Partial Differential Equations (PDE) are one of the topics where Engineering students
find more difficulties when facing Math subjects.
A basic course in Partial Differential Equations (PDE) in Engineering, usually deals at
least, with the following PDE problems:
1. Pfaff Differential Equations
2. Quasi-linear Partial Differential Equations
3. Using Lagrange-Charpit Method for finding a complete integral for a given general
first order partial differential equation
4. Heat equation
5. Wave equation
6. Laplace’s equation
In this talk we will describe how we introduce CAS in the teaching of PDE.
The tasks developed combine the power of a CAS with the flexibility of programming
with it. Specifically, we use the CAS DERIVE. The use of programming allows us to use
DERIVE as a Pedagogical CAS (PECAS) in the sense that we do not only provide the final
result of an exercise but also display all the intermediate steps which lead to find the solution
of a problem. This way, the library developed in DERIVE serves as a tutorial showing, step
by step, the way to face PDE exercises.
In the process of solving PDE exercises, first-order Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE)
are needed. The programs developed can be grouped within the following blocks:
- First-order ODE: separable equations and equations reducible to them, homogeneous
equations and equations reducible to them, exact differential equations and equations
reducible to them (integrating factor technique), linear equations, the Bernoulli equation,
the Riccati equation, First-order differential equations and nth degree in y’, Generic
programs to solve first order differential equations.
- First-order PDE: Pfaff Differential Equations, Quasi-linear PDE, Lagrange-Charpit
Method for First-order PDE.
- Second-order PDE: Heat Equation, Wave Equation, Laplace’s Equation.
We will remark the conclusions obtained after using these techniques with our Engineering students.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech