2,807 research outputs found
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Draft Genome Sequences of Strains TAV3 and TAV4 (Verrucomicrobia: Opitutaceae), Isolated from a Wood-Feeding Termite, and In Silico Analysis of Their Polysaccharide-Degrading Enzymes.
Here, we report the high-quality draft genome sequences of Opitutaceae sp. strains TAV3 and TAV4, which were isolated from the hindgut of the wood-feeding termite Reticulitermes flavipes Using a combination of Illumina and PacBio sequencing, we constructed nearly complete assemblies totaling 5.84 and 5.91 Mbp in length for strains TAV3 and TAV4, respectively. In addition, we report an in silico analysis of potential lignocellulose-digesting enzymes present in these strains
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Boosting landfill gas production from lignin-containing wastes via termite hindgut microorganism.
Lignocellulose comprises a significant portion of municipal solid waste (MSW) - 40-70% in developed countries, including paper, wood, and yard waste. Cellulose and hemicellulose are often shielded by lignin, posing a barrier to waste decomposition and landfill gas generation. Unfortunately, lignin is resistant to microbial degradation under low-oxygen conditions that normally occur in MSW landfills. The bacterium strain TAV5, microaerophilic and member of phylum Verrucomicrobia, isolated from the hindgut of the Reticulitermes flavipes termite, the most widely distributed subterranean termite in North America. Its genome contains genes associated with methylotrophic competency which code for enzymes that structurally modify lignin. The overall goal of this research was to use TAV5 to modify lignin and boost methane production from MSW. Batch-scale reactors (125 mL) were filled with paper, yard, or wood waste, and four ratios of mixed of waste. Reactors were seeded with different ratios of TAV5 to anaerobic digester (AD) microorganisms (representing landfill anaerobic microorganisms). Based on batch tests, optimal ratios of TAV5 to AD microorganisms were used to seed wastes (mixed, yard, and wood) in 6-gallon reactors. Addition of TAV5 increased methane production from mixed waste, yard waste, and wood, by 49%, 34%, and 297%, respectively. TAV5 decreased acid soluble lignin by 7-39%, depending on waste type. TAV5 grown under aerobic conditions and room temperature (not requiring a heated anaerobic chamber) was found to remain viable and increase methane production under low-level oxygen conditions (1-2%). This finding will potentially lessen costs for growing large volumes of it for seeding landfills
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Diazotrophs Show Signs of Restoration in Amazon Rain Forest Soils with Ecosystem Rehabilitation.
Biological nitrogen fixation can be an important source of nitrogen in tropical forests that serve as a major CO2 sink. Extensive deforestation of the Amazon is known to influence microbial communities and the biogeochemical cycles they mediate. However, it is unknown how diazotrophs (nitrogen-fixing microorganisms) respond to deforestation and subsequent ecosystem conversion to agriculture, as well as whether they can recover in secondary forests that are established after agriculture is abandoned. To address these knowledge gaps, we combined a spatially explicit sampling approach with high-throughput sequencing of nifH genes. The main objectives were to assess the functional distance decay relationship of the diazotrophic bacterial community in a tropical forest ecosystem and to quantify the roles of various factors that drive the observed changes in the diazotrophic community structure. We observed an increase in local diazotrophic diversity (α-diversity) with a decrease in community turnover (β-diversity), associated with a shift in diazotrophic community structure as a result of the forest-to-pasture conversion. Both diazotrophic community turnover and structure showed signs of recovery in secondary forests. Changes in the diazotrophic community were primarily driven by the change in land use rather than differences in geochemical characteristics or geographic distances. The diazotroph communities in secondary forests resembled those in primary forests, suggesting that at least partial recovery of diazotrophs is possible following agricultural abandonment.IMPORTANCE The Amazon region is a major tropical forest region that is being deforested at an alarming rate to create space for cattle ranching and agriculture. Diazotrophs (nitrogen-fixing microorganisms) play an important role in supplying soil N for plant growth in tropical forests. It is unknown how diazotrophs respond to deforestation and whether they can recover in secondary forests that establish after agriculture is abandoned. Using high-throughput sequencing of nifH genes, we characterized the response of diazotrophs' β-diversity and identified major drivers of changes in diazotrophs from forest-to-pasture and pasture-to-secondary-forest conversions. Studying the impact of land use change on diazotrophs is important for a better understanding of the impact of deforestation on tropical forest ecosystem functioning, and our results on the potential recovery of diazotrophs in secondary forests imply the possible restoration of ecosystem functions in secondary forests
Dental Care for Children with Leukemia: Major Updates
Leukemia is a haematological neoplasm that among 300 children and adolescents in Brazil. Its standard treatment consists of the use of antineoplastic based on chemotherapy or radiotherapy, these recommended therapies can provoke several side effects among them buccal alterations mainly due to the immunosupression picture. In view of the exposed this study has the objective to describe the main updates of the dental care to the child carrier of leukemia by reviewing the literature. Immunosuppression and the very fragility and stage of development of children with leukemia lead to greater vulnerability to all types of opportunistic infections and pathologies resulting from antineoplastic therapy. Currently, modern oncology requires the presence of the dentist in all phases of treatment and even before diagnosis in a sine qua non condition for management, maintenance of oral health and quality of life of the leukemic patient. The dentist besides being part of the cancer team is required both in the in-hospital environment and in daily clinical practice. Currently there is a wide range of resources and medicines to promote a satisfactory handling and quality of life for these patients
Pão são, uma alternativa ao pão tradicional
Hoje em dia o pão faz parte da cultura e dos hábitos alimentares da maioria dos povos, podendo considerar-se um dos alimentos mais consumidos do mundo. O pão é feito a partir de uma mistura simples de farinha, água, sal e fermento, sendo um alimento extremamente versátil e com uma enorme digestibilidade [1]. Desde que foi produzido pela primeira vez há milhares de anos, foi sofrendo evoluções quer ao nível dos métodos de produção, quer ao nível da sua constituição encontrando-se nos dias de hoje uma grande diversidade de pães no mercado.
Os objectivos deste trabalho foram comparar nutricionalmente e sensorialmente um pão classificado como especial, o Pão São, um produto recente no mercado Português. Nutricionalmente o Pão São revelou ser um pão com elevado valor nutricional, apresentando um baixo teor de sal (0.4%, cerca de metade do pão tradicional), sendo uma boa fonte de ómega 3 (0.67%), fibras e proteínas quando comparado com o pão tradicional. Estas diferenças devem-se sobretudo à grande variedade de matérias-primas seleccionadas na elaboração do Pão São, nomeadamente a mistura de farinhas (farinhas de trigo tipo 65 e 150 e farinha de centeio tipo 70), flocos de aveia, sementes de girassol e linhaça, soja, extractos de óleo de peixe rico em ómega 3, malte e proteína de leite.
Dos resultados obtidos da análise sensorial, realizada por um painel de 40 provadores não treinados com idades compreendidas entre os 7 e os 63 anos, verificou-se que os pães tradicionais da região de comercialização mais próxima do Pão São foram os preferidos pelos provadores, destacando-se pelo seu sabor a lenha e a pão, e pela sua elasticidade. O Pão São foi avaliado como um pão mais denso, apresentando um sabor mais intenso a fermentado.
Com a realização deste trabalho foi possível concluir que o Pão São é um pão nutritivo e saudável, sendo actualmente recomendado pela Fundação Portuguesa de Cardiologia. No entanto sobre o ponto de sensorial o consumidor aprecia e prefere o pão tradicional
Simplest relationship between local field potential and intracellular signals in layered neural tissue.
