2,037 research outputs found

    Evidence in the management of chronic back pain with the McKenzie method

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    [Resumen] Objetivo: Revisar la evidencia científica publicada sobre el método McKenzie en dolor lumbar. Estrategia de búsqueda: Búsqueda en la base de datos Medline, en la página web del Instituto McKenzie y análisis de la evidencia publicada por May y Donelson (2008). Selección de estudios y datos: Se limita la búsqueda a los últimos 5 años. Se realiza una búsqueda inversa y un filtrado manual centrado en extraer resultados estrechamente relacionados con la temática de búsqueda y en función del nivel de evidencia de los artículos. Síntesis de resultados: Se encuentra evidencia sobre diversos aspectos del método McKenzie: fiabilidad interobservador como método exploratorio, especificidad del fenómeno de centralización y eficacia comparado con otros tratamientos. Conclusiones: El método McKenzie presenta eficacia similar a los ejercicios de estabilización y una tendencia favorable comparándolo con los ejercicios de fortalecimiento. El fenómeno de centralización tiene valor pronostico positivo. Presenta una alta fiabilidad como método de exploración.[Abstract] Objective: To review the scientific evidence published on the McKenzie method for back pain. Research strategy: A search was made in the Medline database, and on the McKenzie Institute website, and the evidence published by May and Donelson (2008) was analyzed. Studies and data selection: The search was limited to the last five years. A reverse search and a manual filtering (as a function of the level of evidence) focused on extracting results closely related to the subject under research were performed. Results summary: Evidence on the different aspects of the McKenzie method has been found: inter-examiner reliability as exploratory method, specificity of the centralization phenomenon, and effectiveness compared to other treatments. Conclusions: The McKenzie method has similar effectiveness as that of stabilization exercises with a favorable tendency in comparison with strengthen-building exercises. The centralization phenomenon has a positive prognostic value. The method present high reliability as an exploratory method

    Review of the quality of youTube videos recommending exercises for the COVID-19 Lockdown

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    Background: The world is experiencing a pandemic caused by COVID-19. Insufficient physical activity can increase the risk of illness. Trying to replicate a normal search that any user/patient could do in YouTube, the objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of YouTube videos related to home exercises during lockdown and their adherence to World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations. Methods: A simple search was carried out on YouTube. The first 150 videos were selected. After applying exclusion criteria, 68 videos were analyzed and evaluated. Two statistical analyses based on machine learning techniques were carried out. Videos were classified according to principal component analysis (PCA) models as 'Relevant' and 'Non-Relevant'. Popularity was assessed using the video power index (VPI). Information's quality and accuracy were gauged using the DISCERN scale and global quality score (GQS). Reliability and credibility of information that can be found on health-related websites was assessed using the Health On the Net Code (HONCode). Exercises were evaluated according to WHO recommendations. Results: DISCERN, HONCode, and GQS scored a mean of 2.29, 58.95, and 2.32, respectively. The PCA calculation allowed videos to auto-classify into high- and low-quality videos. Conclusions: The quality of YouTube videos recommending exercises during lockdown is low and doesn't reflect WHO recommendations. Effective strategies and tools capable of indicating the quality of this information are needed to filter out erroneous or non-rigorous information that may affect people's health. These tools should help any user/viewer to distinguish videos of high and low quality

    New Motherhood Concepts, Implications for Healthcare. A Qualitative Study Article

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    11 p.The aim of this study was to explore the experience of women who take care of their children in postpartum and who desire to be understood by society, with no judgements. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology was followed. In-depth interviews, discussion groups, and an online forum were used for data collection. The participants were Spanish women that had given birth in the past 6 months, and their partners. Healthcare specialists with experience in the topic were also included. Results showed three main categories: lack of priority, self-demand, and self-esteem changes. As a conclusion, the concept of motherhood needs to be redefined, as women feel that they are living under the pressure of being a "perfect mother". It is important that mothers allow themselves to fail in reaching the imposed requirements. Simple acceptance of motherhood boundaries could help in this transition

    Características demográficas y clínicas de los pacientes sometidos a artroscopia del manguito rotador del hombro: estudio observacional Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients undergoing rotator cuff arthroscopy of the shoulder: an observational study

