393 research outputs found

    Group polarization, influence, and domination in online interaction networks: A case study of the 2022 Brazilian elections

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    In this work, we investigate the evolution of polarization, influence, and domination in online interaction networks. Twitter data collected before and during the 2022 Brazilian elections is used as a case study. From a theoretical perspective, we develop a methodology called d-modularity that allows discovering the contribution of specific groups to network polarization using the well-known modularity measure. While the overall network modularity (somewhat unexpectedly) decreased, the proposed group-oriented approach allows concluding that the contribution of the right-leaning community to this modularity increased, remaining very high during the analyzed period. Our methodology is general enough to be used in any situation when the contribution of specific groups to overall network modularity and polarization is needed to investigate. Moreover, using the concept of partial domination, we are able to compare the reach of sets of influential profiles from different groups and their ability to accomplish coordinated communication inside their groups and across segments of the entire network during some specific time window. We show that in the whole network, the left-leaning high-influential information spreaders dominated, reaching a substantial fraction of users with fewer spreaders. However, when comparing domination inside the groups, the results are inverse. Right-leaning spreaders dominate their communities using few nodes, showing as the most capable of accomplishing coordinated communication. The results bring evidence of extreme isolation and the ease of accomplishing coordinated communication that characterized right-leaning communities during the 2022 Brazilian elections

    Importance awarded to knowledge forcoaching andself-perception of competence manifested by portuguese basketball coaches

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    This paper aims at analysing the importance assigned to different areas of knowledge for coaching and the perception of professional competence of Portuguese basketball coaches. Data gathering was conducted through a questionnaire developed by Mesquita et al. (in press), consisting of 37 items covering the categories of knowledge and competences related to: (a) Practice; (b) Competition; (c) Management; (d) Coach Education; (e) Personal and Social. The sample of this study is composed of 178 Portuguese basketball coaches. The results show that high experienced coaches award greater importance and perceived themselves more competent in the items related to knowledge and professional competences than low experienced coaches

    Some elements concentrations of Corallina elongata from São Miguel (Azores) under different environmental conditions.

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    43rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Ponta Delgada, Açores, 8-12 de Setembro de 2008

    Investigating natural acidified marine environments

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    Jornadas "Ciência nos Açores – que futuro?", Ponta Delgada, 7-8 de Junho de 2013.As fontes hidrotermais de superfície constituem laboratórios naturais para investigar ambientes marinhos naturalmente acidificados como modelos para a avaliação dos efeitos da acidificação dos oceanos. Os organismos nestas zonas estão sujeitos às condições acídicas, bem como às variações de temperatura e exposição a produtos químicos, incluindo a libertação de metais pesados. Ambientes extremos podem promover alterações nas comunidades, organismos ou processos fisiológicos. Algumas das estratégias, mecanismos, adaptações ou até mesmo especiação (novas espécies) poderiam mostrar como viver nesses ambientes e ajudar a descobrir organismos suficientemente sensíveis para atuar como sentinelas (bioindicadores) e, eventualmente adaptações biológicas associadas com potencial uso biotecnológico. Algumas espécies, devido à sua estrutura calcária (sensíveis a condições ácidas) requerem uma atenção especial. As fontes hidrotermais de superfície são uma característica peculiar dos Açores. Representam ambientes únicos e constituem patrimônio natural do litoral dos Açores. No presente projeto pretende-se investigar os efeitos da atividade hidrotermal em comunidades subtidais macrobentónicas em São Miguel, com uma abordagem inovadora no estudo dos efeitos da acidificação dos oceanos. A comparação entre locais com atividade hidrotermal e locais sem atividade hidrotermal irá fornecer informações sobre as diferenças na distribuição das espécies. Esta informação será complementada com a investigação sobre as respostas de organismos selecionados aos efeitos de viver sob a influência das fontes hidrotermais.ABSTRACT: Shallow water hydrothermal vents constitute natural laboratories to investigate natural acidified marine environments as models for the evaluation of the effects of ocean acidification. Organisms at those areas are subject to acidic conditions, as well as to temperature variations and exposure to chemicals, including the release of heavy metals. The extreme environment can promote changes on the communities, organisms or physiological processes. Some of the strategies, mechanisms, adaptations or even speciation (new species) could show how to live in these environments and help discovering organisms sufficiently sensitive to act as early sentinels (bioindicators) and possible associated biological adaptations with potential biotechnological use. Some species, due to their calcareous structure (sensitive to acidic conditions) need special attention. Shallow water hydrothermal vents are striking features of the Azores. They represent unique environments and constitute a natural patrimony of the Azorean coastline. In the present project we investigate the effects of hydrothermal activity on subtidal macrobenthic communities in the island of São Miguel, in an innovative approach to study ocean acidification effects. A comparison between sites with hydrothermal activity and sites without hydrothermal activity will provide information on species distribution differences. This information will be complemented with research on the responses of selected organisms to the effects of living under the vents influence

    Modificações na concha de lapas em fontes hidrotermais de superfície

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    Copyright © 2012 APRH.Os organismos calcários são conhecidos por serem sensíveis à água do mar acidificada, e têm sido apontados como potenciais sentinelas para estudos sobre acidificação do oceano. As lapas estão entre os organismos que caracterizam a zona intertidal e nos Açores, podendo também ser encontradas em locais com actividade hidrotermal de superfície, onde a acidez da água do mar na proximidade das fontes hidrotermais é naturalmente mais elevada devido à liberação de CO2. Durante uma visita ocasional para avaliar a ocorrência e abundância de algas no intertidal encontraram-se vários espécimes de Patella candei gomesii (Patellidae) com conchas aberrantes, na proximidade de fontes hidrotermais. Estes indivíduos, colectados sob tais condições exibiam conchas frágeis, quase transparentes, com espessura muito reduzida.ABSTRACT: Calcareous organisms are known to be sensitive to acidified seawater, and they have been reported as potential sentinels for ocean acidification studies. Limpets are among the organisms that characterise intertidal zones, and in the Azores can also be found at sites with shallow water hydrothermal activity, where the acidity of seawater in the vicinity of hydrothermal vents is naturally higher due to CO2 release. During an occasional intertidal survey on the occurrence and abundance of intertidal algae we found limpets with abnormal shells, and specimens of Patella candei gomesii (Patellidae) collected under such conditions exhibited weak and almost transparent shells with reduced shell thickness

    Proposta de instrumento de coleta de dados para a consulta de enfermagem em Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e Drogras

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    TCC(especialização) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Programa de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem. Linhas de Cuidado em Atenção PsicossocialO presente trabalho foi desenvolvido em CAPS AD III, localizado em Brasília – DF, serviço que por se tratar de um CAPS III, funciona 24 horas por dia e conta com uma enfermaria, na qual ficam os pacientes que estão em acolhimento noturno. Sendo um local em que os pacientes ficam internados se torna benéfico a implantação do Processo de Enfermagem neste serviço. Para início é sugerido a utilização de instrumento de enfermagem aqui desenvolvido, o mesmo foi desenvolvido após ter sido feita uma revisão da bibliografia que trata do assunto em questão, baseado na teoria de Wanda Horta. O presente instrumento aborda as necessidades pscicobiológica, pscicossocial e pscicoespiritual, visando com isso a criação de tecnologia voltada ao público que é dependente químico e também a melhoria na qualidade de assitência que é prestada no serviço

    Experimental investigation of the elastic modulus of high strength concrete at elevated temperatures

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    Concrete is susceptible to damage caused by physical-chemical processes during heating, resulting in the reduction of the elasticity modulus, which decays monotonically. After cooling, the elastic modulus is lower than for the heated concrete. After fire concrete heated above 300°C is commonly removed, but cooler concrete is often maintained in the rehabilitated structure. Therefore, the temperature-dependency of the elasticity modulus of a high strength concrete after exposure to elevated temperatures (in casu heating up to 225°C) is studied through the non-destructive technique of excitement impulse. In this method, the elastic modulus is measured by obtaining a natural vibration frequency from a mechanical impulse received by an acoustic sensor. The results indicate a considerable reduction of elastic modulus, in the range of 30%-35% after heating to 225°C

    Medical ontology for treatment of clinical data from children and youth

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    The use of information technologies in the field of biomedical data management has grown considerably and is today one of the main fields of use of these technologies. There are several advantages arising either to an individual’s health or to public health, particularly because access to clinical data become available anywhere access via the Internet or individual health card. This card will contain personal data accessible from a terminal card reader, identical to the citizen card. This work focuses on the development of an ontology of universal data structure so that the information is accessible and organized in the same way, regardless of the system that use them. In this context there is the need to incorporate security mechanisms, the respect of ethical principles underlying the management and maintenance of clinical data, ensuring maximum confidentiality. To develop the proposed ontology, for the treatment of clinical data of children and youth is used as reference bulletin health in Portugal. Using this structure, it follows the clear and unambiguous identification of the fields required for registration of clinical information, standardized in a relational model. To ensure the confidentiality of data, identification of the individual is only the number of national health system and are not recorded on the card personal data such as name, address or contact forms