The relationship between the extracellularly measured electric field potential resulting from synaptic activity in an ensemble of neurons and intracellular signals in these neurons is an important but still open question. Based on a model neuron with a cylindrical dendrite and lumped soma, we derive a formula that substantiates a proportionality between the local field potential and the total somatic transmembrane current that emerges from the difference between the somatic and dendritic membrane potentials. The formula is tested by intra- and extracellular recordings of evoked synaptic responses in hippocampal slices. Additionally, the contribution of different membrane currents to the field potential is demonstrated in a two-population mean-field model. Our formalism, which allows for a simple estimation of unknown dendritic currents directly from somatic measurements, provides an interpretation of the local field potential in terms of intracellularly measurable synaptic signals. It is also applicable to the study of cortical activity using two-compartment neuronal population models
Analysis of the influence of hydration of the epidermis on the bio-mechanical behaviour of in vivo skin
El comportamiento biomecánico de la piel humana in vivo es un indicador importante de una buena condicióncutánea en lo que es su organización funcional. Los tejidos subyacentes también contribuyen a estas propiedades,lo que imposibilita una evaluación estrictamente biomecánica de este comportamiento. Ocurre además, que lossistemas tecnológicos corrientemente utilizados para este tipo de evaluación in vivo, no permiten obtener la medidadirecta de las características biofísicas del órgano, ya que no es posible cuantificar la contribución relativa de cadatejido para este comportamiento. Las variables y los parámetros obtenidos deben ser, sobre todo, considerados como“descriptores” mecánicos, lo que enfatiza el cuidado especial que hay que tener al interpretar su variación. Tambiénpor este motivo una de las preguntas fundamentales en relación a la contribución relativa de la epidermis a estecomportamiento, sigue aun mal esclarecida.El presente protocolo fue elaborado en este complejo marco para responder, en especial, a esta última cuestión através de dos diferentes tratamientos tópicos susceptibles de modificar el equilibrio hídrico de la epidermis devoluntarios sanos (agua corriente y una solución al 10% de glicerina), registrándose la respectiva respuesta biológica.Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el comportamiento biomecánico de la piel in vivo puede ser modificadoy eventualmente modulado a través de intervenciones tópicas, proponiendo que la epidermis influencia de hecho elcomportamiento biomecánico global de toda la piel.The Bio-mechanical properties of in vivo human skin are important indicators of a healthy skin condition, with regardto functional organisation. It seems that these properties do not only arise from the cutaneous structures themselves, butalso from the contribution of underlying tissues. Consequently, in the study of its behaviour a purely biomechanicalapproach cannot be taken. Furthermore, the technological systems used the in vivo assessment of these properties,cannot provide a direct measurement of the biophysical characteristics of the organ, due to the fact that it is not possibleto quantitatively identify the relative contribution of each tissue. The variables and parameters obtained as such, shouldtherefore, be considered as mechanical “descriptors”, meaning that greater care should be taken in the interpretationof the results. For this reason, one of the most relevant questions concerning these properties concerns the relativecontribution of the epidermis to the biomechanical behaviour of the entire organ .Facing such multiple complexities, the present protocol was designed to approach this last question. Two differenttreatments (water only and glycerine solution at 10%), inducing epidermal water equilibrium changes, were applied tohealthy volunteers and the respective biological response was recorded. The Results seem to indicate that the mechanicalbehaviour of human skin can be modified and eventually modulated by topical interventions, suggesting that theepidermis may influence the global bio-mechanical behaviour of the entire human skin
Cerebrospinal Fluid Inflammatory Biomarkers Reflect Clinical Severity in Huntington's Disease
INTRODUCTION: Immune system activation is involved in Huntington’s disease (HD) pathogenesis and biomarkers for this process could be relevant to study the disease and characterise the therapeutic response to specific interventions. We aimed to study inflammatory cytokines and microglial markers in the CSF of HD patients.
METHODS: CSF TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, YKL-40, chitotriosidase, total tau and neurofilament light chain (NFL) from 23 mutation carriers and 14 healthy controls were assayed.
RESULTS: CSF TNF-α and IL-1β were below the limit of detection. Mutation carriers had higher YKL-40 (p = 0.003), chitotriosidase (p = 0.015) and IL-6 (p = 0.041) than controls. YKL-40 significantly correlated with disease stage (p = 0.007), UHDRS total functional capacity score (r = -0.46, p = 0.016), and UHDRS total motor score (r = 0.59, p = 4.5*10−4) after adjustment for age.
CONCLUSION: YKL-40 levels in CSF may, after further study, come to have a role as biomarkers for some aspects of HD. Further investigation is needed to support our exploratory findings
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