46 research outputs found

    Turismo Comunitario, Alternativa De Desarrollo Turístico Estudio De Caso: Estudio De Factibilidad Para La Implementación De Una Ruta De Turismo Comunitario De Las Comunidades Shuar Atahualpa, Shuar Nantip Y Waorani Ñoñeno Para El Cantón Francisco De Orellana, Provincia De Orellana

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    Ecuador is a diversified country with great potential for tourism. The diversity can be seen in the variety of natural and cultural attractions found in the four natural regions. Orellana province is an home of five different indigenous nationalities. Each of these nationalities has its own language, customs and traditions. The indigenous nationalities of Shuar, Kichwa, and Waorani are located in the Francisco de Orellana canton. This canton has important natural and cultural attractions, which makes the development of a community-based tourism project viable. The geographical location of the communities of Atahualpa, Nantip, and Ñoñeno makes it feasible to design a tourism route, which would help these communities to share their natural and cultural richness. These communities have had difficulties in structuring their resources in a technical way. Therefore, this study aims to integrate all the touristic attractions in order to advertise them to the public to achieve sustainability and increase their competitiveness in the market. In order to achieve this goal, a feasible study was carried out to implement a community-based tourism route. Based on the market study, it was determined that there is a high demand of national and international tourists who would like to visit a tourism route in this canton. Also, there is a high demand to visit the flora and fauna found in the Amazon region of Ecuador. Three touristic packages were developed, which bring together all the communities. As a result, it makes them more competitive in the area. In conclusion, the implementation of a community-based route that uses touristic packages, would allow the direct participation of the people in the communities, the sustainable use of natural and cultural resources, and a fair and equitable distribution of the income generated by the touristic activities

    Turismo Comunitario Alternativa Para Lograr Emprendimientos Participativos Estudio De Caso: Determinación Comercial De Un Producto Turístico En El Cantón Suscal, Provincia Del Cañar Provincia De Cañar - Ecuador

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    This research involved during a first phase a market study of the implementation of a tourist package in the Suscal County, province of Cañar, Ecuador, followed by a second phase, a Comprehensive Feasibility Study of the package. Using bibliographic research and a field tour, we described the package’s commercial potential, technical, environmental, social, administrative, legal, economic, financial aspects. The study of tourism potential in the area identified the richness of an intangible cultural heritage, the existence of an ancestral collective memory alive in every community, and natural attractions of level I and II. The market study identified acceptance of the tourism package by 84% of domestic tourists and interest among 67% of foreign tourists, whose service whose preferences are: accommodation, food, cultural experience, transportation and information. Depending on the tourist profile, we will define and plan the technical design of tourism infrastructure and will conduct feasibility studies on legal, environmental and economic-financial aspects that will appear in a second phase of the project. Despite its great potential, tourism in the province of Cañar has not achieved an optimal level, as reflected in the minimal fraction of GDP in cultural tourism, which in 2011 was 0.26% (MCPEC, 2011:22), much lower than the national level. In Suscal County, this activity currently generates no income, but interest is recently being generated, while this study illustrates the potential of cultural tourism

    Plan De Desarrollo Turístico Como Alternativa De Dinamismo Socio Economico En La Parroquia Nueva Loja, Cantón Lago Agrio, Provincia De Sucumbíos

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    This paper elaborates a plan for tourist development in the county of Nueva Loja, canton Lago Agrio, province of Sucumbíos, Ecuador, which was based on bibliographic review, field trips and participatory workshops. These steps validated a diagnosis related to physical, cultural, socioeconomic, and political dimensions of the territory. The inventory of tourist attractions in Nueva Loja followed the methodology of the Ecuador Ministry of Tourism, 2004, resulting in identification of seven natural attractions, up to Level II, and seven intangible cultural attractions. To determine the profile of domestic and foreign tourists wishing to get to know the county, a concurrent market survey was conducted. A situational analysis was carried out, in which institutions associated with economic development in the county were identified, as well as policies, objectives and strategies that serve to strengthen tourism in the region. To ensure the sustainability of four programs and ten projects, an investment of USD 454,700 is required. The plan establishes a basis for improving tourism, under a scheme of sustainability, resulting in economic benefits that will be experienced by its inhabitants. The implementation of the plan is recommended, since it is designed according to the needs and the local reality for the sustainable development of tourism

    Antagonism of two ascomycetes against Phytophthora capsici Leonian, causing wilt of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    "En esta investigación se evaluó la actividad antagónica y protección de plántulas in vitro del ascomiceto Xylaria poitei, y la actividad antagónica de éste en combinación con un ascomiceto desconocido (AD) contra P. capsici, causante de la marchitez del chile. Xylaria poitei protegió plántulas de chile y permitió la sobrevivencia de un 58.3% de las plántulas, mientras que el oomiceto causó 100% de mortandad; además este hongo inhibió el crecimiento micelial de P. capsici hasta un 49.6% en uno de los experimentos donde se establecieron confrontaciones duales. En confrontaciones triples ambos ascomicetos incrementan ligeramente su inhibición a los 12 días de establecida la confrontación contra P. capsici; y aún mantienen la inhibición del oomiceto cuatro días después. Ambos ascomicetos estimulan o inhiben su crecimiento en alguna fecha de evaluación durante la confrontación entre ellos. El medio líquido papa dextrosa expuesto al crecimiento de X. poitei (filtrado) tiene baja actividad contra el crecimiento micelial de P. capsici. Los resultados anteriores indican que la actividad antagónica de ambos ascomicetos contra P. capsici se incrementa cuando ambos crecen en forma combinada respecto a las confrontaciones duales, y sugieren que la actividad antagónica de X. poitei es estimulada por la presencia del oomicete.""In this study we evaluated the antagonistic activity and protection of seedlings in vitro of the ascomycete Xylaria poitei, and its antagonistic activity in combination with an unknown ascomycete (AD) against P. capsici, the cause of wilt in pepper. Xylariapoitei protected pepper seedlings and allowed 58.3% survival of seedlings, while the oomycete caused 100% mortality, besides this fungus inhibited the mycelial growth of P. capsici up to 49.6% in one of the experiments where they settled dual confrontations. In triple confrontations both ascomycetes increase slightly their inhibition at 12 days of confortation against P. capsici, and still maintain the inhibition of the oomycete four days later. It was observed that both ascomycetes stimulare or inhibit each other growth at some time during the evaluation of confortation. The potato dextrose liquid medium exposed to the growth of X. poitei (filtrate) has low activity against the mycelial growth of P. capsici. The above results indicate that the antagonistic activity of both ascomycetes againstbP. capsici increases when they grow in combination with respect to the dual confrontations, and suggest that the antagonistic activity of X. poitei is stimulated by the presence of the oomycete.

    Interferon-stimulated gene 15 pathway is a novel mediator of endothelial dysfunction and aneurysms development in angiotensin II infused mice through increased oxidative stress

