5,083 research outputs found

    La función ejecutiva de actualización y el rendimiento en comprensión lectora y resolución de problemas

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    In this investigation, the capacity of the working memory (WM) updating executive function to predict individual differences in reading comprehension and problem solving was analyzed in 5th-graders of Primary Education. In addition, we examined whether this relation is direct or mediated by domain-general or domain-specific variables. For this purpose, a series of tasks was administered to assess fluid intelligence, WM information updating, arithmetic abilities, arithmetic problem solving, lexical processing, and reading comprehension in 49 students aged between 10 and 11 years. The results support the idea that updating is an important predictor of reading comprehension, beyond the influence of domainspecific skills and fluid intelligence. In the case of problem solving, our findings confirm that updating plays an important role although, perhaps due to task content, the relation seems to be mediated by fluid intelligence at this developmental stageEsta investigación analizó, en niños de 5º curso de Educación Primaria, la capacidad predictora de la función ejecutiva de actualización de la Memoria Operativa (MO) en las diferencias individuales en comprensión lectora y resolución de problemas aritméticos. Además, se estudió si esta relación es directa o está mediada por variables de dominio general o específico. Con este fin se administró un conjunto de pruebas que evalúan la inteligencia fluida, la actualización de la información en la MO, la competencia aritmética, la resolución de problemas aritméticos, el procesamiento léxico y la comprensión lectora a 49 alumnos con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y 11 años. Los resultados apoyan la idea que la actualización de la MO es un importante predictor de la comprensión lectora, más allá de la influencia de las habilidades de dominio específico y de la inteligencia fluida. En el caso de la resolución de problemas, nuestros hallazgos confirman que la actualización juega un papel importante aunque, en este momento evolutivo, quizá por el propio contenido de la tarea, la relación parece mediada por la inteligencia fluid

    Infrastructures for a more sustainable constructed environment. The conversion of the N340 roadway on the Costa Tropical of Granada (Spain)

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    The coexistence of nature and artifice in metropolitan contexts is currently an important issue with many possibilities to think about. From the perspective of a transport infrastructure project this reflection should facilitate a methodological evolution, aimed at creating a new technology that understands design as a combination between the demands of citizens, and the spatial offer of the place. This is the case of the N340 roadway along the coast of the Granada province, a territory with a population of about one hundred thousand people that doubles in the summer. Besides tourism, intensive agriculture is the basis of economic development. However, the lack of both rail connection and through the 'Autovía del Mediterráneo' has allowed today a space of more than 50 kilometers of coastline with very different conditions we might call "pre-tourist", without massive urbanization and with a considerable potential for change. This infrastructure is channeling all movements by road of the so-called Costa Tropical with the concentration of the metropolitan, local and even regional flows, which leads to a high congestion, mono functionality, lack of permeability and barrier effect, among others. The completion of the 'Autovía del Mediterráneo' is opening up an amazing opportunity to transform this axis that implies refocusing on the natural character of the coast and highlighting out its ability to pass through urban environments relationally and progressively. Are we able to rehabilitate insufficient and aggressive urban infrastructures, converting them in to secondary ones in relation to other more powerful and recently built ones and giving them a conciliatory character? Research that derives from the Master of Urban Planning of Granada, explores the intermodal coexistence of pedestrian and vehicular mobility, the intensification of mass transit systems and interchanges, improving accessibility, incorporating the landscape as a structuring element of space through the visualization of distant territory and comprehension of the environmental network.Fundación General Universidad de Granada-Empres

    Exclusion and neoliberalism in the education system: socio-educational intervention strategies for an inclusive education system

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    Not only numerous academic and empirical studies recognise the educational factor as decisive on life and work trajectories, but also its integrating potential and role in the promotion of social cohesion are widely acknowledged. The diversity of current societies, the economic situation and the impact of neoliberal policies represent new challenges for an inclusive education that should maintain its integrating potential, especially in countries such as Spain. This opens two unavoidable approaches and reflection spaces. The first one, regarding the fight against social inequality and the second one, focused on the construction of a socially sustainable educational model against the hegemonic neoliberal impact. Both levels of reflection are the pillars of an inclusive education system. This article combines an analytical and reflective approach to these issues recommending a series of intervention experiences and strategies for the construction of an inclusive educational model

    Re-Thinking infrastructure project for the metropolis: Laboratory Granada

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    First International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 3-4 April, 2014.Nowadays, urbanism must be able to reflect on the usefulness of certain infrastructure, transport infrastructure mainly, based on new policies for distribution of land uses. In the context of a new culture of sustainability and urban efficiency, this kind of urbanism seeks a reduction on the demand for mobility and expressly designed solutions. The coexistence of nature and artifice in metropolitan contexts is currently an important issue on which to re-think and to re-know its many possibilities. We could consider 'place' as 'urban and territorial material,' reinterpreting the quality of places. We could also look at it through the classical argument of 'points + lines + spots' inherited from landscape ecology. These and other methods are useful for understanding the urban fabric. They provide new meaning to the fabrics’ intrinsic values thanks to the presence of infrastructure. From the perspective of the transport infrastructure project, this reflection should facilitate a methodological evolution aimed at creating a new technology that understands design as a negotiation between citizen demands and spatial offer of 'place'. This technology would overcome the theoretical distance that exists between the perspective of the city as an autonomous compact entity and the 'splintered' present day metropolitan reality, defined by more open lexical and combinatory systems overlapping with conflict. Thus, now more than ever, extending the mechanisms of a creative project; transforming some spatial concepts into instruments such as outline, crossing or section, fusing landscapes, hybridizing functions, or adding different times of the territory, etc., are also technological keys, for the integration of large scale infrastructure.University of Belgrade: Faculty of Architecture, Professional Association Urban Laboratory and Faculty of Philosoph

