864 research outputs found

    Engineering microbialm phenotypes through rewiring of genetic networks

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    The ability to program cellular behaviour is a major goal of synthetic biology, with applications in health, agriculture and chemicals production. Despite efforts to build ‘orthogonal’ systems, interactions between engineered genetic circuits and the endogenous regulatory network of a host cell can have a significant impact on desired functionality. We have developed a strategy to rewire the endogenous cellular regulatory network of yeast to enhance compatibility with synthetic protein and metabolite production. We found that introducing novel connections in the cellular regulatory network enabled us to increase the production of heterologous proteins and metabolites. This strategy is demonstrated in yeast strains that show significantly enhanced heterologous protein expression and higher titers of terpenoid production. Specifically, we found that the addition of transcriptional regulation between free radical induced signalling and nitrogen regulation provided robust improvement of protein production. Assessment of rewired networks revealed the importance of key topological features such as high betweenness centrality. The generation of rewired transcriptional networks, selection for specific phenotypes, and analysis of resulting library members is a powerful tool for engineering cellular behavior and may enable improved integration of heterologous protein and metabolite pathways

    Global analysis of the sugarcane microtranscriptome reveals a unique composition of small RNAs associated with axillary bud outgrowth

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    Axillary bud outgrowth determines shoot architecture and is under the control of endogenous hormones and a fine-tuned gene-expression network, which probably includes small RNAs (sRNAs). Although it is well known that sRNAs act broadly in plant development, our understanding about their roles in vegetative bud outgrowth remains limited. Moreover, the expression profiles of microRNAs (miRNAs) and their targets within axillary buds are largely unknown. Here, we employed sRNA next-generation sequencing as well as computational and gene-expression analysis to identify and quantify sRNAs and their targets in vegetative axillary buds of the biofuel crop sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Computational analysis allowed the identification of 26 conserved miRNA families and two putative novel miRNAs, as well as a number of trans-acting small interfering RNAs. sRNAs associated with transposable elements and protein-encoding genes were similarly represented in both inactive and developing bud libraries. Conversely, sequencing and quantitative reverse transcription-PCR results revealed that specific miRNAs were differentially expressed in developing buds, and some correlated negatively with the expression of their targets at specific stages of axillary bud development. For instance, the expression patterns of miR159 and its target GAMYB suggested that they may play roles in regulating abscisic acid-signalling pathways during sugarcane bud outgrowth. Our work reveals, for the first time, differences in the composition and expression profiles of diverse sRNAs and targets between inactive and developing vegetative buds that, together with the endogenous balance of specific hormones, may be important in regulating axillary bud outgrowth

    Haemostasis Monitoring and Management of Anticoagulant Therapy in SARS-CoV-2 Infection

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    Correlating structural dynamics and catalytic activity of AgAu nanoparticles with ultrafast spectroscopy and all-atom molecular dynamics simulations

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    In this study, we investigated hollow AgAu nanoparticles with the goal of improving our understanding of the compositiondependent catalytic activity of theses nanoparticles. AgAu nanoparticles were synthesized via the galvanic replacement method with controlled size and nanoparticle compositions. We studied extinction spectra with UV-Vis spectroscopy and simulations based on Mie theory and the boundary element method, and ultrafast spectroscopy measurements to characterize decay constants and the overall energy transfer dynamics as a function of AgAu composition. Electronphonon coupling times for each composition were obtained from pump-power dependent pump-probe transients. These spectroscopic studies showed how nanoscale surface segregation, hollow interiors and porosity affect the surface plasmon resonance wavelength and fundamental electron-phonon coupling times. Analysis of the spectroscopic data was used to correlate electron-phonon coupling times to AgAu composition, and thus to surface segregation and catalytic activity. We have performed all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of model hollow AgAu core-shell nanoparticles to characterize nanoparticle stability and equilibrium structures, besides providing atomic level views of nanoparticle surface segregation. Overall, the basic atomistic and electron-lattice dynamics of core-shell AgAu nanoparticles characterized here thus aid the mechanistic understanding and performance optimization of AgAu nanoparticle catalysts

    Protein-protein modelling using cryo-EM restraints

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    The recent improvements in cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) in the past few years are now allowing to observe molecular complexes at atomic resolution. As a consequence, numerous structures derived from cryo-EM are now available in the Protein Data Bank. However, if for some complexes atomic resolution is reached, this is not true for all. This is also the case in cryo-electron tomography where the achievable resolution is still limited. Furthermore the resolution in a cryo-EM map is not a constant, with often outer regions being of lower resolution, possibly linked to conformational variability. Although those low to medium resolution EM maps (or regions thereof) cannot directly provide atomic structure of large molecular complexes, they provide valuable information to model the individual components and their assembly into them. Most approaches for this kind of modelling are performing rigid fitting of the individual components into the EM density map. While this would appear an obvious option, they ignore key aspects of molecular recognition, the energetics and flexibility of the interfaces. Moreover, these often restricts the modelling to a unique source of data, the EM density map. In this chapter, we describe a protocol where an EM map is used as restraint in HADDOCK to guide the modelling process.Comment: 28 pages including 7 figure

    Cosmology of a Scalar Field Coupled to Matter and an Isotropy-Violating Maxwell Field

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    Motivated by the couplings of the dilaton in four-dimensional effective actions, we investigate the cosmological consequences of a scalar field coupled both to matter and a Maxwell-type vector field. The vector field has a background isotropy-violating component. New anisotropic scaling solutions which can be responsible for the matter and dark energy dominated epochs are identified and explored. For a large parameter region the universe expands almost isotropically. Using that the CMB quadrupole is extremely sensitive to shear, we constrain the ratio of the matter coupling to the vector coupling to be less than 10^(-5). Moreover, we identify a large parameter region, corresponding to a strong vector coupling regime, yielding exciting and viable cosmologies close to the LCDM limit.Comment: Refs. added, some clarifications. Published in JHEP10(2012)06

    Luminance, colour, viewpoint and border enhanced disparity energy model

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    The visual cortex is able to extract disparity information through the use of binocular cells. This process is reflected by the Disparity Energy Model, which describes the role and functioning of simple and complex binocular neuron populations, and how they are able to extract disparity. This model uses explicit cell parameters to mathematically determine preferred cell disparities, like spatial frequencies, orientations, binocular phases and receptive field positions. However, the brain cannot access such explicit cell parameters; it must rely on cell responses. In this article, we implemented a trained binocular neuronal population, which encodes disparity information implicitly. This allows the population to learn how to decode disparities, in a similar way to how our visual system could have developed this ability during evolution. At the same time, responses of monocular simple and complex cells can also encode line and edge information, which is useful for refining disparities at object borders. The brain should then be able, starting from a low-level disparity draft, to integrate all information, including colour and viewpoint perspective, in order to propagate better estimates to higher cortical areas.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT); LARSyS FCT [UID/EEA/50009/2013]; EU project NeuroDynamics [FP7-ICT-2009-6, PN: 270247]; FCT project SparseCoding [EXPL/EEI-SII/1982/2013]; FCT PhD grant [SFRH-BD-44941-2008

    Surface Localization of Glucosylceramide during Cryptococcus neoformans Infection Allows Targeting as a Potential Antifungal

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    Cryptococcus neoformans (Cn) is a significant human pathogen that, despite current treatments, continues to have a high morbidity rate especially in sub-Saharan Africa. The need for more tolerable and specific therapies has been clearly shown. In the search for novel drug targets, the gene for glucosylceramide synthase (GCS1) was deleted in Cn, resulting in a strain (Δgcs1) that does not produce glucosylceramide (GlcCer) and is avirulent in mouse models of infection. To understand the biology behind the connection between virulence and GlcCer, the production and localization of GlcCer must be characterized in conditions that are prohibitive to the growth of Δgcs1 (neutral pH and high CO2). These prohibitive conditions are physiologically similar to those found in the extracellular spaces of the lung during infection. Here, using immunofluorescence, we have shown that GlcCer localization to the cell surface is significantly increased during growth in these conditions and during infection. We further seek to exploit this localization by treatment with Cerezyme (Cz), a recombinant enzyme that metabolizes GlcCer, as a potential treatment for Cn. Cz treatment was found to reduce the amount of GlcCer in vitro, in cultures, and in Cn cells inhabiting the mouse lung. Treatment with Cz induced a membrane integrity defect in wild type Cn cells similar to Δgcs1. Cz treatment also reduced the in vitro growth of Cn in a dose and condition dependent manner. Finally, Cz treatment was shown to have a protective effect on survival in mice infected with Cn. Taken together, these studies have established the legitimacy of targeting the GlcCer and other related sphingolipid systems in the development of novel therapeutics

    Pneumococcal Surface Protein A-Hybrid Nanoparticles Protect Mice from Lethal Challenge after Mucosal Immunization Targeting the Lungs

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    Pneumococcal disease remains a global burden, with current conjugated vaccines offering protection against the common serotype strains. However, there are over 100 serotype strains, and serotype replacement is now being observed, which reduces the effectiveness of the current vaccines. Pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) has been investigated as a candidate for new serotype-independent pneumococcal vaccines, but requires adjuvants and/or delivery systems to improve protection. Polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) are biocompatible and, besides the antigen, can incorporate mucoadhesive and adjuvant substances such as chitosans, which improve antigen presentation at mucosal surfaces. This work aimed to define the optimal NP formulation to deliver PspA into the lungs and protect mice against lethal challenge. We prepared poly(glycerol-adipate-co-ω-pentadecalactone) (PGA-co-PDL) and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) NPs using an emulsion/solvent evaporation method, incorporating chitosan hydrochloride (HCl-CS) or carboxymethyl chitosan (CM-CS) as hybrid NPs with encapsulated or adsorbed PspA. We investigated the physicochemical properties of NPs, together with the PspA integrity and biological activity. Furthermore, their ability to activate dendritic cells in vitro was evaluated, followed by mucosal immunization targeting mouse lungs. PGA-co-PDL/HCl-CS (291 nm) or CM-CS (281 nm) NPs produced smaller sizes compared to PLGA/HCl-CS (310 nm) or CM-CS (299 nm) NPs. Moreover, NPs formulated with HCl-CS possessed a positive charge (PGA-co-PDL +17 mV, PLGA + 13 mV) compared to those formulated with CM-CS (PGA-co-PDL −20 mV, PLGA −40 mV). PspA released from NPs formulated with HCl-CS preserved the integrity and biological activity, but CM-CS affected PspA binding to lactoferrin and antibody recognition. PspA adsorbed in PGA-co-PDL/HCl-CS NPs stimulated CD80+ and CD86+ cells, but this was lower compared to when PspA was encapsulated in PLGA/HCl-CS NPs, which also stimulated CD40+ and MHC II (I-A/I-E)+ cells. Despite no differences in IgG being observed between immunized animals, PGA-co-PDL/HCl-CS/adsorbed-PspA protected 83% of mice after lethal pneumococcal challenge, while 100% of mice immunized with PLGA/HCl-CS/encapsulated-PspA were protected. Therefore, this formulation is a promising vaccine strategy, which has beneficial properties for mucosal immunization and could potentially provide serotype-independent protection
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