2,437 research outputs found

    Avaliação de testes diagnósticos na rotura prematura de membranas.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Tocoginecologia, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 199

    Thought at its limits: immanence and philosophy in Foucault and Deleuze

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    This thesis argues that immanence should be understood as the key problem of modern philosophy, by virtue of giving a philosophical form to the rise of a critical attitude in regards to claims to truth and authority. If the space defined this question is where all thought since the early Enlightenment is deployed, it is nevertheless the case that it receives its most important inflection when, with Kant, critique is brought to bear on philosophy itself, which is questioned as to its own authority and truth. This entails a redoubling of the problem of immanence, which must now be understood as being separated into a material (immanence of thought to Being) and formal (immanence of Being to thought) side. Bringing the two together becomes the greatest challenge for all subsequent philosophy, and the way in which each philosophy attempts to do it is determinant for the future of the political and cultural question of critique. Deleuze and Foucault are both critical of the two main cases of solution to this problem - the transcendental (Kant and phenomenology) and the historical (Hegel and Marx). It is in Nietzsche that they find the inspiration for a kind of critique that will avoid closure, and therefore escape from being made relative to its own present; that can affirm at once the two determinations of immanence that are most important for the two - univocity and perspectivism -; and that can provide a new solution to the challenge of making formal and material immanence coincide. I thus propose that we can find in the two a third alternative to this central problem of all philosophical modernity, which I call a performative solution

    The function of the TGF-beta and Toll signalling pathways in Tribolium dorsoventral patterning

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    Dorsoventral (DV) patterning in Drosophila melanogaster is one of the most well-known gene regulatory networks (GRN) in biology. To investigate if this GRN is conserved during insect evolution, functional analysis of TGF-beta and Toll pathways in the short-germ beetle Tribolium castaneum was performed. In the first part, the function of several BMP/Dpp extracellular modulators, including the products of Tolloid (Tld) and Twisted-gastrulation/Crossveinless (Tsg-Cv), was investigated in Tribolium via parental RNAi (pRNAi). While Tc-tld pRNAi knock-down decreases embryonic BMP activity, Tc-tsg(cv) knock-down completely abolishes it. These observations are strikingly different from those in Drosophila, where tsg is only required for a subset of Dpp activity. These results suggest that Tsg/Cv-like proteins are essential for BMP signalling in Tribolium. Since duplicated copies of tsg(cv)- and tld-related genes are present in the Drosophila melanogaster genome, duplication followed by sub-functionalization of these modulators might have changed the BMP/Dpp gradient during evolution of the dipteran Drosophila lineage. In the second part, a functional analysis of the Toll pathway was performed. This analysis addressed the question of why the Tribolium Dorsal nuclear gradient is not stable, but rapidly shrinks and disappears, in contrast to the stable Drosophila gradient. Negative feedback accounts for this dynamic behavior: Tc-Dorsal and one of its target genes (Tc-Twist) activate transcription of the I-KappaB homolog Tc-cactus, which in turn terminates Dorsal function. Despite its transient role, Tc-Dorsal is strictly required to initiate DV polarity, as in Drosophila. However, unlike Drosophila, embryos lacking Tc-Dorsal display a periodic pattern of DV cell fates along the AP axis, indicating that a self-organizing ectodermal patterning system operates independently of mesoderm or maternal DV polarity cues. The presence of self-organizing patterning systems in short-germ insects like Tribolium is in agreement with a regulative type of embryogenesis proposed by classical fragmentation studies on hemimetabolous insects. These results also elucidate how extraembryonic tissues are organized in short-germ embryos, and how patterning information is transmitted from the early embryo to the growth zone. Altogether, the functional analysis of the TGF-betA and Toll pathways in Tribolium dorsoventral patterning suggests that extensive changes in this GRN have occurred during insect evolution

