948 research outputs found

    Macroalgal- dominated coastal detritic communities from the Western Mediterranean and the Northeastern Atlantic

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    20 páginas, 6 tablas, 5 figuras, 1 apéndice.This is a qualitative comparison of the distribution of macroalgal-dominated coastal detritic communities from the Western Mediterranean and the Northeastern Atlantic, based on our own data from the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean) and available data from the literature. The macroalgal-dominated coastal detritic bottoms in both regions can be distinguished by the presence of a high number of regional exclusive non-carbonated species, and the presence of a high number of maërl-forming species in the Mediterranean. Furthermore, regional differences in the distribution of some exclusive species allowed the distinction of three zones in the Northeastern Atlantic (United Kingdom, French Brittany and Galicia), while no differences were found in the Western Mediterranean. However, the algal communities considered in the selected literature could not be qualitatively distinguished, and all the samples should be considered as maërl beds. Lithothamnion corallioides and Phymatolithon calcareum were the most widespread maërl forming species in the two regions, while in the Western Mediterranean Spongites fruticulosus was also very frequent. According to the differences in the species composition of the basal and erect strata of these beds, and also in their species richness, five different morphologies of macroalgal-dominated detritic bottoms can be distinguished. Their main characteristic species and their biogeographic distribution are detailed.The CANAL0209 survey was financed by the MarViva Foundation, the Govern de les Illes Balears and the IEO. The MEDITS_ES05_09 survey was supported by the BADEMECO project, financed by the IEO and the European Union.Peer reviewe

    Interaction between a laser beam and semiconductor nanowires: application to the raman spectrum of Si nanowires

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    One presents in this work the study of the interaction between a focused laser beam and Si nanowires (NWs). The NWs heating induced by the laser beam is studied by solving the heat transfer equation by finite element methods (fem). This analysis permits to establish the temperature distribution inside the NW when it is excited by the laser beam. The overheating is dependent on the dimensions of the NW, both the diameter and the length. When performing optical characterization of the NWs using focused laser beams, one has to consider the temperature increase introduced by the laser beam. An important issue concerns the fact that the NWs diameter has subwavelength dimensions, and is also smaller than the focused laser beam. The analysis of the thermal behaviour of the NWs under the excitation with the laser beam permits the interpretation of the Raman spectra of Si NWs, where it is demonstrated that temperature induced by the laser beam play a major role in shaping the Raman spectrum of Si NW

    Interaction between a laser beam and semiconductor nanowires: application to the raman spectrum of Si nanowires

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    One presents in this work the study of the interaction between a focused laser beam and Si nanowires (NWs). The NWs heating induced by the laser beam is studied by solving the heat transfer equation by finite element methods (FEM). This analysis permits to establish the temperature distribution inside the NW when it is excited by the laser beam. The overheating is dependent on the dimensions of the NW, both the diameter and the length. When performing optical characterisation of NWs using focused laser beams, one has to consider the temperature increase introduced by the laser beam. An important issue concerns the fact that the NW's diameter has subwavelength dimensions, and is also smaller than the focused laser beam. The analysis of the thermal behaviour of the NWs under the excitation with the laser beam permits the interpretation of the Raman spectrum of Si NWs. It is demonstrated that the temperature increase induced by the laser beam plays a major role in shaping the Raman spectrum of Si NWs

    HS 1857+5144 : a hot and young pre-cataclysmic variable

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    Aims. We report the discovery of a new white dwarf/M dwarf binary, HS 1857+5144, identified in the Hamburg Quasar Survey (HQS). Methods. Time-resolved optical spectroscopy and photometry were carried out to determine the properties of this new cataclysmic variable progenitor (pre-CV). Results. The light curves of HS 1857+5144 display a sinusoidal variation with a period of Porb = 383.52 min and peak-to-peak amplitudes of 0.7 mag and 1.1mag in the B-band and R-band, respectively. The large amplitude of the brightness variation results from a reflection effect on the heated inner hemisphere of the companion star, suggesting a very high temperature of the white dwarf. Our radial velocity study confirms the photometric period as the orbital period of the system. A model atmosphere fit to the spectrum of the white dwarf obtained at minimum light provides limits to its mass and temperature of Mwd 0.6−1.0 M and Twd 70 000−100 000 K, respectively. The detection of He II λ4686 absorption classifies the primary star of HS 1857+5144 as a DAO white dwarf. Combining the results from our spectroscopy and photometry, we estimate the mass of the companion star and the binary inclination to be Msec 0.15−0.30 M and i 45◦−55◦, respectively. Conclusions. We classify HS 1857+5144 as one of the youngest pre-CV known to date. The cooling age of the white dwarf suggests that the present system has just emerged from a common envelope phase ∼105 yr ago. HS 1857+5144 will start mass transfer within or below the 2–3 h period gap

    PMCTrack: Delivering performance monitoring counter support to the OS scheduler

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    Hardware performance monitoring counters (PMCs) have proven effective in characterizing application performance. Because PMCs can only be accessed directly at the OS privilege level, kernellevel tools must be developed to enable the end-user and userspace programs to access PMCs. A large body of work has demonstrated that the OS can perform effective runtime optimizations in multicore systems by leveraging performance-counter data. Special attention has been paid to optimizations in the OS scheduler. While existing performance monitoring tools greatly simplify the collection of PMC application data from userspace, they do not provide an architecture-agnostic kernel-level mechanism that is capable of exposing high-level PMC metrics to OS components, such as the scheduler. As a result, the implementation of PMC-based OS scheduling schemes is typically tied to specific processor models. To address this shortcoming we present PMCTrack, a novel tool for the Linux kernel that provides a simple architecture-independent mechanism that makes it possible for the OS scheduler to access per-thread PMC data. Despite being an OSoriented tool, PMCTrack still allows the gathering of monitoring data from userspace, enabling kernel developers to carry out the necessary offline analysis and debugging to assist them during the scheduler design process. In addition, the tool provides both the OS and the user-space PMCTrack components with other insightful metrics available in modern processors and which are not directly exposed as PMCs, such as cache occupancy or energy consumption. This information is also of great value when it comes to analyzing the potential benefits of novel scheduling policies on real systems. In this paper, we analyze different case studies that demonstrate the flexibility, simplicity and powerful features of PMCTrack.Facultad de InformáticaInstituto de Investigación en Informátic

    PMCTrack: Delivering performance monitoring counter support to the OS scheduler

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    Hardware performance monitoring counters (PMCs) have proven effective in characterizing application performance. Because PMCs can only be accessed directly at the OS privilege level, kernellevel tools must be developed to enable the end-user and userspace programs to access PMCs. A large body of work has demonstrated that the OS can perform effective runtime optimizations in multicore systems by leveraging performance-counter data. Special attention has been paid to optimizations in the OS scheduler. While existing performance monitoring tools greatly simplify the collection of PMC application data from userspace, they do not provide an architecture-agnostic kernel-level mechanism that is capable of exposing high-level PMC metrics to OS components, such as the scheduler. As a result, the implementation of PMC-based OS scheduling schemes is typically tied to specific processor models. To address this shortcoming we present PMCTrack, a novel tool for the Linux kernel that provides a simple architecture-independent mechanism that makes it possible for the OS scheduler to access per-thread PMC data. Despite being an OSoriented tool, PMCTrack still allows the gathering of monitoring data from userspace, enabling kernel developers to carry out the necessary offline analysis and debugging to assist them during the scheduler design process. In addition, the tool provides both the OS and the user-space PMCTrack components with other insightful metrics available in modern processors and which are not directly exposed as PMCs, such as cache occupancy or energy consumption. This information is also of great value when it comes to analyzing the potential benefits of novel scheduling policies on real systems. In this paper, we analyze different case studies that demonstrate the flexibility, simplicity and powerful features of PMCTrack.Facultad de InformáticaInstituto de Investigación en Informátic

    Raman spectrum of group IV nanowires: influence of temperature

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    Group IV semiconductor nanowires are characterized by Raman spectroscopy. The results are analyzed in terms of the heating induced by the laser beam on the nanowires. By solving the heat transport equation one can simulate the temperature reached by the NWs under the exposure to a laser beam. The results are illustrated with Si and Si1-xGex nanowires. Both bundles of nanowires and individual nanowires are studied. The main experimental conditions contributing to the nanowire heating are discusse
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