656 research outputs found

    Graph Neural Networks and its applications

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    This project will explore some of the most prominent Graph Neural Network variants and apply them to two tasks: approximation of the community detection Girvan-Newman algorithm and compiled code snippet classification

    Using Curriculum Learning to transmit images over the air

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    In this thesis, we introduce a progressive learning schedule i.e. Curriculum Learning to train an Encoder-Decoder network that hides images inside of audio to be transmitted in an over-the-air scenario


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    Amb aquest número 15 de la revista presentem una novetat important: a partir d'ara passem de publicar el nostre número anual a publicar-ne dos a l'any, un a l'estiu i un altre a l'hivern, en els quals anirem presentant igualment els diferents nodes monogràfics i a més podrem donar cabuda a aquells altres articles que van passar positivament el procés d'avaluació i que formaran l'apartat de miscel·lània. Aquest canvi respon a la necessitat de respondre a la creixent demanda tant de coordinació de monogràfics com de publicació d'articles que la revista va rebent any rere any, una situació que entenem que, en part, és resultat del treball acumulat durant aquests anys en què hem anat publicant monogràfics i articles que, en més o menys mesura, han contribuït a la comunitat de coneixement en la qual ens inscrivim i des de la qual participem activament. Aquesta ha estat fins avui, al capdavall, la raó de ser que en el seu moment ens va dur a crear la revista, fa ja més d'una dècada, i a contribuir així a l'estudi, l’anàlisi i la reflexió de les interseccions entre art, ciència, tecnologia i societat. També és cert que avui, el que hem anat aprenent d'aquestes interseccions ha transcendit a l'àmbit de les arts i la cultura en general, i s’ha connectat amb altres pràctiques i reflexions igualment contributives per al nostre àmbit de coneixement, tal com hem pogut observar en els últims números de la revista, en els quals hem anat tractant qüestions de tipus epistemològic o metodològic que són transversals i que ens conviden a repensar el lloc des d’on aproximar-nos a la recerca pràctica o teòrica. With this number 15 issue of the journal, we are presenting an important new development: from now on, instead of publishing our single annual issue, we will be publishing two issues per annum, namely one in summer and one in winter and in which we will be presenting the different monographic nodes as well including those other articles having positively undergone the evaluation process and which will make up the miscellany section. This change constitutes a response to the need for accommodating a growing demand in both monograph orchestration and in the publication of articles received year after year by the journal, a situation at hand that we understand, is to some extent a result of the cumulative work throughout the past year in which we have published monographs and articles that, to a greater or lesser degree, have contributed some kind of input to this knowledge community to which we subscribe and from which we actively participate.To date, this has definitively been the raison d’être that led us to establish the journal, now over a decade ago, thus contributing to the study, analysis and reflection on the intersections and common ground between art, science, technology and society. It is also true that today, what we have progressively come to learn from these overlaps has transcended towards the field of art and culture in general, connecting with other practices and reflections equally contributory for our field of knowledge, just as we have been able to observe in the recent issues of the journal, ones in which we dealt with matters of an epistemological or methodological nature that are transversal and invite us to rethink the place from which to approach practical and theoretical research.Con este número 15 de la revista presentamos una novedad importante: a partir de ahora pasamos de publicar nuestro número anual a publicar dos números de la revista al año, uno en verano y otro en invierno, en los que igualmente iremos presentando los diferentes nodos monográficos además de poder dar cabida a aquellos otros artículos que pasaron positivamente el proceso de evaluación y que formarán el apartado de miscelánea. Este cambio responde a la necesidad de hacer frente a la creciente demanda tanto de coordinación de monográficos como de publicación de artículos que la revista va recibiendo año tras año, situación que entendemos que, en parte, es resultado del trabajo acumulado durante estos años en los que hemos ido publicando monográficos y artículos que, en mayor o menor medida, han ido realizando contribuciones a la comunidad de conocimiento en la que nos inscribimos y desde la que participamos activamente.Esta ha sido hasta hoy, en definitiva, la razón de ser que en su día nos llevó a crear la revista hace ya más de una década, contribuyendo de esta manera al estudio, análisis y reflexión de las intersecciones entre arte, ciencia, tecnología y sociedad. También es cierto que hoy, lo que hemos ido aprendiendo de estas intersecciones ha trascendido hacia el ámbito de las artes y la cultura en general, conectándose con otras prácticas y reflexiones igualmente contributivas para nuestro ámbito de conocimiento, tal y como hemos podido observar en los últimos números de la revista, en los que hemos tratado cuestiones de tipo epistemológico o metodológico que son transversales y que nos invitan a repensar el lugar desde el cual aproximarnos a la investigación práctica y/o teórica.   

    Fauna vertebrada del delta del Llobregat

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    Realization of a 10 kW MES power to methane plant based on unified AC/DC converter

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    This paper presents a galvanic isolated multi output AC/DC topology that is suitable for Microbial electrosynthesis (MES) based Power to Methane energy storage systems. The presented scheme utilizes a three phase back to back converters, a single-input and multiple-output three phase transformer, single diode rectifiers and buck converters that employ a proper interconnection between MES cells and the mains. The proposed topology merges all the required single phase AC/DC converters as a unified converter which reduces the overall system size and provides system integrity and overall controllability. The proposed control scheme allows to achieve the following desired goals:1) Simultaneous control of all cells; 2) Absorbing power from the grid and covert to methane when the electricity price goes down; 3) the power factor and the quality of grid current is under control; 4) Supplying MES cells at the optimal operating point. For verification of system performance, Real time simulation results that are obtained from a 10-kW MES energy storage are presented.Postprint (author's final draft

    Arc tracking control in insulation systems for aeronautic applications: challenges, opportunities, and research needs

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    Next generation aircrafts will use more electrical power to reduce weight, fuel consumption, system complexity and greenhouse gas emissions. However, new failure modes and challenges arise related to the required voltage increase and consequent rise of electrical stress on wiring insulation materials, thus increasing the risk of electrical arc appearance. This work performs a critical and comprehensive review concerning arc tracking effects in wiring insulation systems, underlying mechanisms, role of materials and possible mitigation strategies, with a special focus on aircraft applications. To this end an evaluation of the scientific and technological state of the art is carried out from the analysis of theses, research articles, technical reports, international standards and white papers. This review paper also reports the limitations of existing insulation materials, standard test methods and mitigation approaches, while identifying the research needs to comply with the future demands of the aircraft industryPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estudio experimental del Forward Linear Threshold Rank

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    La centralidad y la difusión de influencia son dos de los conceptos más estudiados en el análisis de redes sociales. La mayoría de medidas de centralidad propuestas, se basan en características topológicas de la red. Recientemente se han propuesto nuevas medidas de centralidad basadas en los dos principales modelos de difusión de influencia, el Independent Cascade Model y el Linear Threshold Model. Una de estas medidas basadas en estos modelos es el Linear Threshold Rank, la cual se define como el numero de nodos influenciados cuando el conjunto de activación inicial es formado por el mismo nodo y sus vecinos inmediatos. En este proyecto, introducimos nuevas medidas de centralidad basadas en esta medida y continuaremos con el análisis de otras medidas basadas en este mismo modelo y en otras variantes de él. Compararemos estas medidas con otras ya conocidas, utilizando diferentes herramientas para el análisis de desigualdad en redes. Propondremos un algoritmo simple y eficiente, para calcularlas, y lo implementaremos en C++ para reducir los tiempos de ejecución. Finalmente, publicaremos los resultados en una plataforma online, para que puedan ser consultados y contrastados fácilmente.Centrality and spread of influence are two of the most studied concepts in the analysis of social networks. Most of the proposed centrality measures are based on topological characteristics of the network. Recently new centrality measures have been proposed inspired by the two main influence spread models, the Independent Cascade Model and the Linear Threshold Model. One of these measures based on these models is the Linear Threshold Rank, which is defined as the number of influenced nodes when the initial activation set is formed by the node itself and its immediate neighbours. In this project, we introduce new centrality measures based on this measure and we will continue with the analysis of other measures based on this same model and other variants of it. We will compare these measures with others already known, using different tools for the analysis of inequality in networks. We will propose a simple and efficient algorithm, to calculate them, and we will implement it in C++ to reduce the execution times. Finally, we will publish the results in an online platform, in order to be easily consulted and contrasted

    Anàlisis de processos i capacitats de passatgers a l’aeroport Josep Tarradellas Barcelona – El Prat

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    This work addresses the current analysis needs at Barcelona-El Prat airport due to the lack of official data publication, with the main objective of shedding light on the current situation of passenger capacity. In addition, it addresses the discontent of the local population in the face of possible expansions of runways and terminals. The document is divided into blocks to make it easier to understand. The first points describe the objectives and the current situation of the airport, offering an initial idea that is necessary to understand the purpose of the study. The methodology then presents a guide to the phases to be followed in order to carry out a similar study, which could be applied to other airports. Subsequently, the application of this methodology is detailed, including the results and calculations obtained from the data of Barcelona-El Prat airport, which will be used to draw conclusions. The sources of theoretical content include reference books on the sector, as well as articles and studies carried out prior to the publication of this work. The methodology begins with the objective of obtaining a design hour and the corresponding number of passers-by. Afterwards, calculations are made of security tables and filters, addressing all the processes from data collection and analysis to processing capacity calculations. This methodology has been created with the idea that it could be applied to other airports to analyse passenger capacity and obtain conclusions on saturation. The methodology includes a discussion of the criteria for establishing the design time and a description of the methods currently used. It also presents an algorithm developed to predict the flow of passengers per minute at the airport, based on sigmoidal probability corbes, using as input a time schedule. The conclusions of the study indicate that Terminal 1 of Barcelona - El Prat airport is saturated, while Terminal 2 is not. Furthermore, possible solutions and future lines of work to tackle this saturation are offered. However, it should be noted that the data used in this study are not official due to a lack of transparency on the part of the airport's managing body, and therefore the conclusions must be validated and corroborated in an official context.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i Infraestructur