27 research outputs found

    Random samples generation with Stata from continuous and discrete distributions

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    Simulations are nowadays a very important way of analyzing new improvements in different areas before the physical implementation, which may require hard resources which could only be affronted in case of a high probability of success. The use of random samples from different distributions are a must in simulations. In this talk we introduce new Stata functions for generating random samples from continuous and discrete distributions that are not considered in the defined Stata random-number generation functions. In addition, we will also introduce new Stata functions for generating random samples as an alternative of the build-in Stata functions. The goodness of the generated samples will be checked using the mean squared error (MSE) of the differences between the frequencies of the sample and the theoretical expected ones. We will also provide bar charts which will allow the user to compare graphically the sample with the exact distribution function of the random distribution which is being sampled.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Teaching Partial Differential Equations with CAS

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    Partial Differential Equations (PDE) are one of the topics where Engineering students find more difficulties when facing Math subjects. A basic course in Partial Differential Equations (PDE) in Engineering, usually deals at least, with the following PDE problems: 1. Pfaff Differential Equations 2. Quasi-linear Partial Differential Equations 3. Using Lagrange-Charpit Method for finding a complete integral for a given general first order partial differential equation 4. Heat equation 5. Wave equation 6. Laplace’s equation In this talk we will describe how we introduce CAS in the teaching of PDE. The tasks developed combine the power of a CAS with the flexibility of programming with it. Specifically, we use the CAS DERIVE. The use of programming allows us to use DERIVE as a Pedagogical CAS (PECAS) in the sense that we do not only provide the final result of an exercise but also display all the intermediate steps which lead to find the solution of a problem. This way, the library developed in DERIVE serves as a tutorial showing, step by step, the way to face PDE exercises. In the process of solving PDE exercises, first-order Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) are needed. The programs developed can be grouped within the following blocks: - First-order ODE: separable equations and equations reducible to them, homogeneous equations and equations reducible to them, exact differential equations and equations reducible to them (integrating factor technique), linear equations, the Bernoulli equation, the Riccati equation, First-order differential equations and nth degree in y’, Generic programs to solve first order differential equations. - First-order PDE: Pfaff Differential Equations, Quasi-linear PDE, Lagrange-Charpit Method for First-order PDE. - Second-order PDE: Heat Equation, Wave Equation, Laplace’s Equation. We will remark the conclusions obtained after using these techniques with our Engineering students.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Using extensions of the residue theorem for improper integrals computations with CAS

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    The computation of improper integrals of the rst kind (integrals on unbounded domain) are used in di erent applications in Engineering (for example in Kynetic Energy, electric potential, probability density functions, Gamma and Beta functions, Laplace and Fourier Transforms, Di erential Equations, . . . ). Nowadays, Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) are being used for developing such computations. But in many cases, some CAS lack of the appropriate rules for computing some of these improper integrals. In a previous talk in ESCO 2016 and a later extension, we introduced new rules for computing improper integrals of the rst kind using some results from Advanced Calculus Theories (Residue Theorem, Laplace and Fourier Transforms) aimed to improve CAS capabilities on this topic. In this talk, we develop new rules for computing other types of improper integrals using different applications from extended versions of the Residue Theorem. We will show some examples of such improper integrals that current CAS can not compute. Using extensions of the Residue Theorem in Complex Analysis, we will be able to develop new rules schemes for these improper integrals. These new rules will improve the capabilities of CAS, making them able to compute more improper integrals.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    LiDARgrammetry: A New Method for Generating Synthetic Stereoscopic Products from Digital Elevation Models

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    There are currently several new technologies being used to generate digital elevation models that do not use photogrammetric techniques. For example, LiDAR (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) and RADAR (RAdio Detection And Ranging) can generate 3D points and reflectivity information of the surface without using a photogrammetric approach. In the case of LiDAR, the intensity level indicates the amount of energy that the object reflects after a laser pulse is transmitted. This energy mainly depends on the material and the wavelength used by LiDAR. This intensity level can be used to generate a synthetic image colored by this attribute (intensity level), which can be viewed as a RGB (red, green and blue) picture. This work presents the outline of an innovative method, designed by the authors, to generate synthetic pictures from point clouds to use in classical photogrammetric software (digital restitution or stereoscopic vision). This is conducted using available additional information (for example, the intensity level of LiDAR). This allows mapping operators to view the LiDAR as if it were stereo-imagery, so they can manually digitize points, 3D lines, break lines, polygons and so on

