57 research outputs found

    Experimental investigation of the aerodynamic flow in the aircraft carrier ski-jump by means of PIV

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    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods have opened a new field to perform aerodynamic studies saving money and time. The difficulties presented by this method to calculate complex flow field problems imply that CFD validation is needed to provide correct results. Experimental data have recently been used to validate the accuracy of CFD predictions. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) has shown to be a powerful tool in the investigation of complex flows. The aim of this paper is to present results from PIV experiments that would be interesting for CFD validation. Regarding aircraft operations, the short runway available implies the necessity of equipment which helps to take-off performances. Ski-jump ramp system improves aircraft performances by an increment of lift resulting in successful take-off operations. The ski-jump ramp presence generates a complex flow bounded by a turbulent shear layer and a low velocity recirculation bubble over the end of the flight deck. The adverse effects on the aircraft aerodynamics affect to pilot safe operations, so this region is an interesting problem to be studied by means of wind tunnel experimental tests

    Diavideos: a Diabetes Health Video Portal

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    Diavideos1 is a web platform that collects trustworthy diabetes health videos from YouTube and offers them in a easy way. YouTube is a big repository of health videos, but good content is sometimes mixed with misleading and harmful videos such as promoting anorexia [1].Diavideos is a web portal that provides easy access to a repository of trustworthy diabetes videos. This poster describes Diavideos and explains the crawling method used to retrieve these videos from trusted channels

    Composición, distribución vertical y dinámica temporal del ensamblaje de moluscos en el litoral rocoso de Isla Fuerte, Colombia: Composition, vertical distribution, and temporal dynamics of mollusks assembly of Isla Fuerte rocky coastline, Colombia

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    Las investigaciones científicas en litorales rocosos insulares de Colombia son escasas. Los trabajos desarrollados hasta ahora se han enfocado en la generación de inventarios taxonómicos, pero poco se conoce cómo los ensamblajes de las especies de este ecosistema pueden variar, teniendo en cuenta escalas espaciales y temporales. El presente estudio evaluó la composición, distribución vertical y dinámica temporal del ensamblaje de moluscos del litoral rocoso de Isla Fuerte. Se realizaron tres salidas de campo durante el 2015, en dos localidades (Punta El Inglés y El Latal). Se registraron 1.264 individuos, distribuidos en 52 especies. La clase mejor representada fue Gastropoda, destacándose por sus abundancias Nerita tessellata, Hinea lineata y N. versicolor. En términos de distribución vertical, el supralitoral fue dominado por especies de Nerita; el mesolitoral por H. lineata, y el infralitoral por Claremontiella nodulosa y quitones de la familia Ischnochitonidae. A nivel espacial, El Latal registró mayor riqueza específica, pero menor abundancia de organismos. A escala temporal, la abundancia de moluscos fue mayor en época seca y menor en época de lluvia. El PERMANOVA mostró que la abundancia de las especies presentó diferencias marcadas entre zonas del litoral rocoso y las épocas climáticas (P < 0,05). El MDS-M pone en evidencia que hay especies representativas para cada zona del litoral rocoso; y que además, existe una variabilidad del ensamblaje de moluscos, teniendo en cuenta las épocas climáticas

    Enhanced In Vivo Activity of Cefditoren in Pre-Immunized Mice against Penicillin-Resistant S. pneumoniae (Serotypes 6B, 19F and 23F) in a Sepsis Model

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    Background Specific antibodies are likely to be present before S. pneumoniae infection. We explored cefditoren (CDN) total and free values of serum concentrations exceeding the MIC (t>MIC) related to efficacy in a mice sepsis model, and the effect of specific gammaglobulins on in-vitro phagocytosis and in-vivo efficacy. Methodology/Principal Findings We used three pneumococcal isolates (serotype, MIC of CDN): Strain 1 (6B, 1 µg/ml), Strain 2 (19F, 2 µg/ml) and Strain 3 (23F, 4 µg/ml). Hyperimmune serum (HS) was obtained from mice immunized with heat-inactivated strains. In-vitro, phagocytosis by HS diluted 1/10 in presence/absence of sub-inhibitory concentrations was measured by flow cytometry including fluorescent bacteria and a neutrophil cell line. In-vivo dose-ranging experiments with HS (dilutions 1/2–1/16) and CDN (6.25 mg/kg–100 mg/kg tid for 48 h) were performed to determine the minimal protective dilution/dose (highest survival) and the non-protective highest dilution/dose (highest mortality: HS-np dilution and CDN-np dose) over 7 days. Efficacy of CDN-np in animals pre-immunized with HS-np (combined strategy) was explored and blood bacterial clearance determined. The CDN measured protein binding was 86.9%. In-vitro, CDN significantly increased phagocytosis (vs. HS 1/10). In non pre-immunized animals, t>MIC values for CDN of ≈35% (total) and ≈19% (free) were associated with 100% survival. Significant differences in survival were found between HS-np alone (≤20%) or CDN-np alone (≤20%) vs. the combined strategy (90%, 60% and 60% for Stains 1, 2 and 3), with t>MIC (total/free) of 22.8%/14.3%, 26.8%/16.0%, and 22.4%/12.7% for Strains 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Prior to the second dose (8 h), median bacterial counts were significantly lower in animals surviving vs. dead at day 7. Conclusions/Significance In mice (CDN protein binding similar to humans) total t>MIC values of ≈35% (≈19% free) were efficacious, with a decrease in the required values in pre-immunized animals. This reinforces that immunoprotection to overcome resistance may provide lifesaving strategies.This study was supported by an unrestricted grant from Tedec-Meiji Farma S.A., Madrid, Spain. Tedec-Meiji Farma S.A. had a role in providing reagents, materials and analysis toolsPeer reviewe

    Apoptosis, Toll-like, RIG-I-like and NOD-like receptors are pathways jointly Induced by diverse respiratory bacterial and viral pathogens

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    13 p.-5 fig.3 tab. Martínez, Isidoro et al.Lower respiratory tract infections are among the top five leading causes of human death. Fighting these infections is therefore a world health priority. Searching for induced alterations in host gene expression shared by several relevant respiratory pathogens represents an alternative to identify new targets for wide-range host-oriented therapeutics. With this aim, alveolar macrophages were independently infected with three unrelated bacterial (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Staphylococcus aureus) and two dissimilar viral (respiratory syncytial virus and influenza A virus) respiratory pathogens, all of them highly relevant for human health. Cells were also activated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as a prototypical pathogen-associated molecular pattern. Patterns of differentially expressed cellular genes shared by the indicated pathogens were searched by microarray analysis. Most of the commonly up-regulated host genes were related to the innate immune response and/or apoptosis, with Toll-like, RIG-I-like and NOD-like receptors among the top 10 signaling pathways with over-expressed genes. These results identify new potential broad-spectrum targets to fight the important human infections caused by the bacteria and viruses studied here.Research activities in the participating laboratories received further funding from the following sources: Centro Nacional de Microbiología, ISCIII, PI15CIII/00024 and MINECO (SAF2015- 67033-R); Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, MINECO (BFU2014-57797-R); Hospital Universitari Germans Trias I Pujol, Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR 054/2011); Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular I, MINECO (SAF2015-65307-R); Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, MINECO (SAF2012-39444-C01/02); Fundación de Investigación Sanitaria de las Islas Baleares, MINECO (SAF2012-39841); Instituto de Agrobiotecnología, MINECO (SAF2015-66520-R); Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano, MINECO (BFU2015-70052-R) and the Marie Curie Initial Training Network GLYCOPHARM (PITN-GA- 2012-317297). Subprograma Estatal de Formación (BES-2013- 065355).Peer reviewe

    New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias

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    Characterization of the genetic landscape of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias (ADD) provides a unique opportunity for a better understanding of the associated pathophysiological processes. We performed a two-stage genome-wide association study totaling 111,326 clinically diagnosed/'proxy' AD cases and 677,663 controls. We found 75 risk loci, of which 42 were new at the time of analysis. Pathway enrichment analyses confirmed the involvement of amyloid/tau pathways and highlighted microglia implication. Gene prioritization in the new loci identified 31 genes that were suggestive of new genetically associated processes, including the tumor necrosis factor alpha pathway through the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex. We also built a new genetic risk score associated with the risk of future AD/dementia or progression from mild cognitive impairment to AD/dementia. The improvement in prediction led to a 1.6- to 1.9-fold increase in AD risk from the lowest to the highest decile, in addition to effects of age and the APOE ε4 allele

    Differential clinical characteristics and prognosis of intraventricular conduction defects in patients with chronic heart failure

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    Intraventricular conduction defects (IVCDs) can impair prognosis of heart failure (HF), but their specific impact is not well established. This study aimed to analyse the clinical profile and outcomes of HF patients with LBBB, right bundle branch block (RBBB), left anterior fascicular block (LAFB), and no IVCDs. Clinical variables and outcomes after a median follow-up of 21 months were analysed in 1762 patients with chronic HF and LBBB (n = 532), RBBB (n = 134), LAFB (n = 154), and no IVCDs (n = 942). LBBB was associated with more marked LV dilation, depressed LVEF, and mitral valve regurgitation. Patients with RBBB presented overt signs of congestive HF and depressed right ventricular motion. The LAFB group presented intermediate clinical characteristics, and patients with no IVCDs were more often women with less enlarged left ventricles and less depressed LVEF. Death occurred in 332 patients (interannual mortality = 10.8%): cardiovascular in 257, extravascular in 61, and of unknown origin in 14 patients. Cardiac death occurred in 230 (pump failure in 171 and sudden death in 59). An adjusted Cox model showed higher risk of cardiac death and pump failure death in the LBBB and RBBB than in the LAFB and the no IVCD groups. LBBB and RBBB are associated with different clinical profiles and both are independent predictors of increased risk of cardiac death in patients with HF. A more favourable prognosis was observed in patients with LAFB and in those free of IVCDs. Further research in HF patients with RBBB is warranted