6 research outputs found

    Caracterización de los sistemas de producción familiar ovina en la Mixteca Oaxaqueña, México

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    Family sheep production is common in rural Mexico. It is an important element of subsistence systems in these areas but is generally rustic. Better understanding of rustic sheep production is a first step in developing strategies and programs to support family producers. Family sheep production units in two municipalities in the Mixteca region of Oaxaca, Mexico, were characterized in terms of production system, market access and land use. A mixed methodology was applied, employing a structured questionnaire addressing socioeconomic and productive variables, and participatory observation in 29 family sheep producers. All the surveyed producers see sheep farming as their main income source. Most (86 %) use a subsistence system, and all use family labor. The main feeding strategy was grazing of communal land, and production was largely intended for sale of live animals to intermediaries or in local markets for eventual processing for meat, and/or for self-use. Most (83 %) of the production units included a pen built from regional materials, and these pens were most frequently on the family property. Implementation of management plans and animal health and safety measures were minimal. Analysis of these productive systems identified how producers manage sheep production. Management strategies respond to the environmental services available on communal lands, and involve family-type production which fulfills economic, social, environmental and cultural functions, but provides low productivity. Unit productivity and producer livelihood could be improved by implementing measures such as pasture rotation and adopting technological innovations. Broadening producer access to government programs and creating public policy that promotes development in marginal rural areas could greatly improve productivity and consequently reduce poverty and food insecurity.El objetivo fue analizar las características de las unidades de producción familiar ovina de dos municipios de la Mixteca Oaxaqueña teniendo como referencia el sistema de producción, acceso al mercado y el uso del territorio. Se usó una metodología mixta, empleando un cuestionario estructurado donde se analizaron variables de carácter socioeconómico y productivo; y observación participativa en 29 ovinocultores familiares. Los resultados señalan que el 100 % de los productores ven a la ovinocultura como principal fuente de ingresos, 86 % produce bajo un sistema de subsistencia, 100 % emplea la mano de obra familiar, la estrategia alimentaria principal es el pastoreo debido a las características del territorio y el tipo de tenencia de la tierra comunal en un 90 %, la función zootécnica es producción de carne destinada al comercio local y autoconsumo, 83 % de los productores cuentan con corral de encierro construido con material de la región, 86.7 % de los productores mantienen su corral dentro del predio familiar, se aplican escasas medidas de manejo y sanitarias. El análisis de los sistemas productivos permitió identificar formas de gestión de su producción la cual está ligada a los servicios dentro de su territorio, desarrollando una producción de tipo familiar que cumple con funciones económicas, sociales, ambientales y culturales, sin embargo, se cuenta con una baja productividad. Por lo cual, se considera necesario la adopción de tecnología e innovación a través de estrategias y políticas públicas que impulsen el desarrollo rural en zonas marginales tendientes a disminuir el nivel de pobreza e inseguridad alimentaria

    Stability of milk from dual purpose cows with different types of feeding

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    Objective: to determinate stability of alcohol-proof milk in cows with different feeding strategy in tropical dairy system. Design/methodology/approach: Ten cows crosses Holstein x Zebu with high frequency to alcohol-positive milk were housed in individual pens and distributed into two groups. Experiment 1. T1: cows were fed dry Pangola (Digitaria eriantha) grass; T2: cows were fed green Maralfalfa (Pennisetum violaceum) grass. Forage was provided at libitum. Experiment 2. T1 cows were supplemented with a higher crude protein percentage and metabolizable energy concentrated than T2, this was gradually increased to 4 kg. Milk was subjected to alcohol test. Analysis of variance was performed under categorical data models. Results: Higher percentages of alcohol positive test cases were observed in cows fed with dry grass than those fed with green grass (P<0.05). Addition of concentrate to dry or green forage diets reduced the positive percentage cases. Implications: A balanced diet improves milk stability. Findings/conclusions: The improvement in the nutritional contribution of the cows decrease the percentage of alcohol-positive test.Objective: To establish milk stability using the alcohol test in cows with different feeding strategies in the tropical dairy system. Design/methodology/approach: Ten crossbred Holstein x Zebu cows whose milk frequently tested positive to the alcohol test were housed in individual yards and distributed into two groups. Experiment 1. T1: cows consumed dry Pangola grass (Digitaria eriantha); T2: cows consumed green Maralfalfa grass (Pennisetum violaceum). Forage was provided ad libitum. Experiment 2. T1 cows were supplemented with a concentrate with higher crude protein and metabolizable energy percentage than T2 cows; this percentage was gradually increased up to 4.0 kg. Milk was subjected to alcohol testing. Variance analyzes were performed under categorical data models. Results: Higher percentages of cases that tested positive for alcohol were observed in cows that consumed dry grass than in cows that consumed green grass (P<0.05). The concentrate addition to diets based on dry or green forage reduced the positive case percentage. Implications: A balanced diet improves milk stability. Findings/conclusions: The improvement in the cows’ nutritional value decreases the percentage of milk with positive results in the alcohol test

    Forragem consumida pelas ovelhas Chocholteco criollo na estação chuvosa em uma pastagem da Mixteca de Oaxaca

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    The objective of this study was to identify the plants that Chocholteco Criollo sheep prefer to consume during grazing. The work was carried out at the San José La Estancia agency, belonging to the municipality and district of Coixtlahuaca, Oaxaca. The study was of an observational type, three commercial mini-cameras and a portable battery were used, adapted to a sheep by means of a harness and a semi-professional Cannon® camera, one of the cameras was focused on the mouth of the same animal and the others on other animals. while eating the fodder of their choice. From the videos and photos taken, the 5 most recurring species were chosen, the common names were consulted with the inhabitants of the region and then the Linné binomial nomenclature was generated with the support of specialist biologists and CONABIO pages (Malezas de México). Four herbaceous species were identified: guayabito (Lopezia racemosa), quiebraplato (Ipomoea orizabensis), mallow (Malva parviflora), hay (Tillandsia usneoides), and 1 epiphyte: clover or wheelbarrow (Medicago polymorpha). The identified plants underwent an analysis of PC, % partial dry matter and % moisture. The mallow being the one with the highest CP content with 28.68% and the hay with the highest DM content with 29.5%, and the guayabito with the highest amount of moisture with 86.84%. The rangelands in the Oaxacan Mixteca are of the utmost importance for the Criollo sheep, since it is the only source of food, mainly herbaceous plants, present mainly in the rainy season.El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las plantas que prefiere consumir el borrego Criollo Chocholteco durante el pastoreo. El trabajo se llevó a cabo en la agencia de San José La estancia, perteneciente al municipio y distrito de Coixtlahuaca, Oaxaca. El estudio fue de tipo observacional, se utilizaron tres minicámaras comerciales y una pila portátil adaptadas a una borrega por medio de un arnés y una cámara Cannon® semiprofesional, una de las cámaras se enfocó hacia la boca del mismo animal y las otras hacia otros animales mientras comían el forraje de su elección. De los videos y fotos tomadas se eligieron las 5 especies más recurrentes, se consultaron los nombres comunes con los pobladores de la región y después se generó la nomenclatura binomial de Linné con apoyo de biólogos especialistas y páginas de la CONABIO (Malezas de México). Se identificaron 4 especies del tipo herbácea: guayabito (Lopezia racemosa), quiebraplato (Ipomoea orizabensis), malva (Malva parviflora), heno (Tillandsia usneoides), y 1 epífita: el trébol o carretillita (Medicago polymorpha). A las plantas identificadas se les realizó un análisis de PC, % materia seca parcial y % de humedad. Siendo la malva la de mayor contenido de PC con un 28.68% y el heno con la de mayor contenido de MS con el 29.5%, y al guayabito con la de mayor cantidad de humedad con el 86.84%. Los agostaderos en la Mixteca Oaxaqueña son de suma importancia para el borrego Criollo, ya que es la única fuente de alimentación mayoritariamente por plantas de tipo herbáceas, presentes principalmente en época de lluvias.O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as plantas que os ovinos Chocholteco Criollo preferem consumir durante o pastejo. O trabalho foi realizado na agência San José La Estancia, pertencente ao município e distrito de Coixtlahuaca, Oaxaca. O estudo foi do tipo observacional, foram utilizadas três minicâmeras comerciais e uma bateria portátil, adaptadas a uma ovelha por meio de um arnês e uma câmera semiprofissional Cannon®, uma das câmeras foi focada na boca da mesma animal e os outros em outros animais, enquanto comem a forragem de sua escolha. A partir dos vídeos e fotos tiradas, foram escolhidas as 5 espécies mais recorrentes, os nomes comuns foram consultados com os habitantes da região e então a nomenclatura binominal Linné foi gerada com o apoio de biólogos especialistas e páginas da CONABIO (Malezas de México). Quatro espécies herbáceas foram identificadas: guayabito (Lopezia racemosa), quiebraplato (Ipomoea orizabensis), malva (Malva parviflora), feno (Tillandsia usneoides) e 1 epífita: trevo ou carrinho de mão (Medicago polymorpha). As plantas identificadas passaram por análise de PC, % de matéria seca parcial e % de umidade. Sendo a malva a que apresenta maior teor de PB com 28,68% e o feno com maior teor de MS com 29,5%, e o guayabito com maior teor de umidade com 86,84%. As pastagens da Mixteca de Oaxaca são de extrema importância para as ovelhas Crioulas, pois são a única fonte de alimento, principalmente plantas herbáceas, presentes principalmente na estação chuvosa

    Genetic Characterization of a Sheep Population in Oaxaca, Mexico: The Chocholteca Creole

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    Creole sheep in México have undergone crossbreeding, provoking the loss of genetic variability. The objective of the present study is to determine the intra-racial genetic diversity, the genetic relationship with other genotypes, and the populational substructure of the Oaxacan Creole sheep. Twenty-nine blood samples were obtained of Creole sheep of the Oaxaca Mixteca region in México. A genetic analysis was made with 41 microsatellites recommended for studies of genetic diversity in sheep. An analysis was made of genetic diversity, populational structure, and genetic distance with 27 other sheep populations. The study found 205 alleles with a range of 2 to 9 by locus and an effective number of 3.33. The intra-racial analysis showed a moderate genetic diversity with values of expected heterozygosity of 0.686 and observed of 0.756, a mean polymorphic information content of 0.609, and a mean coefficient of consanguinity of −0.002. In interracial genetic diversity for the coefficients of consanguinity, the values were FIS = 0.0774, FIT = 0.16993, and FST = 0.10028, showing an elevated genetic distance with other creole breeds, but close to Argentine Creole, to another Creole of México and the Spanish Merino. Its genetic structure showed that it does not have any populational subdivision nor mixes with the others analyzed. It is concluded that it is a distinct and isolated population and is proposed as the creole breed “Chocholteca” for its conservation

    Respuesta reproductiva, metabólica y cambios corporales en ovejas alimentadas con dos niveles de energía

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    Objective. To evaluate the reproductive response, metabolic state and body changes in Dorper and Katahdin ewes supplemented with 2 energy levels prior to insemination. Materials and methods. The animals used in this experiment were 14 Katahdin and 13 Dorper ewes distributed in two treatments, in which estrus had been synchronized. Fourteen days prior to synchronization of estrus, the ewes were distributed in two treatments according to the energy level of the diet, T1:2.0 and T2:2.5 Mcal kg-1 of ME. Feeding consisted of 14 days of adaptation and 14 of feeding with integral diet. At the start and finish of each study, measurements were made of backfat thickness, area of the ribeye, body weight, and glucose and insulin concentrations. The principal reproductive parameters were measured, such as response to estrus, percentage of gestation and prolificity. Analyses of variance were made along with ji-squared tests to determine the effect of the energy level and genotype. Results. The genotype and energy level did not affect any of the variables measured, although it was found that with both energy levels there was an increase in glucose concentrations, as well as an increase in weight, body fat and area of the rib-eye. Conclusions. Because there was no difference in the reproductive parameters and body changes with feeding in the 2 energy levels, it is preferable to use the feed with 2.0 Mcal kg-1 of ME, given that it reduces costs.Objetivo. Evaluar la respuesta reproductiva, estado metabólico y cambios corporales en ovejas Dorper y Katahdin suplementadas con dos niveles de energía previo al empadre. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron 14 hembras Katahdin y 13 Dorper distribuidas en 2 tratamientos a las cuales se les sincronizó el celo. Catorce días previo a la sincronización de estros, las ovejas se distribuyeron en 2 tratamientos de acuerdo con el nivel de energía en la dieta, T1:2.0 y T2:2.5 Mcal kg-1 de EM. La alimentación abarcó 14 días de adaptación y 14 de alimentación con dieta integral. Al inicio y al final del estudio se midió el espesor de grasa dorsal, área del ojo de la costilla, peso corporal y concentraciones de glucosa e insulina. Se midieron los principales parámetros reproductivos como respuesta a estro, porcentaje de gestación y prolificidad. Se realizaron análisis de varianza y pruebas de ji cuadrada para determinar el efecto del nivel de energía y el genotipo. Resultados. El genotipo y el nivel de energía no afectaron ninguna de las variables medidas, aunque se encontró que con ambos niveles de energía existió un incremento en las concentraciones de glucosa, así como una ganancia en peso, grasa corporal y área del ojo de la costilla. Conclusiones. Debido a que no existió diferencia en los parámetros reproductivos y cambios corporales en ovejas al alimentarlas con los dos niveles de energía, es mejor la alimentación con 2.0 Mcal kg-1 de EM, ya que reduce costos de alimentación