1,736 research outputs found

    As conexões de saberes através da disputa rimática nos duelos de MCs em Belo Horizonte

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    Anais do XVII Congresso Internacional das Jornadas de Educaão História - teoria, pesquisa e prática - I Encontro da AIPEDH - Associação Iber-Americana de Pesquisadores em Educação História, realizado pela Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, entre 02, 03 e 04 de agosto de 2017.Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar como se constroem as conexões de saberes dos jovens rappers que participam nos duelos de MCs localizado embaixo do viaduto Santa Tereza na cidade de Belo Horizonte. O movimento hip-hop na cidade surgiu entre as décadas de 80 e 90, quando alguns grupos foram apropriando-se de espaços públicos na cidade. A música enquanto momento de fruição, lazer e conhecimento está intimamente ligada à cultura juvenil contemporânea, incorporada hoje como elemento educativo e nos projetos de políticas públicas. Ela também pode apresentar-se como interlocutora dos jovens com a sociedade em geral. Para eles existe uma fundamentação no movimento hip-hop que é da consciência do indivíduo no movimento e consigo mesmo, buscando enaltecer o papel de cada um dentro da sociedade e sua conduta ética. Para balizar nosso entendimento, dialogamos com Dayrell (2006, 2011), Arroyo (2012), Sposito (2007), Magnani (2007) dentre outros. Diante disso, além das análises documentais nos vários suportes de informações, também se optou pelo acompanhamento de quatro jovens no universo do movimento hip-hop. Assim, concluímos que os jovens que participam do movimento hip-hop e nos duelos de MCs agem como um agente social que tem uma missão: ser/estar no rap é uma bandeira que deve ser articulada como processo de transformação da realidade e do sujeito. Também estabelecem um ato pedagógico, pois todo esse processo se dá pela interação e mediação entre suas vivências e experiências, trocas simbólicas e produção de sentidos de saberes e fazeres, que se relacionam ao ato de ensino- aprendizagemUEM

    Simplified guidelines for retrofitting scenarios in the european countries

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    A large part of the European building stock was built before implementing the recent energy and structural codes, resulting in buildings characterized by deficiencies in terms of comfort, energy savings and structural safety. The retrofitting and rehabilitation of the existing building stock need to be adequately performed, aiming to improve the seismic and energy performance simultaneously. The work summarized here is dedicated to defining priority scenarios for buildings’ retrofitting to improve the seismic safety and energy efficiency of the European Union (EU) building stock. First, the state of the EU building stock is analysed in terms of buildings’ age, types of structures, energy efficiency, energy consumption and energy poverty. Then, the EU climate demands are presented, namely the regions with higher temperature variations, i.e., heating or cooling degree days. The EU seismic risk is also presented and discussed in terms of average annual losses, average annual economic losses and average annual life losses. Based on these input parameters, nine seismic–climate regions in the EU are proposed using a simplified approach. Finally, retrofitting scenarios are proposed for two types of buildings (i.e., masonry and reinforced concrete) based on their seismic–climate region.publishe

    Evaluation of strengthening techniques of traditional masonry buildings: case study of a four-building aggregate

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    Increasing appraisal of the durability, conservation state, and changeable use and function of old buildings in urban centers relies a great deal on the structural safety evaluation of vertical load capacity and the ability to resist horizontal forces. The need to assess seismic vulnerability, particularly of traditional masonry buildings, is a key issue. Evaluation of the seismic vulnerability of old buildings is essential in the definition of strengthening needs and minimization of damage from seismic actions in the safeguarding of built heritage. A three-dimensional model was developed for an aggregate of four traditional masonry buildings located in the old city center of Coimbra, in Portugal. The finite element modeling of these buildings has aimed to identify structural fragility, understand the damages detected, and evaluate the global structural safety of these types of buildings. The primary results obtained in this case study helped to interpret the structural damage and stress distribution, and verified global stability and its consequences. Different strengthening techniques to improve the global behavior of these buildings were modeled and analyzed. A comparison of the efficiencies of strengthening strategies is also discussed. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000164. (C) 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers

    Seismic assessment of low ductile RC structures: Buildings from before the modern seismic codes

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    Purpose - When a numerous amount of buildings was built in reinforced concrete, in a period whenthe regulations did not have the design philosophy for the occurrence of earthquakes, it is of extremeimportance to carry out full and effective structural assessments, specially considering and comparingbare frame and infilled structure. The paper aims to discuss these issues.Design/methodology/approach - Among several possibilities to make the evaluation as, simplified,linear analysis and static non-linear analysis, the non-linear dynamic can provide the most accuratenumerical behaviour compared to the real one. The time-history non-linear analyses are developed onthe software SeismoStruct for different levels of intensity. Local verifications are then appliedseparately from both Eurocode and Italian Code.Findings - The application of validated models for the analysis of real buildings allows a completeseismic assessment. The level of uncertainty increases integrating particularities regarding the infillmasonry walls. The paper shows important global and local seismic safety for these complex typologyof buildings.Originality/value - A representative common concrete structure without seismic provisions is firstanalysed and discussed in terms of global behaviour, deformations and progression of forces. The casestudy structure is considered both as bare structure and with integrated infill panels. It is alsodiscussed in a local level, about brittle and ductile mechanisms, and extra comparisons betweendifferent interpretations of different standards. The case study structure is considered both as barestructure and with integrated infill panels.Keywords 3D modelling, Dynamic and non-linear analysis, Infill masonry, RC building,Seismic assessmentPaper type Case stud

    Seismic assessment of rc structures with infill masonry panels in Nepal: sensitivity analysis

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    Reinforced concrete (RC) buildings in Nepal are constructed as RC frames with masonry infill panels. These structures exhibit a highly non-linear inelastic behaviour resulting from the interaction between the masonry infill panels and the surrounding frames. In this context, the paper presents an extensive case study of existing RC-framed buildings in a high seismic risk area in Nepal. A sensitivity analysis of the structures with masonry infill is performed. For this, the influence of different material properties is studied, namely diagonal compressive stress, modulus of elasticity and tensile stress of masonry infill panels. Result shows the influence on the structural behaviour particularly by variation of the diagonal compressive strength of infill masonry panels

    Seismic response of current RC buildings in Kathmandu Valley

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    RC buildings constitute the prevailing type of construction in earthquake-prone region like Kathmandu Valley. Most of these building constructions were based on conventional methods. In this context, the present paper studied the seismic behaviour of existing RC buildings in Kathmandu Valley. For this, four representative building structures with different design and construction, namely a building: (a) representing the non-engineered construction (RC1 and RC2) and (b) engineered construction (RC3 and RC4) has been selected for analysis. The dynamic properties of the case study building models are analyzed and the corresponding interaction with seismic action is studied by means of non-linear analyses. The structural response measures such as capacity curve, inter-storey drift and the effect of geometric non-linearities are evaluated for the two orthogonal directions. The effect of plan and vertical irregularity on the performance of the structures was studied by comparing the results of two engineered buildings. This was achieved through non-linear dynamic analysis with a synthetic earthquake subjected to X, Y and loading directions. The nature of the capacity curve represents the strong impact of the P-delta effect, leading to a reduction of the global lateral stiffness and reducing the strength of the structure. The non-engineered structures experience inter-storey drift demands higher than the engineered building models. Moreover, these buildings have very low lateral resistant, lesser the stiffness and limited ductility. Finally, a seismic safety assessment is performed based on the proposed drift limits. Result indicates that most of the existing buildings in Nepal exhibit inadequate seismic performance

    Análise do comportamento de pilares rectangulares de betão armado sujeitos a solicitações bidireccionais

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    O comportamento de pilares de betão armado sujeitos a esforços de flexão biaxial combinado com carga axial é reconhecido como um assunto não suficientemente estudado encontrando-se na bibliográfica um reduzido número de trabalhos experimentais neste domínio. Se por um lado a resposta tridimensional dos edifícios de betão armado produz este tipo de solicitação nos pilares, por outro é reconhecido que as solicitações bidireccionais cíclicas em elementos de betão armado tendem a agravar a degradação de rigidez e a reduzir a sua capacidade resistente. No presente estudo apresentam-se os resultados de uma campanha experimental realizada sobre 4 séries de pilares rectangulares, com diferentes características geométricas e distribuição de armadura longitudinal, sujeitos a esforço axial constante e combinado com flexão cíclica, uniaxial e biaxial, com diferentes histórias de carregamento. Apresenta-se a análise comparativa do comportamento uniaxial e biaxial, assim como da influência das histórias de carregamento na resposta global dos pilares particularmente em termos de força-deslocamento, evolução do dano, e da evolução da dissipação de energi

    Comportamento cíclico de pilares de betão armado sujeitos à flexão bi-axial: estudo experimental

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    Sismos recentes têm mostrado que a investigação em engenharia sísmica deve dar especial atenção à avaliação da vulnerabilidade das construções existentes, frequentemente desprovidas de adequada resistência sísmica, tal como acontece em edifícios de betão armado (BA) de muitas cidades em países do sul da Europa, entre os quais Portugal. O comportamento de elementos de betão armado carregados axialmente e sujeitos a esforços de flexão biaxial é reconhecido como um assunto fundamental e não suficientemte estudado, revelandose muito importante em virtude da real resposta tridimensional dos edificios de betão armado e do facto de se reconhecer que as solicitações bidireccionais dos elementos de betão armado tendem a aumentar a degradação de rigidez e a reduzir a sua capacidade resistente para carregamentos cíclicos. No presente estudo apresentam-se os resultados de uma campanha de ensaios realizada sobre pilares rectangulares sujeitos à flexão cíclica uniaxial e biaxial. É realizada uma análise dos resultados em termos de comportamento global dos pilares, da evolução do dano, das componentes de deformação, da dissipação de energia

    Assessment of seismic strengthening solutions for existing low-rise RC buildings in Nepal

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    The main objective of this study is to analytically investigate the effectiveness of different strengthening solutions in upgrading the seismic performance of existing reinforced concrete (RC) buildings in Nepal. For this, four building models with different structural configurations and detailing were considered. Three possible rehabilitation solutions were studied, namely: (a) RC shear wall, (b) steel bracing, and (c) RC jacketing for all of the studied buildings. A numerical analysis was conducted with adaptive pushover and dynamic time history analysis. Seismic performance enhancement of the studied buildings was evaluated in terms of demand capacity ratio of the RC elements, capacity curve, inter-storey drift, energy dissipation capacity and moment curvature demand of the structures. Finally, the seismic safety assessment was performed based on standard drift limits, showing that retrofitting solutions significantly improved the seismic performance of existing buildings in Nepal

    A review of the performance of infilled RC structures in recent earthquakes

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    The primary objective is to present the most representative types of damage observed in reinforced concrete (RC) structures due to earthquakes. Those damages are divided according to the ten most representative types. Examples and the main reasons that could trigger each failure mechanism are presented. The definition of these damage types is supported by post-earthquake damage reconnaissance missions in Sichuan (China) in 2008, L’Aquila (Italy) in 2009, Lorca (Spain) in 2011, Emilia-Romagna (Italy) in 2012, Gorkha (Nepal) in 2015, Muisne (Ecuador) in 2016 and Chiapas (Mexico) in 2017. An extensive discussion is presented concerning the infill walls’ seismic behaviour and their interaction with the RC structural elements. The presentation of the significant learnings and findings concerning the typical damage herein presented and discussed are compared with the common Southern European construction practice. The impact of the infill walls on the rehabilitation costs of damaged RC buildings is also studied. These costs are compared to those related to the structural damage and rehabilitation of the entire building structure to understand the impact of the infill walls. Finally, a case study is presented to study the effect of implementing simplified retrofitting strategies to prevent the soft-storey mechanism, one of the most common problems observed in past earthquake events.publishe