653 research outputs found

    "Dimensões Variáveis" - A Repetição como Processo no Contexto de um Percurso Pessoal

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    Nesta componente escrita analiso o trabalho que realizei no atelier, tendo-se centrado na relação entre forma orgânica, cor e repetição. Este tema constitui-se assim como uma premissa de investigação na qual a dimensão processual adquire uma complexidade maior. Num processo que se propõe transversal quanto aos meios técnicos e expressivos, o trabalho realizado incide sobre a construção de objetos tridimensionais - em articulação estreita com o registo bidimensional - constituídos por um emaranhar de camadas, onde a cor assume um lugar de particular relevância

    Teachers’ actions in classroom and the development of quantitative reasoning

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    International audienceThe main goal of this paper is to understand how teachers’ actions in classroom influence the way students solve a task involving quantitative additive reasoning. The study used a qualitative methodology and a teaching experiment was carried out. One task was proposed to two different classes (2nd and 3rd graders), of the same public school, with two different teachers. The results show that 2nd grade students solved the task with ease, but 3rd graders had difficulties. Teachers’ actions of guiding and challenging and how teachers developed the process of communication in classroom do influence students’ performance

    O pensamento estatístico de futuros docentes em processos investigativos enriquecidos pelo uso de tecnologia no contexto de uma abordagem integrada

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    The research reported in the present article aims to evaluate the teacher education learning scenarios implemented in two curricular units of the basic education course, discussing, in particular, the role of the integrated curriculum approach and of the used technologies, in the development of statistical thinking of prospective teachers. The study used a methodology within the interpretative paradigm. In order to evaluate the learning scenarios, it was used participant observation, documents' collection and a questionnaire with open-ended items whose responses were subjected to content analysis, and the frequencies of the emergent categories were determined. The results support the validation of the implemented scenarios. The students developed the reasoning about data representation and associations. The meaning of mean was a critical aspect that would deserve further research.O estudo apresentado neste artigo tem como objetivo avaliar cenários de aprendizagem implementados em duas unidades curriculares do Curso de Licenciatura em Educação Básica, discutindo, em particular, o papel da abordagem curricular integrada e das tecnologias no desenvolvimento do pensamento estatístico dos futuros docentes. Foi usada uma metodologia no âmbito do paradigma interpretativo. Para avaliar os cenários de aprendizagem, foi usada a observação participante, a recolha documental e um questionário com itens abertos cujas respostas foram objeto de análise de conteúdo, tendo sido determinadas as frequências das categorias emergentes. Os resultados suportam a validação dos cenários implementados. Os estudantes desenvolveram o raciocínio acerca da representação de dados e das associações. O significado de média constituiu um aspeto crítico que merece mais investigação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ulceração Genital Aguda em Jovem

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    Classification methods applied to the diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea - a comparative study

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    Tese de mestrado, Bioestatística, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2021Humans are innate pattern recognizers and we make use of such for important daily and future decisions affecting the society and surrounding environment. Recent technological development dated since the middle of the 20ℎ century made available booms of information that can better be acknowledge and useful for decision making if wisely used. The purpose is to study patterns aimed for the classification of a specific outcome variable. The two main types of methodologies differentiated are the unsupervised and supervised, differing on the acknowledgement of the true classification, regarding the outcome, that is absent in the first type (pattern search) but present in the second type (pattern prediction). The scope of fields making use of pattern recognition is increasing, and it raises the necessity for a basic knowledge of the diverse methods for a conscious selection of those that are most adequate to the data. Being out of the scope of the MSc course, the interest and necessity to explore this subject comes along with its increasing importance in medical sciences research. Hereupon, the dissertation is defined on two aims: present the most popular methods in classification and, posteriorly, apply those methods on the real case study for developing prescreening techniques for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). OSA is a common sleep related disorder and a serious public health concern estimated to affect more than 100 million adults, characterized by the involuntary and intermittent obstruction of the upper airway cannal during sleep. This disturbance is associated to several health morbidities that in turn can aggravate the severity of the condition if untreated for a longterm. The present concern about OSA relates to the continued high underdiagnosis and difficulty for a premature diagnosis. The prediagnosis based on pathophysiological evaluation and symptoms recording has shown to be limiting for detecting most patients that should be tested for OSA. Field researchers highlight the importance of proteomics research, recently in expansion, for understanding the biochemical complexity of the disturbance and it is proposed the consideration of such on the prediagnosis since the demanded costs, resources and low capacity do not allow for the general population to undergo the gold standard Polysomnography test. The data available for the case study exemplifies the conditions that are not desirable for a classification study: small sample size, imbalanced distribution, high dimensionality. In this way, a set of steps were taken before classification to prepare the data (e.g. data acquaintance and variable selection). For unsupervised classification, hierarchical and partitioning methods are applied. Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes and Logistic Regression are considered for supervised classification. Results show that the pattern search with unsupervised methods was not capable to adjust so well to the classification of OSA. Supervised methods, trained with the complete data and tested with Leave One Out Cross Validation, showed in turn a better performance for classification of the true outcome classes of both binary and multiclass outcome variables. From those, decision trees showed to be the best performing supervised method applied to the case study mainly due to the capability of better interpreting the results in comparison to the other methods since the performance was similar in all supervised methods. In terms of variable importance, a mixture of variables representing proteoform expression and clinical parameters associated to OSA may return the best set of variables for a possible prescreening of the disturbance. It is concluded that the most fruitful, consistent and generalized results of a pattern analysis can be provided by the good quality of the data, the concrete definition of the study purpose (whether to find patterns or set rules of decision for classification), and a wise selection of the mechanism behind the construction of the classifier

    Prospective teachers' statistical thinking in technology enhanced inquiry in the context of an integrated approach

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    The research reported in the present article aims to evaluate the teacher education learning scenarios implemented in two curricular units of the basic education course, discussing, in particular, the role of the integrated curriculum approach and of the used technologies, in the development of statistical thinking of prospective teachers. The study used a methodology within the interpretative paradigm. In order to evaluate the learning scenarios, it was used participant observation, documents' collection and a questionnaire with open-ended items whose responses were subjected to content analysis, and the frequencies of the emergent categories were determined. The results support the validation of the implemented scenarios. The students developed the reasoning about data representation and associations. The meaning of mean was a critical aspect that would deserve further research

    Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis em Homens com 50 Anos ou Mais em Clínica de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis de Lisboa, Portugal

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    Introduction: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a significant public health problem worldwide. They are more frequent in young men; however the prevalence in older individuals is increasing. The aim of this study was to access the prevalence of STIs diagnosis in men aged 50 years and older. We also aimed to compare the demographic and behavioral characteristics of those diagnosed with STIs and those with non-STI conditions.Methods: We conducted a retrospective study including all men aged 50 years and older who have attended a Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD) clinic of a central hospital in Lisbon, Portugal, between July 2015 and December 2017.Results: Between July 2015 and December of 2017,  1722 men attended the STD clinic, of which 323 (18.8%) were aged 50 years and older. Out of these 323 men, 137 (41.4%) were diagnosed with a STI, more often anogenital warts (32.9%), genital herpes simplex virus infection (19.7%) and early syphilis (19.0%). The mean age of the patients with a STI was 59.9 years and almost all (90.5%) reported an inconsistent use of a condom (90.5%). The number of men that have sex with men (MSM) was significantly higher in patients with a STI (p = 0,003) than those with a non-STI diagnosis. Additionally, 40 (29.2%) of these STI patients had been previously infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and 33 (24.1%) had a past history for syphilis, which were significantly higher than in patients in patients with a non-STI diagnosis (p = 0.015 and p = 0.001, respectively).Conclusion: Existing data on STI has mainly focused younger population with few studies performed in older individuals. Our study reports a large number of men aged 50 years and older that allows a better understanding of this age group. High levels of unsafe sex and previous diagnosis of HIV and syphilis emphasizes the importance of sexual health promotion in older individuals.Introdução: As infeções sexualmente transmissíveis (ISTs) são um problema de saúde pública a nível global. São mais frequentes em jovens do sexo masculino, no entanto verifica-se um aumento da sua prevalência em indivíduos mais velhos. Este estudo teve como objectivo principal analisar a prevalência de ISTs em homens com idade igual ou superior a 50 anos. Também foram comparadas as características demográficas e comportamentais dos doentes com diagnóstico de IST com os doentes com diagnóstico não-IST.Métodos: Realizámos um estudo retrospetivo que incluiu todos os homens com idade igual ou superior a 50 anos que recorreram à Consulta de ISTs do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, Portugal, entre Julho de 2015 e Dezembro de 2017.Resultados: Entre Julho de 2015 e Dezembro de 2017, na Consulta de ISTs foram observados 1722 indivíduos do sexo masculino, dos quais 323 (18,8%) com idade igual ou superior a 50 anos. Destes 323 homens, 137 (41,4%) tiveram o diagnóstico de IST, mais frequentemente condilomas anogenitais (32,9%), infecção genital por herpes simplex (19,7%) e sífilis recente (19,0%). A idade média dos doentes com IST foi de 59.9 anos e a maioria reportou um uso ocasional de preservativo (90,5%). O número de homens com sexo com homens foi significativamente superior nos doentes com IST (p = 0,003) em relação aos doentes com diagnóstico não-IST. Além disso, 40 (29,2%) dos doentes com IST tinham o diagnóstico prévio de infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) e 33 (24,1%) tiveram sífilis no passado, ambos em numero significativamente superior que nos doentes com diagnóstico não-IST (p = 0,015 e p = 0,001, respectivamente).Conclusão: Dados atuais sobre ISTs focam-se principalmente na população jovem com escassos estudos efetuados em indivíduos mais velhos. O nosso estudo reporta um elevado número de homens com idade igual ou superior a 50 anos, permitindo uma melhor percepção desta faixa etária. Níveis elevados de ausência de protecção sexual e diagnóstico de VIH enfatizam a importância da promoção da educação sexual em indivíduos mais velhos

    Formação contínua e desenvolvimento institucional: desafios e respostas

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    A Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa (ESELx) tem um largo historial ao serviço da formação contínua de professores. Neste artigo, pretende-se dar conta do trabalho desenvolvido e a desenvolver nesse âmbito. Apresentase, primeiro, o percurso seguido, equacionando os momentos mais significativos e que se constituíram como pontos de viragem ao longo do tempo, nomeadamente, a adesão ao Programa Foco, a constituição da ESELx como Centro de Formação e a colaboração da ESELx na implementação dos Programas Nacionais de Formação Contínua nas áreas da Matemática, Português e Ensino Experimental das Ciências. Seguidamente, analisam-se as implicações que a formação contínua tem tido na vida da instituição e perspetiva-se a estratégia a seguir no futuro, entendendo a formação contínua como um fator de desenvolvimento institucional.Résumé: L’ École Supérieur d’Éducation de Lisbonne a une longue histoire au service de la formation continue de professeurs. Dans cet article, nous prétendons montrer le travail developpé et à developper à ce propos. On présente d’abord le parcours suivi, en mettant en évidence les moments les plus significatifs qui ont constitué des points de virage, notamment, l’adhésion ao Programme Foco, la constitution de ESELx comme Centre de Formation et sa collaboration dans la mise en place de Programmes Nationaux de Formation Continue en Mathématiques, en Portugais et en Enseignement Expérimental des Sciences. Dans un second moment, on analisera les implications que la formation continue a dans la vie de l’institution et on concevra la stratégie à suivre dans le futur, tout en entendant la formation continue comme un facteur de développement institutionnel
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