65 research outputs found

    What is the potential of the luxury resale market in Portugal?

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    The purchase of pre-owned luxury goods is becoming a worldwide trend. With growing concerns over sustainability and the search for different and unique pieces, new ways of consuming luxury have emerged, especially among the younger generations, giving a boost to the second hand luxury market. However, in the Portuguese market this trend is almost non-existent and have just started to give its first step early this year. In an attempt to study the potential of growth for this market in Portugal, 14 in-store observations to the already established luxury resale business models were conducted, as well as 31 in-depth interviews to luxury consumers and 3 interviews to luxury resale retailers. Results showed that there is an interest both to purchase and sell second hand luxury items, suggesting the high potential of the market in Portugal. Moreover, it was found that the best business model to be applied to the Portuguese market is a closed-doors system, with a personalized and exclusive service similar to a luxury store with an omnichannel interaction with a physical store and an online website

    Desenvolvimento de aluminas coradas para aplicação em joalharia

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    Mestrado em Tecnologia CerĂąmica na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e GestĂŁo do Instituto PolitĂ©cnico de Viana do CasteloTendo em conta a crescente procura pela inovação dos produtos estĂ©ticos/acessĂłrios por parte dos jovens designers, surgiu interesse em aliar as caracterĂ­sticas da cerĂąmica, nomeadamente brilho e cor Ă  joalharia feita em todo o mundo. Este trabalho pretende produzir uma palete de cores, que funcionarĂĄ como catĂĄlogo de cores disponĂ­veis para os designers incluĂ­rem nos seus projectos. Para tal, realizou-se um estudo de cor numa matriz de alumina, corada com vĂĄrios pigmentos. Testaram-se diferentes teores de vĂĄrios pigmentos e verificou-se o desenvolvimento da cor apĂłs cozedura e apĂłs polimento. A produção de amostras de alumina com as diferentes quantidades de pigmento, processou-se por prensagem a seco numa prensa hidrĂĄulica manual. Realizou-se o tratamento tĂ©rmico da amostra a 1200ÂșC, com posterior polimento. Esta temperatura de sinterização foi seleccionada, apĂłs a realização de diversos testes e se ter verificado que muitos dos pigmentes sĂŁo instĂĄveis para temperaturas superiores. Desta forma conseguiuse alargar o leque de cores produzidas. Como complemento ao trabalho, tambĂ©m se realizaram ensaios sobre uma alumina proveniente de resĂ­duos industriais. E efectuou-se o estudo de uma lama de anodização proveniente da LacoViana que apĂłs calcinação origina alumina. Os resultados destes ensaios demonstraram pior desempenho do que o verificado com a alumina pura, o que combinado com o facto de a joalharia ser um produto de alto valor acrescentado e se produzir em pequenas quantidades, reduz o interesse deste tipo de reciclagem industrial.Given the increasing demand of young designers for the innovation of aesthetic products and/or accessories, the combination of ceramic characteristics, including brightness and colour, with the jewellery made in the world, becomes a new challenge for new products. This work intends to do a colour study of the effect of various pigments contents into an alumina matrix and find out the progression of the colour after sintering and also after a polish treatment. For this, alumina samples with different amounts of pigment were prepared by uniaxial press. The sintering process it was done at 1200°C. This low sintering temperature it was selected after several tests which demonstrates pigment instability for higher temperatures. Thus it was possible to extend the range of colors produced. Taking into account environmental issues, it was also analysed the possibility of use an anodizing slurry rich in alumina, from Lacoviana company. This slurry, after a calcination process it is almost constituted by alumina. One of the pigments used with the high grade alumina, was also tested with this industrial waste, to allow a comparison between this two different aluminas. The results of these trials showed a worse performance than that observed with pure alumina, which combined with the fact that jewellery is a product of high added value and is produced in small amounts, reduces the attractiveness of this type of industrial recycling

    InfluĂȘncia da aptidĂŁo fĂ­sica e morfolĂłgica no sucesso acadĂ©mico: um estudo longitudinal retrospectivo

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    Diversos estudos mostram que as escolas que oferecem intensos programas de Atividade FĂ­sica promovem o sucesso acadĂ©mico das crianças e jovens, com aumento da concentração, melhoria da interpretação oral e escrita e de cĂĄlculos matemĂĄticos, bem como com um aumento dos nĂ­veis das funçÔes mental e de aprendizagem. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar como a AptidĂŁo FĂ­sica (ApF) e a AptidĂŁo MorfolĂłgica (ApM) se relacionam com o Sucesso AcadĂ©mico (SA). Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, com anĂĄlise estatĂ­stica a partir dos resultados do “Estudo Morfofuncional da Criança Vianense” (EMCV) e dos resultados escolares de uma cohort de 312 alunos (172 rapazes e 140 raparigas) obtidos no 9Âș ano de escolaridade. Recorrendo a uma anĂĄlise correlacional retrospectiva, avaliĂĄmos a nossa amostra em termos de ApF, ApM e de SA no ano de 2006 e de uma forma retrospectiva em outros trĂȘs momentos distintos, anos 2000, 1999 e 1998. Os resultados mostraram que o nĂ­vel de ApF se relacionou positivamente com o SA no 9Âș ano, sendo esta a variĂĄvel que tem maior influĂȘncia no desempenho acadĂ©mico. A ApM, embora nĂŁo estatisticamente significativa, foi tendencialmente positiva no SA no sexo feminino e negativa no sexo masculino. A variĂĄvel sexo Ă© um factor que influencia o SA de forma muito significativa, mostrando que ser do sexo feminino parece ser condição preferencial para a obtenção de melhores resultados acadĂ©micos.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT) - unidade de investigação 31

    ConcepçÔes de professores e alunos do ensino båsico e secundårio sobre a abordagem ao ålcool, tabaco e outras drogas nos programas escolares, nos manuais escolares e nas pråticas docentes - riscos e prevenção

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    O ĂĄlcool, o tabaco e as outras drogas (ATD) constituem um problema psico-socioeconĂłmico que afecta particularmente os jovens. No presente estudo pretendeu-se saber quais as preocupaçÔes que tĂȘm os alunos e os professores dos diversos nĂ­veis de ensino sobre o a adição ao ATD, bem como quais as suas percepçÔes relativamente ao gĂ©nero mais em risco, Ă s campanhas em meio escolar, aos profissionais que devem abordar esta temĂĄtica, dos programas e manuais escolares, bem como que tipo de imagens consideram as mais adequadas para uso em manuais. No geral, as concepçÔes dos alunos e professores sĂŁo idĂȘnticas, havendo, no entanto, diferenças significativas entre os professores dos diversos nĂ­veis de ensino e tambĂ©m entre os alunos que frequentam esses nĂ­veis de ensino.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Projecto “AnĂĄlise de manuais escolares” (PTDC/CED/65224/2006)European Project FP6 “Biohead-Citizen” CIT2-CT-2004-506015Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT) - LIBEC/CIFPEC - unidade de investigação 16/64

    Adaptation and validation of the WHOQOL-OLD for the Portuguese population: Results of focus groups implementation

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    No Ăąmbito dos estudos de adaptação e validação do WHOQOL-OLD, foram implementados oito grupos focais, num total de 33 participantes, em amostra de conveniĂȘncia: um com profissionais em formação (N=4), um com cuidadores (N=4) e seis grupos com adultos idosos (N=25; quatro com idosos da comunidade e dois com idosos institucionalizados). Os resultados corroboram a natureza multidimensional do constructo QdV. Foram evocados espontaneamente os seis domĂ­nios do WHOQOL-100 e todas as suas facetas (exceptuando Actividade sexual), bem como as seis facetas do WHOQOL-OLD. Com maior frequĂȘncia, oadultos idosos destacam Qualidade de vida e saĂșde geral e dimensĂ”es de RelaçÔes sociais, Ambiente, PsicolĂłgico, Aspectos espirituais e Autonomia; os cuidadores referem dimensĂ”es de Autonomia, SaĂșde, Ambiente e RelaçÔes sociais; e os profissionais destacam SaĂșde, NĂ­vel de independĂȘncia, Ambiente e RelaçÔes sociais. Por todos os grupos foi apontada a dimensĂŁo “FamĂ­lia/Vida familiar”, que poderĂĄ constituir-se como uma nova faceta do mĂłdulo WHOQOL-OLD portuguĂȘs

    Compassion and extracurricular activities of Portuguese Health Sciences students in Portugal

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    Background Compassion, one of the items of empathy, is crucial in health care professions. So, the evaluation of the levels of compassion of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences Master Degrees’ (M.D.) students of the public Colleges in Portugal according to the type of Master Degree and the participation in extracurricular activities (E.A.) was a task to be performed. Methods Cross-sectional study in 2020, applying an on-line questionnaire including the “Compassion” items of the Jefferson Medical Empathy Scale – Students’ version and questions about the participation in E.A. Results A sample of 901 students was studied. Its distribution by participation in E.A. did not differ significantly between M.D. (p = 0,854), most of the students participating in E.A. Using quartile distribution of compassion, the distribution of compassion levels was different among the three I.M. (p < 0.001), between Colleges (p < 0.001), and between curricular years (p < 0.001), with not different between genders (p = 0.036). For 56.4%, 74,6% and 69,5% of the respondents there was “medium-low” and “low” compassion for I.M. in Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Dentistry. These levels were also more prevalent among students in the 1st and 5th years. Levels of compassion were not different with the participation (p = 0,865), type (p = 0,177) and frequency of E.A. (p = 0,109). Conclusions For their importance in future health care professionals, compassion and their differences found among the M.Ds. of this area deserve future studies. Levels of compassion showed differences between the M.D. studied and academic years of frequency. There was no relationship between the participation, type, and frequency of E.A. and the students’ levels of compassion. The distribution of the level of compassion did not vary significantly with participation in E.A. (p = 0.865), with the type of E.A. (p = 0.177), with the frequency of E.A. (p = 0.109) or with the answer to the question “The practice of E.A. can make a person more compassionate?” (p = 0.503).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Health literacy and cardiovascular complications in people with type 2 Diabetes

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    Background Cardiovascular complications are the main causes of death for type 2 diabetes. Their relationship to socioeconomic factors, such as health literacy, is not well known. Objectives To study the relationship between health literacy and cardiovascular complications (acute myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, transient ischemic attack and ischemic heart disease) in type 2 diabetes patients and to understand the relationship of type 2 diabetes mellitus associated cardiovascular disease with empowerment and therapy adherence. Material and methods A cross-sectional study with a convenience sample of people with type 2 diabetes in central Portugal. Socio--demographic and clinical characteristics (blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, hemoglobin A1c and history of cardiovascular diseases) were collected, and validated scales were applied to assess health literacy, adherence to therapy, empowerment and quality of life. Bivariate inferential analysis between literacy, other variables and cardiovascular diseases, with subsequent Logistic Regression, was performed. Results A sample of n = 202, mean age 68.11 ± 10.19 years, n = 116 (57.4%) males was studied. Higher health literacy was significantly associated with a lower prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (p = 0.015). This relationship was independent of the remaining variables (OR = 0.947; 95% CI: 0.913–0.982; p = 0.003). Significant relationships were demonstrated between cardiovascular disease and quality of life (p = 0.001), adherence to total therapy (p = 0.045), general diet (p = 0.002), physical activity (p = 0.027), age (p = 0.004) and LDL cholesterol (p = 0.036). Conclusions The independent relationship between health literacy and cardiovascular disease in people with type 2 diabetes, when confirmed, will indicate that health literacy promotion acts as an important health policy measure to be adopted.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
