324 research outputs found

    Formación en diseño en procesos para la producción de bioabonos con mediación de las Tic's para el grupo de investigación de biotecnología e innovación del Colegio IED La Amistad Jornada Nocturna

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    Práctica SocialEl presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo dar continuidad al proyecto propuesto por el Colegio IED La Amistad Jornada Nocturna, liderado por el Docente de Biotecnología, Química y Biología Javier Morales Bermúdez, con los estudiantes del grupo de investigación denominado biotecnología e innovación en la jornada nocturna, quienes recibirán los conocimientos necesarios por parte de los practicantes de la Universidad Católica del programa de Ingeniera Industrial basándose en el proceso productivo en pro a la Biotecnología. Inicialmente se aplicó una herramienta de medición, la encuesta, con el fin de recopilar información que permitirá determinar el nivel de conocimientos que poseen los estudiantes con respecto al diseño de procesos y los residuos orgánicos, los resultados obtenidos sirvieron de punto de partida para diseñar un plan de estudios en jornadas presenciales y virtuales, para lo cual fue necesario la creación del aula virtual “fundamentos procesos productivos” “FP”.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. EVALUACIÓN DEL PENSAMIENTO EMPRENDEDOR ORIENTADO AL DESARROLLO DE IDEAS DE NEGOCIO DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL CICLO 602 DEL COLEGIO DISTRITAL LA AMISTAD JORNADA NOCTURNA 3. IDEAS DE NEGOCIO 4. FASES PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE IDEAS DE NEGOCIO 5. CONCLUSIONES 6. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Industria

    La prensa, los informativos de televisión y la radio españoles en Instagram

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    La necesidad de los medios de comunicación por llegar a todos los públicos de la sociedad es cada vez mayor. Por ello, desde hace poco más de una década se sirven de las distintas posibili - dades que ofrecen las redes sociales en Internet para acaparar la atención de sus lectores, espectado - res y oyentes, ajustando sus contenidos a los múltiples formatos y perfiles de usuarios. Primero fue Twitter la aplicación en la que fijaron la atención estas comunidades virtuales; luego fue Facebook y, en la actualidad, debemos resaltar a Instagram cuyo papel no ha pasado desapercibido. El propósito general de esta investigación es determinar si está siendo esta última plataforma mencionada una red social lo suficientemente sólida, como para que los medios la utilicen para in - formar a la sociedad fundamentalmente joven. La metodología llevada a cabo se basa en un estudio exhaustivo de las publicaciones que han hecho las cuentas de los medios seleccionados en Insta - gram durante un periodo de 15 días, así como su comparación con lo que ofrecen las mismas vía Twitter. El resultado obtenido confirma que Instagram es uno de los focos más atractivos para los jóvenes de entre 16 y 30 años en la actualidad, donde los medios les llevan las noticias de última hora de forma diferente a como lo hace en los medios tradicionales. No obstante, Twitter sigue siendo la plataforma que elige la mayoría para estar informados con rigurosidad.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Periodism

    La digitalización en el periodismo. Transformación, retos y oportunidades

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    Ficha técnica: Hada M. Sánchez Gonzales (ed) Editorial Gedisa, Madrid, 2022 216 pp. ISBN: 987-84-1891-442-

    Perceptive approaches to the morphological characterization of the urban contour: The case of the peri-urban landscape of Madrid

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    [EN] A growing city adapts and transforms the pre-existing topography, and with its urban fabric defines an ever-changing contour throughout history; this contour is not a clear line, but rather a fringe, where city and countryside meet and create occupancy systems that are crucial to comprehend the evolution of the urban form. We can consider this fringe as ‘proximity’ landscapes: landscapes that are perceived when the city is either a destination or a point of departure. The vision from afar, or when progressively approaching the city, provides both locals and tourists with certain landscape and architectural aspects that should be studied, preserved and valued for their ability to generate meaningful spaces. In this communication we study the surrounding landscapes of Madrid by means of a Landscape Character Assessment, within the framework of the project ‘Proximity landscapes of the city of Madrid. From the 19thC to the present’ currently in process. Combining graphic analysis of historical cartography at a metropolitan scale with perceptive analysis techniques, special attention is drawn to certain axes and significant lookouts of the city, mapping them and evaluating their visual basins. This characterization leads to distinguishing three main landscape types surrounding Madrid, according to physical, natural and anthropogenic structures: one predominantly natural, one mainly industrial and service-related, and a third one with special historical relevance.This research has been developed in the framework of the State Plan Project of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (HAR2014-57843-R), entitled “Proximity Landscapes of the City of Madrid. From the 19th Century to the present”. We thank the General Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation for the funding of this project. Likewise, we thank the Spanish Ministry of Education for the pre-doctoral scholarship (FPU14/05524) granted to co-author Carlota Sáenz de Tejada Granados in its FPU Program. Lastly, we thank San Pablo-CEU University Foundation for the pre-doctoral scholarship granted to co-author Rocío Santo-Tomás Muro in its FPI Program.Rodríguez Romero, E.; Sáenz De Tejada Granados, C.; Santo-Tomás Muro, R. (2018). Perceptive approaches to the morphological characterization of the urban contour: The case of the peri-urban landscape of Madrid. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1349-1358. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.5345OCS1349135

    Influence of energy paradigm shifts on city boundaries. The productive peripheries of Madrid

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    [EN] The promotion or access to certain energy technologies has changed the humanized landscape throughout history; cities have been born around, and because of an energy source, or have been displaced in order for energy-related infrastructures to take their spot. However, and for any city from its very beginning, energy paradigm shifts have deeply altered their morphology. Not only extraction, but especially transformation and transport of resources materializes in artefacts, often controversial and soon-to-be obsolete. This is especially patent in the ever-changing city boundaries; the fringe of ‘proximity’, where the collision between the countryside and the urban mesh embodies the relations and contradictions between urban growth, energy demand and landscape protection. In a context of growing cities (both in terms of expansion of its artificial land and in terms of energy demand), we are facing two paths which not always converge: an inevitable low carbon transition and a growing sensitivity towards ordinary landscapes. This article, within the framework of the project ‘Proximity landscapes of the city of Madrid. From the 19thC to the present’, studies the development of the city of Madrid in relation to its energy access and management, in a series of key stages: mid-19thC (before the bourgeois enlargement plan approved in 1860), early 20thC (when the introduction of electricity powered a deep urban transformation and outlaying urban cores were annexed), mid-late 20thC (when a rural exodus took place and the peripheries of Madrid grew rapidly) and today.This research has been developed in the framework of the State Plan Project of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (HAR2014-57843-R), entitled “Proximity Landscapes of the City of Madrid. From the 19th Century to the present”. We thank the General Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation for the funding of this project. Likewise, we thank the Spanish Ministry of Education for the pre-doctoral scholarship (FPU14/05524) granted to co-author Carlota Sáenz de Tejada Granados in its FPU Program. Lastly, we thank San Pablo-CEU University Foundation for the pre-doctoral scholarship granted to co-author Rocío Santo-Tomás Muro in its FPI Program.Sáenz De Tejada Granados, C.; Rodríguez Romero, E.; Santo-Tomás Muro, R. (2018). Influence of energy paradigm shifts on city boundaries. The productive peripheries of Madrid. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 719-128. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.5343OCS71912

    The role of historical green spaces in the identity and image of today’s cities: The case of Madrid

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    [EN] The image that a city offers when approaching it, depending on its topographical situation, the drawing of its borders or its urban form, generates a perceptive construction, for both locals and tourists, with the potential to become an iconic image and therefore play a part in the collective imagery. The character and value of those landscapes is largely determined by their green spaces, preserved in most European cities for their ecological or historical significance. Being able to recognize the worthiness of these proximity visions, in the context of today’s growing cities, is of fundamental relevance in order to enhance the sense of place, amongst other community values. In this communication we study the above-mentioned aspects in the image of the city of Madrid, within the framework of the project ‘Proximity landscapes of the city of Madrid. From the 19thC to the present’ currently in process. Through a landscape analysis of a selection of iconographic representations of the surroundings of the city, we draw special attention to the presence of historical green spaces throughout time, and its relation with architectural landmarks in the progressive construction of an iconic image of the city. From here, we can deduce the relevance that these elements have in the generation of a recognizable character and the decisive role of protection mechanisms in order to preserve it.This research has been developed in the framework of the State Plan Project of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (HAR2014-57843-R), entitled “Proximity Landscapes of the City of Madrid. From the 19th Century to the present”. We thank the General Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation for the funding of this project. Likewise, we thank the Spanish Ministry of Education for the pre-doctoral scholarship (FPU14/05524) granted to co-author Carlota Sáenz de Tejada Granados in its FPU Program. Lastly, we thank San Pablo-CEU University Foundation for the pre-doctoral scholarship granted to co-author Rocío Santo-Tomás Muro in its FPI Program.Rodríguez Romero, E.; Sáenz De Tejada Granados, C.; Santo-Tomás Muro, R. (2018). The role of historical green spaces in the identity and image of today’s cities: The case of Madrid. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1647-1656. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.5340OCS1647165

    Terapia Cognitiva Basada en Mindfullness en Pacientes Oncológicos Españoles: el Protocolo Bartley

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to analyse whether MBCT will reduce the general level of psychopathology, increase the quality of life, and increase meta-knowledge about their emotional state in Spanish participants with cancer. Method: The sample consisted of n = 88 Spanish oncology patients. This was a non-randomized, two-group (experimental vs waiting list) trial conducted in a naturalistic setting. We evaluated psychological distress (BSI-18), quality of life (FACT-G), and meta-knowledge of emotions (TMMS-24). Results: The participants who received the MBCT treatment improved more than the control group in distress (F= 6.79; p = .01, BSI-18), depression (F= 8.38; p = .005 ), quality of life -physical health (F = 5.56; p = .02), emotional state (F = 7.06; p= .01), and functional capacity (F = 7.98; p = .006), as well as meta-knowledge about their emotional state (F = 35.4; p = .01), and its subscales of perception, (F = 8.95; p = .004), comprehension, (F= 16.06; p = .01), and repair (F = 15.67; p = .01). Conclusions: The Bartley MBCT program was feasible and showed promise in improving general psychopathology (depression), improving patients’ quality of life, and increasing meta-knowledge about their emotional state.Objetivos: el objetivo de este estudio es analizar el papel de la MBCT en la reducción de la psicopatología, la mejora de la calidad de vida y del metaconocimiento del estado emocional en participantes españoles oncológicos. Método: la muestra consta de n = 88 pacientes oncológicos españoles. Este es un ensayo no aleatorio de dos grupos (experimental versus lista de espera) realizado en un entorno hospitalario. Se evaluaron distrés psicológico (BSI-18), calidad de vida (FACTG) y metaconocimiento de las emociones (TMMS). Resultados: los participantes con tratamiento MBCT mejoraron más que el grupo control en distrés (F= 6.79; p = .01), depresión (F= 8.38; p = .005), en la calidad de vida asociada a salud física (F = 5.56; p = .02), al estado emocional (F = 7.06; p= .01) y a la capacidad funcional personal (F = 7.98; p = .006), y en metaconocimiento de las emociones (F = 35.4; p = .01), y sus subescalas percepción (F = 8.95; p = .004), comprensión, (F= 16.06; p = .01) y reparación (F = 15.67; p = .01). Conclusiones: la MBCT mostró resultados prometedores para mejorar la psicopatología general, la calidad de vida y el metaconocimiento sobre el estado emocional.Psicologí

    Universidad Inclusiva: ¿se toman medidas educativas adecuadas para atender a todo el alumnado?

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    Para que una Universidad sea considerada inclusiva, uno de los requisitos fundamentales es formar bien al profesorado en atención a la diversidad ya que deben estar capacitados para poder diseñar y aplicar adaptaciones adecuadas al perfil de la diversidad del alumnado que tengan en sus aulas. Dichas adaptaciones implica –en la mayoría de los casos- la modificación de elementos que afectan a la metodología o al sistema de evaluación, no suponiendo en ningún caso un menor nivel de exigencia. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, numerosas publicaciones han evidenciado que dicha formación es inexistente o escasa, dándose como resultado una inadecuada atención al alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales en las aulas universitarias. Este estudio se desarrolla con el objetivo de describir si el profesorado universitario aplica adaptaciones curriculares a los/as estudiantes universitarios/as que lo necesitan. Para ello, han sido entrevistados 235 docentes de 23 estudiantes con diversidad funcional de la Universidad de Málaga. El análisis de los resultados obtenidos muestra como el 53,6% del profesorado entrevistado aplica adaptaciones. No obstante, queda un 46,4% del alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales sin ser atendido adecuadamente, lo que avala la necesidad de continuar insistiendo en la formación permanente del profesorado en atención a la diversidad para poder garantizar una formación Universitaria Inclusiva de calidad.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    On the Enhancement of the Thermal Conductivity of Graphene-Based Nanofluids

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    Heat transfer fluids have been extensively used in both low-temperature and high temperature applications (e.g. microelectronics cooling and concentrated solar power). However, their low thermal conductivity is still a limit on performance. One way to enhance thermal properties is to disperse nanomaterials, such as graphene flakes in the base fluid. In this work, we have developed highly stable DMAc-graphene nanofluids with enhanced thermal properties. Furthermore, the displacement of several Raman bands as a function of graphene concentration in DMAc suggests that the solvent molecules are able to interact with graphene surfaces strongly