reaproveitamento. Os principais materiais gerados s?o os est?reis e os rejeitos, sendo os est?reis provenientes das atividades de extra??o do min?rio e os rejeitos gerados pelas usinas de beneficiamento. Geralmente, os est?reis s?o dispostos em pilhas e os rejeitos s?o armazenados em barragens (na forma de lama). Estudos recentes apontam que a extra??o e o beneficiamento de min?rios com baixa qualidade aumentar? nos pr?ximos anos, elevando, portanto, a gera??o de res?duos. Somente em 2017, aproximadamente 229 milh?es de toneladas de rejeitos de min?rio de ferro foram produzidos no Brasil. Portanto, sem a devida destina??o final, esses res?duos causam impactos ambientais, econ?micos e sociais, fato que tem motivado o desenvolvimento de estudos com o intuito de encontrar poss?veis alternativas de reaproveitamento para estes materiais. Diante disso, a log?stica reversa se apresenta como uma importante ferramenta, j? que auxilia no dimensionamento adequado dos recursos log?sticos necess?rios por transportar o rejeito do local onde se encontra armazenado at? o local em que ser? reaproveitado. Dessa forma, este trabalho tem como objetivo, dimensionar e comprovar a viabilidade econ?mica de um sistema log?stico reverso respons?vel por transportar o rejeito armazenado em uma planta de processamento de rejeitos de barragem de min?rio de ferro at? o local da constru??o de uma pavimenta??o rodovi?ria, onde ser? utilizado como mat?ria prima para infraestrutura. Como resultado, o sistema log?stico foi dimensionado considerando as restri??es de capacidade dos recursos e limita??es operacionais e sua viabilidade econ?mica de implementa??o foi comprovada.In mining activities, there is a high generation of materials of low or no economic value, whose destination impacts directly on the viability of its reuse. The main materials generated are the sterile and the tailings, being the sterile coming from the activities of extraction of the ore, and the tailings coming by the beneficiation plants. Usually, the sterile is disposed in piles and the tailings are deposited in dams (in the form of mud). Recent studies indicate that the extraction and processing of low quality ores will increase in coming years, increasing the generation of waste. Only in 2017, approximately 229 million tons of iron ore tailings were produced in Brazil. However, without the proper destination, these wastes cause environmental, economic and social impacts, a fact that has motivated the development of studies with the objective of find alternatives to reuse these materials. In this scenario, reverse logistics presents itself as an important tool, since it assists in the adequate dimensioning of the necessary logistic resources for transporting the waste from the place where it is stored to the place where it will be reused. Therefore, the objective of this work is to evaluate and prove the economic feasibility of a reverse logistics system, responsible for transporting tailings stored in a dam to the place where the paving will be built, where it will be used as the feedstock. As a result, the logistic system was scaled, considering resource constraints and operational limitations and its economic feasibility of implementation was proven

    Propostas para a educa??o empreendedora em escolas p?blicas de ensino fundamental

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    No contexto de inexist?ncia de iniciativas de educa??o empreendedora dentro das escolas p?blicas de ensino fundamental na Para?ba, considerando a relev?ncia do tema e o aspecto de desenvolvimento da versatilidade do perfil empreendedor, este trabalho tem por objetivo identificar e propor m?todos de educa??o empreendedora para alunos do ensino fundamental II da rede p?blica de educa??o. Quanto aos objetivos a pesquisa ? descritiva e explorat?ria, com procedimentos t?cnicos que incluem pesquisa bibliogr?fica, e estudo de caso com pesquisa de campo, al?m de utilizar o m?todo indutivo. A pesquisa de natureza aplicada, com abordagem qualiquantitativa, buscou identificar o n?vel de conhecimento dos alunos sobre empreendedorismo, sendo aplicado um question?rio aos alunos do col?gio Isabel Maria das Neves, em Jo?o Pessoa/PB, que contou com perguntas abertas e fechadas, usando escalas nominais e do tipo Likert. De uma popula??o de 411 alunos 300 participaram da pesquisa. Os resultados demonstraram que os alunos reportam falta de conhecimento sobre o tema quando respondem quest?es abertas, entretanto muitos fizeram associa??es espec?ficas corretas quanto ao empreendedorismo, quando respondem assertivas em escalas de op??es de respostas, demonstrando que alguns possuem conhecimentos pr?vios sobre o tema. Baseado nisto e levando em considera??o as refer?ncias bibliogr?ficas sobre m?todos de educa??o empreendedora aplicados ao ensino fundamental, constando no referencial te?rico, foram propostos m?todos, tais como: capacita??o de professores, oficinas e atividades em grupo e jogos e simula??es, em especial o jogo Solu??es Empreendedoras. Destacando sempre o aspecto din?mico e l?dico dessas atividades, al?m da adequa??o ao n?vel de ensino da turma