    Quality social spaces in casual urban style: Traces and interstices and their ability to integrate peripheral areas

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    In many cases, the periphery is an urban area generated by the addition of projects of individual initiative and a differentiated position, the sum of small residential systems of different types, scales and forms of dwelling in which gradually, the citizen finds his urban references. This is a process that is based on important features of geographical support as roads, plots, vegetation, crossroads, small farm buildings, etc. That act as a space - time window between the present metropolitan and the agricultural past. Social diversity reflects the multiple residential types, allows the citizen interaction in these areas, and increases the cultural richness and cohesion of these tissues now converted into neighborhoods. Interstices and traces give structure to a complex mesh of lines and dots, successful spaces of this fragmented city that help us to understand the urban development of periphery as a unique piece articulated with the rest of the city, and forms a system to harbor first level equipment. Through a case study, the southern district of the city of Granada (Spain), you can explore the various stages of formation of this district and deepen the cultural memory of the place, realizing the new role its urban project can begin play on the metropolitan scale.Universidade Nova de Lisbo

    Reconstruction of tree branching structures from UAV-LiDAR data

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    The reconstruction of tree branching structures is a longstanding problem in Computer Graphics which has been studied over several data sources, from photogrammetry point clouds to Terrestrial and Aerial Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging technology. However, most data sources present acquisition errors that make the reconstruction more challenging. Among them, the main challenge is the partial or complete occlusion of branch segments, thus leading to disconnected components whether the reconstruction is resolved using graph-based approaches. In this work, we propose a hybrid method based on radius-based search and Minimum Spanning Tree for the tree branching reconstruction by handling occlusion and disconnected branches. Furthermore, we simplify previous work evaluating the similarity between ground-truth and reconstructed skeletons. Using this approach, our method is proved to be more effective than the baseline methods, regarding reconstruction results and response time. Our method yields better results on the complete explored radii interval, though the improvement is especially significant on the Ground Sampling Distance In terms of latency, an outstanding performance is achieved in comparison with the baseline method.Junta de Andalucia 1381202-GEU PYC20-RE-005-UJAEuropean Commission Spanish Government PID2021-126339OB-I00 FPU17/01902 FPU19/0010

    Networks for needed public space: intervention around the circunvalación road of the Cerro de Santa Catalina, Jaen (Spain)

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    http://gaudi.fa.utl.pt/~metropolis/PublicSpace/This presentation intends to reflect on the need to relocate certain concepts commonly used in current urban planning practice: scale, public space, neighbourhood, heritage, etc., trying to contribute with a cartographic and operative dimension to this deconstructive process, and guide the design of space of human being, independly of scale. The urban fabric as an object of intervention is a historic area of the city of Jaen in Spain, within the old walls. Because of the strong topography of Cerro de Santa Catalina, where the city of Jaén is founded, it is difficult to relate different areas, and the presence of the roadway Circunvalación, which crosses from east to west and provides access to the Castle, gives character of border or urban edge. The city ordered its major "urban assets" in other more accessible central locations: malls and tourist, cultural and administrative functions, emblematic public spaces, etc.. Thus, the structure formed by a capillary road, broken and steep, was based, exclusively, in a residential function. Over time, aging population, lack of maintenance, internal migration in a difficult economic atmosphere, were the cause for a existing situation that urgently needs ideas to reverse this dynamic and bet on its revitalization.Esta presentación tiene por objeto reflexionar sobre la necesidad de reubicar algunos conceptos comúnmente utilizados en la práctica actual de la planificación urbana: la escala, el espacio público, el barrio, el patrimonio, etc., tratando de aportar una dimensión cartográfica y operativa para este proceso deconstructivo y de orientar el diseño de espacio de ser humano, independientemente de la escala. El tejido urbano objeto de la intervención es un área histórica de la ciudad de Jaén, en España, dentro de las antiguas murallas. Debido a la fuerte topografía del Cerro de Santa Catalina, donde se fundó la ciudad de Jaén, es difícil relacionar las distintas áreas, y la presencia de la carretera Circunvalación, que cruza de este a oeste y supone el acceso al Castillo, le da al área un carácter de frontera o borde urbano. La ciudad dispuso sus principales “activos urbanos” en otras localizaciones centrales más accesibles: centros comerciales y turísticos, funciones de administración y culturales, espacios públicos emblemáticos, etc. Así, la trama, formada por un viario capilar, quebrado y con mucha pendiente, tuvo como única base la función residencial. El paso del tiempo, el envejecimiento de la población, la falta de mantenimiento, la migración interior en una coyuntura económica difícil, provocaron hoy día una situación que necesita urgentemente ideas para invertir esta dinámica y apostar por su revitalización.Laboratório Urbanismo e Ordenamento do Território e Paisagem. Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisbo