2,598 research outputs found

    A percepción da profesión informática e a súa influencia na baixa matrícula de alumnas no grado

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    [RESUMO] Este traballo ten por obxecto mellorar a inclusión das mulleres nos estudos relacionados coas TIC, deste mesmo obxectivo é o que move a axenda dixital europea en relación a aumentar a participación das mozas na sociedade da información. A inclusión sen formación, especialmente nun ámbito laboral tan especializado como o tecnolóxico, non é posible e por iso consideramos imprescindible coñecer cales son os factores que inflúen nas alumnas que finalizan os estudos de bacherelato á hora de non considerar os estudos superiores de informática como unha opción maioritaria. A elección de estudos superiores está moi determinada pola rama de especialización á que opte

    Does R&D offshoring lead to SME growth? Different governance modes and the mediating role of innovation

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    In this article, we address the role of R&D offshoring strategies in the sales growth of small - and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We propose that different governance modes of R&D offshoring - insourcing versus outsourcing - may lead to growth, but that they differ in their effects. In turn, we argue that innovation mediates the relation between international R&D sourcing strategies and sales growth. Based on a large database of SME manufacturing enterprises in Spain, we find that offshore outsourcing positively affects sales growth both directly and indirectly, while offshore insourcing only affects sales growth indirectly via innovation results. The analysis reveals different contributions of each governance mode to sales growth and the mediating role of innovation in the relation between R&D offshoring and firm growth

    Resolución numérica de ecuaciones de oceanografía y modelos de tsunamis.

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    En el proyecto se recorren las distintas etapas en la resolución numérica de un problema en el ámbito de la oceanografía. Utilizamos el Método de los Elementos Finitos para la discretización en el espacio. Programamos una serie de ejemplos acompañados de simulaciones.El proyecto consta de 58 páginas. El contenido se divide en 5 capítulos, un apartado de conclusiones, un apéndice y la bibliografía

    International collaboration and innovation in professional and technological knowledge-intensive services

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    In this paper, we explore the impact of international collaboration on innovation in technological and professional knowledge-intensive business services. We propose that the benefits of international collaboration differ depending on the activity sector and the location of the foreign partner. Specifically, we argue that the nature of knowledge and innovation processes in professional and technological knowledge-intensive business services may explain different effects of international collaboration on innovation performance. Our empirical analysis is based on a large sample of knowledge-intensive business services for the period 2004-2007. We specify two bivariate probit models to test our hypotheses. The results confirm the hypotheses and show that proximity to international partners is more important for professional knowledge-intensive services, while diversity in international collaboration is more important for technological knowledge-intensive services.This project was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (ECO2015-67296-R, MINECO/FEDER, UE), and the Community of Madrid and the European Social Fund (S2015/HUM-3417, INNCOMCON-CM). Rodríguez thanks Ramón Areces Foundation for financial support.Publicad

    Waste-based materials in residential house construction

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    Waste from the construction sector has been increasing considerably in recent years, making it urgent to find alternatives to this waste that will enable us to preserve the environment and ecosystems. Many studies demonstrate the viability of using this and other waste in the construction sector, such as wood, ashes, and plastics. This article presents a review of research works where residual materials have been applied in the construction sector. To achieve this objective, a total of 35 articles were reviewed, published in English-speaking journals between 2015 and 2023. This review shows that, although in recent years efforts have been made for the application of waste materials in the construction sector has been significant, however, there is still work to be done in the study of the behavior of these residual materials, such as the emission of greenhouse gases, as well as the importance of residual materials pretreatment to ensure compatibility with the rest of the components. Another important aspect is that most studies consider environmental aspects without taking into account social and economic issues surrounding them in the construction sector

    Bibliometric analysis of articles related to knowledge organization published in Spanish journals listed on the Web of Science

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    [Resumen] Teniendo en cuenta el 20 aniversario del Capítulo Español de ISKO hemos querido ver cómo se refleja el tema de la organización del conocimiento en las dos revistas españolas sobre documentación indizadas en la Web of Science (WoS): El Profesional de la Información (EPI) y la Revista Española de Documentación Científica (REDC). Para ello se han recuperado las referencias de los artículos de estas dos revistas y se han estudiado los datos recopilados poniendo especial atención en dos aspectos principales: el análisis de los temas tratados en dichos artículos a través del estudio de las palabras clave y el análisis de los autores a través de sus afiliaciones y procedencia geográfica. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se ha podido determinar el grado de representación de esta materia en estas dos revistas, así como los tipos de colaboraciones entre los autores y las instituciones que más publican sobre este tema.[Abstract] To mark the 20th anniversary of the Spanish chapter of the ISKO, we wanted to see how the subject of knowledge organization was covered by the two Spanish documentation journals listed on the Web of Science (WoS): El Profesional de la Información (EPI) and Revista Española de Documentación Científica (REDC). The complete list of articles published in these journals was downloaded and analyzed, with special attention to two main aspects: a keyword analysis of themes dealt with in the published articles, and an analysis of author affiliations and geographic origin. From this analysis it has been possible to determine the degree to which the subject of knowledge organization is represented in these two journals, the types of collaborations between authors, and the institutions that publish most in this area

    La red social twitter como plataforma ciberfeminista

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    Esta comunicación es producto de un estudio enfocado al análisis de la red social Twitter a través de la perspectiva de género. Para ello se han analizado dos temas de actualidad social vinculados directamente con el movimiento feminista: la huelga feminista del 8 de marzo (“huelga feminista”) y la difusión de noticias sobre violencia de género (“violencia de género”) mediante una serie de indicadores. Como punto de partida se ha realizado una aproximación teórica abordando aspectos como el acceso a las TICs; el “mundo virtual”; y el ciberfeminismo. El resultado final ha sido la elaboración de una propuesta socioeducativa dirigida a la creación de un espacio de comunicación entre hombres y mujeres en la red social Twitter.This communication is the product of a study focused on the analysis of the social network Twitter through the gender perspective. To this end, two current social issues directly linked to the feminist movement have been analysed: the feminist strike of 8 March ("feminist strike") and the dissemination of news on gender violence ("gender violence") through a series of indicators. As a starting point, a theoretical approach has been taken, addressing aspects such as access to ICTs; the "virtual world"; and cyber feminism. The final result has been the elaboration of a socioeducational proposal aimed at creating a space for communication between men and women on the social network Twitter

    International and domestic external knowledge in the innovation performance of firms from transition economies: The role of institutions

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    In this study, we analyze how the acquisition of domestic and international external knowledge contributes to the innovation performance of firms in transition economies and how the institutional conditions of the home country may affect these relations. We test our hypotheses via the responses of 645 firms from 18 Central and Eastern European countries. Our findings show that both external knowledge sources—domestic and international— contribute positively to the number of new products in transition economies. Our results also indicate that a country’s governance imperfections positively moderate the relations between both domestic and international external knowledge and the number of new products. Additionally, our findings highlight that the benefits of international external knowledge for product innovation are greater in contexts with weaker institutional conditions than in environments with stronger institutional conditions. In contrast, the benefits of domestic external knowledge for product innovation do not vary substantially between scenarios with stronger institutional conditions and those with weaker ones. These findings lead us to conclude that the institutional conditions of transition economies moderate the relation between domestic and international external knowledge and innovation performance differently, with international external knowledge proving particularly valuable for product innovation when these conditions are weak.This project was partially funded by the Government Research Agency of Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019–106874 GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). This work is developed with the support of Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) with the project Excellence of University Professors (EPUC3M20) in the context of the V PRICIT

    Failed and successful innovations: The role of geographic proximity and international diversity of partners in technological collaboration

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    We aim to clarify the role of research partnerships on the success and failure of innovation projects by examining the geographic proximity and diversity of partners. First, we argue that collaboration with geographically near partners will contribute relatively more to innovation success than it does to innovation failure, while collaboration with geographically distant partners will contribute relatively more to innovation failure than it does to innovation success. Second, we postulate that lower levels of international diversity will contribute relatively more to innovation success than it does to innovation failure, while higher levels of international diversity will contribute relatively more to innovation failure than it does to innovation success. Using a large dataset of firms for the period 2008–2013, we perform a joint analysis of failed and successful innovations. Our empirical findings support our theoretical arguments. Our results highlight the relevance of studying both failed and successful innovations and the importance of knowing their determinants to manage the innovation process successfully. Moreover, our findings should alert managers to the importance of geographic location when choosing collaboration partners. It is noteworthy that beyond a certain threshold, international diversity begins to act as a brake on innovation success and to increase the likelihood of failure.This project was funded by the Government Research Agency of Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-106874GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business (ECO2017-87514-P). All authors have contributed equally to this paper

    International sourcing and the productivity of SMEs in transition countries: Formal and informal "region effects" and the communist footprint

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    We study how SMEs in transition countries can boost productivity by sourcing inputs from regions with which they share formal institutional links (the European Union) or informal links (the former communist bloc). Additionally, we discuss how the length of the communist footprint may modify these productivity gains. Using a sample of SMEs located in Eastern Europe, we find a positive relation between firm productivity and inputs from regions with formal and informal institutional links. We also find that this positive relation is weaker for firms with longer communist footprints that source inputs from EU countries.We thank the Associate Editor, Professor Debmalya Mukherjee, and the two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions. The manuscript has also benefited from the comments by participants and reviewers of the 46th EIBA Annual Conference on an earlier version of this paper. This project was funded by the Government Research Agency of Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-106874GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). This work is developed with the support of Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) with the project Excellence of University Professors (EPUC3M20) in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation). All authors have contributed equally to this paper