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    11 p.FUNDAMENTOS:La causa más común de dolor de hombro son los cuadros clínicos relacionados con problemas del manguito rotador. Uno de los tratamientos más habituales es la cirugía artroscópica. El objetivo del estudio fue describir las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de los pacientes sometidos a este tipo de cirugías en España. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo, observacional y de corte transversal con noventa participantes. Se recogieron los datos de edad, sexo, realización de actividad laboral con sobreuso de miembros superiores (MMSS), índice de masa corporal (IMC), consumo de tabaco, diagnóstico de diabetes, realización de actividad física-deportiva y antecedentes de tratamientos prequirúrgicos. Finalmente, se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables y un análisis de correlaciones, mediante la prueba estadística de Pearson y Spearman según el tipo de variable. RESULTADOS: La media de edad fue de 57,21 años con una desviación estándar (DE) de 8,5 (Intervalo de Confianza [IC] del 95%, 55,41-59,00). En cuanto a su IMC, la media fue de 28,49 con una DE de 4,9 (IC del 95%, 27,49-29,53), siendo el 35,6% personas con obesidad (IMC mayor de 30). El diagnóstico médico de los sujetos fue en un 51,1% de rotura total del manguito rotador. Por otro lado, la intensidad de realización de actividad física fue de una hora o menos a la semana en el 87,8% de la muestra. Por último, en relación con el tratamiento previo de fisioterapia, el 69,7% de los sujetos habían recibido algún tipo de intervención. CONCLUSIONES // Las características demográficas y clínicas encontradas están en consonancia con las de otras poblaciones estudiadas previamente, y los factores de asociación entre ellas refrendan los factores de riesgo ya señalados previamente (edad, obesidad, sobreuso de MMSS), cobrando especial importancia la edad avanzada.Background // The most common cause of shoulder pain is clinical pictures related to rotator cuff problems. One of the most common treatments is arthroscopic surgery. The objective was to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients undergoing this type of surgery in Spain. Methods // A descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study with ninety participants was carried out. Data on age, sex, performance of work activity with overuse of upper limbs, body mass index (BMI), smoking habit, diagnosis of diabetes, performance of physical-sports activity and history of pre-surgical treatments were collected. Finally, a descriptive analysis of the variables and an analysis of correlations were carried out, using the Pearson and Spearman statistical test according to the type of variable. RESULTS // The mean age was 57.21 years with a standard deviation (SD) of 8.5 (95% CI, 55.41-59.00). Regarding their BMI, the mean was 28.49 with a SD of 4.9 (95% CI, 27.49-29.53), with 35.6% being obese (BMI greater than 30). The medical diagnosis of the subjects was 51.1% total rotator cuff tear. On the other hand, the intensity of physical activity was one hour or less per week in 87.8% of the sample. Finally, in relation to the previous physiotherapy treatment, 69.7% of the subjects had received some type of intervention.. Conclusions // The demographic and clinical characteristics found are consistent with those of other previously studied populations, and the association factors between them endorse the previously mentioned risk factors, with advanced age gaining special importance. Keywords // Shoulder; Shoulder pain; Rotator cuff; Rotator cuff injuries; Arthroscopy; Physical Therapy Modalities; Age factors; Body Mass Index; Exercise Therapy

    From transmedia to repurposing journalism. Elpais. com press coverage about case of ebola in Spain

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    Transmedia storytelling has become a useful strategy for fiction, documentaries, and for marketing and corporate communication. However, the study of this new tool applied to journalism and reporting has received less attention and has been more recent and theoretical. The aim of the present work is to determine whether or not Elpais.com has employed trans media storytelling in the press coverage of the first confirmed case of ebola in Spain

    Mobile media: Potentialities of smartphones applications for the most viewed spanish media

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    El medio móvil ha venido para quedarse. Medios tradicionales y nuevos realizan su apuesta para acompañarnos en nuestro bolsillo a todas partes. El presente artículo explora las potencialidades del medio móvil (personalización, geolocalización e integración multimedia) en los treinta medios españoles de mayor audiencia en los sectores de prensa, radio y televisión. Los resultados muestran que la geolocalización es la fortaleza menos explorada, mientras que en la integración multimedia se ha avanzado mucho más. En la comparativa entre medios, las aplicaciones de prensa, a pesar de ser internamente más complejas, son también las que mayores opciones de adaptación ofrecen al usuario. El estudio constituye una fotografía necesaria sobre la situación de los medios españoles en el escenario de la movilidad.Mobile devices have come to stay. Both traditional and new media are making a commitment to walk with us in our pockets. The present article analyses the potentialities of mobiles (customization, geolocation, and multimedia integration) in the 30 most viewed Spanish media (press, radio and television). Results indicate that geolocation is the potentiality less explored whereas multimedia integration is the main advantage. In the comparing of media, press applications, in spite of being more complex, are also those that offer users greater adaptation options. The study constitutes a necessary photography of the situation of the Spanish media in the mobility scene.S

    Web 2.0 on university teaching: web 2.0 effects as subject of study in spanish communication journals

