1,520 research outputs found

    Analysing similarity assessment in feature-vector case representations

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    Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is a good technique to solve new problems based in previous experience. Main assumption in CBR relies in the hypothesis that similar problems should have similar solutions. CBR systems retrieve the most similar cases or experiences among those stored in the Case Base. Then, previous solutions given to these most similar past-solved cases can be adapted to fit new solutions for new cases or problems in a particular domain, instead of derive them from scratch. Thus, similarity measures are key elements in obtaining reliable similar cases, which will be used to derive solutions for new cases. This paper describes a comparative analysis of several commonly used similarity measures, including a measure previously developed by the authors, and a study on its performance in the CBR retrieval step for feature-vector case representations. The testing has been done using six-teen data sets from the UCI Machine Learning Database Repository, plus two complex environmental databases.Postprint (published version

    P29 274. Indicaciones de la válvula aórtica ats 3f enable® sin sutura

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    La válvula ATS 3f Enable® (Medtronic) es una prótesis biológica de pericardio, diseñada como una válvula tubular para optimizar sus características hemodinámicas y disminuir el estrés.ObjetivosDescripción de las posibles indicaciones de la válvula aórtica 3f Enable® sin sutura seg?estra experiencia.Material y métodosDesde mayo de 2010 se han implantado 10 válvulas 3f Enable®, eligiendo pacientes con anillo aórtico pequeño (< 21mm) e índice de masa corporal (IMC) igual o superior a 30 o con estenosis protésica de 19mm. El tamaño de los implantes fue: 19mm: 5, 21mm: 4, y 23mm: 1. Perfil clínico de los pacientes: edad media: 72 años. Estenosis aórtica protésica: 2 pacientes. EuroSCORE medio: 6,3. El IMC medio de los pacientes con estenosis nativa: 32. En tres pacientes se realizaron injertos concomitantes.ResultadosTodos los implantes se realizaron con éxito. En dos pacientes fue necesaria la recolocación de la prótesis por insuficiencia antes de descontinuar la circulación extracorpórea. El tiempo medio de isquemia fue de 61 min, con un rango de 22–81 min. Los gradientes pico obtenidos fueron 21±6mmHg y los gradientes medios de 11±3mmHg. Un paciente requirió reintervención por insuficiencia grave debido a inframedición de la prótesis.ConclusionesLa prótesis 3f Enable® presenta un excelente comportamiento hemodinámico en pacientes con anillo aórtico pequeño y con un IMC igual o superior a 30 y consiguiente riesgo de mismatch. La estenosis protésica de 19mm también se podría considerar como indicación de implante de esta válvula


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    Viure amb altura : un nou projecte d’habitatges al complex industrial de Can Barba

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    VIURE AMB ALTURA. Nou projecte d'habitatges al complex industrial de Can Barba. Una de les problemàtiques més rellevants amb la que a dia d'avui conviu la població de Castellar del Vallès és la falta d'habitatge. El teixit residencial present a la ciutat es composa principalment per vivenda unifamiliar. El perfil d’usuari demandant d’habitatge es troba davant d’una situació complicada per tal d’assolir un habitatge assequible obligant que molts d’aquests perfils acabin marxant de la ciutat. Un dels emplaçaments amb més oportunitat, tot i que antagònicament més oblidat de la ciutat, és l’antic complex industrial de Can Barba, abans motor principal de Castellar. L’accentuat desnivell topogràfic entre la ciutat i l’antic complex industrial ha esdevingut clau en el procés de creixement de la ciutat, desenvolupant-se d’esquenes a aquest i conseqüentment, del riu Ripoll, l’altre gran oblidat. La situació urbana de Can Barba entre la ciutat i el riu Ripoll ofereix un gran potencial no només per encabir-hi el programa d’habitatge dotacional necessari per la ciutat de Castellar, sinó perquè aquesta torni a dirigir la mirada al riu

    Energy recovery from effluents of supercritical water oxidation reactors

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    Producción CientíficaSupercritical water oxidation (SCWO) reactors can process waste effluents achieving high conversions, but the required extreme pressure and temperature operational conditions entail high-energy operational expenditure. SCWO has the potential to be considered a clean energy generation process, as the process effluent is a high temperature, high pressure stream with a high enthalpy content that can be converted to heat and shaft work. This ensures the self-sustained reaction and can generate excess shaft power to drive both the high-pressure pump and the air compressor. On the contrary, an efficient heat and power recovery from SCWO reactors outlet streams using conventional procedures presents several problems. First, Rankine cycles impose indirect heat transfer to the working fluid and are unable to recover the pressure energy and second, direct expansion of the effluents entails costly development of specific, efficient expansion equipment. In this work, we investigate the options for energy recovery of SCWO reactors coupled with commercial gas turbines (GT). SCWO outlet streams are mainly composed of water, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. These operating values nearly resemble the well-known and already-implemented GT steam injection procedures. The temperature of the flue gases (approx. 500 °C) and the direct shaft work usage offers adequate energy integration possibilities for both feed preheating and compression. The wide range of commercially available GT sizes enables process scaling.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - FEDER (Proyect CTQ2013-44143-R

    Density and viscosity measurements of (piperazine + water) and (piperazine + 2-dimethylaminoethanol + water) at high pressures

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    Producción CientíficaThe purpose of this paper is broadening the understanding of amine solution behaviour through the experimental measurements of density (up to 140 MPa) and viscosity (up to 100 MPa) in a temperature range from (293.15 to 393.15) K. The two selected blends are Piperazine (PZ) + Water (10% amine weight concentration) and Piperazine (PZ) + 2-Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) + Water (10% and 30% amine weight concentration, respectively). Densities were measured using a vibrating tube densimeter (Anton Paar DMA HPM) with an expanded uncertainty (k = 2) less than 0.7 kg·m-3. Viscosities were obtained using a falling body viscometer which was calibrated with water and dodecane. The viscosity expanded uncertainty (k = 2) ranges from 2.5% for the highest viscosity to 3.2% for the lowest one. Experimental data were fitted to modified Tamman-Tait equation for densities and modified VFT model for viscosities, obtaining good results for both equations.Junta de Castilla y León VA280P18Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad RTI2018-097456-B-I0

    Melting point depression effect with CO2 in high melting temperature cellulose dissolving ionic liquids. Modeling with group contribution equation of state

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    Producción CientíficaIonic liquids of the alkylmethylimidazolium chloride family are able to solubilize high amount of cellulose and other natural polymers and have very good characteristics for their processing. Nevertheless, they present important disadvantages related to their high melting points and viscosities. Dissolution of carbon dioxide (CO2) can reduce the melting point of these ionic liquids as well as other ones presenting the same problems. In this work, the effect of pressurized carbon dioxide on the melting point depression of some ionic liquids able to dissolve biopolymers was experimentally determined using the first melting point method. Five different ionic liquids were studied in contact with CO2 using a high-pressure visual cell, up to a pressure of 10 MPa. The ILs studied were four ionic liquids with chloride anion coupled with the cations: 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium, [C4mim]+, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium, [C2mim]+, 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium, [Amim]+ and 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-3-methylimidazolium, [C2OHmim]+ and one ammonium-based cation choline [C5H14NO]+ combined with dihydrogen phosphate anion, [H2PO4]−. Melting point depression effect observed for these groups of ionic liquids were around 10 K for chloride ILs and went as high as 33.2 K for choline dihydrogen phosphate. To correlate the melting point depression of imidazolium chloride ILs, parameters for the Group Contribution Equation of State (GC-EoS) of Skjold-Jørgensen for the liquid phase plus a fugacity expression for solid phases was employed. Experimental data used for the parameterization includes literature data of binary vapor–liquid, liquid–liquid and solid–liquid equilibria, and activity coefficients at infinite dilution. Melting point depression was calculated with an average deviation of 1.7 K (0.5%) and a maximum deviation of 4.3 K (1.3%).Junta de Castilla y León VA295U14Marie Curie Program. Project DoHipMinisterio de Economía. Programa Ramon y Cajal, RyC RYC-2013-13976Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientí- ficas y Técnicas (CONICET)Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS)Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva (MinCyT)Ministry (MINECO) Proyecto CTQ 2011-14825-E (Programa Explora

    Analysis of the energy flow in a municipal wastewater treatment plant based on a supercritical water oxidation reactor coupled to a gas turbine

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    Producción CientíficaBiological municipal wastewater treatments lead to high sludge generation and long retention times, and the possibilities for recovery of the energy content of the input waste stream are very limited due to the low operating temperature. As an alternative, we propose a sequence of exclusively physicochemical, non-biological stages that avoid sludge production, while producing high-grade energy outflows favoring recovery, all in shorter times. Ultrafiltration and evaporation units provide a front-end concentration block, while a supercritical water oxidation reactor serves as the main treatment unit. A new approach for energy recovery from the effluent of the reactor is proposed, based on its injection in a gas turbine, which presents advantages over simpler direct utilization methods from operational and efficiency points of view. A process layout and a numerical simulation to assess this proposal have been developed. Results show that the model process, characterized with proven operating parameters, found a range of feasible solutions to the treatment problem with similar energy costs, at a fast speed, without sludge production, while co-generating the municipality’s average electricity consumption.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - (Grant RTI2018- 097456-B-100