    Anatomia e arte do mestre Aleijadinho : uma ferramenta metodol?gica para o ensino de anatomia humana.

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    Considerado um dos grandes artistas do barroco brasileiro, Ant?nio Francisco Lisboa, tamb?m conhecido popularmente pela alcunha de Aleijadinho, foi um dos maiores artistas do barroco luso-brasileiro, nascido na cidade hist?rica de Ouro Preto ? MG no s?culo XVIII. Aleijadinho presenciou o apogeu da explora??o aur?fera nas Minas Gerais e o decl?nio dos grandes aluvi?es, participando do ?pice e da derrocada da primeira civiliza??o urbana do Brasil, ? qual mediante a pujante economia serviu em dourado as obras feitas pelo artista. Este trabalho objetiva constatar a not?ria evolu??o t?cnica em rela??o aos detalhes anat?micos de suas esculturas humanas, especialmente nas obras da quinta fase (M?xima) correlacionando os aspectos de suas esculturas com atlas anat?micos atuais.Considered one of the great artists of the Brazilian Baroque, Antonio Francisco Lisboa, also popularly known by the nickname of Aleijadinho, he was one of the greatest artists of the Luso-Brazilian Baroque, born in the historic city of Ouro Preto - MG in the eighteenth century. Aleijadinho witnessed the heyday of gold exploration in Minas Gerais and the decline of large alluvial deposits, participating in the summit and the collapse of the first urban civilization of Brazil, which by the strong economy served in golden works done by the artist. This study aims to establish the notorious technical developments in relation to the anatomical details of his human sculptures, especially in the works of the fifth phase (Maximum) correlating aspects of his sculptures with current anatomical atlas

    A cathodoluminescence-assisted LA?ICP?MS study of topaz from different geological settings.

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    In this study, the crystallization dynamics and the fingerprints of two topaz crystals from the Ouro Preto region (Brazil), two from the Eastern Brazilian Pegmatite Province (EBPP), one from the Western part of the United States (US) and one from Pakistan were characterized. The combination of scanning electron microscope-cathodoluminescence (SEM-CL) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA?ICP?MS) data allowed for the characterization of these samples. Samples from the Ouro Preto region showed primary crystallization and recrystallization processes, which were demonstrated by a CL-heterogeneous core and CL-homogeneous rims in the SEM-CL images. Their fingerprint was composed of Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn. Samples from the EBPP showed both dark and CL-homogeneous SEM-CL images, implying slow and late-stage crystallization, typical of pegmatites. Their fingerprints were composed of Li, Nb, LREE, Ta and W, and of Ti, Nb and HREE. A sample from a Western part of the US displayed CL-heterogeneity with growth and resorption events and well-preserved growth zones, which were noticeable through the SEM-CL images. Its fingerprint was composed of Li, Ti, V, Mn, Nb, LREE, Ta and W. A sample from Pakistan showed an evident metamorphic recrystallization process, which was visible by the incipient and CL-homogeneous luminescence given by the SEM-CL images. Its fingerprint was composed of Ca, Cr, V, Zn, LREE, HREE and W

