276 research outputs found

    Overcomplete Image Representations for Texture Analysis

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    In recent years, computer vision has played an important role in many scientific and technological areas mainlybecause modern society highlights vision over other senses. At the same time, application requirements and complexity have also increased so that in many cases the optimal solution depends on the intrinsic charac-teristics of the problem; therefore, it is difficult to propose a universal image model. In parallel, advances in understanding the human visual system have allowed to propose sophisticated models that incorporate simple phenomena which occur in early stages of the visual system. This dissertation aims to investigate characteristicsof vision such as over-representation and orientation of receptive fields in order to propose bio-inspired image models for texture analysis

    Natural Language Generation and Fuzzy Sets : An Exploratory Study on Geographical Referring Expression Generation

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    This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness (grant TIN2014-56633-C3-1-R) and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) and the Galician Ministry of Education (grants GRC2014/030 and CN2012/151). Alejandro Ramos-Soto is supported by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness (FPI Fellowship Program) under grant BES-2012-051878.Postprin

    Overcomplete Image Representations for Texture Analysis

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    Advisor/s: Dr. Boris Escalante-Ramírez and Dr. Gabriel Cristóbal. Date and location of PhD thesis defense: 23th October 2013, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.In recent years, computer vision has played an important role in many scientific and technological areas mainlybecause modern society highlights vision over other senses. At the same time, application requirements and complexity have also increased so that in many cases the optimal solution depends on the intrinsic charac-teristics of the problem; therefore, it is difficult to propose a universal image model. In parallel, advances in understanding the human visual system have allowed to propose sophisticated models that incorporate simple phenomena which occur in early stages of the visual system. This dissertation aims to investigate characteristicsof vision such as over-representation and orientation of receptive fields in order to propose bio-inspired image models for texture analysis

    Twitter in Mexican Politics: Messages to People or Candidates?

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    Twitter has reached Mexican politics in the presidential election. Despite the fact candidates have a twitter account to send messages; we propose the question how they use it to communicate with citizens? This exploratory research provides evidence that Mexican presidential candidates are only sending messages for politicians and not for citizens. We collected and analyzed 618 tweets from the three most important political parties: PRI, PAN and PRD, from November 2011 to February 2012. Using a five category framework, we found that most candidates sent thank and regret messages, but very few messages to their militancy and citizens. We found that the lack of information about this technological tool has disabled Mexican politicians to take advantage of this tool. Finally we hope this research contributes to analyze the impact of social media in Mexican Politics in a more systematic way

    Spatial and temporal hierarchical decomposition methods for the optimal power flow problem

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    The subject of this thesis is the development of spatial and temporal decomposition methods for the optimal power flow problem, such as in the transmissiondistribution network topologies. In this context, we propose novel decomposition interfaces and effectivemethodology for both the spatial and temporal dimensions applicable to linear and non-linear representations of the OPF problem. These two decomposition strategies are combined with a Benders-based algorithmand have advantages in model building time, memory management and solving time. For example, in the 2880-period linear problems, the decomposition finds optimal solutions up to 50 times faster and allows even larger instances to be solved; and in multi-period non-linear problems with 48 periods, close-to-optimal feasible solutions are found 7 times faster. With these decompositions, detailed networks can be optimized in coordination, effectively exploiting the value of the time-linked elements in both transmission and distribution levels while speeding up the solution process, preserving privacy, and adding flexibility when dealing with different models at each level. In the non-linear methodology, significant challenges, such as active set determination, instability and non-convex overestimations, may hinder its effectiveness, and they are addressed, making the proposed methodology more robust and stable. A test network was constructed by combining standard publicly available networks resulting in nearly 1000 buses and lines with up to 8760 connected periods; several interfaces were presented depending on the problemtype and its topology using a modified Benders algorithm. Insight was given into why a Benders-based decomposition was used for this type of problem instead of a common alternative: ADMM. The methodology is useful mainly in two sets of applications: when highly detailed long-termlinear operational problems need to be solved, such as in planning frameworks where the operational problems solved assume no prior knowledge; and in full AC-OPF problems where prior information from historic solutions can be used to speed up convergence

    TI en la dinámica del conocimiento empresarial (pdf)

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    En nuestra era, las ventajas competitivas se generan por el conocimiento del entorno y hacia el interior de las organizaciones. El conocimiento es una capacidad humana este valor se origina en la disposición que tienen los integrantes de una organización al crear, identificar, coleccionar, organizar, compartir, adaptar y aplicar una serie de conocimientos tácitos y explícitos, que pueden permitir el mejor funcionamiento y el crecimiento de la organización. Los cambios en TI han modificado la forma de hacer negocios en todo el mundo, la dinámica empresarial está cambiando aceleradamente como efecto del uso de las TI y su transformación en nuevos productos y servicios genera ventajas competitivas y diferenciación entre los mercados y las compañías, el reto de las empresas actuales se centra en cómo adaptarse a esta nueva era de conocimiento dinámico, de cambio permanente y de un rápido flujo a través de las TI. Aún estamos en el umbral de una nueva dinámica de gestión empresarial donde la información, las ideas y los conocimientos se convierten en el factor clave que determina la viabilidad o el fracaso de las empresas en el futuro.UAE

    A stabilised Benders decomposition with adaptive oracles applied to investment planning of multi-region power systems with short-term and long-term uncertainty

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    Benders decomposition with adaptive oracles was proposed to solve large-scale optimisation problems with a column bounded block-diagonal structure, where subproblems differ on the right-hand side and cost coefficients. Adaptive Benders reduces computational effort significantly by iteratively building inexact cutting planes and valid upper and lower bounds. However, Adaptive Benders and standard Benders may suffer severe oscillation when solving a multi-region investment planning problem. Therefore, we propose stabilising Adaptive Benders with the level set method and adaptively selecting the subproblems to solve per iteration for more accurate information. Furthermore, we propose a dynamic level set method to improve the robustness of stabilised Adaptive Benders by adjusting the level set per iteration. We compare stabilised Adaptive Benders with the unstabilised versions of Adaptive Benders with one subproblem solved per iteration and standard Benders on a multi-region long-term power system investment planning problem with short-term and long-term uncertainty. The problem is formulated as multi-horizon stochastic programming. Four algorithms were implemented to solve linear programming with up to 1 billion variables and 4.5 billion constraints. The computational results show that: a) for a 1.00% convergence tolerance, the proposed stabilised method is up to 113.7 times faster than standard Benders and 2.14 times faster than unstabilised Adaptive Benders; b) for a 0.10% convergence tolerance, the proposed stabilised method is up to 45.5 times faster than standard Benders and unstabilised Adaptive Benders cannot solve the largest instance to convergence tolerance due to severe oscillation and c) dynamic level set method makes stabilisation more robust

    Estrategias electorales y participación política LGTBI en las elecciones congresales de Perú 2016 y 2020

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    A pesar de ser la política electoral un tema de interés para las Ciencias Sociales, son pocos los estudios que se han llevado a cabo en el Perú sobre el tema de la participación y representación política de la población LGTBI. Ante ello, se tuvo como objetivo analizar las estrategias electorales y la participación política LGTBI en las elecciones congresales del 2016 y 2020. Para ello, se planteó un estudio de caso en la que se analice el contexto donde se presenta el problema aplicándose así una entrevista a los candidatos y candidatas abiertamente LGTBI que postularon en los procesos electorales para el Congreso de la República 2016 y 2020, por consiguiente se entrevistó los candidatos: 1) Gabriela Salvador (Frente Amplio-Lima); 2) Carlos Polo (Frente Amplio-Lima); 3) Salvador Oré (Frente Amplio-Junín); 4) Luz Valencia (Frente Amplio-Tacna/ Juntos por el Perú- Tacna); 5) Miguel Gonzales (Partido Morado-Callao); 6) Gahela Tseng (Juntos por el Perú-Lima) ; y 7) Alberto de Belaunde (Peruanos Por el Kambio-Lima/ Partido Morado- Lima) Se concluyó que las estrategias electores fueron poco efectivas porque las candidatos políticos se han centrado en partir de sus experiencias propias y no han canalizado otras demandas de los grupos internos de la población LGTBI. Asimismo, porque estas campañas se han reducido a redes sociales, ante la ausencia de oportunidades para emplear medios de comunicación convencionales, como la radio y televisión. Además, la participación política de las personas LGTBI sigue siendo reducida a Lima, postulando en organizaciones políticas nuevas o de izquierda. Generándose así una reducida representación de la población LGTBI en el Congreso de la República del Perú, tanto de candidatos y candidatas abiertamente LGTBI como candidatos que apoyen a las propuestas una vez ganada una curul