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    AIMS: Interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) encodes a ubiquitin-like protein that induces a reversible post-translational modification (ISGylation) and can also be secreted as a free form. ISG15 plays an essential role as host-defence response to microbial infection; however, its contribution to vascular damage associated with hypertension is unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bioinformatics identified ISG15 as a mediator of hypertension-associated vascular damage. ISG15 expression positively correlated with systolic and diastolic blood pressure and carotid intima-media thickness in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Consistently, Isg15 expression was enhanced in aorta from hypertension models and in angiotensin II (AngII)-treated vascular cells and macrophages. Proteomics revealed differential expression of proteins implicated in cardiovascular function, extracellular matrix and remodelling, and vascular redox state in aorta from AngII-infused ISG15-/- mice. Moreover, ISG15-/- mice were protected against AngII-induced hypertension, vascular stiffness, elastin remodelling, endothelial dysfunction, and expression of inflammatory and oxidative stress markers. Conversely, mice with excessive ISGylation (USP18C61A) show enhanced AngII-induced hypertension, vascular fibrosis, inflammation and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation along with elastin breaks, aortic dilation, and rupture. Accordingly, human and murine abdominal aortic aneurysms showed augmented ISG15 expression. Mechanistically, ISG15 induces vascular ROS production, while antioxidant treatment prevented ISG15-induced endothelial dysfunction and vascular remodelling. CONCLUSION: ISG15 is a novel mediator of vascular damage in hypertension through oxidative stress and inflammation.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)/FSE (SAF2016-80305P; SAF2017-88089-R; SAF2016-79151-R; RTI2018-099246-B-I00), Ministerio de Innovación, Cultura y Deportes (PGC2018-097019-B-I00), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII; FIS PI18/0919); Comunidad de Madrid (CM) (AORTASANA B2017/BMD-3676) FEDER-a way to build Europe, Bayer AG (2019-09-2433), CM-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (SI1-PJI-2019-00321), and British Heart Foundation (CH/12/4/29762; RE//18/6/34217). M.G.-A. was supported by an FPI-UAM fellowship, R.R.-D. by a Juan de la Cierva contract (IJCI-2017-31399), and A.C.M. by a Walton Fellowship, University of Glasgow. The CNIC is supported by ISCIII, the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505)

    Ordenamiento Territorial Como Propuesta De Desarrollo Económico Local Estudio De Caso: Propuesta De Plan De Desarrollo Y De Ordenamiento Territorial Para El Cantón Alausí, Componente Económico Productivo

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    An economic development and land use planning proposal for Alausí County, Chimborazo was created as part of this research. The research started with an analysis of the current situation in the productive area of the county. With the help of participative workshops, it was possible to identify principal problems and opportunities; these topics helped in the definition of development strategies. Alausí is a rural area with 76% employment. Most are engaged in farming activities on sandy loam soils with slopes ranging from 15 to 45 degrees. Despite the ruggedness, 39% of the area is appropriate for farming activities, in which the principal products are barley, corn, potato, and fresh milk. Access to technology is a principal barrier to economic growth and profitability in production. It is recommended that the municipality of Alausí implement various projects identified by this research in order to capitalize on the productive area of the county and to improve quality of life

    Metodología Para La Evaluación Técnica De Proyectos De Infraestructura Educativa

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    This article describes a technical evaluation of studies or consultancies, using an adaptation of the methodology of multi-criteria analysis, usually applied in prioritization of programs and projects and evaluation of development projects. The methodology allows integration of the different criteria expressed by a group of professionals responsible for review and approval of consultancy studies used for the implementation of the country’s new Millennium Educational Units. The result of the technical evaluation of consulting with this methodology is quantitative, but qualitative variables complement our work

    Antagonismo de dos ascomicetos contra phytophthora capsici leonian, causante de la marchitez del chile (capsicum annuum l.)

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    En esta investigación se evaluó la actividad antagónica y protección de plántulas in vitro del ascomiceto Xylaria poitei, y la actividad antagónica de éste en combinación con un ascomiceto desconocido (AD) contra P. capsici, causante de la marchitez del chile. Xylaria poitei protegió plántulas de chile y permitió la sobrevivencia de un 58.3% de las plántulas, mientras que el oomiceto causó 100% de mortandad; además este hongo inhibió el crecimiento micelial de P. capsici hasta un 49.6% en uno de los experimentos donde se establecieron confrontaciones duales. En confrontaciones triples ambos ascomicetos incrementan ligeramente su inhibición a los 12 días de establecida la confrontación contra P. capsici; y aún mantienen la inhibición del oomiceto cuatro días después. Ambos ascomicetos estimulan o inhiben su crecimiento en alguna fecha de evaluación durante la confrontación entre ellos. El medio líquido papa dextrosa expuesto al crecimiento de X. poitei (filtrado) tiene baja actividad contra el crecimiento micelial de P. capsici. Los resultados anteriores indican que la actividad antagónica de ambos ascomicetos contra P. capsici se incrementa cuando ambos crecen en forma combinada respecto a las confrontaciones duales, y sugieren que la actividad antagónica de X. poitei es estimulada por la presencia del oomicete

    Observatorio turístico de Canarias. Sostenibilidad del Turismo en Canarias. Informe 2022

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    Canarias se incorporó a la Red Internacional de Observatorios de Turismo Sostenible de la OMT en octubre de 2020. El Observatorio de Turismo de Canarias tiene como objetivo promover la sostenibilidad del destino, mejorando la medición y supervisión de indicadores clave. La monitorización de la sostenibilidad servirá de apoyo para una mejor toma de decisiones en la gestión del destino. 1. Llegada de turistas: 6,7 mill. (2021); 4,6 mill. (2020) y 15,1 mill. (2019). En 2021, el 79% de los turistas proceden del extranjero y el 21% de la España peninsular (FRONTUR). 2. Canarias es la región de la UE con el número de pernoctaciones en alojamientos turísticos más alto en 2019 (96,1 millones de pernoctaciones) (Eurostat, 2021). 3. El 80% de la población está de acuerdo con que “el desarrollo turístico ha sido positivo para la isla y sus habitantes” (ISTAC, 2019). 4. Elevada tasa de paro (en torno al 20% en 2018 y 2019), entre las más altas de España y Europa (ISTAC). Es una de las comunidades autónomas españolas y regiones europeas con mayor tasa AROPE (Personas en Riesgo de Pobreza y/o Exclusión): 36,3% (INE, 2020). 5. Canarias es una de las comunidades con menor gasto por habitante en actividades de I+D: 98 €. España: 328,60 € (INE, 2020). 6. Ausencia de un comportamiento estacional pronunciado. La temporada alta corresponde al invierno. Máximo gasto turístico agregado total en un trimestre (2019): 4.216 millones de euros en el cuarto trimestre (ISTAC). 7. Valoración media 8,7/10 de la experiencia turística en las Islas (ISTAC, 2019). 8. El 17% de la energía producida en Canarias en 2020 procede de fuentes renovables (Anuario Energético de Canarias). 9. No existe una estimación oficial que aproxime el consumo de agua por el turismo de forma anual y homogénea. 10. Los residuos del turismo permanecen ocultos tras los flujos de residuos residenciales dado que ambos tipos de residuos se gestionan conjuntamente. 11. Canarias, debido a su dependencia de los combustibles fósiles, tiene una alta tasa de emisión de gases de efecto invernadero. 12. Falta de información sobre la coordinación y cooperación entre los agentes del destino, siendo un área en la que se aprecian debilidades. 13. Dependencia de las compañías aéreas y de los principales turoperadores europeos. El 56% de los turistas que llegan a las islas han comprado un paquete turístico (FRONTUR, 2019). 14. El 68% de los turistas está dispuesto a realizar un gasto extra para reducir su huella de carbono (ISTAC, 2022). 15. La oferta y demanda se encuentran muy concentradas en el territorio. 47 microdestinos turísticos que representan un 1,7% del territorio generan el 89,3% de las pernoctaciones en hoteles y apartamentos. 16. Crecimiento medio anual de la inversión turística privada del 8,5% en el periodo 2015-2019 (IMPACTUR, 2020). 17. La Red Canaria de Espacios Protegidos se compone de 146 espacios (40% de la superficie del Archipiélago) (Gobierno de Canarias).” Alta vulnerabilidad. El urbanismo costero turístico y residencial añade presión a los hábitats. 18. Falta de información y ausencia de indicadores específicos sobre accesibilidad y turismo.Gobierno de Canarias. Consejería de Turismo, Industria y Comerci