    SFOPDES: A stepwise tutorial for teaching Partial Differential Equations using a CAS

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    Partial Differential Equations (PDE) are one of the most difficult topics that Engineering and Sciences students have to study in the different Math subjects in their degree. In this talk we introduce SFOPDES (Stepwise First Order Partial Differential Equations Solver) aimed to be used as a tutorial for helping both the teacher and the students in the teaching and learning process of PDE. The type of problems that SFOPDES solves can be grouped in the following three blocks: 1. Pfaff Differential Equations, which consists on finding the general solution for: P(x; y; z) dx + Q(x; y; z) dy + R(x; y; z) dz = 0 (a) General method. (b) Particular cases: i. Separable equations. ii. Exact Pfaff equations. iii. One-separated variable equations. 2. Quasi-linear Partial Differential Equations, which consists on finding the general solution for: P(x; y; x) p + Q(x; y; z) q = R(x; y; z) (a) General method. (b) Particular solution which contents a given curve. 3. Using Lagrange-Charpit Method for finding a complete integral for a given general first order partial differential equation: F(x; y; z; p; q) = 0. (a) General method. (b) Particular cases: i. F(p; q) = 0 ii. g1(x; p) = g2(y; q) iii. z = px + qy + g(p; q)Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Improving CAS Capabilities: New Rules for Computing Improper Integrals

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    There are diferent applications in Engineering that require to compute improper integrals of the first kind (integrals defined on an unbounded domain) such as: the work required to move an object from the surface of the earth to in nity (Kynetic Energy), the electric potential created by a charged sphere, the probability density function or the cumulative distribution function in Probability Theory, the values of the Gamma Functions(wich useful to compute the Beta Function used to compute trigonometrical integrals), Laplace and Fourier Transforms (very useful, for example in Differential Equations).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    SPDES: A Stepwise Solver for Teaching Partial Differential Equations

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    Partial Differential Equations (PDE) are an important topic within the Engineering Degrees syllabus. In addition, many students find some dificulties in the learning process of this topic. Therefore, the use of didactical tools to improve the teaching and learning process of PDE is very helpful. In this talk, we introduce the solver SPDES (Stepwise Partial Differential Equation Solver), an extension of SFOPDES introduced in [1] where only first order PDE were considered. This new solver SPDES deals also with some second order PDE. It can be used as a self tutorial for PDE since it solves, step by step, the typical exercises within the topic. Specifically, the type of PDE that SPDES can solve are: 1. Pfaff Differential Equations. 2. Quasi-linear PDE. 3. Lagrange-Charpit Method for first order PDE. 4. Heat equation. 5. Wave equation. 6. Laplace's equation. where the fi rst three types where considered in SFOPDES and the last three types are new in SPDES. SPDES has been developed using the programming capabilities of a Computer Algebra System (CAS), displaying step by step the solution of the problem to be solved. This way, we potentiate the use of the CAS as a Pedagogical CAS (PeCAS). This fact makes SPDES to be an important tool for students which can use it as a tutorial for their learning process.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Advanced techniques to compute improper integrals using a CAS

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    Let us consider the following types of improper integrals: 0f(t)dt;0f(t)dtandf(t)dt \int_0^\infty f(t)\:{\rm d}t \qquad ; \qquad \int_{-\infty}^0 f(t)\:{\rm d}t \qquad {\rm and} \qquad \int_{-\infty}^\infty f(t)\:{\rm d}t \medskip Let FF be an antiderivative of ff. The basic approach to compute such integrals involves the following computations: \medskip \begin{eqnarray*} \int_0^\infty f(t)\:{\rm d}t & = & \lim_{m\to\infty} \int_0^m f(t)\:{\rm d}t = \lim_{m\to\infty} \big(F(m)-F(0)\big) \\ \\ \int_{-\infty}^0 f(t)\:{\rm d}t & = & \lim_{m\to-\infty} \int_m^0 f(t)\:{\rm d}t = \lim_{m\to-\infty} \big(F(0)-F(m)\big) \\ \\ \int_{-\infty}^\infty f(t)\:{\rm d}t & = & \int_{-\infty}^0 f(t)\:{\rm d}t + \int_0^\infty f(t)\:{\rm d}t \qquad \mbox{or, in case of convergence,} \\ \\ \int_{-\infty}^\infty f(t)\:{\rm d}t & = & \lim_{m\to\infty} \int_{-m}^m f(t)\:{\rm d}t = \lim_{m\to\infty} \big(F(m)-F(-m)\big) \qquad \mbox{(Cauchy principal value)} \end{eqnarray*} \medskip \noindent But, what happens if an antiderivative FF for ff or the above limits do not exist? \medskip \noindent For example, for \quad 0sin(at)tdt\displaystyle\int_0^\infty\frac{{\rm sin}(at)}{t}\:{\rm d}t \quad ; \quad 0cos(at)cos(bt)tdt\displaystyle\int_0^\infty\frac{{\rm cos}(at)-{\rm cos}(bt)}{t}\:{\rm d}t \quad {\rm or} \quad cos(at)t2+1dt\displaystyle\int_{-\infty}^\infty\frac{{\rm cos}(at)}{t^2+1}\:{\rm d}t \qquad the antiderivatives can not be computed. Hence, the above procedures cannot be used for these examples. \medskip In this work we will deal with advance techniques to compute this kind of improper integrals using a {\sc Cas}. Laplace and Fourier transforms or Residue Theorem in Complex Analysis are some advance techniques which can be used for this matter. \medskip We will introduce the file \textbf{\tt ImproperIntegrals.mth}, developed in {\sc Derive} 6, which deals with such computations. \medskip Some {\sc Cas} use different rules for computing integrations. For example {\sc Rubi} system, a {\bf ru}le-{\bf b}ased {\bf i}ntegrator developed by Albert Rich (see {\tt http://www.apmaths.uwo.ca/\~{ }arich/}), is a very powerful system for computing integrals using rules. We will be able to develop new rules schemes for some improper integrals using {\tt ImproperIntegrals.mth}. These new rules can extend the types of improper integrals that a {\sc Cas} can compute.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A New Web-stepwise Solver for Ordinary Differential Equations

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    In this paper we introduce SODES (Step-wise Ordinary Differential Equations Solver) which is a new solver for Ordinary Dfferential Equations (ODE). SODES can be used not only as a solver but also as a tutorial for the teaching and learning process of ODE, since it provides the solution displaying all the the steps needed to obtain it. In [1] we introduced SFOPDES (Step-wise First Order Partial Differential Equations Solver) developed in Derive, a Computer Algebra System (CAS). Two of the future works related considered in [1] were the development of new step-wise solvers for different math topics and the use of other CAS and programming with Python. This way, it is possible to develop web applications, freely available, providing different step-wise solvers. In this sense, SODES is the first work related with both ideas. Therefore, SODES is a web solver for ODE, developed in Python (using its CAS module SymPy). SODES increases the types of ODE that SFOPDES can deal with. Specifically, it provides, step by step, the solution of the following types of ODE: 1. First-order ODE: separable equations and equations reducible to them, homogeneous equations and equations reducible to them, exact differential equations and equations reducible to them (integrating factor technique), linear equations, the Bernoulli equation, the Riccati equation, First-order differential equations and nth degree in y', Generic programs to solve first order differential equations. 2. Higher-order ODE: higher order linear equations with constant coefficients. As a final remark, actually, SODES can be used in English, French or Spanish, but it can be easily extendable to other languages.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    EDUMATICUS: EDUcación MATemática con TIC en Universidad y Secundaria

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    El objectivo principal de esta comunicación es presentar la actividad del grupo EDUMATICUS, EDUcación MATemática con TIC en Universidad y Secundaria, cuyo objetivo principal es elaborar materiales multimedia que sirvan de complemento para la docencia de las asignaturas de Matemáticas de Ingeniería y de Bachillerato con vídeos de los desarrollos teóricos y de los ejercicios típicos resueltos paso por paso. Describiremos la web y el canal de YouTube donde alojamos los materiales que elaboramos, prestando especial atención a su estructura y en las categorías en que clasificamos los materiales. Seguiremos detallando los escenarios donde utilizamos estos materiales con nuestros alumnos y terminaremos comentando el trabajo futuro que tenemos previsto desarrollar.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech