2,023 research outputs found

    Fate of sulfamethoxazole in groundwater: Conceptualizing and modeling metabolite formation under different redox conditions

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    Degradation of emerging organic compounds in saturated porous media is usually postulated as following simple low-order models. This is a strongly oversimplified, and in some cases plainly incorrect model, that does not consider the fate of the different metabolites. Furthermore, it does not account for the reversibility in the reaction observed in a few emerging organic compounds, where the parent is recovered from the metabolite. One such compound is the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole (SMX). In this paper, we first compile existing experimental data to formulate a complete model for the degradation of SMX in aquifers subject to varying redox conditions, ranging from aerobic to iron reducing. SMX degrades reversibly or irreversibly to a number of metabolites that are specific of the redox state. Reactions are in all cases biologically mediated. We then propose a mathematical model that reproduces the full fate of dissolved SMX subject to anaerobic conditions and that can be used as a first step in emerging compound degradation modeling efforts. The model presented is tested against the results of the batch experiments of Barbieri et al. (2012) and Nödler et al. (2012) displaying a non-monotonic concentration of SMX as a function of time under denitrification conditions, as well as those of Mohatt et al. (2011), under iron reducing conditions

    Introduction to the Bosonic String Theory

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    In this work we analyze the main aspects related to the appearance and development of bosonic string theory from an introductory point of view and with the knowledge obtained during the degree. First, we present the tools that modern physics uses to solve problems, the Principle of least action, and we work on some examples such as the action of the free particle with the aim of establishing the knowledge for the resolution of the movement of the relativistic particle, and study later the movement of the relativistic string. We carry out a brief review of the events that gave rise to this theory of bosonic strings as well as other theories that emerged with the aim of unifying the four forces: the gravity force, the electromagnetic force, the weak force and the strong force. We continue the study looking for symmetries and conserved quantities that will significantly reduce the complexity of the problem at hand. We carry out two types of quantization in our theory: canonical and light cone quantization, and we obtain the mass spectrum for bosonic strings. Finally, we discuss the current situation of string theory, the problems it has solved and the ones it intends to solve in the future.En la presente memoria analizamos los principales aspectos relacionados con la aparición y desarrollo de la teoría de cuerdas bosónicas desde un punto de vista introductorio y con los conocimientos obtenidos durante el grado. Primero presentaremos las herramientas que utiliza la física moderna para la resolución de problemas, el Principio de mínima acción, y trabajaremos algunos ejemplos como el de la acción de la partícula libre con el objetivo de asentar los conocimientos para la resolución del movimiento de la partícula relativista, para posteriormente, estudiar el movimiento de la cuerda relativista. Llevaremos a cabo un breve repaso por los acontecimientos que dieron lugar a esta teoría de cuerdas bosónicas así como otras teorías que surgieron con el objetivo de unificar las cuatro fuerzas: la fuerza de la gravedad, la fuerza electromagnética, la fuerza débil y la fuerza fuerte. Continuamos el estudio buscando simetrías y cantidades conservadas que reducirán notablemente la complejidad del problema que nos ocupa. Llevaremos a cabo dos tipos de cuantización en nuestra teoría: la cuantización canónica y la del cono de luz, obtendremos el espectro de masas para cuerdas bosónicas. Finalmente, discutimos la situación de la teoría de cuerdas actualmente, los problemas que ha resuelto y los que pretende resolver en el futuro

    La transformación integral de Fourier

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    En esta memoria analizamos los principales aspectos relacionados con la transformación integral de Fourier de funciones definidas en la recta real. Estudiamos algunas propiedades básicas como el Lema de Riemann-Lebesgue, su comportamiento con respecto a algunas operaciones fundamentales como la derivación y la convolución y la existencia de un sistema ortonormal y completo de autofunciones para el operador integral de Fourier. Mostramos diferentes condiciones que dan validez a la fórmula de inversión, y que, entre otras cosas, permiten precisar el comportamiento de la transformación de Fourier sobre la clase de Schwartz. Hacemos un análisis de la relación entre la regularidad de una función y el decaimiento de su transformada de Fourier, incluyendo en este estudio a las funciones que admiten una extensión holomorfa a una banda o a todo el plano complejo y establecemos el Teorema de Paley-Wiener. Consideramos asimismo el Teorema de Plancherel para funciones de cuadrado integrable. Entre las aplicaciones que hemos abordado se encuentran el Principio de incertidumbre de Heisenberg y el Teorema central del límite. Asimismo, usamos la transformación integral de Fourier como herramienta para resolver la ecuación del calor unidimensional y el problema de Dirichlet en el semiplano. Recogemos también una prueba de la fórmula de sumación de Poisson y la aplicamos para establecer el Teorema de Shannon relativo a señales de banda limitada.In this work we analyze the main aspects related to the Fourier integral transformation of functions defined on the real line. We study some basic properties such as the RiemannLebesgue Lemma, the behavior with respect to some fundamental operations as differentiation and convolution and the existence of a complete orthonormal system of eigenfunctions for the Fourier integral operator. We show different conditions that give validity to the inversion formula and which, amongst other things, allow us to specify the behavior of the Fourier transform on the Schwartz class. We make an analysis of the relationship between the regularity of a function and the decay of its Fourier transform, including in this study the functions which extend holomorphically to a horizontal strip or to the whole complex plane and establish the Paley-Wiener Theorem. We also consider Plancherel Theorem for square integrable functions. As applications we have dealt with Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the Central Limit Theorem. Likewise, we use the Fourier integral transform as a tool to solve the unidimensional heat equation and the Dirichlet problem in the halfplane. We also collect a proof of the Poisson summation formula and apply it to establish the Shannon Theorem for band limited signals

    Modeling long term Enhanced in situ Biodenitrification and induced heterogeneity in column experiments under different feeding strategies

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    Enhanced In situ Biodenitrification (EIB) is a capable technology for nitrate removal in subsurface water resources. Optimizing the performance of EIB implies devising an appropriate feeding strategy involving two design parameters: carbon injection frequency and C:N ratio of the organic substrate nitrate mixture. Here we model data on the spatial and temporal evolution of nitrate (up to 1.2 mM), organic carbon (ethanol), and biomass measured during a 342 day-long laboratory column experiment (published in Vidal-Gavilan et al., 2014). Effective porosity was 3% lower and dispersivity had a sevenfold increase at the end of the experiment as compared to those at the beginning. These changes in transport parameters were attributed to the development of a biofilm. A reactive transport model explored the EIB performance in response to daily and weekly feeding strategies. The latter resulted in significant temporal variation in nitrate and ethanol concentrations at the outlet of the column. On the contrary, a daily feeding strategy resulted in quite stable and low concentrations at the outlet and complete denitrification. At intermediate times (six months of experiment), it was possible to reduce the carbon load and consequently the C:N ratio (from 2.5 to 1), partly because biomass decay acted as endogenous carbon to respiration, keeping the denitrification rates, and partly due to the induced dispersivity caused by the well developed biofilm, resulting in enhancement of mixing between the ethanol and nitrate and the corresponding improvement of denitrification rates. The inclusion of a dual-domain model improved the fit at the last days of the experiment as well as in the tracer test performed at day 342, demonstrating a potential transition to anomalous transport that may be caused by the development of biofilm. This modeling work is a step forward to devising optimal injection conditions and substrate rates to enhance EIB performance by minimizing the overall supply of electron donor, and thus the cost of the remediation strategy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    As Forças armadas mexicanas na segurança pública: trajetórias dependentes e conflitos de poder

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    During the administration of Felipe Calderón (2006–2012), the Armed Forces were usedto combat organized crime in Mexico. Since then, the Mexican government has sought to changethe military doctrine and legislation to include the concept of internal security in order to legalizethe participation of the Army and Navy in public security. However, after the creation of the NationalGendarmerie within the Federal Police during the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto (2012–2018),the Army decided to strengthen the Military Police as the body in charge of internal security operations.Path dependence on the use of Armed Forces for public security purposes is being maintainedby the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador with the creation of the National Guard.This paper seeks to find the institutional and political causes that are behind the strengthening of theArmed Forces and the military doctrine shift towards public security in Mexico. Some of the questionsto be answered are: Which are the organizational reasons behind these changes in the Mexican Army?Are there institutional incentives in the Mexican Armed Forces that are pushing for these changes? Isthere a regional agenda, supported by the United States, which encourages these changes? Which arethe medium- and long-term consequences of these changes for the Mexican Army?Durante el gobierno de Felipe Calderón (2006–2012), las Fuerzas Armadas se utilizaron paracombatir el crimen organizado en México. Desde entonces, el gobierno mexicano ha tratado de modificar la doctrina y la legislación militar para incluir el concepto de seguridad interna con el objetivo de legalizar la participación del Ejército y la Armada en la seguridad pública. No obstante, tras la creación de la Gendarmería Nacional dentro de la Policía Federal durante la administración de Enrique Peña Nieto (2012–2018), el Ejército decidió fortalecer a la Policía Militar como el organismo encargado de las operaciones de seguridad interna. El gobierno del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador mantiene las trayectorias dependientes del uso de las Fuerzas Armadas para fines de seguridad pública con la creación de la Guardia Nacional. Este trabajo busca encontrar las causas institucionales y políticas que están detrás del fortalecimiento de las Fuerzas  rmadas y el cambio de doctrina militar hacia la seguridad pública en México. Algunos de los interrogantes por responder son: ¿cuáles son las razones organizacionales para estos cambios en el ejército mexicano? ¿Existen incentivos institucionales en las Fuerzas Armadas mexicanas que presionan para que se hagan estos cambios? ¿Existe una agenda regional, con el respaldo de los Estados Unidos, que aliente estos cambios? ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias a mediano y largo plazo de estos cambios para el ejército mexicano?Durante o governo de Felipe Calderón (2006-2012), as Forças Armadas foram utilizadas paracombater o crime organizado no México. Desde então, o governo mexicano tenta alterar a doutrina e alegislação militar para incluir o conceito de “segurança interna”, a fim de legalizar a participação do Exército e da Armada na segurança pública. Contudo, após a criação da Gendarmaria Nacional, dentro da Polícia Federal durante a administração de Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018), o Exército decidiu fortalecer a Polícia Militar como o organismo encarregado pelas operações de segurança interna. O governo do presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador mantém as trajetórias que dependem do uso das Forças Armadas para fins de segurança pública com a criação da Guarda Nacional. Este trabalho pretende encontrar as causas institucionais e políticas que estão por trás do fortalecimento das Forças Armadas e da mudança da doutrina militar na segurança pública no México. A partir disso, são levantadas algumas questões: quais são as razões organizacionais para essas mudanças no exército mexicano? Há incentivos institucionais nas Forças Armadas mexicanas que pressionam para que essas mudanças sejam feitas? Há uma agenda regional, com o apoio dos Estados Unidos, que incentive essas mudanças? Quais são as consequências em médio e longo prazo dessas mudanças para o exército  mexicano

    La transparencia de información establecida por la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP y el cumplimiento de los objetivos comerciales de los bancos. Perú, 2017- 2018

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por finalidad determinar cómo influye la transparencia de información en el cumplimiento de los objetivos comerciales de los bancos, Perú 2017-2018, se basa en el Reglamento de transparencia de la Información y Contratación con Usuarios del Sistema Financiero (Resolución SBS N° 8181-2012 y sus modificatorias); en esa dirección, se realizó la investigación de la transparencia de información que es limitado en el ámbito académico. Metodológicamente, el trabajo de investigación de acuerdo a la orientación, es aplicada, y de acuerdo a la técnica de contrastación, es descriptiva correlacional. Se trabajó con una muestra de cuatro bancos, elegidos por ser los más representativos del sector bancario peruano, que centralizan la mayor parte de las operaciones financieras del mercado, buscando la influencia positiva de la transparencia de información en el cumplimiento de los objetivos comerciales. El análisis consistió en diagnosticar el nivel de transparencia de información a través de los números de reclamos presentados por los clientes, sanciones impuestas por las entidades reguladoras y el nivel de cumplimiento del Reglamento antes mencionado, que se relacionó con nivel de ingresos, la utilidad neta y los ratios de rentabilidad de dichas entidades. El resultado obtenido muestra que la transparencia de información no influye significativamente en el cumplimiento de los objetivos comerciales, porque no hay indicios suficientes que muestren una influencia positiva significativa, es decir, se niega la hipótesis. Se encontró que los cuatro bancos incrementaron sus ingresos y utilidades con respecto al año 2017 y año 2018, además, aumentaron el número de reclamos y sanciones. Sin embargo, si se difundiera de manera constante, clara y sencilla en los medios de comunicación información eficiente sobre los productos y cláusulas de contratación, se lograría reducir los reclamos presentados evitando una mala reputación.The present research arose in order to determine how transparency of information influences the bank’s commercial objectives compliance in Peru 2017-2018, based on the Regulation on Transparency of Information and Contracting with users of the Financial System (Resolution SBS No. 8181-2012 and its amendments). In this direction, the investigation of the transparency of information that is limited in the academic field was carried out. Methodologically, according to the orientation this is an applied research, and according to the contrasting technique, it is descriptive correlational research. We worked with a sample of four banks, we chose the most representative entities of the Peruvian banking sector, which centralize the most financial operations of the market, looking for the positive influence of “transparency of information” in the compliance of commercial objectives. The analysis consisted of diagnosing the level of transparency of information through the number of complaints presented by the clients, sanctions imposed by the regulatory entities and the level of compliance with the aforementioned Regulation, which was related to income level, net income and the profitability ratios of said entities. The result obtained shows that the transparency of information does not i significantly influence the compliance of commercial objectives, because there are not sufficient indications that show a significant positive influence, that is, the hypothesis is denied. It was found that the four bank’s increased their income and profits with respect to the year 2017 and year 2018, in addition, they increased the number of claims and penalties. However, if a constant, clear and simple diffusion in the media of efficient information about the products and hiring clauses is achieved, it would be possible to reduce the claims presented avoiding a bad reputation.Tesi

    Agresiones a personal sanitario por parte de pacientes y sus acompañantes: programa de formación sobre prevención y actuación para profesionales de enfermería

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: Las agresiones a personal sanitario, tanto físicas como verbales, son una realidad que ha ido en aumento a lo largo de los años. Los profesionales no las notifican porque piensan que forman parte de su trabajo o porque desconocen los protocolos y leyes que les amparan. Hay diversos factores que propician las agresiones y sobre los que se puede actuar para prevenirlas. También existen herramientas para saber qué hacer cuando se sufre una agresión. Todo ello permitirá evitar las grandes consecuencias que conlleva la violencia tanto para las personas como para el sistema sanitario. OBJETIVO: Hacer un programa de formación dirigida a profesionales de enfermería para saber reconocer y manejar situaciones de agresión por parte de pacientes y familiares. METODOLOGIA: Búsqueda bibliográfica en diversas bases de datos, páginas web y libros. Gracias a la actualización del tema se ha elaborado un programa de formación para enfermeros. CONCLUSIÓN: Conociendo la realidad de las agresiones, y con herramientas para prevenirlas y sabiendo cómo notificarlas, los profesionales sanitarios harán posible que las instituciones tomen medidas que les protejan ante estos actos violentos.<br /

    Molecular Alterations in Pancreatic Cancer: Transfer to the Clinic.

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is the most common cancer of the exocrine pancreas and probably the tumor that has benefited the least from clinical progress in the last three decades. A consensus has been reached regarding the histologic classification of the ductal preneoplastic lesions (pancreatic intra-epithelial neoplasia—PanIN) and the molecular alterations associated with them. Mutations in KRAS and inactivation of CDKN2A, SMAD4 and TP53 are among the most prevalent alterations. Next generation sequencing studies are providing a broad picture of the enormous heterogeneity in this tumor type, describing new mutations less prevalent. These studies have also allowed the characterization of different subtypes with prognostic value. However, all this knowledge has not been translated into a clinical progress. Effective preventive and early diagnostic strategies are essential to improve the survival rates. The main challenge is, indeed, to identify new effective drugs. Despite many years of research and its limited success, gemcitabine is still the first line treatment of PDA. New drug combinations and new concepts to improve drug delivery into the tumor, as well as the development of preclinical predictive assays, are being explored and provide optimism and prospects for better therapies.post-print335 K

    A KDE-based random walk method for modeling reactive transport with complex kinetics in porous media

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    In recent years, a large body of the literature has been devoted to study reactive transport of solutes in porous media based on pure Lagrangian formulations. Such approaches have also been extended to accommodate second‐order bimolecular reactions, in which the reaction rate is proportional to the concentrations of the reactants. Rather, in some cases, chemical reactions involving two reactants follow more complicated rate laws. Some examples are (1) reaction rate laws written in terms of powers of concentrations, (2) redox reactions incorporating a limiting term (e.g., Michaelis‐Menten), or (3) any reaction where the activity coefficients vary with the concentration of the reactants, just to name a few. We provide a methodology to account for complex kinetic bimolecular reactions in a fully Lagrangian framework where each particle represents a fraction of the total mass of a specific solute. The method, built as an extension to the second‐order case, is based on the concept of optimal Kernel Density Estimator, which allows the concentrations to be written in terms of particle locations, hence transferring the concept of reaction rate to that of particle location distribution. By doing so, we can update the probability of particles reacting without the need to fully reconstruct the concentration maps. The performance and convergence of the method is tested for several illustrative examples that simulate the Advection‐Dispersion‐Reaction Equation in a 1‐D homogeneous column. Finally, a 2‐D application example is presented evaluating the need of fully describing non‐bilinear chemical kinetics in a randomly heterogeneous porous medium