6,670 research outputs found

    Magnetic field variations associated with umbral flashes and penumbral waves

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    Umbral flashes (UF) and running penumbral waves (RPWs) in sunspot chromospheres leave a dramatic imprint in the intensity profile of the Ca II 854.2 nm line. Recent studies have focussed on also explaining the observed polarization profiles, that show even more dramatic variations during the passage of these shock fronts. While most of these variations can be explained with an almost constant magnetic field as a function of time, several studies have reported changes in the inferred magnetic field strength during UF phases. In this study we investigate the origin of these periodic variations of the magnetic field strength by analyzing a time-series of high temporal cadence observations acquired in the Ca II line with the CRISP instrument at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope. In particular, we analyze how the inferred geometrical height scale changes between quiescent and UF phases, and whether those changes are enough to explain the observed changes in BB. We have performed non-LTE data inversions with the NICOLE code of a time-series of very high spatio-temporal resolution observations in the Ca II and Fe I 630.15\630.25 nm lines. Our results indicate that the Ca II line in sunspots is greatly sensitive to magnetic fields at logτ500=5\log\tau_{500}=-5 during UFs and quiescence. However, this optical depth value does not correspond to the same geometrical height during the two phases. Our results indicate that during UFs and RPWs the logτ=5\log\tau=-5 is located at a higher geometrical height than during quiescence. Additionally, the inferred magnetic field values are higher in UFs (~270 G) and in RPWs (~100 G). Our results suggest that opacity changes caused by UFs and RPWs cannot explain the observed temporal variations in the magnetic field, as the line seems to form at higher geometrical heights where the field is expected to be lower.Comment: Accepted in A&

    The chromosphere above a δ\delta-sunspot in the presence of fan-shaped jets

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    δ\delta-sunspots are known to be favourable locations for fast and energetic events like flares and CMEs. The photosphere of this type of sunspots has been thoroughly investigated in the past three decades. The atmospheric conditions in the chromosphere are not so well known, however. his study is focused on the chromosphere of a δ\delta-sunspot that harbours a series of fan-shaped jets in its penumbra . The aim of this study is to establish the magnetic field topology and the temperature distribution in the presence of jets in the photosphere and the chromosphere. We use data from the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) and the Solar Dynamics Observatory. We invert the spectropolarimetric FeI 6302~\AA\ and CaII ~8542~\AA\ data from the SST using the the non-LTE inversion code NICOLE to estimate the magnetic field configuration, temperature and velocity structure in the chromosphere. A loop-like magnetic structure is observed to emerge in the penumbra of the sunspot. The jets are launched from the loop-like structure. Magnetic reconnection between this emerging field and the pre-existing vertical field is suggested by hot plasma patches on the interface between the two fields. The height at which the reconnection takes place is located between logτ500=2\log \tau_{500} = -2 and logτ500=3\log \tau_{500} = -3. The magnetic field vector and the atmospheric temperature maps show a stationary configuration during the whole observation.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures. Recommended for publication in A&

    Calidad del sueño en personas mayores de 65 años

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    El sueño comprende una actividad biológica vital que permite un adecuado funcionamiento del organismo. El insomnio es el trastorno del sueño más frecuente. Afecta especialmente a personas mayores de 65 años y origina múltiples consecuencias. Una de las causas que lo produce es la mala higiene del sueño, pilar fundamental para lograr un descanso de calidad. Hoy día sigue subdiagnosticado y en él predomina el tratamiento farmacológico a pesar de la demostrada efectividad de otras terapias. El objetivo general de esta investigación consiste en valorar la calidad del sueño de la muestra seleccionada. Este trabajo es un estudio descriptivo transversal. Se utilizó el Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh y una escala Likert sobre la higiene del sueño. Colaboraron 62 personas mayores de 65 años diagnosticadas y tratadas para el insomnio, cuyos centros de salud eran La Victoria y Canterac (Valladolid). El 72,6% de los participantes señalaron un sueño de mala calidad. La calificación media de la escala Likert anotó 73,48 puntos. La adherencia terapéutica fue la variable que mayor media registró (8,86±1,15). El insomnio grave alcanzó un porcentaje de 38,7%. La correlación entre la higiene del sueño e Índice de Pittsburgh según el coeficiente de Pearson obtuvo un valor de 0,55. Se recomienda emplear otras terapias no farmacológicas efectivas para abordar de forma integral el insomnio y conseguir mejorar la calidad del sueño de la población.Grado en Enfermerí

    El reparto competencial en materia de telecomunicaciones: estudio normativo y jurisprudencial

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    El tema de la regulación en el tema de las telecomunicaciones ha tomado gran peso en los últimos años, constituyéndose el Derecho de las Telecomunicaciones en un tema de gran relevancia económica internacional. Este estudio se centra en sus múltiples y variados campos y aspectos. El proceso de preparación y elaboración de la nueva reglamentación de las telecomunicaciones en libre competencia ha sido largo y laborioso; a las dificultades habituales de entendimiento entre los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea y las Instituciones europeas se han añadido las características específicas del sector de las telecomunicaciones y las transformaciones a que ha estado sometido a lo largo del último cuarto de siglo. En cualquier caso, los objetivos de este proceso pueden resumirse en la consecución de dos resultados: en primer lugar la desaparición de los monopolios tradicionales y en segundo lugar el establecimiento de unas nuevas estructuras que fueran capaces de gestionar el desarrollo de las telecomunicaciones en libre competencia. No obstante, esto se altera notablemente en el ámbito comunitario, como consecuencia de la publicación en junio de 1987 del Libro verde sobre el desarrollo del mercado común de los servicios y equipos de telecomunicaciones.The issue of regulation in the area of telecommunications has taken great weight in the past few years, and the corresponding right of telecommunications is an issue of great international economic importance. This study focuses on their many and varied fields and aspects. The process of preparation and formulation of the new telecommunication regulation in free competition has been long and laborious; with the usual difficulties of understanding between the member of the European Union and the European institutions have been added the specific characteristics of the telecommunications sector and the transformations that have been subjected the past quarter-century. In any case, the objectives of this process can be summarized in the achievement of two results: in the first place, the disappearance of the traditional monopolies and secondly, the establishment of new structures that were able to manage the development of telecommunications in free competition. However, this is significantly altered in this area as the result of the publication, in June 1987, Green Paper on the development of the common market for telecommunications services and equipment

    Los fondos contemporáneos de los archivos universitarios. Fuentes para la investigación

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    Se resalta la importancia de los fondos documentales de los archivos universitarios españoles como fuente primaria de información, de indudable interés para la historia contemporánea y actual. Se analiza los contenidos informativos de estos fondos a través de las grandes funciones reflejadas en los cuadros de clasificación documental de los archivos universitarios. Asimismo, se analiza el estado de la cuestión del derecho de acceso a los documentos, que será libre, aunque afectado por los límites y plazos que establecen las leyes aplicables y el respeto a la intimidad y protección de datos, centrándose sobre todo en el acceso a la documentación de las universidades públicas.It highlights the importance of documentary collections of Spanish university archives as a primary source of information, of undoubted interest for contemporary and current history. The informative contents of these collections are analysed through the great functions reflected in the documentary classification tables of the university archives. It also analyses the state of the issue of the right of access to documents, which will be free, although affected by the limits and deadlines established by applicable laws and respect for privacy and data protection, focusing primarily on access to public university documents

    A method for global inversion of multi-resolution solar data

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    Understanding the complex dynamics and structure of the upper solar atmosphere benefits strongly from the use of a combination of several diagnostics. Frequently, such diverse diagnostics can only be obtained from telescopes and/or instrumentation operating at widely different spatial resolution. To optimize the utilization of such data, we propose a new method for the global inversion of data acquired at different spatial resolution. The method has its roots in the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm but involves the use of linear operators to transform and degrade the synthetic spectra of a highly resolved guess model to account for the the effects of spatial resolution, data sampling, alignment and image rotation of each of the data sets. We have carried out a list of numerical experiments to show that our method allows extracting spatial information from two simulated datasets that have gone through two different telescope apertures and that are sampled in different spatial grids. Our results show that each dataset contributes in the inversion by constraining information at the spatial scales that are present in each of the datasets, without any negative effects derived from the combination of multiple resolution data. This method is especially relevant for chromospheric studies that attempt at combining datasets acquired with different telescopes and/or datasets acquired at different wavelengths, both limiting factors in the resolution of solar instrumentation. The techniques described in the present study will also help addressing the ever increasing resolution gap between space-borne missions and forthcoming ground-based facilities.Comment: Submitted to A&A on 2019-09-0

    STiC -- A multi-atom non-LTE PRD inversion code for full-Stokes solar observations

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    The inference of the underlying state of the plasma in the solar chromosphere remains extremely challenging because of the nonlocal character of the observed radiation and plasma conditions in this layer. Inversion methods allow us to derive a model atmosphere that can reproduce the observed spectra by undertaking several physical assumptions. The most advanced approaches involve a depth-stratified model atmosphere described by temperature, line-of-sight velocity, turbulent velocity, the three components of the magnetic field vector, and gas and electron pressure. The parameters of the radiative transfer equation are computed from a solid ground of physical principles. To apply these techniques to spectral lines that sample the chromosphere, NLTE effects must be included in the calculations. We developed a new inversion code STiC to study spectral lines that sample the upper chromosphere. The code is based the RH synthetis code, which we modified to make the inversions faster and more stable. For the first time, STiC facilitates the processing of lines from multiple atoms in non-LTE, also including partial redistribution effects. Furthermore, we include a regularization strategy that allows for model atmospheres with a complex stratification, without introducing artifacts in the reconstructed physical parameters, which are usually manifested in the form of oscillatory behavior. This approach takes steps toward a node-less inversion, in which the value of the physical parameters at each grid point can be considered a free parameter. In this paper we discuss the implementation of the aforementioned techniques, the description of the model atmosphere, and the optimizations that we applied to the code. We carry out some numerical experiments to show the performance of the code and the regularization techniques that we implemented. We made STiC publicly available to the community.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic