1,138 research outputs found

    Perspectives on portfólios' contributions

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    In this article we present and discuss some of the preliminary national results of the project “Empowering Eportfolio Process” (EEP), an Erasmus+ KA2 program. At this stage of the research, the Portuguese team of the College of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (ESE-IPS) will present some of the emerging ideas that have come to light from the first stage of the ongoing qualitative study, which is focused on the students’ perspectives on the use of ePortfolios — more specifically the students of the International Semester. We will discuss into what extent these practices can contribute to students’ empowerment and to develop transformative capabilities — such as autonomy, reflexivity, critical thought, creativity and cooperation, amongst others. We also intend to discuss these practices implications to Higher Education, particularly orienting the discussion to the scope of pedagogy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An exploratory study in the context of the Degree in Basic Education

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    This article is part of a study conducted within the scope of an ERASMUS+ KA2 project titled Empowering ePortfolio Process. The goal of the project is to study the practices employed in the use of ePortfolios as learning and assessment tools in higher education in the five partner-countries involved in the project. Aiming to understand the students’ views on the use of ePortfolios, interviews were carried out with Portuguese students with previous experience in the use of ePortfolios in the Curricular Unit (CU) “Portuguese Language and Information and Communication Technologies”, which is part of the curriculum of the Degree in Basic Education. According to data analysis, the students highlight, in reference to this CU, the collaborative learning and the discovery of new work-methods, more focused on the students, recognizing them as a significant context for learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transforming pedagogy in higher education

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    In this article we present some reflections of the ongoing research, developed within the scope of the EEP project — Empowering ePortfolio Process. We discuss some central ideas that emerged from the study focused on the students’ experiences and perspectives of ePortfolios, developed at the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Setubal. We discuss its preliminary results broadening the focus to its implications to Higher Education pedagogy and to the development of students’ transformative capabilities — autonomy, reflexivity, critical thought, creativity and cooperation, amongst others. We highlight the ePortfolio contribution, as an epistemic framework, to the HE pedagogical transformation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gûyrá : uma coleção de joias inspirada nas aves brasileiras

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Design, Habilitação em Projeto de Produto, 2019.O projeto desenvolvido para a Diplomação em Projeto de Produto consiste na criação de uma coleção de joias com inspiração nas aves brasileiras da família Psittacidae, que abrange araras e periquitos. Para tanto, inicialmente foi definido um método projetual para servir como guia para o trabalho, que se deu de forma não linear. Foram realizadas pesquisas que serviram de base para o projeto, como sobre a história da joalheria e suas tipologias. Foram também identificadas e analisadas as diferentes simbologias da joia na sociedade, e destacadas as distintas reações emocionais que esse produto causa nos indivíduos. O processo de análise de semelhantes permitiu reconhecer diferentes tendências e estilos, além de apontar particularidades que destacam um profissional em um mercado tão vasto e concorrido. A partir da definição de um público-alvo e da escolha um tema, a coleção foi desenvolvida observando requisitos estabelecidos que guiaram as formas e escolha de materiais de cada peça. Por fim, o processo de fabricação foi validado por meio da execução de um protótipo.The graduation project developed for the Product Design degree consists on the creation of a jewellry collection inspired by Brazilian’s birds from the Psittacidae family, that includes macaws and parakeets. Therefore, initially a design method was used to serve as a guide for the work, which occurred in a non-linear way. Researches such as the history of jewelry and its typologies were made to serve as a basis for the project. The different symbologies of jewelry in society were also identified and analyzed, and the different emotional reactions that this product cause in individuals were highlighted. The process of analysis of competitors allowed to recognize different trends and styles, in addition to pointing out particularities that highlight a professional in such a vast and crowded market. From defining a target audience and choosing a theme, the collection was developed observing established requirements that guided the forms and choice of materials for each piece. Finally, the manufacturing process was validated through the execution of a prototype

    Ceci Zeli : sistema de identidade visual para uma marca de joias

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Design, Habilitação em Programação Visual e Projeto de Produto, 2020.O projeto desenvolvido para a Diplomação em Programação Visual consiste na criação da identidade visual de uma marca de joias e suas respectivas ações de experiência, desenvolvendo seus principais pontos de contato com o consumidor. Para tanto, inicialmente foi definido um método projetual para servir como guia para o trabalho, que se deu de forma não linear. Uma densa base teórica foi construída a partir de diversas pesquisas sobre design de experiências, naming e branding. Foram também estudados os sistemas de identidade visual e foram destacadas as distintas reações emocionais que um bom projeto de marca pode causar nos indivíduos. A partir dessas pesquisas iniciais, foi iniciada a etapa que tratou do processo criativo do projeto, onde, a partir da definição de um público-alvo, foram geradas inúmeras alternativas de marcas gráficas e seus elementos de apoio motivados essencialmente por cinco valores de marca, que guiaram cada decisão de design. Após finalizado esse processo, com base na alternativa final, foram criados outros pontos de contato com o usuário além da identidade visual.The graduation project for the Graphic Design degree consists in the creation of a brand identity for a jewelry brand and its experience actions, developing its main customer touchpoints. Therefore, initially a design method was used to serve as a guide for the work, which occurred in a non-linear way. A dense theoretical basis was raised from various researches on experience design, naming and branding. The Visual Identity System were studied and also the various emotional reactions that a good brand project can cause in individuals. After these initial researches, the creative process of the project began from the definition of a target audience, and numerous alternatives of graphic symbols and support elements were generated, motivated essentially by five brand values that guided each design decision. After completing this process, based on the final alternative, other customer touchpoints were created in addition to the visual identity

    ePortfolio as a learning and assessment tool

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    This paper falls within the ERASMUS+ KA2 project Empowering Eportfolio Process (EEP). This project aims to promote the development of best practices in Higher Education, by encouraging cooperation and sharing between teachers and researchers from several European countries using digital portfolios. The work so far has allowed us to systematize some reflections on the students’ perspective related to the use of digital portfolios as learning and evaluation tools. Among the conclusions of the project, we highlight the opinion students have built on the role of portfolios as a transforming element of evaluation processes, giving it a character of greater integration in learning. The students suggest that evaluation should be run more frequently and should meet their needs. This analysis was carried out by the Portuguese working group that promoted three collective interviews with students of several courses of the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (ESE-IPS). The analysis of the collected data allowed us to perceive the evaluation that the students attribute to the feedback and to the monitoring of their work by the teacher. We advocate that these aspects should be appropriated by teachers, thus promoting the quality of the process of learning and teaching in higher education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sobrestamento de Recursos Especiais Repetitivos e Aplicação do Instituto no TRF- 5a Região

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar, com ênfase em dados obtidos junto ao Tribunal Regional Federal da 5a Região, o procedimen- to de sobrestamento de recursos especiais repetitivos, recém-inserido no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro pela Lei no 11.672/08, atra- vés do art. 543-C do diploma processual civil. No presente estudo, será feito um breve relato acerca das origens do instituto, comparando- -o com outros mecanismos pré-existentes no mundo jurídico. Em seguida, serão feitos co- mentários sobre aspectos importantes da Lei no 11.672/08, tais como sua exposição de motivos e definições de elementos presentes na redação do art. 543-C. O estudo trará à colação, ainda, o procedimento em si, analisando-se os termos do novo dispositivo legal, desde o tribunal de origem até o STJ. Serão analisados, por fim, os dados obtidos junto ao TRF – 5a Região, a partir dos quais se verifica a diminuição do volume de recursos especiais enviados ao STJ e a aplicação prematura do instituto, ante a dificuldade do magistrado em aplicar conceitos que não restaram muito claros na redação da Lei no 11.672/08. O presente estudo é relevante à medida que analisa a aplicação de uma medida referente às reformas proces- suais que vêm ocorrendo no sistema jurídico brasileiro, importante na busca da concreção dos princípios constitucionais de celeridade e efetividade da prestação jurisdicional.  &nbsp

    Avaliação de riscos na restauração

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    Tese de mestrado. Engenharia de Segurança e Higiene Ocupacionais. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Improve your teaching: publication for academic teachers

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