    Validação de uma escala de ansiedade para procedimentos diagnósticos prénatais

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    OBJECTIVE: To perform a cross-cultural adaptation of the Prenatal Diagnostic Procedures Anxiety Scale questionnaire for application in the Brazilian cultural context. METHODS: The translation and back translation processes followed internationally accepted criteria. A committee of experts evaluated the semantic, idiomatic, experimental and conceptual equivalence, proposing a pre-final version that was applied in 10.0% of the final sample. Afterwards, the final version was approved for the psychometric analysis. At that stage, 55 pregnant women participated which responded to the proposed Brazilian version before taking an ultrasound examination at a public hospital in Santa Catarina, in the year of 2017. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale was used as an external reliability parameter. The internal consistency of the instrument was obtained by Cronbach’s alpha. Validation was performed by exploratory factorial analysis with extraction of principal components by the Kaiser-Guttman method and Varimax rotation. RESULTS: The Cronbach’s alpha value of the total instrument was 0.886, and only the percentage of variance from item 2 (0.183) was not significant. The Kaiser-Guttman criterion defined three factors responsible for explaining 78.5% of the variance, as well as the Scree plot. Extraction of the main components by the Varimax method presented values from 0.713 to 0.926, with only item 2 being allocated in the third component. CONCLUSIONS: The Brazilian version is reliable and valid for use in the diagnosis of anxiety related to the performance of ultrasound procedures in prenatal care. Due to the lack of correlation with the rest of the construct, it is suggested that item 2 be removed from the final version.OBJETIVO: Proceder à adaptação transcultural do questionário Prenatal Diagnostic Procedures Anxiety Scale para aplicação no contexto cultural brasileiro. MÉTODOS: Os processos de tradução e retrotradução seguiram critérios aceitos internacionalmente. Um comitê de especialistas avaliou as equivalências semântica, idiomática, experimental e conceitual, propondo uma versão pré-final que foi aplicada em 10,0% da amostra final. Em seguida, foi aprovada a versão final para a análise psicométrica. Nessa etapa participaram 55 gestantes que responderam à versão brasileira proposta antes de realizarem um exame ultrassonográfico em um hospital público de Santa Catarina, no ano de 2017. A Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale foi utilizada como parâmetro de confiabilidade externa. A consistência interna do instrumento foi obtida pelo alfa de Cronbach. A validação foi realizada por análise fatorial exploratória com extração de componentes principais pelo método de Kaiser-Guttman e rotação Varimax. RESULTADOS: O alfa de Cronbach do instrumento total foi 0,886, e apenas o percentual de variância do item 2 (0,183) não foi significativo. O critério de Kaiser-Guttman definiu três fatores responsáveis por explicar 78,5% da variância, assim como o gráfico de Escarpa. A extração dos componentes principais pelo método Varimax apresentou valores de 0,713 a 0,926, sendo apenas o item 2 alocado no terceiro componente. CONCLUSÕES: A versão brasileira é confiável e válida para uso no diagnóstico de ansiedade relacionada à realização de procedimentos ultrassonográficos no pré-natal. Devido à falta de correlação com o restante do construto, sugere-se a retirada do item 2 da versão final

    Mine planning under uncertainty

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    The aim of this study is to develop a methodology that can contribute to the construction of scenarios for mine planning and to evaluation of the impact of geological uncertainties provided by simulated models. The approach suggested here includes the definition of a methodology to control and incorporate the local uncertainties associated with the ore in order to improve mine planning, assess the sensitivity of financial return and while considering the variations and uncertainty related to the geological model and grade estimation

    O que são ontologias pós-críticas?

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    Uma questão que alguns dos protagonistas da recente “virada especulativa” na filosofia contemporânea se põem, mas não chegam a responder suficientemente, é: em que sentido podemos dizer que este retorno à filosofia especulativa não implica um retorno à metafísica dogmática? Dito de outro modo: em que sentido podemos dizer que a especulação contemporânea é pós-crítica? Este artigo busca explicitar as condições de resolução deste problema de maneira a delimitar o espaço de possibilidades em que se inscrevem os diversos projetos que compõem esta virada. Faze-lo, no entanto, exige questionar a narrativa dominante a respeito desta, na qual a crítica daquilo que Quentin Meillassoux chamou de “correlacionismo” ocupa um papel central. O que proponho é que a leitura que Meillassoux faz do correlacionismo, usualmente aceita como a explicação mais geral para esta virada, contém vícios de origem que acabam por obscurecer a maneira como a questão já está implicitamente respondida na prática teórica da maioria dos pensadores que dela participam. A partir do modo como estes incorporam a distinção kantiana entre conhecer e pensar, sugiro que há entre correlacionismo e virada especulativa uma continuidade maior do que se costuma imaginar –– o que não é um demérito, mas antes uma qualidade, na medida em que que nos permite afirmar que estes projetos filosóficos efetivamente podem ser descritos em sua maioria como sendo ontologias pós-críticas

    Como não ler foucault e deleuze? ou: Para ler foucault e deleuze politicamente

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    O artigo discute como interpretar a dimensão política da obra de Michel Foucault e Gilles Deleuze (com ou sem seu parceiro de escritura Félix Guattari), contrapondo-se a tendências e clichês interpretativos que são comuns tanto a alguns críticos quanto a alguns partidários destes autores. Em particular, questiona a ideia de que, para ambos, haveria uma relação de exclusividade mútua entre “micro” e “macropolítica”, tema que desenvolve em direções conexas – no tocante, por exemplo, a forma como ética e política se articulam no pensamento dos dois