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    Introducción. La eclosión de la llamada Web 2.0 ha modificado sustancialmente las formas de comunicación y la formación en dicho ámbito también debe tener presente el nuevo entorno. El presente trabajo realiza un análisis de la investigación sobre docencia universitaria y social media en el período 2010-2015. Metodología. Se han recopilado todos los artículos publicados en las revistas de comunicación españolas indexadas en Scopus que abordan el fenómeno. Se pretende averiguar el peso de la temática en la agenda de investigación de los últimos años, así como sintetizar las áreas de conocimiento, el ámbito de aplicación, la evolución temporal, las metodologías, las herramientas y los principales resultados y conclusiones de dichos estudios. A nivel metodológico se ha empleado el análisis de contenido para profundizar en lo que se ha teorizado y analizado empíricamente. Se han revisado 2344 artículos de los que 103 se han configurado como muestra de estudio. Resultados y conclusiones. El trabajo concluye que resulta un tema de interés creciente para los docentes de distintas áreas de conocimiento, que se están desarrollando iniciativas de docencia 2.0 especialmente en los estudios de grado de Periodismo y que se abrazan con más optimismo que perspectiva crítica las potencialidades tecnológicas de la llamada Web participativaIntroduction. The emergence of the so-called Web 2.0 has substantially modified the forms of communication and teaching in said sector must also keep the new context in mind. The present paper performs an analysis of research about university teaching and social media in the 2010-2015 period. Methodology. We have collected all articles published in the Spanish communications journals indexed in Scopus that talked about the phenomenon. We intended to investigate the relevance of the theme in the research agenda of the last years, as well as to synthetize the areas of knowledge, the field of application, the time evolution, methodologies, tools and the main results and conclusions of said studies. At methodological level, contents analysis has been used to delve deeper into what has been theorized and analyzed empirically. A total of 2344 articles have been reviewed, whereas 103 configured as study sample. Results and conclusions. The research concludes that it is a theme of increasing interest for teachers of different fields of knowledge, that initiatives of Teaching 2.0 are being developed specially in graduate studies of Journalism and that the technological potentialities of the so-called participative Web are embraced with more optimism than critical perspectiveEste artículo es producto del proyecto de Investigación titulado “Usos y preferencias informativas en el nuevo mapa de medios en España: Modelos de periodismo para dispositivos móviles”, referencia CSO2015-64662-C4-4-R, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de EspañaS

    Preparation, characterization and catalytic activity towards green reactions of sulfonic functionalized SBA-15

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    Acidic heterogeneous catalysts based on the anchorage of sulfonic groups on SBA-15 mesoporous silica were synthesized. In a first synthesis step, samples containing mercapto groups were prepared by co-condensation of tetraethylorthosilicate with 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane, in presence of ethylene-propylene block copolymer as mesoporous silica structure director. In other samples, mercapto groups were introduced by post-functionalization of the traditional calcined SBA-15. In a second step, these mercapto groups were oxidized in order to get sulfonic acid groups on the surface. Characterization of the samples was carried out by N2 adsorption-desorption, FTIR, XPS and acid-base titration. Spectroscopic techniques showed that the effective incorporation of sulfonic groups depends on the synthesis methodology used. In turn, the SBA-15 post-synthesis functionalization produces changes in structural characteristics like a decrease in BET surface and changes in the pore size distribution. The as-prepared materials were tested as acid catalysts in the alkylation of isobutane with 1-butene, and in the esterification of free fatty acids with methanol. The results obtained show a lack of activity in the alkylation reaction which can be associated with the formation and stabilization of the intermediate carbocation species.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicada

    Trabajo Social en el ámbito educativo con personas con discapacidad auditiva y sus familias: análisis del rol e intervención de la trabajadora social del centro de educación especial La Purísima para niños y niñas sordos de Zaragoza.

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    La presente investigación tiene como finalidad analizar el rol y la intervención del trabajador social con alumnado que presenta necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo derivadas de discapacidad auditiva y con sus familias. La población objeto de estudio ha sido el alumnado del centro de educación especial La Purísima para niños y niñas sordos de Zaragoza y sus progenitores.Se ha realizado la revisión bibliográfica acerca de la discapacidad auditiva, el papel de las familias en la misma, la legislación en materia educativa enfocada a ello y la función cumplen los profesionales de Trabajo Social en el ámbito educativo. Se pretende entender qué necesidades produce esta discapacidad en el alumnado y en sus familias a nivel social y educativo y cuáles son los recursos existentes para mejorar su bienestar. Para completar el estudio se ha llevado a cabo una encuesta a las familias y una entrevista semi estructurada a la trabajadora social del centro.<br /