    Effect of pre-heated dual-cured resin cements on the bond strength of indirect restorations to dentin

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    This study evaluated the effects of resin luting agents (LA) polymerized using increased temperature on the in vitro microtensile bond strength (mu TBS) of indirect restorations to dentin. The occlusal dentin surfaces of 40 human third molars were exposed and flattened. The teeth were assigned to 8 groups (n = 5) according to the LA temperature (25 degrees C or 50 degrees C), curing mode (dual- or self-curing mode), and product (Excite DSC/Variolink II [VII] and XP Bond/Calibra [Cal]). The bonding agents were applied to the dentin surfaces according to manufacturers' instructions. For preheated groups, the LAs were heated to 50 degrees C, subsequently mixed on a heated stirrer surface, and applied to the previously heated pre-polymerized resin discs (2 mm thickness, TPH-Spectrum). The discs were bonded to the dentin surfaces, and the LAs were either exposed to a curing light according to manufacturers' instructions or allowed to self-cure. Specimens were stored in relative humidity at 37 degrees C for 7 days. Specimens were mesio-distally and bucco-lingually sectioned to obtain multiple bonded beams with a 1-mm(2) cross-sectional area for mu TBS testing. Data (MPa) were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test (alpha = 5%) for each product. Specimen failure patterns were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope. VII groups showed higher mu TBS at 50 degrees C than at 25 degrees C regardless of curing mode (p = 0.05). Cal groups showed similar mu TBS at 25 degrees C and 50 degrees C in all activation modes. The use of some dual-polymerizing LAs at 50 degrees C may improve the mu TBS of indirect restorations to dentin.26217017

    Como o conselho escolar pode contribuir para uma gest?o democr?tica participativa: utilizando o processo de compras da merenda pelo programa pnae.

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o funcionamento do processo de aquisi??o da merenda escolar, atrav?s do Programa PNAE, na Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e M?dio Professor Renato Fonseca Filho, localizada na cidade de Cuit? de Mamanguape-PB, para poder compreender se h? uma gest?o democr?tica participativa nas escolas atrav?s dos conselhos escolares, foi observado e analisado por meio de analises documentais e entrevistas n?o-estruturadas, buscou-se compreender como se d? todo o processo de compra da merenda, como aporte te?rico foi utilizado Peroni e Adri?o os quais nos deram embasamentos sobre o Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola, os portais do FNDE e os documentos presentes na escola e alguns artigos peri?dicos sobre o tema Conselho Escolar e Gest?o Democr?tica. Essa pesquisa teve car?ter qualitativo, como foco na abordagem da pesquisa aplicada, utilizando-se o roteiro de observa??o, observa??o participativa, entrevista n?o-estruturadae da an?lise documental de arquivos presentes na escola. Ap?s a an?lise dos documentos, pesquisas, entrevistas e observa??es podemos concluir que muitas medidas ainda precisam ser tomadas para que de fato haja uma participa??o maior da comunidade no processo de compra da merenda escolar

    Nutritional intake and training load of professional female football players during a mid-season microcycle

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    Football (soccer) is a high-intensity intermittent sport with large energy demands. In a repeated-measures design, we analysed the nutritional intake and training load of fourteen female football players (22.50 ? 4.38 y; 57.23 ? 8.61 kg; 164 ? 6.00 cm; 18.33 ? 2.48% of fat mass and 23.71 ? 2.51 kg of muscle mass) competing in the highest female Football Portuguese League across a typical mid-season microcycle. The microcycle had one match day (MD), one recovery session (two days after the MD, MD+2), three training sessions (MD-3, MD-2, MD-1) and two rest days (MD+1). Energy intake and CHO (g.kg.BW?1) intake were lower on the days before the competition (MD+2, MD-3, MD-2 and MD-1 vs. MD; p < 0.05; ES: 0.60?1.30). Total distance, distance covered at high-speed running (HSRD) and the high metabolic distance load (HMLD) were lower on MD+2, MD-3 and MD-1 compared with MD (p < 0.05; ES: <0.2?5.70). The internal training load was lower in all training sessions before the competition (MD+2, MD-3, MD-2 and MD-1 vs. MD; p ? 0.01; ES: 1.28?5.47). Despite the small sample size and a single assessment in time, the results suggest that caloric and CHO intake were below the recommendations and were not structured based on the physical requirements for training sessions or match days.D915-7373-ED16 | Cesar LeaoN/

    Agro-ecological terroir units in the North West Iberian Peninsula wine regions

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    Viticultural zoning studies that support the definition of terroir units general follow two main approaches of geographic differentiation related either to: a) land capability or vineyard suitability, or b) grape, grapevine or wine characteristics. Both approaches are commonly considered in the definition of terroir at regional and local approaches. The purpose of this preliminary study was to develop and apply a methodology for viticultural zoning in order to establish the basis of studies on wine typicality. This will allow to question and compare the existent Protected Designations of Origin (D.O.) in the North West Iberian Peninsula wine regions (North of Portugal and GaliciaSpain). The assessment of Agro-ecological Terroir Units for viticulture includes climate and soil environmental factors selected for their relevance at regional scale, with the use of state-of-the-art variables and indices appropriate for the specified regions. The methodology considers the International Organisation of Vine and Wine guidelines (OIV, 2012), it is based upon the development of a Geographic Information System (GIS) and uses multivariate zoning with principal component analysis and clustering procedures. The results suggest that the sub-regions of Mon??o e Melga?o and R?as Baixas are integrated in a different terroir unit from the other Minho Sub-regions, which could give way to further inquiry with the purpose of reclassification based on studies on quality and typicality for the Alvarinho Wine. This regional and national cross-border classification provides a useful framework for territorial and viticultural policies with further validation at local and farm scales. This validation includes experimental surveys in selected vineyards for geographic differentiation of wine profiles and for supporting precision viticulture at plot and landscape scale.4D15-6995-2FDA | Ana Sofia de S? Gil RodriguesN/

    Training systems evaluation of vitis vinifera L. Alvarinho (vinhos verdes PDO region) to physiological and productive parameters

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    In the Vinhos Verdes wine region, the largest Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) region in Portugal, the most common ?Alvarinho? training system is single downward shoot positioning (DSP), which is currently being replaced by vertical shoot positioning (VSP). This work aimed to evaluate physiological and productive parameters of ?Alvarinho? grapevines in both training systems. This study was carried out in 2018 in a commercial vineyard in Mon??o (north-west of Portugal). It was divided into two plots, of 1 ha and 0.5 ha respectively, and each with a different training system. On each plot, 4 replicates were established with 7 vines replicate-1. Soil texture on both plots is sandy loam from schist, and soil water capacity is 290 mm m-1. The vineyards were planted in 2009, with 196-17 rootstock, and with a density of 1111 vines ha-1, in north-south oriented rows. From July to August, nine irrigation events were performed applying a total of 95 mm of water on each plot. From blooming until harvesting, in 2 vines replicate-1, the soil water content, the crop water stress index (CWSI) and the index of relative stomatal conductance (IG) were recorded along with the stem water potential, chlorophyll content and photosynthetically active radiation. The production and vegetative parameters (bunch number, weight per bunch, pruning wood weight and Ravaz index) were calculated on 7 vines replicate-1. From veraison until harvesting the DSP system showed higher stem water potential than VSP, yet no differences in stress indicators (CWSI and IG) were found between training systems. The main differences were in yield parameters where the DSP showed more bunches per vine (95 vs. 81), higher production per vine (13 vs. 9.1 kg vine-1), and higher Ravaz index (6.2 vs. 2.5).E518-D54F-9490 | Susana Miguel Afonso Mendes Mourainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio