50 research outputs found

    A multihost bacterial pathogen overcomes continuous population bottlenecks to adapt to new host species

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    While many bacterial pathogens are restricted to single host species, some have the capacity to undergo host switches, leading to the emergence of new clones that are a threat to human and animal health. However, the bacterial traits that underpin a multihost ecology are not well understood. Following transmission to a new host, bacterial populations are influenced by powerful forces such as genetic drift that reduce the fixation rate of beneficial mutations, limiting the capacity for host adaptation. Here, we implement a novel experimental model of bacterial host switching to investigate the ability of the multihost pathogen Staphylococcus aureus to adapt to new species under continuous population bottlenecks. We demonstrate that beneficial mutations accumulated during infection can overcome genetic drift and sweep through the population, leading to host adaptation. Our findings highlight the remarkable capacity of some bacteria to adapt to distinct host niches in the face of powerful antagonistic population forces.status: publishe

    Dual pathogenicity island transfer by piggybacking lateral transduction

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    Lateral transduction (LT) is the process by which temperate phages mobilize large sections of bacterial genomes. Despite its importance, LT has only been observed during prophage induction. Here, we report that superantigen-carrying staphylococcal pathogenicity islands (SaPIs) employ a related but more versatile and complex mechanism of gene transfer to drive chromosomal hypermobility while self-transferring with additional virulence genes from the host. We found that after phage infection or prophage induction, activated SaPIs form concatamers in the bacterial chromosome by switching between parallel genomic tracks in replication bubbles. This dynamic life cycle enables SaPIbov1 to piggyback its LT of staphylococcal pathogenicity island vSaα, which encodes an array of genes involved in host-pathogen interactions, allowing both islands to be mobilized intact and transferred in a single infective particle. Our findings highlight previously unknown roles of pathogenicity islands in bacterial virulence and show that their evolutionary impact extends beyond the genes they carry

    Metagenomic sequencing of clinical samples reveals a single widespread clone of Lawsonia intracellularis responsible for porcine proliferative enteropathy.

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    Lawsonia intracellularis is a Gram-negative obligate intracellular bacterium that is the aetiological agent of proliferative enteropathy (PE), a common intestinal disease of major economic importance in pigs and other animal species. To date, progress in understanding the biology of L. intracellularis for improved disease control has been hampered by the inability to culture the organism in vitro. In particular, our understanding of the genomic diversity and population structure of clinical L. intercellularis is very limited. Here, we utilized a metagenomic shotgun approach to directly sequence and assemble 21 L. intracellularis genomes from faecal and ileum samples of infected pigs and horses across three continents. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a genetically monomorphic clonal lineage responsible for infections in pigs, with distinct subtypes associated with infections in horses. The genome was highly conserved, with 94 % of genes shared by all isolates and a very small accessory genome made up of only 84 genes across all sequenced strains. In part, the accessory genome was represented by regions with a high density of SNPs, indicative of recombination events importing novel gene alleles. In summary, our analysis provides the first view of the population structure for L. intracellularis, revealing a single major lineage associated with disease of pigs. The limited diversity and broad geographical distribution suggest the recent emergence and clonal expansion of an important livestock pathogen

    Microbiota of human precolostrum and its potential role as a source of bacteria to the infant mouth

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    [EN] Human milk represents a source of bacteria for the initial establishment of the oral (and gut) microbiomes in the breastfed infant, however, the origin of bacteria in human milk remains largely unknown. While some evidence points towards a possible endogenous enteromammary route, other authors have suggested that bacteria in human milk are contaminants from the skin or the breastfed infant mouth. In this work 16S rRNA sequencing and bacterial culturing and isolation was performed to analyze the microbiota on maternal precolostrum samples, collected from pregnant women before delivery, and on oral samples collected from the corresponding infants. The structure of both ecosystems demonstrated a high proportion of taxa consistently shared among ecosystems, Streptococcus spp. and Staphylococcus spp. being the most abundant. Whole genome sequencing on those isolates that, belonging to the same species, were isolated from both the maternal and infant samples in the same mother-infant pair, evidenced that in 8 out of 10 pairs both isolates were >99.9% identical at nucleotide level. The presence of typical oral bacteria in precolostrum before contact with the newborn indicates that they are not a contamination from the infant, and suggests that at least some oral bacteria reach the infant’s mouth through breastfeedingSIThis research was supported by grant AGL2016-75476-R. LR was funded by grant 624773 (FP-7-PEOPLE-2013- IEF, European Commission) and is currently supported by the Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Trainee Program of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO; IJCI-2015-23196

    Genome hypermobility by lateral transduction

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    Genetic transduction is a major evolutionary force that underlies bacterial adaptation. Here we report that the temperate bacteriophages of Staphylococcus aureus engage in a distinct form of transduction we term lateral transduction. Staphylococcal prophages do not follow the previously described excision-replication-packaging pathway but instead excise late in their lytic program. Here, DNA packaging initiates in situ from integrated prophages, and large metameric spans including several hundred kilobases of the S. aureus genome are packaged in phage heads at very high frequency. In situ replication before DNA packaging creates multiple prophage genomes so that lateral-transducing particles form during normal phage maturation, transforming parts of the S. aureus chromosome into hypermobile regions of gene transfer

    Sugerencias para mejorar la regulación chilena de manipulación de vertebrados terrestres en poblaciones naturales en el contexto de investigaciones científicas

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    In Chile, the manipulation for scientific purposes of terrestrial vertebrates from natural populations is conducted previous authorization of the Agricultural and Livestock Service and various Bioethics Committees. Obtaining such authorizations is becoming increasingly complex. The procedures do not fit the reality of scientific work, and they seem to be based on unjustified assessments of the effects of animal handling on natural populations. The aim of this commentary is to initiate a discussion in order to establish a norm of scientific manipulation of terrestrial vertebrates adjusted to biological reality and that does not interfere with scientific research.La manipulación con fines científicos de vertebrados terrestres en poblaciones naturales chilenas se debe realizar previa autorización del SAG y de Comités de Bioética institucionales. Obtener dichas autorizaciones es cada vez más complejo; los trámites no se adecúan al quehacer científico ni al conocimiento sobre el efecto de la manipulación en las poblaciones naturales. El objetivo de este comentario es contribuir a una discusión en pos del establecimiento de una normativa de manipulación científica de vertebrados terrestres ajustada a la realidad biológica y que no entorpezca la investigación científica

    Population genomic analysis of bacterial pathogen niche adaptation

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    Globally disseminated bacterial pathogens frequently cause epidemics that are of major importance in public health. Of particular significance is the capacity for some of these bacteria to switch into a new environment leading to the emergence of pathogenic clones. Understanding the evolution and epidemiology of such pathogens is essential for designing rational ways for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the diseases they cause. Whole-genome sequencing of multiple isolates facilitating comparative genomics and phylogenomic analyses provides high-resolution insights, which are revolutionizing our understanding of infectious diseases. In this thesis, a range of population genomic analyses are employed to study the molecular mechanisms and the evolutionary dynamics of bacterial pathogen niche adaptation, specifically between humans, animals and the environment. A large-scale population genomic approach was used to provide a global perspective of the host-switching events that have defined the evolution of Staphylococcus aureus in the context of its host-species. To investigate the genetic basis of host-adaptation, we performed genome-wide association analysis, revealing an array of accessory genes linked to S. aureus host-specificity. In addition, positive selection analysis identified biological pathways encoded in the core genome that are under diversifying selection in different host-species, suggesting a role in host-adaptation. These findings provide a high-resolution view of the evolutionary landscape of a model multi-host pathogen and its capacity to undergo changes in host ecology by genetic adaptation. To further explore S. aureus host-adaptive evolution, we examined the population dynamics of this pathogen after a simulated host-switch event. S. aureus strains of human origin were used to infect the mammary glands of sheep, and bacteria were passaged in multiple animals to simulate onward transmission events. Comparative genomics of passaged isolates allowed us to characterize the genetic changes acquired during the early stages of evolution in a novel host-species. Co-infection experiments using progenitor and passaged strains indicated that accumulated mutations contributed to enhanced fitness, indicating adaptation. Within-host population genomic analysis revealed the existence of population bottlenecks associated with transmission and establishment of infection in new hosts. Computational simulations of evolving genomes under regular bottlenecks supported that the fitness gain of beneficial mutations is high enough to overcome genetic drift and sweep through the population. Overall, these data provide new information relating to the critical early events associated with adaptation to novel host-species. Finally, population genomics was used to study the total diversity of Legionella longbeachae from patient and environmental sources and to investigate the epidemiology of a L. longbeachae outbreak in Scotland. We analysed the genomes of isolates from a cluster of legionellosis cases linked to commercial growing media in Scotland and of non-outbreak-associated strains from this and other countries. Extensive genetic diversity across the L. longbeachae species was identified, associated with intraspecies and interspecies gene flow, and a wide geographic distribution of closely related genotypes. Of note, a highly diverse pool of L. longbeachae genotypes within compost samples that precluded the genetic establishment of an infection source was observed. These data represent a view of the genomic diversity of this pathogen that will inform strategies for investigating future outbreaks. Overall, our findings demonstrate the application of population genomics to understand the molecular mechanisms and the evolutionary dynamics of bacterial adaptation to different ecological niches, and provide new insights relevant to other major bacterial pathogens with the capacity to spread between environments

    Large-scale association analyses identify host factors influencing human gut microbiome composition

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    To study the effect of host genetics on gut microbiome composition, the MiBioGen consortium curated and analyzed genome-wide genotypes and 16S fecal microbiome data from 18,340 individuals (24 cohorts). Microbial composition showed high variability across cohorts: only 9 of 410 genera were detected in more than 95% of samples. A genome-wide association study of host genetic variation regarding microbial taxa identified 31 loci affecting the microbiome at a genome-wide significant (P <5 x 10(-8)) threshold. One locus, the lactase (LCT) gene locus, reached study-wide significance (genome-wide association study signal: P = 1.28 x 10(-20)), and it showed an age-dependent association with Bifidobacterium abundance. Other associations were suggestive (1.95 x 10(-10) <P <5 x 10(-8)) but enriched for taxa showing high heritability and for genes expressed in the intestine and brain. A phenome-wide association study and Mendelian randomization identified enrichment of microbiome trait loci in the metabolic, nutrition and environment domains and suggested the microbiome might have causal effects in ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis

    Rafael Reig, "El río de cenizas", Barcelona, Tusquets, 2022, 254 pp.

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